
Without You [Blu]


05-18-2013, 03:57 PM

Blu would watch absolutely horrified at the venom that Aislyn spewed at her beloved, and she would watch, her own soul cracking as her words pierced Chronos like daggers. Her schizophrenia had paralyzed her, prevented her from speech, and she never registered the tears that dripped from her maw until Chronos vanished from her sight. Aislyn would speak to her and her words would be cold, biting... and suddenly that fear vanished and resolution seeded itself in the confines of her being.

Aislyn would dismiss her without even bothering to wait for her to respond. What had happened to Valhalla? She had once had such great respect for Aislyn and now it seemed the woman could not be bothered. Like Blu was nothing more than a waste of space, a breath of air. She wasn't worth anymore of the woman's time. No... courage, inspired strength flooded her being and before the ivory dame could get very far, Blu's vocals would ring, strong and true. Calling to the woman with absolution, she cared not if the woman ever turned around.

"I served Valhalla loyally for years! A healer, a medic! When my parents came to finish what they started and tore my leg from my bodice, Chronos was the only one to come for me! Valhalla was nowhere to be found! When the volcano erupted, I was forgotten, left behind, but despite all of these things, I never blamed Valhalla, I understood the pack had more important things to tend too, more important things to see too, than my own safety, there was never anything for me to forgive Valhalla for. But... but for you to snap at Chronos, just because he was trying to defend me after you failed to remember me... I cannot forgive you for that! I don't want to be a part of something that is fueled by such hatred! There has been too much destruction in my life! You have made it abundantly clear that Valhalla does not need him nor do you care if he leaves, he has gone through so much and you don't even have the common courtesy to help him! Isn't that what Valhalla stands for? Family! I don't want your invitation or your acceptance. Valhalla is not my home and I turn my back on how despicable Valhalla has become!" It was the longest speech the tiny wolf had ever given, the most she had ever spoke in a single sentence, but at the end of her winded speech she tore away from Valhalla, running, to the best of her ability, on her three limbs. Away from Valhalla, away from the place she once considered her safe haven, and chasing after the wolf who was her home.

-Exit Blu-
