
Mouser's Post Log



03-29-2013, 12:32 AM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2013, 05:02 PM by Ashtoreth.)

001. UNEXPECTED REFUGE: with Leon (Winter Y0)

Stumbling upon the Veronica Plains of the new Alacritis, Ashtoreth was found by Leon, another Valhallan member who she had met once before. Banding together, they set off in search of their home, providing support and reassurance to each other along the way.

002. I WON'T GIVE UP ON US: with the Valhallan pack (Winter Y0)

The efforts put in by Ashtoreth and Leon were rewarded when they finally found their pack and were welcomed back into the midst of all those they considered friend and family alike.

003. SAND AND SURF: with no one (Winter Y0)

Enjoying her first day back with her pack, Ashtoreth sought out the quiet shoreline, letting the waves and gulls lull her to peace.

004. CARRY ME, CARRY ME, CARRY ME NOW: with the Valhallan pack (Spring Y1)

Called together by their new leader, Collision, Ashtoreth joined the Valhalla pack meeting to request a position among the hunters and was happily approved of for her choice.

005. JOIN THE HUNT: with Chrysanthe, Leon, and Thane (Spring Y1)

Having been appointed a hunter for the pack, Asthoreth sought out Thane, the newly appointed Lead Hunter, and made plans to begin a hunt. Joined unexpectedly by the Lead Warrior, Leon, and Beta, Chrysanthe, the doubled hunting party set out.

006. BAD WEATHER, GOOD COMPANY: with Leon (Spring Y1)

As thunderstorms ravaged across the Valhallan territory, Ashtoreth retreated from a failed patrol sweep in search of cover from the storm, and was saved by the chivalrous Leon. Brought to the safety of his den, she dried and chatted with her rescuer, and tried to ignore the unexpected feelings stirred by his presence.

007. FAMILIAR LANDSCAPE: with Calantha (Summer Y1)

Taking advantage of a break in the weather, Ashtoreth headed into the Plains in the west to stretch her legs and enjoy the cloudy but dry day.


Wandering the forest in search of prey for a hunt later with Thane now that the weather was better, the grey wolf stumbled upon the resting form of the Valhallan Lead Healer and struck up a conversation.

009. YOU BETTER BE GOOD TO ME: with the Valhallan Pack (Summer Y1)

Gathering with the rest of the pack at Aislyn's call, Ashtoreth listened as Collision informed them of new plans for their pack and the subsequent unrest that ran through some of the pack's members.

010. RAINY DAY CONVERSATIONS: with no one (Summer Y1)

Wandering through a drizzling rain, Ash scouted the Valhallan camp for something to do.

011. CAUGHT IN A STORM: with Domovei (Summer Y1)

Venturing outside of the pack lands, Ashtoreth found herself caught in another thunderstorm and stumbled into another out braving the troublesome weather. She sought help from him, but the wolf turned on her, injuring her leg before fleeing the scene.

012. NEW DISCOVERIES: with Prospero (Summer Y1)

Preceding the last thread, Ashtoreth wandered across the western side of Alacritia to find the Wolfpaw Lake, as well as what appeared to be a half dead wolf who was still alive.

013. UNSTEADY RETURN: with Eris and Ookami (Autumn Y1)

Injured and in pain, the grey wolf made it back to the border of the Valhallan territory and rested there where she was approached by Ookami and a lone healer named Eris. Following the healer's instructions, she was able to have her leg tended to.

014. DEMONS NEVER DIE: with the Valhallan pack (Autumn Y1)

The ex-alpha Cairo called the pack together and Ash answered, learning that the stability of the pack was still in question as well as the leadership.

015. WALKING THE EDGE: with Thane (Autumn Y1)

Wanting to work out the soreness in her injured leg's muscles, Ashtoreth took a hesitant walk along the ravine and was joined by Thane, the Lead Hunter. Admitting to him her injury and negligence to her job, he eased her worries and lightened her spirit.

