
Mouser's Post Log



03-29-2013, 12:32 AM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2013, 05:02 PM by Ashtoreth.)

001. UNEXPECTED REFUGE: with Leon (Winter Y0)

Stumbling upon the Veronica Plains of the new Alacritis, Ashtoreth was found by Leon, another Valhallan member who she had met once before. Banding together, they set off in search of their home, providing support and reassurance to each other along the way.

002. I WON'T GIVE UP ON US: with the Valhallan pack (Winter Y0)

The efforts put in by Ashtoreth and Leon were rewarded when they finally found their pack and were welcomed back into the midst of all those they considered friend and family alike.

003. SAND AND SURF: with no one (Winter Y0)

Enjoying her first day back with her pack, Ashtoreth sought out the quiet shoreline, letting the waves and gulls lull her to peace.

004. CARRY ME, CARRY ME, CARRY ME NOW: with the Valhallan pack (Spring Y1)

Called together by their new leader, Collision, Ashtoreth joined the Valhalla pack meeting to request a position among the hunters and was happily approved of for her choice.

005. JOIN THE HUNT: with Chrysanthe, Leon, and Thane (Spring Y1)

Having been appointed a hunter for the pack, Asthoreth sought out Thane, the newly appointed Lead Hunter, and made plans to begin a hunt. Joined unexpectedly by the Lead Warrior, Leon, and Beta, Chrysanthe, the doubled hunting party set out.

006. BAD WEATHER, GOOD COMPANY: with Leon (Spring Y1)

As thunderstorms ravaged across the Valhallan territory, Ashtoreth retreated from a failed patrol sweep in search of cover from the storm, and was saved by the chivalrous Leon. Brought to the safety of his den, she dried and chatted with her rescuer, and tried to ignore the unexpected feelings stirred by his presence.

007. FAMILIAR LANDSCAPE: with Calantha (Summer Y1)

Taking advantage of a break in the weather, Ashtoreth headed into the Plains in the west to stretch her legs and enjoy the cloudy but dry day.


Wandering the forest in search of prey for a hunt later with Thane now that the weather was better, the grey wolf stumbled upon the resting form of the Valhallan Lead Healer and struck up a conversation.

009. YOU BETTER BE GOOD TO ME: with the Valhallan Pack (Summer Y1)

Gathering with the rest of the pack at Aislyn's call, Ashtoreth listened as Collision informed them of new plans for their pack and the subsequent unrest that ran through some of the pack's members.

010. RAINY DAY CONVERSATIONS: with no one (Summer Y1)

Wandering through a drizzling rain, Ash scouted the Valhallan camp for something to do.

011. CAUGHT IN A STORM: with Domovei (Summer Y1)

Venturing outside of the pack lands, Ashtoreth found herself caught in another thunderstorm and stumbled into another out braving the troublesome weather. She sought help from him, but the wolf turned on her, injuring her leg before fleeing the scene.

012. NEW DISCOVERIES: with Prospero (Summer Y1)

Preceding the last thread, Ashtoreth wandered across the western side of Alacritia to find the Wolfpaw Lake, as well as what appeared to be a half dead wolf who was still alive.

013. UNSTEADY RETURN: with Eris and Ookami (Autumn Y1)

Injured and in pain, the grey wolf made it back to the border of the Valhallan territory and rested there where she was approached by Ookami and a lone healer named Eris. Following the healer's instructions, she was able to have her leg tended to.

014. DEMONS NEVER DIE: with the Valhallan pack (Autumn Y1)

The ex-alpha Cairo called the pack together and Ash answered, learning that the stability of the pack was still in question as well as the leadership.

015. WALKING THE EDGE: with Thane (Autumn Y1)

Wanting to work out the soreness in her injured leg's muscles, Ashtoreth took a hesitant walk along the ravine and was joined by Thane, the Lead Hunter. Admitting to him her injury and negligence to her job, he eased her worries and lightened her spirit.

016. SET APART THIS DREAM: with the Valhallan pack (Winter Y1)

Answering the call of the newly appointed Valhallan Alpha, Chrysanthe, Ashtoreth attended the meeting learned that she had been given the new rank of Psi, Lead Hunter.

017. SILENT WHISPERS SILENT TEARS: with Leon (Winter Y1)

Having made her first successful catch since her injury had healed, Ashtoreth had been on her way to rest when she heard an all too familiar voice. She followed the call to find Leon at the border of the territory, returned to Valhalla at last and ready to stay for good.

018. DEJA VU: with Meili (Spring Y2)

Following a flood that swept through the Valhallan territories and caused them to seek shelter in higher grounds, Ash ventured outside of their borders in a storm on an impromptu hunt, abandoning her efforts after making the acquaintance of a new addition to the pack: Meili, a prospective hunter.

019. BEND BUT DON'T BREAK: with Maverick (Spring Y2)

On a random, ill-thought whim, Ashtoreth left the safety of her home to visit the Battlefield where she met Maverick, the Seracian Prince married to the once Valhallan Alpha, Epiphron. Agreeing to a spar, they battled with Maverick ending up the victor.

020. QUIET OF MORNING: with no one (Spring Y2)

Escaping from the cramped quarters of her temporary den, the Valhallan Psi took an early morning stroll to loosen her stiff joints.

021. CHICK CHAT: with Meili (Summer Y2)

After befriending the new potential hunter, Meili, Ashtoreth sought her out again for some friendly conversation which turned into confession for the both of them regarding the guy troubles they both presently had.

022. BUY THE STARS: with the Valhallan pack (Summer Y2)

Called together by Chrysanthe, Ashtoreth and the rest of the pack were informed of changes to the pack and an impending challenge for one of their own.

023. DISTRACTIONS: with Leon (Autumn Y2)

Distracted by thoughts of Leon, Ash was joined after a failed hunt by none other than him.

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1. Mouser's Post Log Postlogs 12:32 AM, 03-29-2013 11:53 AM, 01-10-2024