
bright and endless

You're not feeling so well...



Advanced Fighter (80)

Expert Hunter (140)

1 Year
01-01-2025, 04:15 PM

hover speech for translation

If he was being honest with himself, he had come here to sulk. The last few months had ground him down to his very essence and he felt more despondent with each passing day. A failure, a failure, a failure. He had survived the gargantuan ice worm, the blood red sky had faded, he had returned home only to have his rear end handed back to him by the Hallows heir apparent... Katsu felt less than worthless. An unworthy blight on his family's name. Still, Tojo-kai had prevailed, and a small celebration had broken out in the after math of the raid. Fires flickered with warmth and all of his many, many siblings traded stories of battle glory and tales of other successes they had. Kat had remained silent, stayed as long as was necessary, and dissipated like mist once he was able to.

Brimstone Lake edged a few of their territories, but he'd never been particularly fond of the place. Sulfur and brimstone belched from the crater assaulted his senses, but the sky above was a worthy trade. Outside of the bamboo and tall oak trees, it lay out in front of him like a vast glittering carpet that stretched far over the ocean and to distant lands. Midori gave a reproachful squawk, perched in one of the oaks that stood tall before the tree line gave way to black rock and stony cove. Kat fixed him with a firm glare. Yes, the bird thought it would behoove him to return to the celebration, but he'd already fucked this whole year up - what was shirking more social niceties?

Still, Midori had a point. He would only steal a few more moments before slinking back. Kat edged around the base of the crater and towards the shoreline, avoiding that particular cove which was home to a host of nasty spiders. A single passing glance towards that shadowy area highlighted the form of a small, lone female. He didn't want to alarm her, but his father and elders had always impressed the importance of staying away from that place. The creatures that dwelled there had frightening venom at their disposal, and the idea of leaving this poor girl to die here shocked him into action past his typical reserved exterior.

He trotted up quickly, ears pricked, only to catch faint murmurs of his mother tongue on her lips. Kat froze. He'd never heard anyone outside of Tojo-kai speak the language. "Koko ni wa kumo ga sunde imasu. Totemo kiken'na kumodesu. Anata wa Tōjō-kai no kyakudesu ka?" Katsu flicked his eyes and gestured slowly towards the shadowy cove behind them. He couldn't picture anyone on their shores speaking this language without knowing of Tojo-kai or his father. "Pātī made tsurete kaerimasu kara, tsuite kite kudasai." It was comforting, actually, to speak this language with someone who didn't belong to his pack or family. His usual trepidation with greeting and interacting with new wolves burned off like so much mist beneath a high noon sun. She must belong here, mustn't she?

coded by NachoMumma

