
First things first




Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-13-2024, 09:27 PM

It's not sin

A smirk placed itself upon his lips as Alaric spoke. Good no ambition to be a king, which meant his own position would not be in danger and neither would Atreyu's but he would still be ambitious enough to be more than a soldier. He could foresee himself getting along well with this male, so long as Alaric kept in mind that Atreyu was someone else's betrothed and future wife. He nodded though as Alaric spoke of his skills and ambitions and yet again when he spoke of not wanting to listen to sermons or learn more of their gods or customs. He could respect the decision but he would later maybe when the male was more comfortable and settled. He wanted to make sure he knew the offer was always open though so he left it with a quick word on the matter. "Very well, just know if you ever grow curious or find yourself wanting to learn more the offer will still stand. As for a spar.... I can think of no better way to test your strengths and to refresh my own skills." He gave a grin and stood shaking his pelt before moving to stand at a respectable distance from the man and his hounds.

His head moved in one direction then another as he gave a crack to his neck before lowering his head to be even with his spine and his eyes narrowed. Lips peeled back in a half grin half baring of his fangs. His shoulders rolling as he let those dangerous quills stand on end. His hackles rose in the same moment providing a buffer between his skin and any teeth that might seek to grab his scruff in front of the quills. His tail rose to be level with his hips to act as a rudder and a balance for the demigod. He would give Alaric the first move. "Your move." it was the only words he gave to the man now turning all business and into the soldier he had been taught to be.

Walk, "Talk", Think

or a murder for carnal disgrace
Art by Asena; lines by Bio-Zev

Azriel vs Alaric for spar
Round 0/x
Age: over 1 yr
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Mutation 1: Quills - Defensive
Mutation 2: Elongated canines - Offensive
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Intermediate Intellectual

Azriel can be a mature and volatile character, please proceed with caution. His threads can contain triggers and mature content please be aware of this when threading with him.