016. SET APART THIS DREAM: with the Valhallan pack (Winter Y1)

Answering the call of the newly appointed Valhallan Alpha, Chrysanthe, Ashtoreth attended the meeting learned that she had been given the new rank of Psi, Lead Hunter.

017. SILENT WHISPERS SILENT TEARS: with Leon (Winter Y1)

Having made her first successful catch since her injury had healed, Ashtoreth had been on her way to rest when she heard an all too familiar voice. She followed the call to find Leon at the border of the territory, returned to Valhalla at last and ready to stay for good.

018. DEJA VU: with Meili (Spring Y2)

Following a flood that swept through the Valhallan territories and caused them to seek shelter in higher grounds, Ash ventured outside of their borders in a storm on an impromptu hunt, abandoning her efforts after making the acquaintance of a new addition to the pack: Meili, a prospective hunter.

019. BEND BUT DON'T BREAK: with Maverick (Spring Y2)

On a random, ill-thought whim, Ashtoreth left the safety of her home to visit the Battlefield where she met Maverick, the Seracian Prince married to the once Valhallan Alpha, Epiphron. Agreeing to a spar, they battled with Maverick ending up the victor.

020. QUIET OF MORNING: with no one (Spring Y2)

Escaping from the cramped quarters of her temporary den, the Valhallan Psi took an early morning stroll to loosen her stiff joints.

021. CHICK CHAT: with Meili (Summer Y2)

After befriending the new potential hunter, Meili, Ashtoreth sought her out again for some friendly conversation which turned into confession for the both of them regarding the guy troubles they both presently had.

022. BUY THE STARS: with the Valhallan pack (Summer Y2)

Called together by Chrysanthe, Ashtoreth and the rest of the pack were informed of changes to the pack and an impending challenge for one of their own.

023. DISTRACTIONS: with Leon (Autumn Y2)

Distracted by thoughts of Leon, Ash was joined after a failed hunt by none other than him.



03-29-2013, 12:55 AM

001. REST AT LAST: with Crusade and Secret (Winter Y0)

Wandering the southern reaches of the new Alacritis, Mercianne happened upon a member of the Tortuga pack, a she-wolf named Secret. While conversing with her, the Glaciem Chief, Crusade, joined them, and so Merci took a backseat while her leader carried on the conversation before they set off in search of their new home.

002. A SENSE OF NORMALCY: with Toprak (Winter Y0)

Exploring the north territories while the Glaciem gathered and regrouped, Mercianne took in the sights of the northern Wall and met the quirky but friendly wolf Toprak who reintroduced her to play and became her first real friend in the new lands.

003. WHERE THE SNOW MEETS THE SKY: with the Glaciem pack (Winter Y0)

Following the call of Crusade's brother, Mercianne joined the Glaciem's first pack meeting to see who all of their pack still remained and learn of their new Chief, Gargoyle.

004. LAKESIDE COMFORT: with Ocena (Winter Y0)

Exploring the forest and open space beside the lake at the center of the Glaciem lands, Mercianne is met by Ocena, a sweet tempered and jovial wolf who strikes up a pleasant conversation with her.

005. FAR FROM HOME: with Scipio (Spring Y1)

Venturing further down south on a whim, Merci met the golden wolf Scipio, a quiet and gentle soul who oddly enough still made her feel awkward and shy in his presence. Agreeing to keep him company and fight his loneliness for a night, she hunkered down with him in the Range to share stories and wait for morning.

006. THE ART OF HEALING: with Asheni (Spring Y1)

Meeting the exuberant Lead Healer of the Glaciem, Mercianne braved her fears and asked to learn the trade of healing, and was rewarded for her efforts with approval from Asheni and they wasted no time in beginning her training.

007. A GAME OF SORTS: with the Glaciem pack (Spring Y1)

Drawn to the center of the Glaciem territory by the sounds of excitement, Mercianne joined in a random game of tag and happily raced around with her pack mates, feeling for once like a real part of the pack.

