
Getting to know you~getting to know all about you~




Advanced Intellectual (60)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
Extra small
10-10-2024, 07:11 PM

Did her know what he offered? The fact that he was offering a slave things she had never had was strange. Freedom. His words were taken in and she narrowed those eyes. Lilacs lifting to meet azure, searching for lies and deceit behind those words. His grandfather had been a slave. Had rose to become a Warlord... He offered bits of himself so freely. Did he expect her to openly express herself to him? To bleed her life story to him? That was information, and with information came power.

He sat and she took it as a confirmation that they would be speaking for a while so she lowered herself carefully eyeing him. Waiting for the snap that he had yet to invite her to sit across from him or beside him. She was careful. Her eyes looked out to the woods beyond as she contemplated his words. Education, rank, freedom. All set on a table before her to grasp for. Her name on his lips didn't matter much but he did get a release of some of her tension as he spoke it instead of some other name for her.

He was testing her with his question. Ears pressed. She had wanted freedom for so long but had no way to achieve it aside from running away and even then she would never make it far. She couldn't hunt, couldn't track, and had never fought in her life. Her eyes dropped as she let her voice come finally in a whisper. "You offer me everything my lord, and I am grateful you even wish to do so...." She was aware of the catch to his offer though. His offspring that would be ripped from her the moment she birthed them, to be raised likely with knowledge of never knowing of her. For her to be killed by bearing him as many offspring as he wished. She had been listening. Was not stupid regardless of what was told to her previously. "I remember he was massive..... the den my mother and he had occupied was cloaked in grapevine and there were columns of ivory beneath them...." She slid her eyes closed and furrowed her brow trying to remember. She knew it wasn't a lot to go on so she tried harder. He wanted her to have her father's head to try to start whatever this journey he wanted her to take to her freedom was. "The slaver he sold me to was called Ryder by the group he sold me to.... they move a lot and frequent markets from what I could understand..... the nearest market they took me to to sell me to my first master was in a warm place, there was sand and the air smelled like smoke...."
