
Its our fucking birthday, of course we're drunk

Dunamis Birthday Bash



Expert Fighter (170)

Novice Healer (20)

3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
09-12-2024, 10:00 AM (This post was last modified: 09-15-2024, 01:56 AM by Dragon Mod. Edited 1 time in total.)

I am the conquerer, get out of my waY

just in time, everything was finished. a large bonfire encircled with stones he grabbed from the gorge-, the scene clean end prepped with thick stone plates that held plenty of party favors. rum, whiskey and even beer sat in large tin jugs. empty cups waiting to be filled. cannabis and chamomile sat on the bar too; in a pile with some other questionable herbs. it was to be a fun night!

Érebos instructed many with invitations a few days prior, giving them the time & place. it was about eight in the evening by now.. & thank goodness he preplanned this all. he was busy and quiet these few days, making it just in time for the birthdays. a special treat from him and effort to show some more lightheartedness around the family. their aunts always did things like this for them. maybe this would help everyone settle in more.. especially zephyros. he worried sometimes about the young lad.

bast, his hawk, went to send a cry over insomnia- signaling the party's opening. roasted lamb turned over on sticks near the bonfire, slowly cooking it. along with many other meats. he pulled it off exceptionally well. now.. hopefully the siblings liked it. he thus sat near the bonfire, ears swiveling as he heard the cackling of burning cedar wood. aromatic and warm, it was good to be alive.

Made for Alo by Skelle !
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]



Beginner Intellectual (10)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

2 Years
Dragon Mod

09-12-2024, 10:49 AM

The siblings had all finally reached their third and second birthdays. He was aware of Erebos planning a celebration, but he wasn't aware to what extent until he arrived to find quite a grand set up. Pale blue gaze found the set up of booze, the lamb over the spitfire, the bonfire in the center of it all. He couldn't help the grin that split his maw as he approached his older brother. "You've done a remarkable job with this, Erebos. I couldn't have pulled it off better myself." He chuckled as he sat down with him to wait for others to arrive. They'd be partying all through the night, he was sure. And considering Insomnia was...well...Insomnia, no doubt they'd be coming around and doing all sorts of partying, so to speak.




Advanced Fighter (60)

Novice Hunter (15)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-14-2024, 02:54 AM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2024, 03:04 AM by ENYO. Edited 1 time in total.)

Ellara Praetor

Enyo arrived at the Dancefloor of the Gods, her massive silhouette against the dusk sky. Foberos cried in greetings towards the others, mainly Bast. The air was crisp with the scent of roasted meat and burning cedar, a warmth that made her feel even more alive. She took in the sight of the celebration Erebros had prepared, an impressive setup in its attention to detail. A smirk tugged at her lips at the promise of celebration her eyes roamed over the offerings of alcohol and herbs. At least he knew how to throw a proper celebration! Tonight would be a good one, surely. Not just for the food or drink, but for the chance to indulge in pleasures that came rarely in their strict, power-driven world. Tonight was a celebration not just of their birthdays, but of their status, their dominance, and superiority.

Her gaze immediately fell on the setup. Erebos had outdone himself. The fire illuminated the surrounding stones, casting flickering shadows across the floor where various vices awaited. To her delight, rum, whiskey, beer… and herbs promised a night of indulgence. A smirk tugged at the corners of her lips as she imagined the night ahead full of laughter, drinks, and, if luck favored her some company to end the evening with.

Carrying the sloshing jugs of wine and moonshine in her jaws, Enyo approached the pile and added her contribution. As a result, her maimed tail gave a short, satisfied wag. She’d traded a fresh deer for these potent brews at the marketplace, a deal that left her satisfied and ready to share them with her kin. Erebos and Kronos were already seated by the fire, deep in conversation. Enyo’s eyes were sharp, scanning the perimeter for familiar faces and (more importantly) attractive ones. Hopefully, there’d be plenty of women to choose from tonight.

She padded over to the bonfire, her steps heavy. All the siblings' monochrome fur gleamed in the firelight. "Brothers! I say it's time we show these wolves how to party like a Greek!" her velvet voice exclaimed with much enthusiasm. Her gaze shifted from the roaring flames to the drinks laid out, and a glint of excitement flickered in her eyes. “I see you’ve spared no expense. Let’s hope the women are as enticing as the liquor.”

"I also brought a little extra fun," she announced with a wicked grin, as she met her brothers’ gazes. "Wine and moonshine. Traded a deer for it. Quite a good deal. Moonshine will get you there quick if that's the route you wish to take tonight." She announced to the others near, "Although, wine seems to... awaken the emotions and sensual side for better or worse. Fun in a different way. I do not suggest it mixing the two if you want to have a night you remember."

Her posture was relaxed but exuded confidence, her eyes flickering to Kronos, then Erebos. "I’ll have to make sure I find the right way to celebrate," she added, her smirk widening as she glanced toward the horizon, already thinking ahead. Her hopes were high for the indulgence she craved. The night promised luxury and pleasure, and she was more than ready to partake in all of it. Vice and violence. Seduce and destroy. These were the things Enyo loved. The things she lived for. Her motto. Her prerogative.

