
Skill Claims



02-10-2015, 05:05 PM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2023, 12:35 PM by Nyx. Edited 1 time in total.)

Fighting Skill Points

Fighting threads still require 3+ rounds each, even if the fights themselves are 2 rounds.
In the case of claiming for "won an official fight by default", you do not need the required 3+ rounds each.

5 points
  • Participated in a non-judged fight with a clear outcome
  • Fought a small predator (fisher, fox, coyote, ocelot, etc)

10 points
  • Gave a fight lesson (not including a spar) to another character.
  • Got a fighting lesson (not including a spar) from another character.
  • Participated in any official fight (without winning)
  • Won an official fight by default
  • Crafted an item related to battle (example: weapons, armor, etc)
  • Fought a medium sized predator (cougar, jaguar, black bear, coyote pack, etc)

15 points
  • Won an official fight against someone of equal or lower Fighting rank
  • Fought a large predator (grizzly bear, lion, tiger, polar bear, etc)
  • Participated in fight training (not including a spar, 3+ characters)

20 points
  • Won an official fight against someone of higher Fighting rank
  • Won an official melee fight (vs 2+ opponents)
  • Participated in a siege and was on the losing side
  • Participated in a raid (doesn't count if the other side defaults)

25 points
  • Participated in a siege and was on the winning side

50 points
  • Won a judged deathmatch
  • Won 10 judged fights

Hunting Skill Points

All hunt threads being claimed for skill points must have a clearly defined kill played out, unless otherwise specified.
If you choose to hunt a young version of a prey animal, you may count that as one size category down. For example, a bison might be considered a large prey animal, but a young bison could be hunted as a medium prey animal.

10 points
  • Participated in a hunt training thread (2+ participants)
  • Tracked and killed any small animal, including fish
  • Captured any live small animal
  • Failed a solo hunt (800+ word post)
  • Tracked another character
  • Harvested a trade, food, or crafting item from an animal
  • Collected an item related to hunting (example: wood for traps, flint for knives, etc.)

15 points
  • Received a hunting lesson from another character
  • Gave another character a hunting lesson
  • Tracked and killed any medium prey animal (2+ participants)
  • Captured any live medium animal (2+ participants)
  • Crafted an item related to hunting (example: tanned hides, snares, etc.)
  • Built an animal enclosure (cage, pen, etc.)
  • Failed any hunt (2+ participants)

20 points
  • Participated in hunt training, 3+ characters

30 points
  • Tracked and killed any large prey animal (4+ participants)
  • Captured any live large animal (4+ participants)
  • Completed first solo hunt of any small prey animal (800+ word post with a character under 1 Year)

35 points
  • Crafted and used a snare/trap to be used in a hunt (3+ rounds each, for both the crafting and the hunt)

40 points
  • Hunted an extra-large prey animal [i.e. Rhino, Hippo, Elephant, Giraffe, Whales] (6+ participants)

50 points
  • Hunted 10 different prey animals successfully

Healing Skill Points

10 points

  • Collected an herb
  • Mixed a concoction of herbs
  • Planted an herb, flower, or other plant
  • Practiced applications of healing tools (herbs, bandages, poultices, etc.)
  • Applied a piercing
  • Gave a tattoo or scar (for cosmetic reasons)
  • Concocted a poison
  • Poisoned another character

15 points
  • Received a healing lesson from another character
  • Gave another character a healing lesson
  • Healed a wound or ailment, or prescribed a treatment
  • Diagnosed an ailment, wound, or pregnancy
  • Gave a character a medical check-up
  • Crafted an item related to healing (example: ointments, tisanes, bandages, etc.)
  • Researched the cause of death of another character

20 points
  • Participated in healing training, 3+ characters

30 points
  • Aided in a birth (birth must be fully completed)
  • First solo herb-collecting trip (800 word post with a character under 1 Year)
  • First patient tended to (unaided by a more experienced healer)

50 points
  • Healed 10 characters successfully

Navigation Skill Points

10 points

  • Participated in an official race (without winning)
  • Explored a new land
  • Crossed difficult terrain
  • Studied the stars
  • Studied weather patterns
  • Patrolled a border (whether pack border or temporary land, etc.)

15 points
  • Won an official race
  • Gave or received a lesson in astronomy, weather, or traversing difficult terrain
  • Found water (or other resource not related to healing or hunting) during a successful raid
  • Crafted an item related to navigation (example: compass, sunstone, dowsing rod, etc.)
  • Crafted temporary shelter

20 points
  • Participated in a weather-related random event
  • Home Turf (have more than 10 threads in one land)
  • Participated in navigation training, 3+ characters

30 points
  • First solo exploration (800 word post with a character under 1 Year)

50 points
  • Explored 10 different lands
  • Visited every island in Ardent

60 points
  • Visited every land in Northern Boreas
  • Visited every land in Eastern Boreas
  • Visited every land in Southern Boreas
  • Visited every land in Western Boreas
  • Visited every land in Auster

Intellect Skill Points

10 points

  • Met someone new
  • Got to know a pack member/bandmate (cannot claim multiple times for the same person)
  • Made a trade as a rogue
  • Gave or received advice about a social issue
  • Relayed information from one character to another
  • Reached an agreement between 2 or more characters
  • Taught a lesson not related to other skills (ex - history, etiquette, language, religion)
  • Was taught a lesson not related to other skills (ex - history, etiquette, language, religion)
  • Played a game of strategy
  • Attended a festival
  • Collected an item to be used in crafting something unrelated to other skills

15 points
  • Advised an alpha on a major pack issue
  • Performed a ceremony
  • Attended a ceremony
  • Performed a religious act
  • Engaged in a performance (i.e. singing, dancing)
  • Crafted an item not related to any other skill (example: necklace, decorative pottery, etc.)

20 points
  • Negotiated a truce between two rival packs/bands
  • Negotiated a trade between two packs/bands
  • Negotiated an alliance between two friendly packs/bands
  • Resolved an issue between two packs/bands
  • Participated in training unrelated to the other 4 skills, 3+ characters (i.e. history, etiquette, language, religion)

30 points
  • Organized a festival (5+ participants)

50 points
  • Met 10 different characters

Seasonal Skill Prompts

Skill Prompts for Spring, Year 20

When claiming seasonal skill prompts, please format them as follows:
Seasonal Skill Prompt - Spring, Year 20 (Solo OR Group)

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. Skill Claims Updates/Events Archive 10:04 AM, 02-02-2015 09:25 AM, 07-02-2024
2. Skill Claims Maintenance 09:25 AM, 07-02-2024 09:29 AM, 04-23-2024