
Come to Play?



The Syndicate

Advanced Fighter (60)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

2 Years
Dire wolf
10-01-2024, 07:24 PM

His mysterious attacker was relentless in their assault, savaging his neck and scruff like a feral beast. The searing pain was agonizing but Rogue toughed through it with clenched jaws and gritted teeth. It was the only thing he could do since he was unable to reach whoever had turned him into their mount. Tiny paws and forelegs wound their way around his neck and that panicked Rogue more than the teeth in his flesh did, because it meant whoever this was could easily choke him. And sure enough, the next thing the brute felt was petite paws pressing into the middle of his throat, squeezing down around his trachea and cutting off his air intake. Rogue gasped for breath, the sound coming out short and suffocated, rasping against the pressure of those paws around his throat.

A giant paw lifted to try and pull the legs away from his neck to give himself even an inch of reprieve to steal a breath. Amethyst eyes were wide in panic realizing just how bad this situation was. He needed to get out from under this assailant now! His foe's jaws bit down harder on his scruff, earning another fresh spurt of blood and a growl of pain from Rogue. The small wolf on his back was straddled securely over his spine, so dislodging them with his usual thrashing and bucking was a challenge, but thankfully his rolling technique did the trick. After the second blow of his entire weight down on them, Rogue managed to knock his attacker off, righting himself on his belly just in time to see...

"Nimue?!" At least, some semblance of Nimue. She looked entirely transformed, more akin to a wild animal than the angsty adolescent he had known before. That crazed look in her eyes, that grin on her face as she licked his blood from her lips... If it weren't for her familiar scent of a pine forest after the rain he would have doubted what he was seeing. She cried for more, and then she was rushing him again. Rogue was still in a state of shock and couldn't react before Nimue was on him, crashing into him. Rogue reached up to try and intercept Nimue's sylphic body with his large paws, the size of them almost comical compared to her, while he reached to grasp at her back and side with his diamond claws extended. He wanted to sink them into her flesh to secure a hold on her and keep her from fully sinking her own fangs into his jugular and ending his life.

Rogue felt her fangs find purchase in his throat again, though thankfully not deep enough to be a killing blow. More of his lifeblood spilled into her muzzle, earning her another snarl from Rogue as he sought to hold Nimue back with powerful forelegs and razor sharp claws in her skin. "Oh, you wanna play rough, huh?" he growled at the psychotic little bitch, the paw that had gone for her back now reaching to try and grasp her scruff and skull with his claws to literally pry her snapping muzzle away from him. He didn't care if he hurt her. She started this and he was damn sure gonna finish it even if he had to bloody her from tip to tail to subdue her.

"Rogue Klein"

Venom and Maverick may enter any of Rogue's threads while he is under 2 years old.