
Late blooming




Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
Dire wolf
9 hours ago

Phobia almost didn't react to the voice that called out to him, deep and masculine, though his ears perked. It was the growl reached him that finally made the yearling lift his head, slowly, mismatched eyes rising to meet the form looking down at him. Pupils contracted then dilated visibly, a side-effect of the feline like eyes. If one knew what they were looking for they'd know that when his gaze had landed on the other wolf... He'd liked what he's seen. Hardly surprising all things considered. Phobia knew he was built for violence, larger than any of his litter mates and short fur did nothing to hide the muscles that rippled beneath but even he had to admit there was something impressive about the other male... And also scars were sexy. Teenage hormones and all that. Phobia would never deny he came by his proclivities honestly. Though he was much less practised than he'd like to admit. So maybe he was also desperate for a release.

And he wasn't a fool to believe that just because he liked the look of someone that they'd even get on. Phobia knew better than many how volatile someone could be. Usually it was him. "Does it matter either way?" He finally responded, his own deep rumbling voice carrying towards his observer. They'd caught each other's attention, what did prior intentions mean? Phobia watched carefully, as the other male stood and approached, movements almost serpentine. His nostrils flared, a deep masculine musk, almost smokey reached him. Mingled with a pack scent Phobia frankly had no point of reference for, nor did he much care.

He too stepped closer, it was dangerous, part threat and part dare. "Simply giving it to you would be no fun." Phobia flashed a toothy grin, elongated canine's catching the red light in a way that teeth did not, but gemstones certainly did. Maybe he was showing off, or maybe he was letting the other male see one of his cards, trying to entice him even. After all... He had one ace that could only be discovered via violence. His chest heaved with mounting excitement. Phobia wanted to know, wanted to judge beyond simply eyeing him up if he was as powerful as he looked. "Why don't you earn it?" It was a taunt. It was a challenge.


Lineart byBioZev & coloured by Me!