
I'm a believer, nothing could be worse

Azriel, Alaric, Oath, Petra, Vayne



Expert Fighter (205)

Expert Healer (140)

1 Year
Dire wolf

WordyOoh La LaRapid Poster - Silver
09-13-2024, 09:05 PM
Looking between each of them, Atreyu listened for any objection to what she had announced or for a rejection if they so wished. She braced herself for anything, especially from Alaric – as she wasn’t sure if he truly wanted to join. Her heart raced in her chest as she waited for each of them to absorb the information she had just given them. Yes, she had already chosen her one-day king. There was only one doubt that pulled at her, would they follow her?

Oath was the first to speak up, his shock evident in those cyan eyes, and hurt as well. Atreyu could understand, she should have sought him out and told him before announcing it. Searching his gaze as he spoke, those holographic eyes only shone with patience and understanding. Did he doubt her choice? Her answer came before she could even ask the question, Oath asking her if she was sure of her choices, of herself as well. Was she? Yes, she was ready for this, though there would be a lot of learning to do. "I have never been more sure of anything in our lives, brother. Mother knew what she was doing, I am positive in this." Her words were delivered warmly, sincerely, with a bright and hopeful grin on her face. They would need to talk soon, once things settled down a bit.

She didn’t mean to make Alaric or anyone uncomfortable, but it was a necessary evil. They had to know his name at least. He gave a brief greeting to everyone, she had expected a nod or a grunt maybe, but he surprised her. He would actually give this a try! "Your support will not be taken for granted." To Maul and Cinder she nodded her head in return and also thumped her tail against the ground, Bigs more than happy to have his new found buddies in the band.

Atreyu wondered what made Azriel narrow his eyes at the introduction of Alaric. Was it the suspicion of a stranger, or was there something more to it? It was hard to miss his reaction to seeing Petra as well, though Atreyu had already seen her and knew what to expect, she suspected the others had not seen each other in a very long time. Azriel tried to suppress his reactions, but Atreyu could tell by the tail flick that he was not happy about something, she could only guess it was the stranger in their midst. He also said he would follow her, bringing a smile to her concerned face. He had an announcement of his own, it seemed, including a bit about their betrothal. Pulling her close to him had her heart thumping in her chest, but she relaxed against him, not fighting his protective posturing – even scooting just a bit closer to him. She honestly could have kissed him in that moment, especially after Oath’s initial doubts. She said nothing though, simply waiting on the responses of her family and friends.

Atreyu could see the reservation on her sister’s face, and she could understand the trepidation there. If they all learned some sort of self defense as Azriel said, then they would be able to withstand anything the demon king had to throw at them. Judilian forces before had been lacking, their members mostly pacifists, how were they to know that the demon king would strike? Atreyu felt confident in their new direction, and she hoped that one day Petra could be comfortable with them again. Only the gods knew what she had been through, and Atreyu had to commend her for being strong enough to even come home. Petra gave her support and Atreyu nodded and smiled, "Thank you, Petra." She said warmly, hoping to spend some time with her sister as well after everything was done.

It seemed everyone was nervous around Alaric, and who could blame them? Vayne seemed to be the most welcoming, though he was reluctant at first. His news that he knew came as a bit of a surprise, but she guessed he learned it by overhearing conversations when he was supposed to be sleeping. Atreyu gave a smile to her brother and nodded in agreement. Azriel was a good match for Atreyu, not only for his demigod status, but because he was his own force to be reckoned with. Vayne could see it, but perhaps it would take more convincing for Oath. "Thank you, Vayne. I’m glad to have your support." With that she turned so that she could face them all at once.

Remaining in her spot against Azriel’s chest, Atreyu spoke once more, "We have all been through trying times, things that probably should have killed us, and definitely took from us. But I truly believe that if we work together and work to heal each other as well as anyone who may need the help, we can raise Judila up to her former glory and then some." There was an iron-clad determination in her voice, its purpose to inspire them to want more from Judila than simple peace. They would be a place of sanctuary, yes, but there was a bigger purpose for them. "I know our new may be shocking, but it was our mothers’ wish. As I said, we will honor that. With that said, I can’t stand this dreadful heat anymore and this pool looks wonderful right now. Cleanse the road from your weary bones." With that, Atreyu wasted no time in jumping in the pool with a splash.

"Atreyu" || "Azriel"
code by bird, art by asena

Atreyu can be rated M for mature, not always, but expect it to pop up.
Her companion, Bigs, is assumed to be with her unless otherwise mentioned.
As her betrothed, Azriel is allowed in any of her threads, regardless of tag or label.