
We all make mistakes




Advanced Intellectual (60)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
Extra small
10-20-2024, 02:27 AM

He spoke and she pinned her ears at his words, an apology slipping out as a reflex from years of abuse by more than cruel masters. "Sorry master, I didn't mean to take so long...." Then she was sitting beside him and opening the kit. The dim light from the stove made it harder to see but she was used to this sort of thing. She pulled out the needle and thread and used her paws to thread it as quickly as possible, before looking back at the kit. Ollie had said the kits had Antiseptic in them. Should she? She didn't want him to grouch and go to Ollie or take it out on her if he got an infection.

A quick decision and she was pouring some of the antiseptic on the large gash before she set about stitching it closed. The stitching she knew wouldn't be perfect and he might have a bit of raised flesh after it healed but at least the skin would be held together. She was silent while she worked and when she finished she nipped the end of the thread with her teeth before she started cleaning the mess up quickly and quietly. "Should do master, just don't strain it and the stitches wont pop.... we can take them out in about a week and a half if everything goes correctly...." She had heard the spiel enough and lived with stitches multiple times to know how long to leave them in. She turned and stared ridding the contents of the dirty water she had used to clean his gashes and skin. It should be a wonder how she knew but if someone looked close enough at her own scars except the one on her nose they would find the same type of ametuer stitch wounds. The only one that had been professionally sewn on her was the nose. Not even where her tail used to be was it saved the treatment of raised scaring and shitty suturing.

She made to go wash her paws so she could continue working on her baking and book reading.
