

mandatory dunamis training



Advanced Fighter (60)

Novice Hunter (15)

2 Years
Dire wolf
Today, 04:28 AM

Ellara Praetor

The whole situation was confusing. Erebros had given her control over the situation, she had even punished Nikolaos yet again for him... and yet his ego was wounded? Enyo puffed some air from her nose in annoyance. Fragile. Did her words upset him that much? Perhaps it was for his sake that the Gods made her a woman. Lead the lesson Enyo, but tiptoe around your sensitive brothers'. Do not threaten them with your strong self-esteem. Wouldn't want them to feel threatened. Have ambition Enyo, but not too much. Aim to be successful, but not too much so. Shrink yourself, be smaller. But she would not be, she was not designed to shrink herself. For anyone. Anger boiled inside her. Was she not to lead this session? If any of her brothers had an issue with being ordered around by a woman, then they should ask themselves why they were not chosen to stand where she stood now.

Enyo’s eyes flickered toward Medusa as the skeletal queen emerged from the shadows, her grin twisted and unsettling. She was a little caught off-guard, the woman wasn't supposed to be here? Especially why she looked at Enyo with such apparent disdain. This was a family-only session, there shouldn't be any plus ones. Leave it to Erebros to make an exception.

Medusa would begin to speak and Enyo had to make an effort to keep her face stoic. This was not what she was expecting. Her broad chest expanded as she stood tall, a fierce and domineering presence against Medusa’s unsettling silhouette. The offer hung in the air between them, venom-laced yet tantalizing. A chance for a higher rank.

For a price.

Enyo’s icy eyes narrowed, the flames of challenge igniting in her chest. This would not be a spar, this would be the real deal. No holds. Medusa’s low cackle echoed, dripping with malice, but it only fueled Enyo’s ambition further. Her pride would not allow her to refuse- especially not in front of her brothers. The Dunamis woman was born for greatness, and if she had to carve her name into the ranks of Insomnia with blood, so be it.

“Medusa wants a fight, does she?” Enyo growled, her thick voice dripping with disdain, yet laced with a hunger for victory. Her head tilted upward, posture rigid and commanding as she took a step forward, her massive paws pressing into the stone floor, each step a declaration of her confidence. "Very well, I accept."

She cast a glance toward Erebros, catching his eyes before turning back to Medusa. It seemed he would not speak up for his sister. Perhaps he knew Medusa's offer was one too sweet for Enyo to deny. At least he knew when to shut up. There was no fear, only the raw determination of a wolf who knew her worth. Femme Fatale. The title rolled in her mind like sweet music. Enyo would prove herself worthy.

Her lips peeled back into a snarl as she squared her hulking body, muscles coiled and ready for combat. Enyo snarled as adrenaline-fueled rage and hunger for power coursed through her veins. The tension between them thickened, like the first moments before a storm. Enyo knew she could not afford to lose. This wasn’t just about earning a higher rank. This was about reminding Medusa and the others just who she was. Her reputation, her pride, and maybe her very place in their hierarchy depended on this moment. If Medusa thought she could rattle her, she was sorely mistaken. All eyes were on her and Enyo felt hate boil inside her. Hate for this situation. Hate for Medusa and Erebros both taking their turn to embarrass her. Hate that all the men were watching her, wanting her to fail. Men who should've supported her as she did. Men who did not love her. Hate for the pressure constantly upon her. Damned if she did, damned if she didn't. Part of her hated being a Dunamis. She hated herself for jumping at this scrap tossed to her like a starving whelp. Embarrassed.

With a feral growl, Enyo lunged, initiating the spar with the force of a battering ram. Her powerful limbs propelled her forward, claws digging into the earth as she aimed to overpower Medusa with raw strength. The clash was unforeseen but Enyo welcomed it. She would not only fight for rank but to solidify her place, a testament to her relentless drive and superiority. Her heart hammered with exhilaration, her body a weapon honed for war, ready to take what was hers.

Enyo continued to surge forward with the power and speed only a dire wolf could muster. Her large paws pounded against the stone floor, sending echoes throughout the cave. Her eyes were fixed on Medusa’s slight frame, and she aimed her first strike low, planning to use her weight and strength to bowl the Queen over. Should Enyo’s broad shoulder make contact with Medusa’s ribcage, her powerful muscles would ripple as she sought to knock the wind from her opponent’s lungs and send her sprawling.

But Enyo didn’t stop there. She knew Medusa’s reputation and knew she was cunning and quick despite her frail appearance. Their spar together having taught Enyo quite a lot. So, as soon as she made contact, Enyo would snap her powerful jaws toward Medusa's neck, aiming for the vulnerable underside of her jaw where flesh met bone. Her capped teeth, sharp and built for breaking bones, glinted in the dim light as she aimed to clamp down hard to maim as the Queen had demanded.

Enyo’s mind raced with calculated precision, every move meant to assert her dominance, every snap of her jaw meant to show Medusa that she was not to be trifled with. This was no mere fight for status. This was a declaration. I am stronger. I am better. And you will remember my name.

“Come, Queen,” Enyo snarled, her voice dripping with both mockery and fury as she pressed harder, muscles straining as she wrestled for control. “Show me what makes you worthy.”

ENYO vs Medusa for maim- scarring
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Offensive Battle Accessory: Canine caps
Defensive Battle Accessory: Daedric armor
Companion 1: Peregrine Falcon, Female - Battle
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Novice Hunter
Specialty: none




Enyo's companion Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, is to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated