
Its our fucking birthday, of course we're drunk

Dunamis Birthday Bash



Master Intellectual (257)

Expert Healer (220)

An icon representing the specialty Merchant Merchant

3 Years
Dragon Mod
Today, 03:51 AM

The call for the party to begin sounded in the air. Naturally, Rue wasn't usually one to partake in social situations unless she absolutely had to. But as she sat there within the confines of her den, she considered going. After all, what good would it keep doing for her to keep being so reclusive? They had new members. She was the packs healer and one of the Betas. There were certain expectations of her, so she sighed and decided she should participate. However begrudgingly. Besides. She and her littermates had just turned three as well, and perhaps the party would do well to try and distract her from her heat season. She had, of course, used scented oil to try and mask the scent as much as she could, but that wasn't a foolproof way to cover up what was natural.

She slunk her way toward the party, hearing the voices of those in attendance rising and falling, the sound of merriment, the light of the bonfire. It appeared that even her mandrill companion had literally beaten her to the punch and had decided to take up a drinking game with Grim. She narrowed her eyes, knowing that the stupid boy would have to be tended to in the morning for a hangover...but maybe she'd just let him suffer with it. Learn his lesson and all that.

Taking a deep breath, she approached the gathering and paused just short of it. Her mother was sitting and chatting with the male that had come back after a short life lived with her Aunt Widow in Hellborn. And in place of those that had left, he had brought a handful of others with him. She had to admit, they were all fine looking specimens. Shaking her head, she wasn't sure where to start or where to go. She wasn't used to being social, but maybe starting with the female Dunamis whose name she didn't yet know would be easier than trying to make conversation with one of the males. Especially considering her heat. With her decision made, she quietly approached Enyo and sat down just shy of her space, crimson gaze fixed on the fire as she spoke. "Welcome to the pack. Enjoying the party?"


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1. Its our fucking birthday, of course we're drunk IC Archives 10:00 AM, 09-12-2024 11:25 PM, 09-16-2024
2. Its our fucking birthday, of course we're drunk Dancefloor of the Gods 11:25 PM, 09-16-2024 10:29 PM, 09-16-2024