
Come to Play?




Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
10-01-2024, 06:07 PM

Taking a final swig, Nimue licks her lips and shifts the empty bottle between her tiny paws, tracing a claw along its neck before letting it drop from her grasp and onto the forest floor. It hits the ground with a thud, disrupting the symphony of crickets and sending some of the fireflies into the air. They surround her, creating a mythical, otherworldly sight- and Nimue watches them, unamused, resting her head on her paws and readying herself for a night of sleep.

Some time passes, and she’s lingering in the twilight zone- awake enough to hear changes in her environment, but dozed enough to rest her mind. Her senses are honed in on the nocturnal symphony of the gully- the insects chirping, the trickling of a nearby creek, and the rustling of foliage in the nighttime breeze. The sound of footfall crunching through the grasses. Her ears twitch, swiveling toward the sound, pinpointing its location. Soon after, his scent is carried to her by the breeze- that mixture of cypress and cedar, now laced with hints of sea salt and pine. Like that woman she found him with. Her initial reaction, is to crinkle her nose and turn her head to the other side. She had no intention of seeking him out.

At least, not until he was walking directly beneath the tree she was perched in, crashing through the underbrush with his big, dire-sized paws. Her tail twitches in silence, her head raising so she could peer down at the unsuspecting Rogue. Shafts of moonlight trickled down onto his back, illuminating his celestial coat. For several seconds, Nimue watches him in silence, studying him, and assessing him. Anger starting to boil inside of her at the mere sight of him. Of all places, how in the hell did he end up right under her nose?

Nimue wasn’t always an impulsive creature- but this was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up. Attribute it to her unresolved feelings for the male, an entire bottle of booze, and the restless, almost manic energy that festered inside of her. Whatever it was, or perhaps, whatever combination it was, sent her into attack mode. In a heartbeat, she’s leaping down from her perch, propelling herself at him. Time seems to slow down as she descends, her legs outstretched, claws extended and poised for impact.

She’s trying to jump straight onto his back, so she could wrap her forelegs around his neck and grab a mouthful of the back of his skull.

"Nimue Vasanti"

Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!