Mumma please
Master Fighter (245)
Master Hunter (240)
4 Years
Basilisk was well aware of how terrible Citadel's transgression was. It could have gone terribly wrong. There were far less forgiving packs than the one he had stumbled upon. He might have found himself in trouble that his parents couldn’t easily pull him out of. He drummed a paw against the stone beside him, restless and frustrated. His son has hurt his wife, his wife had tried to imprison their son. The entire thing stunk of recklessness and emotions. He was supposed to be the emotional one, not Ignita. But then, he knew from the start that their children would always be her weak point.
“What CItadel did was reckless, and dangerous. Trying to squish him down to the rank of slave, Ignita?” he let out a long, exasperated breath. “You are Queen, and I gave you the right to make decisions. I won’t question the ones you make in public without good reason. But this… surely you must have seen how it could go wrong. You pushed him into a corner. Now our strongest heir…” Dammit, but he had high hopes for Citadel, who was powerful and skilled, but reckless. A part of the boy reminded him of Azure. Good and bad mixed in, until he didn’t know what he thought. “It’s done now. So what do we want to do about it?”
"speech" & "speech"
As his Consort, Ignita can enter any of his threads without warning