008. RESTLESS STROLL: with Awaken and Sixx (Summer Y1)

Driven out of the Glaciem by an unexpected restlessness, Mercianne traveled to the Sparse Pines for a change of scenery. Running into a wolf who sought acceptance into the Glaciem, Merci promised to assist Awaken with troubling visions he had been having and spent a long afternoon with him. By night, however, they were attacked by someone claiming to be Awaken's brother, and ordered to leave, Merci left the male wolf to fight off the crazed loner.

009. RECONNECTING: with Toprak (Spring Y1)

Wandering outside of the Glaciem territory, Mercianne was practically run into by her first friend, Toprak, and spent a good day catching up with him and playing as they once had before.

010. QUIET AS THE SNOW: with Awaken, Gargoyle, and Sixx (Autumn Y1)

Having arrived back to the Glaciem before Awaken, Mercianne stayed at its border to greet him and tend to his wounds, only to be found by the psychotic Sixx yet again. With Gargoyle's help, Awaken was able to hold him and get him to leave.

011. MOURNING DOVES: with the Glaciem pack (Autumn Y1)

Called by a pack meeting, Merci gathered with the pack to listen to Gargoyle announce that Asheni had been murdered and that her attacker was still on the loose.

012. FORESHADOWING: with Awaken, Gargoyle, Ithurial, and Sixx (Winter Y1)

Happening upon Ithurial in a mad race for help, Mercianne followed her to find Awaken unscathed after another run in with his "brother," after which point they were caught in a white out and forced to seek shelter together.

013. FALSE RECOGNITION: with Calder (Winter Y1)

Venturing out of the Glaciem territory, Mercianne went to visit the Cathedral Point, only to be stopped by a wolf claiming to know her by another name.

014. SHELTER: with Gargoyle and Toprak (Winter Y1)

Seeking shelter during another white out, Mercianne led her friend Toprak into Glaciem territory where they were found by Gargoyle.

015. TRAINING: with Midnight, Orica, Soleil, and Tiberious (Winter Y1)

Following the call of the Valhallan healer, Mercianne sat through a training session to learn more about the healing craft.

016. GOOD DAY FOR DEATH TO STRIKE: with Awaken, Cross, Kairos, Ithurial, and Sixx (Winter Y1)

While spending time with a few of the Glaciem pups, the group was attacked by Sixx, Kairos being injured and Ithurial being blinded. Awaken was quickly on the scene and ended his brother's life while Mercianne tended to the injured.

017. THE STRENGTH TO CARRY ON: with Awaken, Gargoyle, Orica, and Zanire (Spring Y2)

Learning of a challenge against the Glaciem's claim to their territory, and of the loss of the battle by their leader, Mericanne hurriedly sought him out to tend to his wounds and find out what would become of their future.

018. MANIFEST DESTINY: with the Glaciem Tortugan pack (Spring Y2)

Following her leader, Mercianne and the rest of the devoted Glaciem wolves left their northern home in the hands of the victorious challenger Eos to settle instead in the abandoned Tortuga territory.

019. ON PINS AND NEEDLES: with Awaken (Spring Y2)

Called to Awaken's rescue to assist in the removal of porcupine quills from the male's face, Awaken confessed his love to her, and admitting her love to him they made their mateship properly official.

020. YOU DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO: with the Glaciem Tortugan pack (Spring Y2)

Called together by Gargoyle, the Chief informed his pack that they would be abandoning their territory because of a volcano and anyone who would wish to could travel with him in a nomadic band. Too devoted to the group to leave them, Mercianne and Awaken both agreed to remain with Gargoyle and his band of Snow Rogues.

021. SECRETS OF THE HEART: with Gargoyle (Spring Y2)

While gathering her herbs, Gargoyle happened to find her and request her help in aiding Ocena during the future birth of the leader's second litter of pups. Honored, Mercianne readily agreed.

