
The Heort�



4 Years
Extra large
11-18-2014, 07:17 PM
Today was the day. He was going to publicly announce his love for Phoebe to his new pack and all those gathered to witness their union...And Conan was nervous. Boy was he nervous. The behemoth had never been nervous before. Perhaps when he had been a pup, but since having come into his adulthood, nervousness hadn't been something he'd experienced in quite some time. But it was hitting him quite hard that day, especially after having bid his wife-to-be goodmorning before heading off towards the celebration. As always, it was uncomfortable to be parted from Phoebe's side, but for the sake of the ceremony, he would bare it. He knew that his little warrior would be taken away by her female relatives to be readied for the ceremony and he could only respect their customs as he awaited for the moment that he got to say "i do".

The sooty behemoth would make his way towards the lake where all those attending were to gather before the festivities began. He would arrive just in time to catch his sister-in-law's speech to the gathered wolves. Ruby eyes would scan the crowd of wolves that had come, spotting many unknown faces among the few pantheon members that he vaguely memorized. Conan would keep to himself as he moved to be closer to Natalya, not exactly next to her, but close enough that he was within a few paces of her. Despite this being a chance to intermingle and meet new wolves, the titan had no real interest in doing so. Haunches would fold beneath the man as he sat, simply observing those present as he bid his time until he was to see his lovely Phoebe again.


11-18-2014, 07:51 PM

He would trail behind Menix, not walking with his wife just yet. He didn?t want to talk to anyone, had been forced to promise not to make a scene and he was going to do his best to do just that? But he wasn?t going to be happy about it. He would tail behind a bit, following the Adarveni until they crossed into packlands. He would slow a bit more, hanging back when Cat made her introductions. Eyes would shift to the black eyed woman but would not speak, not yet. He would stand like a bull in a china shop, afraid to touch things. He looked to Menix before stepping forward and nudging Amarant in a sign that he was here but still he remained silent. Head would lift again as he gazed around. ?Ma?am. I believe my nephew was betrothed to a girl of your old pack. Will they be attending?? Words finally rumbled up his throat curiously. A man would approach his wife and immediately the male?s head would snap to attention, turning to eye the brown marked white male. He would depart the black eyed lady?s presence at that moment, moving towards his wife.

He would push pointedly between them, trying to force his massive black frame between the white male and his silver queen. Ears would pin to his skull and acidic gaze would narrow pointedly, lips twitching in a silent threat before transferring gaze to Cat and offering her a wicked grin. Languid chuckle would roll up his throat before he would continue to press forward. So many people to see, so little time. He paid the cross-marked male no mind, instead his focus on the little red woman. He would attempt to close the distance between them, slithering towards her to bring himself to her side. ?Fancy meeting you here?? His words were a deep rumble, a chuckle following their path up his throat as he stood beside her, facing straight ahead but offering her a side long glance, lips twitching up into a devious grin. Teeth flashing white against the darkness of his form.




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-19-2014, 10:04 PM (This post was last modified: 11-19-2014, 10:09 PM by Valentine.)

The brute's gaze would alight on a familiar form and for a moment, Valentine simply let his eyes feast on her. His expression lazy and confident, he waited until he caught her looking and then winked playfully. All too soon the host lady began to speak and he was forced to tear his attention away from the chocolate fae. While his eyes might have been fixed on Natalya, his mind was on Rhythm.

Natalya went over the rules and explained the festival further, going into greater detail than the raven had done. When her speech was over Valentine was slow to rise from his seated position, but the unwillingness to move was an act; he was eager to reconnect with his fellow adventurer. He moved towards her at a leisurely amble, his stance screaming cockiness.

Stopping before Rhythm, Valentine's lips twitched in an amused smirk. "Rhythm," he murmured warmly, "It's a pleasure to see you again."

