
We all make mistakes




Advanced Intellectual (60)

Beginner Healer (0)

2 Years
Extra small
Yesterday, 10:00 PM (This post was last modified: Yesterday, 10:01 PM by Teegra. Edited 1 time in total.)

As she went about discarding the now dirty water and washing her paws off to cleanse them of the blood and other such contaminants, she heard the noise of someone else joining them in the kitchen. A glance told her it was the consort as Basilisk asked his question of her. She turned her eye back to her paws and cleaning them as she answered. She wasn't even aware the consort might think she had done something. "I couldn't sleep, so I figured my time was better spent exhausting myself trying to figure out this introduction to baking book my lord..... There are fresh rolls on the table, though the bottoms may be slightly burnt...." She stood from the sink then and moved to fetch the first aid kit and put it back together the way she found it.

The question from the consort seemed to be more for the warlord to answer so she left it at that. No use in angering the mistress of the house. It took her a few moments to put everything back but once she did she moved to put it back where she had found it. That was the last thing she needed was for the children to get a hold of it and decide to play doctor on her or worse, each other. The ruling pair would really have her head then. She was quick to putting the kit away and returning, taking her position in front of the cookbook once more. Intro to baking it was called. She had taken it from the study the warlord had made for them to study and learn to cook in, and had every intention to return it first thing in the morning.

She brought her paw up and quietly flipped the page. The picture showed some sort of rolled sweet with what looked like icing and dark flecks on it. Okay she could do that. The first word wasn't easy to read but she pressed on anyway. Seemed like some sort of breakfast sweet, the children might like that.
