
---> I'm NOT with stupid (vaguely points to hanako)



Intermediate Fighter (50)

Expert Navigator (125)

4 Years

Samhain 2022
Yesterday, 07:31 PM

Even though he'd asked if she wanted to meet his family, Makara still somehow hadn't expected them to all come right now. Surely she'd have a bit longer to catch her breath, right? She felt as if she'd just found her footing again when his petite mate appeared, sporting a similar pair of goggles atop her head. If she had felt more comfortable here, perhaps she'd have cracked a joke - but they had only just found each other again, and she was reluctant to push her luck. Her eyes widened behind the lenses of her goggles as a tiny slip of a girl came racing out, legs and paws akimbo, speak-shouting her name.

Something cracked inside of her, but she resisted the urge to hide her face and cry. Instead, she offered them all a wobbly smile, because she could see the both of them in Basilisk's children, reflected back at her like a mirror. And although Bas was strong and imposing and she didn't know what he was like as a leader or a husband, she could see the pride and true affection clearly written on his face. He wouldn't treat these children like they'd had been treated. It was healing seeing him with his family, like the bruises Azure and Hanako had left on her heart were finally, finally beginning to fade. She saw so much of herself in Selene, who she knew would not be silenced and squashed like she had, and Citadel was a towering duplicate of his father with a built-in crown fit for a prince.

"Hello," she said, finding herself shy for a moment. Makara wasn't sure she'd ever felt shy before. "I hope this doesn't as too much of a shock or surprise, but I'm Makara. I'm Basilisk's sister and - and your aunt," she directed the second part to the children, smiling wide. As she recovered from her atypical bout of shyness, the words poured forth and wouldn't stop. "I really can't explain what it means to me to meet you all. I grew up here in the Armada but I haven't been here since I was a child. I'd always liked to explore - this world is covered in artefacts, remnants of the past from some species long since passed from this place, I was simply fascinated by all of it. I still am. Before my second birthday, I was caught in a deep cave in while I was exploring by myself. I fell through to undiscovered tunnels and I was lost for a long, long time - " she cut herself off and took a breath, redirecting her tale. She didn't want to frighten the children and they didn't need to know how long she had been trapped alone underground.

"By the time I found my way to the surface, I was further away from home than I'd ever been. I don't believe I was still even on the same continent. It took me a long, long time to make my way back to Boreas, and what with all that's going on..." She gestured with a paw towards the angry eye of the red sun and that eerie light that still suffused the land. "It seemed time to come home. I needed to see who was here, and how I could help, as we discover why this is happening. I'm honored to be meeting you, really, so grateful to be welcomed home," her words were coming faster and tripping over themselves now in their rush to get out. "But - all this is to say - hello, and thank you for having me. No, I'm not quite your mother's sister - not by blood - but... I would like to get to know you all. I would like to be her sister, and your auntie," she replied to Citadel finally, offering Ignita a shy (shy?! She truly had never been shy) smile as she spoke. To little Selene, she leaned down and greeted her at her level. "And hello to you too, Selene."


