
close but no cigar




Novice Navigator (20)

Beginner Intellectual (0)

2 Years
Toy size
8 hours ago
The sounds of fighting stopped, drawing her attention back from her mental mapping of the place. Her eye moved to him for a moment before dropping from his form as he turned. He didn't look hurt. Perhaps the worrying was for nothing.

"Come down." her ears pinned at the command but she still dared not disobey. She spread her toes to help her grip the tree and started sliding down the trunk at first, before lifting a leg and using his proffered shoulders to hop down. She did her best to make it quick and shook her pelt to straighten it back out.

If she could of thanked him she might have, though that would of probablymeant another beating or worse so she was glad she couldn't. Though the feeling of his nose near her most intimate parts had her wide eyed and her tail curling as far as it could under her. "You were once my father's." he was stating the obvious. She disliked every moment spent with that man. "As I am your god, I will feed you, and protect you, because I am benevolent. You saw how well I kept Abaddon, I will keep you also." she was aware she was a slave. But she had no gods.... did he know? A gentle nudge and she was moving.

More words as he maneuvered her where he wanted. He seemed obsessed with Abbadon.... but she could still smell his musk in the air around them. "Pain will no longer be in your life, nor hunger." he was leading her to shallower and shallower water. She had to question that statement silently though. No longer know pain? That's all she had learned about under Aryn. No longer hungry? That had to be some cruel ploy to get her hopes up. Food wasn't always freely given she knew that.

"Here." she stopped in place. A brief moment of either stupidity or courage she wasn't sure which, had her looking to where he gestured. Between his paws.... in front of him. A tremble passed through her. She didn't dare disobey though, lest his good mood turn sour. She gingerly stepped over his legs, careful not to touch him. Her tiny body coming to be in-between his paws. But she dared not sit or move in a way he didn't instruct. She knew these giants had a temper, and she was but the smallest flick or bite from death.

"Things I Hear"