
close but no cigar




Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (10)

2 Years
Dire wolf
Today, 12:40 AM

His entire focus zeroed in on the beast. He was done testing its speed and maneuverability. He wasn't about to let this earthly creature get the best of him, the God-Prince of Archnemes.

He launched his attack at the side of its face, aiming for its eye and scored as it moved to intercept. With a snarl he raked his teeth over its snout. It twisted as he leaped over its back and dug his claws into each eye hole, and rolled off it as it started its own barrel roll in the mud. Blinded and in pain it slipped back into the water. God-Prince Ultyr chased after it swiping at its tail for good measure and wading into the waters with a huff. He swished his way into the water and swiped at any other curious "logs" daring to come in close.

When he was thoroughly satisfied they were no longer in danger, a hunger rose up in him. A hunger to celebrate in the only way he knew how. He slowly approached the tree he had left the slave girl in. He didn't know her true name, only the name his father would call her. His father mistreated his slaves and Ultyr... Ultyr was a benevolent God.

"Come down." He commanded simply, offering her his shoulders for her to step on to assist in her descent.

He glanced around for a soft dry place above the mudline. A place more comfortable for them both. He nosed her, and the scent of her recent loss of litter and subsequent reset of her cycle brought his head up as he looked down at her minuscule body, measuring, calculating. Her talents were still unknown to him.

"You were once my father's." He stated lowly, "As I am your god, I will feed you, and protect you, because I am benevolent. You saw how well I kept Abaddon, I will keep you also." He decreed, and gently pushed her in the direction he wanted her, "Pain will no longer be in your life, nor hunger." Another gentle leading to the place he decided would be theirs for the duration.

He sat and sank to his elbows, "Here." He pointed to the space between his paws, he wanted her to settle there.