
i know you said wash the dishes... but i forgot




Master Fighter (265)

Novice Healer (20)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Sapiosexual
10 hours ago
as he sat there, sorting through his herb pouch, she went on to explain herself. 'medusa's son'. his ears splayed, offended that such a closely tied family had been responsible. even if enyo did desire it, this redrum would be scolded too. he flared his nose, steaming, "You know better than this." he spoke, his words spitting forward with harsh contempt. her state was bad, but his better had been worse.
as he assessed her some more, her piebald coat made it easier to make out where her major wound had been. "I will help with what I can. But you'll have many contusions, I'm sure. Bed rest will be ordered." he demanded her, using his familial power for her better interest. if the elders knew he wasn't taking care of the family, he was sure they'd come for his head.
his eyes didn't look at enyo, too frustrated while he grabbed the tin jug of clean water with his mouth to pour over her. it was sure to be cold, but it was meant to assist in stop inflammation. cleaning her, the water washed away the excess bleeding. to which he then quickly put down the jug to grab gauzes from the pouch that laid to his right. this would halt any further bleeding-, holding it on the bite wound. "You won't need stitches for this. but you will need antibiotics and bandages." he rumbled, slowly returning to his less bothered state.
after moments of applied pressure, Érebos began to sort through his herbal pouch for a small glass bottle of pure alcohol. he didn't bother to warn her, despising her ignorant nature. she treated her body as if it had been made of immortal steel. hopefully, the pain was enough to wake her up. and without warning, he lightly poured it onto her wound as he held her down with force. "It'll burn for only a moment. stay still." he said, a pensive look on his face as he focused. she would need a paste now before he patched her up.
he let her talk in the background of it all, his ears swiveling. he was a fantastic multitasker, keeping up to her with ease. but he paused after she mentioned feeling erotic about what had happened. he could relate.. far too well. remembering what it was like to battle medusa and feel turned on. how she could handle him and love him all the same. it was a free feeling for a dunamis- to not be sheltered and dimmed down by someone. but instead adored and enabled to express your essence without fear. could it be that the mortems simply matched them all? "Erotic? Do you fancy him, enyo?" he asked, his previous irritation with her dissipating as he let up to understand her. his voice even sounding lighter with intrigue. enyo then commented on the mortems as a whole, going as far as to commend Érebos and give her blessing. "I'm glad you're willing to give medusa and the mortems a chance. Medusa's past would impress you greatly- she has built a name for herself, by herself." he couldn't help but slightly grin before returning a gauze onto the wound again.
enyo commented then on the herbs, the task that he had forgotten all about. his brows relaxed, face balanced and eyes more lax on her figure. "Nonsense enyo. I care far more about you than herbs you most likely didn't get in the first place." he sighed. "However, let me know next time before you decide to batter yourself. I could've been on stand by for both of you. Who knows what could've happened had you been to weak and far to come home." he wanted her to use her head more, to wise up some. with power, there needed to be control. "We can all train with one another, so as long as there are rules set up in place to keep us all safe. without preservations and precautions, you're no good than an aimless woman with anger problems." he glanced at her finally, his chin tucking slightly as he jested with her. a soft chuckle leaving his maw.

"Talking" - "Thinking"

table by scarlet
Warning: Mature themes for this character are frequent.
[Image: h1wr1OO.png]