
close but no cigar




Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (10)

2 Years
Dire wolf
09-23-2024, 01:49 PM

Growing up on the edge of the ocean gave one a certain opportunity to hone their skills. Namely swimming. He was on the verge of leaving her to drown as he swam ahead but something in him told him he probably shouldn't. There was something about the girl that he didn't want to let go of. When he stood up in the shallows he grasped her scruff to save her from flailing about and dragged her unceremoniously onto the muddy shore. He said nothing about it. He didn't laugh or chuckle. She was so slight in frame, even lighter than his Abbadon, that he easily lifted her up like a kitten.

Prince Ultyr huffed the salt water out of his nose and peered over the terrain as she got her feet out from under her. It was interesting to say the least, the trees grew as if from the water instead of soil. He was looking up into the canopy when he felt her sudden presence behind him, shaking in fear. His brow furrowed in confusion, it was the first time she had touched him of her own volition. The shadowy log finally came into view as the crocodile lifted his nose to show a handsome row of sharp teeth.

He snarled at the strange reptilian beast. With a hefty swipe, he struck out at the snout. That seemed to make it angrier. It thought it could make the God-Prince into a meal? He smirked.

He saw a low crooked bend in a tree where he could easily reach. He needed to get this girl out of the way of these teeth first or else he'd just be tripping on her.

Ultyr aimed another smack on the beast, spun around, grabbed the girl again by the scruff, and hefted her up into the seat between some tree branches, well away from this croc beast. Then he pushed away from the tree to lead it away from her.