Making love and spilling blood... such similar things. How good she was at both. Fighting was a passionate dance and often, in bed, she felt like she was in battle. Who could win first? Who would make the other finish? Oh, she was excited indeed.

As she seated herself near the bonfire, the warmth of the flames licking at her dense fur, she allowed herself to relax, her eyes still scanning the plains for the arrival of others. Enyo felt the familiar excitement bubbling in her chest, not just for the drink or the fire...but for the thrill of whatever or whoever the night might bring.




Enyo's companion Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, is to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


Master Fighter (684)

Master Hunter (325)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod

Festival OrganizerWealthyLegendaryHomebodyWinnerVengeance
Critical Dodge!LoserCritical Fail!By A WhiskerRapid Poster - RainbowPride - Aromantic
SocialiteSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipScarredDouble MasterOoh La La
How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual1K
Dream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
09-15-2024, 01:31 AM

She was running just a tad late to the birthday party that Erebos was planning for his kin. But she was running late for good reason. The Bone Queen decided that he deserved a gift, and one specially made with her own two paws. After all, it wasn't long ago that he came to her to admit his affection and admiration for her. And in turn, she had returned the same. She was still excited and giddy by that fact. And what better way to show that she cared than to give him a give that she had specially crafted? She was adding the finishing touches, securing the leather cord through it and making sure everything remained properly in place. A raven skull necklace with two small amethyst stones set carefully in the eye sockets, and the ravens own feathers tied into the leather cordage. Everything she had procured herself, of course. She always had an abundance of bones, and the gems she had mined herself from the Gorge and various other nearby caverns. The gems often sat pretty in the confines of her own den, but she thought it suitable to use as a gift for someone she genuinely cared about.

Satisfied with her work, she wrapped it up in a rabbit pelt and made her way to where the others were supposed to gather. When she arrived, so far, there was just the three siblings. It was still early, however, and she didn't doubt others would arrive in due time. She walked toward the bonfire, head held high and proud as she gently held the gift in her jaws, nodding her greetings to both Kronos and Enyo before sidling up to Erebos with a grin. "M'dusa got'cha present!" She exclaimed through the bundle between her teeth. She set it down then, licking her jaws in anticipation as she grinned at him.


Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:



Expert Fighter (210)

Advanced Hunter (95)

1 Year
Extra large
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
09-15-2024, 03:45 AM

Mother said something was in the works. One of the newer members that had been here before was setting up a party, and there was no way he was going to miss it! He waited impatiently the whole day for it to be ready, and once that call came, he wasted no time in heading to it! Cackling with glee, he spotted the bonfire growing steadily bigger as he arrived, and so far, there was just a handful of others. His mother, and three of the black and white painted members that he had yet to officially meet. While he was young still, he was old enough to partake. And it certainly looked like there was plenty to partake in! He saw the food laid out. The booze. Some enticing looking herbs that smelled like something he had never smelled before. Curious, he approached the display of drink and food and hurriedly swiped a cup, half expecting to be reprimanded before he could get what he wanted. But of course, he dared someone other than his mother to stop him!

Peering into the jugs, he chose one that smelled pretty strong and sloppily poured the rum into his cup before turning around and taking a big swig. Of course, he wasn't expecting the strong taste and so his face puckered and he almost gagged as it went down his throat. What was this stuff and why did it taste so gross!? He peered into his cup, squinting at its contents. Was this really what adults drank!?


Like a traditional Mortem, Ripper can be unpredictable in nature~

Atticus Dunamis


Intermediate Navigator (30)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Extra large
09-15-2024, 11:23 AM

Atticus was a year older, a year stronger. However the masculine had never cared for birthdays - but now the brute was of age. Sure, he'd sneak drinks here and there but nothing like what tonight would be. For once, possibly Atticus could allow himself to relax and kind of let loose. He was still curious of Medusa, not having the time to chit chat with her right yet, he was learning the lands they had now called home.

He heard that of Erebos's hawk sing over head, as the male climbed out from his spot and gave a stretch, allowing a few loud pops of muscles and bones snapping into place. The scent of cedar caught his attention, as he noticed Kronos, Enyo, Medusa and another one make their way to the party. He smelt the familiar scent of cannabis that his brother more than likely dried out. The fire blazed as Atticus moved closer to his siblings.

The lamb didn't go unnoticed either. Nor did the fruit that lined the tables either. "A very well exicuted job to you Erebos and darling sister Enyo." A smirk pulling his lip up for a moment, as Enyo placed containers filled with all sorts of drinks. A chuckle. He watched the other who looked slightly like Medusa carefully though.


Atticus Dunamis

Thread Move Log
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1. Its our fucking birthday, of course we're drunk IC Archives 10:00 AM, 09-12-2024 11:25 PM, Yesterday
2. Its our fucking birthday, of course we're drunk Dancefloor of the Gods 11:25 PM, Yesterday 10:29 PM, Yesterday