After speaking with his father over the embers of the pack's nighttime fire, Katsu had committed to redoubling his efforts in training. He could only do what was within his control and at the very least he had mastery over his body and mind. What he chose to do with those things, however, was another situation entirely. As much as he wanted to remain shamefully hidden and feeding the stray cats small morsels, the metallic tang of blood in the air told him that he'd better move to find the source. His father's companions rushed by and hung between them was the battered, shredded form of Ochitsuki...
Kat quickened his pace until he reached the distant edge of the Maze and locked eyes with his father. Based on the spread of the blood and the violence of it all, it didn't seem to be a planned attack. No, this was the leavings of a massive, violent predator. The pungent musk of bear was unmistakable. He could smell them nearby but they still hadn't emerged, so Katsu waited as his throat grew ever tighter to see the bears emerge.