
bout to get fruit punched

mommy fighting lesson



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
09-26-2024, 07:59 AM
Thalia didn't get joy out of being the mean mother. It wasn't like that. What she did get satisfaction out of, though, was knowing how capable her children would grow to be under the guidance of their two mothers. They would be unstoppable. She lifted Lore as gently as she could and moved her to safety,

"Being curious is not a bad thing," Thalia said softly, after a moment. She knew there was a careful balance between making sure her children were always cautious and alert, and also not terrified of everything that lurked in the shadows. The latter was hardly ideal, either. "And you know mommy and I encourage that. You just need to be aware."

Lore was a little more cautious than some of her other siblings. She'd be careful not to lean too hard into fostering even more trepidation in the young girl.

That was exactly what motherhood felt like to her, so far- a careful balancing act. But it was necessary to ensure that they grew into the wolves she knew they had the potential to be.

Thalia nodded along with Lore's words, though she also gave her a good look over while she did. The small girl's fur was mussed up, but she didn't look injured, which Thalia was grateful for. "Yes, hmm, good," she hummed thoughtfully as she watched her daughter. "You especially want to make sure you're remembering to protect the softest parts of you, too."

It was hard to be straightforward and explain things to her children in a way they'd understand, a way that wouldn't terrify them. She didn't need to explain that quite yet that she meant they needed to protect their vital organs, so they didn't get disemboweled, or bleed out without chance of being treated.

She didn't show it, but for a moment imagining the mortality of her own children made her grow faint. She paused for a moment before speaking again.

"The places that are sensitive and make you laugh when you get tickled there. Like your throat, and your belly," she explained, shifting her body slightly to demonstrate how she might protect those areas, tucking her head low and tilting her muzzle down toward her chest slightly.