022. THE LOVE THAT BINDS US: with Awaken (Spring Y2)

After realizing that the union she had made with Awaken had taken, Mercianne called nervously to her mate to tell him the joyous news: they were expecting puppies.

023. WHAT TO EXPECT: with Erani and Imena (Spring Y2)

After agreeing to help Ocena with her potentially challenging birth, Mercianne went to visit Valhalla, where her prior instructor, Soleil, hailed from. Meeting with one of their den mothers, Imena, and their Lead Healer, Erani, she learned of many helpful plants and took with her many new ways to help both Ocena and herself when it came time to give birth.

024. WELCOME TO EXISTENCE: with Galahad, Gargoyle, Ocena, Odette, Oracle, and Orica (Summer Y2)

A call from Ocena drew Mercianne away from her meticulous organization of herbs and she rushed to assist her pregnant friend through her delivery with Orica's help. Three healthy pups were born.

025. ONLY THE BEGINNING: with Clover, Cloud, Crow, Emery, Kestrel, Orica, and Sage (Summer Y2)

Only hours after assisting Ocena with her litter, Mercianne gave birth to her own large litter of six with Orica standing by and keeping watch, all the while wondering in the back of her mind where Awaken had run off to.

026. REMEMBER THE NAME: with Knight Cloud (Summer Y2)

Nervously leaving her pups to search for a quick meal, the Snow Rogue healer was happened upon by another wolf who introduced himself as Knight Cloud and offered politely to help her find something to eat so she could return home faster.

027. TAKE ME SOMEWHERE NICE: with Clover, Cloud, Crow, Emery, Kestrel, and Sage (Summer Y2)

Now that the pups were of age to leave the den, Mercianne allowed them to do so, keeping a close eye on them and fretting internally about her children while they played.

Rune I


5 Years
03-29-2013, 01:00 AM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2013, 06:28 PM by Rune I.)

001. IT'S A DANGEROUS WORLD WE LIVE IN: with Maia and Vixe (Spring Y1)

Woken from a nap by his adventurous sister, Rune dragged himself from his mother's side and went to investigate what it was his siblings were up to and was drawn into an impromptu game of tag.

002. NO LAUGHING MATTER: with the Tortugan pack (Summer Y1)

Drawn by the call of the Vecaan, Rune attended his first pack meeting and listened as Morphine instructed their pack execute caution and prepare themselves as warriors.

003. SECRET FEAR: with Kylar and Luce (Summer Y1)

Determined to spend time with his father, Rune sought out the wolf and found him tending to an injured and unconscious she-wolf. Standing by to assist, Rune observed and helped as he was able.

004. BROTHER BONDING: with Vixe (Autumn Y1)

Woken from sleep by his brother, Rune reluctantly crawled out of their den to listen and learn of what was troubling his sibling.

005. THE DEVIL IN STITCHES: with the Tortugan pack (Autumn Y1)

Called to yet another pack meeting, Rune was surprised to realize that the Vecaans Kaien and Morphine had been overthrown and that Desdemona and Nnoitra ruled in their place.

006. ONE LAST VISIT: with Secret (Winter Y1)

Finding his mother's scent within the pack lands after a long absence, Rune followed her to the Kamui Delta to spend some time with her while he could.

007. COMING OF AGE: with Alamea (Winter Y1)

Becoming ensnared in the Rustling Thicket, Rune found himself stuck with a pretty white wolf around his age. Finding her somewhat strange, he offered to help her out anyway, hoping to practice his conversation skills with her.

008. I HOPE ALL DOGS GO TO HEAVEN: with Calder (Winter Y1)

Taking an adventure outside of Tortugan territory, Rune found himself beside the Sunset Falls in the company of a white male wolf.

009. LOOSE LEAF: with Seraphine (Spring Y2)

Keeping himself busy in the absence of his family within the lands of his home, Rune came upon a curious little black wolf, scarred with burn markings and missing an ear and a tail. Trying to be friendly, he attempted to converse with her.

