
Feel my wrath!



Advanced Intellectual (60)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
Extra small
10-12-2024, 03:28 PM

He seemed to finally be out of questions and She wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. But he took some times to think and she was about to stand and tell him she really needed to get back to work in the dens, when he stood and told her to follow him. An inhale of air and she pushed herself up. She felt like she might have a head ache after this pup was done with her.

She followed him down the corridors and to the gorge where he brought them to a tree. A look up at it and she could see the apples hanging from its branches. Then his order. Oh great. She looked at him for a second before conceding and moving to the tree. Her muscles bunched as she looked for the lowest point she could get to before she hopped up on it. The bark making noise under paw as she scrabbled to get in the crook of the tree. Then she hopped again, the next point a more narrow spot. She'd have to climb from here. She carefully turned around and made for the next point she could see, carefully climbing higher and higher. She wasn't scared of heights so she didn't care. The thing that caught her though was the sound of the tree creaking under her weight. It made her pause, looking in a panic at the branch she was half on and almost to the apples on. More cracks.

It was a sudden moment and she was careening to the ground the branch under her breaking. A yelp of surprise as it did. Her landing was less than graceful. Her ass and side hitting causing her to let out a string of yelps at the pain. The branch under her gut. She didn't hear a snap but she definitely felt that in her leg, hips and entire side.
