
Getting to know you~getting to know all about you~




Advanced Intellectual (60)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
Extra small
10-10-2024, 03:52 PM

He seemed to accept the little bit of information she gave him, for that she was thankful. He could of pressed for more, Could of snapped at her that the answer wasn't satisfactory, but he didn't. Her eyes went to her paws and her habit of gripping her shoulder surfaced again. She was nervous to be asked personal things. Her whole life she had learned to guard the information and keep as much about herself secret as she could.

He started telling her the story of his family and her ears pressed as surprise colored her face. Though it was gone as she narrowed her eyes on her paw still on her shoulder in thought. If he had been from a slave family then why was his grandfather allowed freedom enough to rise from the bindings? She knew little about him or his family but surely these were clever lies concocted to make her more malleable to his plans. But then again, he knew so little about her, why would he lie? What purpose would it serve him? She took a chance to glance up with her chin still down to look at his face, a search for deceit there. Only she saw nothing. Damn she needed to get better at reading others.

Her eyes dropped as his next question from her came. More thinking. She wasn't sure what answer he wanted to hear. If she said yes that meant he might want her to undergo obedience training. The safe answer was no. But the truth was also that yes she would though she could never as she had no training, no skills for it, and no physical capability to do so. "I have no love for him.... but I cannot, my capabilities would never allow me to do so.... regardless of my own wishes." Careful, guarded were her words. She needed to play it safe to keep her life, however little it meant to others. She told truth but also hid that if she was capable of it yes she would slaughter him and enjoy every second of it for what he had done to her.