010. I'M BACK BITCHES: with Morphine and Tikaani (Spring Y2)

Soon after the disbandment of his pack, Rune stumbled across another returning Tortugan looking to join their ranks again, not knowing the northern wolves had taken over. But to his surprise Morphine greeted them instead, professing to having reinstated her reign over the kingdom again.

011. A MELANCHOLY TOWN WHERE WE NEVER SMILE: with the New Tortugan pack (Spring Y2)

After learning that the Tortuga pack was under the rule of a wolf he knew and more or less trusted, Rune decided to return to them despite still knowing nothing of the whereabouts of his family.

012. WAYS AND MEANS: with Ares (Summer Y2)

Finally getting a chance to meet one of Morphine's kids, Rune introduced himself to the young Ares and proceeded to speak to him of pack issues and go on an impromptu hunt.

013. CHANCES TO MOVE MOUNTAINS: with Morphine (Summer Y2)

Taking to spending time at the territory's borders, Rune was there when Morphine walked by, stopping to have a small conversation with him regarding where he would be sent to do reconnaissance for the pack.

014. I'VE LOST MY WAY, CAN YOU HELP ME: with Maia (Summer Y2)

Venturing beyond Tortugan borders, Rune caught the scent of his sister and followed her into the north, finding her holed up inside a cave. He stayed to speak with her about their family, the loss of their mother, and how she had been doing.

015. HELLO, HELLO AGAIN: with Alamea (Summer Y2)

Running across the little white she-wolf he had helped out of the Thicket half a year earlier, Rune quickly caught up with her and learned that she liked him. Which was good with him; he liked her too.

016. KISS ME HARD BEFORE YOU GO: with Kylar, Maia, and Viridiana (Summer Y2)

Hearing his father's call, Rune readily answered, eager to find out what had become of the rest of his family after learning of his mother's passing earlier.

017. TO PLAY THE GAME: with Surreal (Summer Y2)

Learning of the loss of Morphine's reign on Tortuga, Rune ventured to the Delta in order to clear his mind and try to determine what to do from there. He was eventually joined by a grey wolf named Surreal, who did her best to keep conversation going between them.

018. TRIAL NUMBER ONE: with Artemis, Cormalin, and Surreal (Autumn Y2)

Heading to the Battlefield, Rune called for a spar and was answered by the Valhallan Beta, Cormalin, who graciously accepted.



7 Years
05-16-2013, 12:37 AM (This post was last modified: 09-12-2013, 07:07 PM by Tahlia.)

001. TOURING THE SOUTH: with Eris (Summer Y1)

Arriving in the land of Alacritia, Tahlia found herself in the south in the heart of summer and sought solace within a system of caverns where she found the pleasant company of the she-wolf Eris.

002. GOOD FIRST IMPRESSIONS: with Maverick (Summer Y1)

Traveling along the south, she happened to come across a pack territory and after inquiring about it from the prince of the territory himself she determined it to be her ideal home. After a brief tour guided by Prince Maverick, Tahlia was welcomed into Seracia.

003. IT'S A VERY VERY MAD WORLD: with Misty (Autumn Y1)

Beginning to wish for a family of her own, Tahlia was surprised to find a young pup wandering by herself and stopped to have an enriching conversation and adventure by the lake with the bold little girl named Misty.

004. WALK THROUGH HISTORY: with Judas (Autumn Y1)

Venturing out of the Range and toward the Veteran's Plateau, Tahlia found another wolf wondering the metallic remains named Judas and struck up a conversation with him.

005. WHITE WEDDING: with the Seracian and Valhallan packs (Winter Y1)

Following the rest of her pack eagerly, Tahlia traveled with them to the Valhallan territory in order to witness the wedding of the Seracian Prince Maverick to the Valhallan's pervious Alpha, Epiphron.

