Petra remains quiet, simply watching and keeping her ideas and opinions to herself, this was just how she was. Always quiet amonsg her family.
"I have called you all here today to discuss the future of Judila. I know the Gulley is a nice place to be right now, soon winter will take the bounty we have in this place and I would like to be prepared when that happens. Next season I plan to move us once more, and I want to know if anyone has explored enough to say where we should go next. I have scouted a few places, but I want your opinions."
Atreyu said, and Petra didn't know if she should say anything, she would always stick with her family regardless of her own wishes so she felt like not saying anything. Her brown fur flowing along a breeze. The place was fine, but she preferred less open places, as she felt more exposed here. Yet again she said nothing.