
The subject of authority




Expert Navigator (120)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

2 Years

LegendaryPride - DemisexualWordy
09-15-2024, 05:21 PM

With a summer storm threatening to rain on them Ignita was working to make sure any of the easily soaked items in the storage were high enough to not get soaked in case of a flash flood. She was particularly aware of sudden flooding during hot seasons taking populations unaware. And since she heard of the flood not too long ago she wanted to make sure they were prepared... She was writing some notes down to get the ideas of keeping things in order when her son came in and laid over her paws. She smiled and chuckled, dropping the pencil and burying her face into his charcoal chest.

"You Silly, I was working on that." She pulled out her paws from under him, with some effort, my he was getting big, and placed the paper and pencil on one of the shelves. She finished her last note before looking back up at the shelves. She nodded as he asked if he could ask a question.

The question had her pause and tilt her head for a moment.

"If you ask him, he'd say he did. But I can think of several instances where I might actually have more authority and he defers to me. Which means he'll take my leadership. We're equal in most ways, he has his specialties and I have mine. He knows how to fight and how to train and lead others, I know how to find solutions to problems and plan ahead for problems that might arise that don't occur to him. I have the authority in the Storage room for one thing. He wouldn't know what to do in here or where to put anything!" She squinted at Citadel and bent down to give him a gentle kiss right before the golden nubs of his crown. He had the cutest little white diamond between his eyes she just wanted to kiss and snuggle into every time she saw him.

She picked up some cured leathers on a bottom shelf and put them on a clear space over her head a little. There... Only jars, buckets, glass, and crates will be on the bottom shelves.

"What would you do if you had to follow one of Daddy's orders or one of mine?" She asked him. Sitting down and giving him all her attention finally.

[Image: xjgqzZS.png]
Basilisk may enter her threads without warning.

[Image: bU9k2tE.png]