006. TURN OFF ALL THE LIGHTS: with Dragomir (Winter Y1)

A pleasant trip to the shallow tide pools turned dangerous when Tahlia found herself within the company of an ill-intending wolf. Threatened with becoming a piece in his collection of women, Tahlia ran the moment she saw an escape.

007. DEMONS: with Elphaba (Winter Y1)

Falling prey to a spur of the moment nap beside the lake, Tahlia woke to kick herself into productive mode. But before she could get far, she found another Seracian wolf, Elphaba, and attempted to be social.

008. ESTRANGED LUPA: with Esmerelda (Winter Y1)

Losing an attempt to deal with a pest due to a distraction, Tahlia followed the howl that had distracted her to find a wolf upon the pack's border. The wolf introduced herself as Esmerelda and, with approval from Maverick, Tahlia was able to accept her into the pack herself.

009. RADIANT: with Sirius (Spring Y2)

Daring to visit the beach again after her run in with the shadowy wolf, Tahlia explored a large crystalline cavern in the company of a wolf who called himself Sirius.

010. LUCKY CATCH: with Bane (Spring Y2)

Plans to spend her day fishing and swimming in the lake were abandoned when one of her pack, a scarred, older male named Bane, had injured himself. The first to arrive on the scene, Tahlia followed his instructions to patch up the large punctured hole in his side, all the while finding herself strangely attracted to his rugged ways.

011. WHAT A WASTE: with Tyberius and Vladimir (Spring Y2)

Pouting within the prairie over still being single, Tahlia was harassed by a three-legged male wolf, Tyberius, and supposedly rescued by another male, Vladimir. Liking neither of them overmuch, she wasted no time in departing when she found an opening to do so.

012. LAY ME DOWN ON A BED OF ROSES: with the Seracian pack (Spring Y2)

Answering a distressed call made by the King, Tahlia arrived at the pack's communal burial site to notice a freshly dug grave: the grave of the once Seracian queen, Adette. Following the news of Gerhardt's victory in his challenge, and the requested death of his ex-wife, the King stepped down, appointing Maverick in his place, who them promoted his wife, father, sister, and Loccian to ranks of prestige and responsibility.

013. WHY: with Loccian and Maverick (Spring Y2)

Finding Loccian near the graves on the pack's territory, Tahlia curiously came closer to realize that she was burying a pup, a sweet innocent named Reficul. Feeling helpless and distraught over the injustice herself, she played witness to the mother's grief and Maverick's assistance with finishing the burial.

014. A SIMPLE THANK YOU: with Bane (Summer Y2)

After seeing Bane again and learning that his side had healed well, she learned also that he was a widower - just as she was a widow - and had illegitimate pups due soon by an Amenti woman. With a little prodding from a passing snow leopard and a little time to think, she agreed to be his mate anyway.

015. SPIRIT OF ADVENTURE: with Aeil, Avalon, and Dragon (Summer Y2)

Drawn to the shoreline of the mainland, Tahlia followed along a narrow strip of sand to a surrounding island and explored after finding a trio of other wolves already there and planning the same.

016. UNDER THE CYPRESS TREES: with Kusugra (Summer Y2)

Having ventured back to the shoreline for some thinking time, Tahlia began to head up the shore toward the trees and was stopped by a large, black jaguar. Frightened but stubborn, she refused to do as he said and angered him, but managed to escape the encounter with her life.

017. EVERY FIRE IS A LESSON LEARNED: with Alena, Bane, Calix, Jian, Lel, Mako, Nako, and Tocan (Summer Y2)

Following Bane's instructions, Tahlia followed his scent outside of Seracia in search of the location the Amenti wolf Alena was to have his children, and found him at a den beside a river. She stayed close by as the last of the five pups were born and a passing healer stopped to assist the mother.

018. THOSE WHO FIGHT FURTHER: with Bane (Autumn Y2)

Learning that she was in season, Tahlia wasted no time in seeking out her mate and husband Bane to request pups and a family from him, which he happily agreed to.

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