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



7 Years

11-19-2014, 10:13 PM

His sister had been sitting close to him the whole time, and he smiled at her softy, bumping against her. He watched as Cat's mate sauntered over, pushed his way between him and Cat and pulled back his lips. Bass just grinned at the male, his golden eyes sparkling. He knew that he was protective, but he was doing nothing wrong. He didn't linger long though, and soon Nat would speak. He listened carefully to her words, nodding when he needed to. Soon her speech came to a close and he was about to strike up a conversation with the leader of Arcanum when a large male walked up to them. His eyes narrowed as he saw that the brute was eying his sister. Hackles raised, gaze cutting over to Rhy. He was about to ask who this was until Valentine spoke, saying her name and that it was a pleasure to see her again. Again? This time the male did growl, bristling at the larger male. "Again? Tell me sister dearest, do you go run around with men while I'm not looking?" He asked in a teasing tone, tail swatting against her flank as he eyed the male. He was pretty sure he knew who this was, there weren't many wolves this large. Plus, she had the same eye dots as his mother. "Sorry we didn't meet under better circumstances, Valentine. I am Bass Destruction, leader of Abaven." He said through gritted teeth. "Do you have business with my sister?"



13+ Years

Treat 2019
11-19-2014, 10:41 PM

As her eyes landed on the cobalt giant she?d see his sly wink, and her face would flush and her eyes would widen a tad as she found a shy smile turning up her dark lips. Vivid memories of the dark crypts would appear in her mind as the crowd would turn their attentions to the black queen. Rhythm would listen quietly, her eyes flicking back to Valentine every few words.
Eventually the talk would die down and her attention would once more become captivated upon Valentine?s presence. She didn?t want to stare, but couldn?t help but watch him over Bass?s shoulder as he would approach her vicinity. The last action she?d expected was for him to actively search her out. He was nothing but pure confidence as he wandered up to her form, a smile on his face as he uttered her name and commented on the pleasure he took in seeing her again. She would have to admit the same feelings, but Bass would not be blind to the interaction.
She?d been too focused on the handsome brute before her to realize Bass?s concern over the encounter. Her brother?s voice would break through her thoughts, his growl making her startle slightly. Her gaze would be torn from Valen?s face as she looked to her brother, she could tell from his voice that he was teasing. Still she felt another blush come over her as Bass took his turn to greet the man. How did he know him? Now She?d interrupt Bass, bright blue and purple eyes focused on the taller man. "It?s nice to see you too, Valentine." She?d glance at her brother, "I?m allowed to make friends without your permission, aren?t I?" her voice was sweet, but still held a tone of contrariness. To push things further she?d even find a confidence to say, "Have you considered my question?" She?d say looking back to Valentine, "About our next date?" Of course she?d never even thought of that question before that moment, but she?d wink slyly at the dark wolf. She?d never felt such a desire to mess with her brother.




2 Years
11-25-2014, 01:58 PM

Drashiel nodded to Natalya as she welcomed him to the meeting and he gracefully took a seat, eyes lazily roaming over the other wolves present.  His nonchalant gaze hiding cunning and a deliberate attempt to size up the wolves around him.  That was, until his eyes rested on Roman.  He caught her nod to Cataleya, allies perhaps?  He'd have to request that Roman debrief him on their alliances.  "Roman, it is good to see you!"  She moved to sit next to him and he couldn't help but smile.  

Drashiel's attention was caught by the massive male, Valentine as he entered the meeting. Their eyes locked and Drashiel nodded lightly in greeting.  "You as well Imperator Valentine. You're looking well." He felt a certain kinship with the other young male.  Both of them were close in age and growing into their roles as leaders.  Drashiel held Valen's gaze for a little longer than he normally would of as he realized the same dots that rested underneath the others sapphire eyes were also underneath the same magenta gaze as the woman Roman had greeted.  My, my… it was a small world after all.  

He turned his attention back to Nataleya but could barely stiffle a giggle at the discussion Valen seemed to be having with Abaven's alpha.  As Natalya Olympus began to speak though, Drashiel's attention fixed on her.




