
i know you said wash the dishes... but i forgot




Master Fighter (255)

Novice Hunter (15)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

2 Years
Dire wolf
6 hours ago

Ellara Praetor

It was funny, watching him like this. Rustling through his objects and items. Enyo would watch, resting her head on the floor before closing her eyes to the relaxing noises of his sorting through bags. The clink of different materials touching. Even his voice, despite being nettled, was a source of relaxation. No one tended to her wounds like her brother, no one got upset on her account as her brother did.

Enyo lay still, her muscles tense under the cold sting of water and the sharp bite of alcohol on her wounds. She hissed softly, her eyes narrowing at her brother, but she knew better than to resist. Erebos' touch was as careful as it was precise, and though his words were harsh, they were filled with care she could not deny. She wasn't a fan of his lectures, but there was truth to them that she couldn’t ignore.

You know better than this

...yeah she did, but it had felt good.

She was feeling sluggish, a side effect of blood loss, but she was at peace. As if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. As if some of the rage that had built itself up over the years had been relieved. Even if temporary, it was nice.

When he asked if she fancied Redrum, Enyo huffed. A mix of irritation and confusion colored her expression. "Fancy him?" she repeated, her voice laced with incredulity. "I don't know, Erebros. I’ve never felt like that before." She paused, her eyes meeting her brother’s briefly before drifting off, her gaze distant. "It wasn't just the fight. It was him... the way he pushed back, the way he understood me. I gave him everything I had and he took it. I hate to admit it, but I crave it again. It's maddening. Cathartic." It wasn't like her to just confide in someone but she wanted to share it. Whether it was just to verbally relive the moment or find understanding in it through someone else? Was she going mad?

"He was the first man who I desired. But he was... he was clueless. I don't think he has been with a woman before." Sex was far from taboo within the Dunamis. It was a part of life, and to be fruitful was part of their culture. Which was one of the reasons she didn't want to tell him this. There was a chance here, for her to do what she knew he wanted. What they all wanted from her. It was their want that made her rebel, to abstain from it.

Maybe he understood? He didn't seem surprised at her mention of it being erotic... Maybe he experienced something similar?

He made sure to point out how Medusa carved her place in this land of her own volition. She had half a mind to comment in criticism of the Dunamis patriarchy and ways. Imagine how many great women were denied the freedom to act on their own accord? But she had danced that dance too many times and even now, she knew to hold her tongue. Her torpor was too great, the fight in her all used on Redrum.

If they had been too weak to come home? She smiled and nearly laughed. Then maybe they would've spent the night in each other's arms, seeking comfort from the very bodies that wounded the- she stopped the thought. No. Maybe it was just her season, foreshadowing its inevitable arrival next season. Maybe that was the cause of it all?

She had never desired a man. It felt like such taboo... like betraying her body. Giving herself to the very thing she rebelled and bucked against her whole life? But she couldn't help but wonder what she was missing out on. Men were like some forbidden and poisonous fruit. She had never wanted a taste till now. But only from Him.

His mention of rules and regulations told her that he did not understand as she had hoped. It was the very lack of those things that made it so tantalizing. So freeing.

Her brother's comment about the herbs drew a quiet chuckle from her, the sound dry and weary. "I did get some," she insisted, though her smirk betrayed her amusement. "Not much, but some. And don't worry, brother. I can handle myself, and Redrum too evidently."

She met his gaze as he jested, a rare warmth in her eyes. "I understand, Erebros. I’ll be more careful," she said, her voice softening. "I would never be reckless. I cannot risk everything we’ve built. This was an exception, heat of the moment if you will. But you know me... I need the fight. I need to push myself, to know my limits." She paused, her gaze hardening slightly. "And I am far from an aimless woman with anger problems. I have reason, and I wield it wisely."

She did not feel the need to prove herself, she knew he knew.




Enyo's companion Foberos, a large peregrine falcon, is to be assumed as with her at all times unless otherwise stated