
Come to Play?




Master Fighter (280)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Extra small

ScarredSnake EyesCritical Fail!
10-01-2024, 08:02 PM

Nimue!? It wasn’t his recognition that she craved- though, she couldn’t deny that it was quite fulfilling- hearing her name as a gasp on his lips, the shock evident on his face, as if the air had been knocked from his lungs at the mere sight of her. The broody adolescent he knew seasons ago didn’t exist anymore. She’d gone through a metamorphosis, having blossomed into the crazed, manic creature that stood before him, panting, blushing, wanting more. Because this was her way of keeping control. Contort a negative into a positive, and feed off it. Hunger for it. Always want more.

And more she would have. She lunged forward out of desperation, yelping out in glee, her tongue hanging from her maw as she breathed out hot, fervent breaths. A manic energy was propelling her forward, a mixture of lust and desperation contorting her features, as she crashed into his larger body. As she wrapped her jaws around his throat, his paws were snaking across her body, those sharp, crystal claws tearing into her skin. Another breathless moan escaped her, followed by a melody of punctuated gasps for air and wild, erratic movements. As if the yelping itself was her release.

His blood was spilling into her maw, and she drank it down, greedily, hungrily. She was becoming lost in her spiraling bliss, time seemed to slow down, the world around them dissipating until it vanished. It was only her and Rogue now. Even with him clawing at her face, she was relentless in her assault- thrashing her head to and fro, trying to worsen his wound, even as his claws slashed dangerously close to her eyes. Moments later, Rogue was able to pry Nimue from his neck, using his strength and larger size to complete the feat. She kicked out with her legs, shoving herself out of his grasp and rolling several feet away, bloodying the verdant underbrush as she went.

Having rolled to a stop, Nimue is back on her feet, glaring at Rogue with half-lidded eyes. Eyes filled with wanton bloodlust… and shimmering with resentment. “Rogue. Rogue. Rogue!” His name on her lips came out as a moan- a sharp, ear-piercing sound, that echoed into the abyss of the gully. “You don’t know how badly I wanted to moan your fucking name.” She seethed, sliding her tongue across her fangs, which had pieces of his celestial fur and flesh stuck between them. “How badly I wanted you to stay!” She's snarling now, but it is not an aggressive notion- it manifests from her euphoria, the thrill of having her once precious Rogue bleeding in her arms.

Sprinting forward, she’s lunging at him again, only this time, she’s using her tiny size to her advantage. She’s trying to slip beneath him, her splayed jaws aiming directly for the hanging, hardening appendage swinging from his belly.

"Nimue Vasanti"

Caution: Nimue is unpredictable, ornery, & loves to fight!