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
11-25-2014, 08:37 PM

Valentine took the male's defensive display in stride, amusement giving his features a slight twist. The brute would address Rhythm and although his tone was teasing, there was an undeniable edge to his questions. Oh, how precious. How delicious. Valentine was certain that if he were to ever meddle in the affairs of his sisters either one or both of them would chew him a new asshole.

When it came, her retort brought a slow smirk to his lips, but that wasn't all. "Have you considered my question?" His eyebrows quirked up in a silent question, but with her final response understanding set in. Instantly his expression shifted from a question to feinted realization, as if he'd just remembered the details of their last conversation.

The whole exchange, from Bass' interjection to Rhythm's question had been fast and he had little time to respond, so he answered everything at once. ”Indeed I have,” he said warmly to Rhythm, ”It would be a shame to keep letting chance decide our meetings.” To Bass, he said, ”Under better circumstances? This is a peaceful festival celebrating the union of two very happy souls, I don't believe you can get better circumstances than that.” He was only messing with him. Of course he knew what Bass was talking about, but addressing the real issue at hand was far too easy and so much less entertaining than dancing around it.

His next answer, though delivered politely, was no less pointed. ”What business we do have is between us.” He had half a mind to suggest that he and Rhythm go elsewhere to discuss their “business” but decided to let the the situation play out a bit more. It was all in good fun; this was, after all, a festival.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



7 Years
12-06-2014, 01:58 AM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2014, 04:00 PM by Natalya.)
Natalya greeted the others who joined politely and listened carefully to the conversation going on around her. She was presented one question, which she responded to after a moment's consideration. "I suppose that would make you Solo's uncle, then? I cannot say for sure whether they will be attending or not, perhaps we can discuss the matter further once everyone arrives and disperses." Apparently, he wasn't fully aware of the situation that the Olympus family was stuck in and how it affected Solo and Gaia's relationship. Putting off the discussion for a bit would give Natalya a little more time to think about what she would tell him.

She caught a bit of a near-hostile conversation nearby and chuckled slightly. "You all may continue your banter, so long as that's all it is. If I suspect any animosity materializing, I will request that you end it." She then returned her attention to the group as a whole. "If there are no further questions, we will now split up for the events. Children, please follow the instruction of my Delphi, Phoebe. She will be summoning you and leading you in some games. My children can guide you when she calls. Everyone else, please enjoy the gathering here and take some time to help in the hunt, for it will decide how well we all eat tonight. Anyone who wishes to speak to me separately, or to my husband, feel free to approach at any time." The Matriarch then simply turned and walked away, eager to get the festival started.

-temp exit nat, quick return-

ooc;; Nat stepped out briefly to call wolves to the hunt, so assume anything addressed to her from here on out is either before her min-speech here, or after the hunt has begun. The hunt is HERE, and the pup event is HERE. Will aim to post the feast and wedding within the week!!



4 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-02-2015, 08:20 PM

Hani had only just joined the gathering. The whole thing was a scary mix of exciting and terrifying. Wolves were everywhere and chattering among themselves. Hani padded past most of them, avoiding conflict. She would talk to someone, she had decided. Someone not from the pack. She had always been in Olympus since she left her family, so what were the others like? A group of wolves were bantering back and forth, voices pointed, but not too hostile. A white male, a grey male, and a brown female, all with various blazes along their noses were involved in the discussion. Both males seemed to be of a high rank, if their statures and scents did not betray them. Another grey wolf was not far off, though he didn't look involved in the discussion. Had Hani missed Natalya? She couldn't spot her friend in the crowd and she felt her gaze returning to the group often as she wondered if their remarks would lead to something less pleasant. If Natalya wasn't around, was Helios? Hani secretly hoped there were no fights, she was something of a decent rank in the pack, but she wouldn't dare break up a fight between strangers! She was a healer! Maybe she should have brought her herbs just in case. Hani closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She was worrying too much, she knew it. She just needed a moment to calm her nerves, then surely she would talk to someone. Surely.
