
You sort the tunes and I'll bring the beers


04-22-2015, 09:30 PM

Félicien would lead the way to where his aunt had called, and the young man was still feeling the heat of his embarrassment the whole while. Was that considered his first kiss? Stolen from him, and yet... he didn't care. No... that wasn't quite right. He cared, yes, he cared alright. He cared deeply. A pretty girl had kissed him and made his heart race. It was still pounding so loudly in his chest that he thought for sure that she must be able to hear it. He'd glance at her every so often, and then finally he would reach the area where some others were gathered.

He'd approach his aunt, taking note of the silver and black femme who was speaking with her. He'd dip his head, awkwardly kind of cutting in. "Hey uh... Aunt Novella? This is my friend Tac... can she join Threar? Please?" He'd motion to the brown and white wolfess who had come with him, hoping that his aunt wouldn't mind too much of his awkward stammer. Perhaps she would notice too the look of embarrassment that lingered within his eyes.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen



3 Years
04-22-2015, 09:57 PM
She had followed him without hesitation, trusting him to protect her if something went wrong. When thy reached the area the call had come from, she stuck close by Féli's side. She didn't know these other wolves, and being around so many unfamiliar wolves was making her nervous, so to speak. When he introduced her to the leader of the pack, his aunt, she smiled shyly, sliding closer to Féli. Her fur was pushed up against his, chocolate and white blending with his gold and cream fur. Her tail tucked down, almost between her rear legs as she cowered closer to Féli, unsure of her surroundings and the numerous wolves in the area.
Félicien is allowed in any of Tacheté's posts, be them private or not



9 Years
Athena I
04-22-2015, 10:56 PM

Kalliope had slowly been learning her way around her new home. Being in one place constantly instead of always moving around had made it infinitely easier to get around. She basically had the whole Threar territory mapped out in her mind how and could get around much more easily. However when she heard the summons her head turned toward it and her brow creased. It sounded like it was outside of the territory she knew... As she began to move toward it this thought was confirmed when she reached the border and she still hadn't smelled the many scents of different wolves that would be at a gathering. Frowning a little she crossed over the pack's border. She reverted back to how she used to constantly walk when she first arrived to Alacritis, with slower, careful, searching steps. Her ears turned this way and that to catch all of the sounds around her. Soon enough though, luckily, she caught the wolves' scents and she made her way toward them. She heard so many voices and there were many scents that she didn't know. She actually hadn't gotten to meet any of her pack mates as of yet either so all at once she felt very much like a stranger here and felt incredibly out of place... She caught Frith's scent and moved toward him since his was the only scent she truly recognized and then took a seat on her haunches a few feet away from him. She continued to listen and take in all of the smells, but remained silent. The usually fiery woman that she tended to be was significantly dimmed while being so surrounded by strangers in an unfamiliar place. She decided to just sit quietly near her alphas till she was instructed otherwise or until someone addressed her.

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
04-23-2015, 04:28 AM
"Song is my sister." Novella reported. She had missed much of the birth of Song's second litter, the one she'd had whilst ruling Ludicael though she could amidst all the dramatic memories recall there having been some strangers that had helped her sister through the stressful event. As for the great things of the Destruction family, well she had certainly admired many of them though whether they'd truly done anything worthy great of fame in Alacritia even Novella had her doubts. She'd choose to linger on the topic of Erani instead. "I do vaguely recall that birth, I'm afraid the names and faces didn't stick too well though." She would admit.

As wolves began to chatter away to their friends and family, Novella once more turned her attention to the crowd. Her pack weren't all here just yet though with wolves like Sorrel she was sure they'd take their time. It was her nephew's pack she hoped to see, or at the very least Novel, Ara and their boys from Fiori. No sign of them yet though. Surreal once more sought her attention, breaking the Author's concentration upon the crowd and flicking her mismatched gaze back to the woman. "Hopefully there will be something for everyone." Novella responded with a smile. She didn't intend to reveal all just yet but in good time she would share the events with the crowd.

At last some more of Threar would arrive, Kalliope would move to settle close by though it was Féli moving right towards her with a rather clingy little female in tow that would call for her attention. Tac was apparently the girl's name, and she wished to join Threar? Now wasn't quite the time for those sorts of duties though she of course wouldn't immediately turn Féli's friend away, nor would she question her nephew on the matter at all. He'd certainly handled this far better than she had when she'd brought a new friend home. Whether her parents had ever looked back and laughed at their daughter's mistake she had no idea, though she could now see the error of her ways whilst finding humour in it all. "We'll talk later." She promised, a smile finding its way to her lips once more as she looked at the pair. "It's a little crowded here for now after all, you should both just go and have some fun."

ooc: Just a reminder everyone, you can make your own little threads outside of this one. Not every part of the festival will be in this thread or we're all going to get confused! xD



13+ Years

Treat 2019
04-24-2015, 01:32 PM

Rhythm would hear the call of her aunt, the familiar need for her family was strong, knowing that she would be practically surrounded while in the company of Threar.. she couldn't resist the pull towards the call. Eagerly Rhythm would leave Imperium to make her way to her Aunt's call. Her paws would take some time to draw her near, but she could easily see Novella and her husband and.. another baby? There seemed to be more family here than the last time she'd visited.

Rhythm would make a bee line towards the woman, an eager smile on her features as she hurried to come and embrace the woman. They had hardly spent an incredible amount of time together but she was family, and after being away from Bass and the family she held so dear in Abaven she couldn't help her eager display. "Aunt Novella!" She'd exclaim, it had been too long since she'd seen her. "I'm so excited for the festival." She'd whisper into the woman's pelt as she hoped desperately that Abaven would come, and she would once again be able ot lay her eyes on those of her family she missed so dearly.


Valentine may enter any of Rhythm's threads



4 Years
04-24-2015, 07:46 PM
The first to arrive from Abaven was the eager and thrilled young boy who looked forward to whatever event soon to be held. His own pack lacked festivities, which was why the current festival would be a new experience for his mind. Rather than waiting for the Azat to formally lead the pack over to the area, Tinaro had mischievously taken off ahead of the pack in mere curiosity. He hesitated upon his arrival at the sight of unfamiliar wolves; none who he knew of. His ebony dipped paws slowed increasingly, soon stopping his tall chestnut body at the edge of the gathering while he overlooked the crowd timidly. It wasn't that he was shy, no, he just felt a little left out. By the looks of it, everyone was conversing with each other which meant he would have no-one. Was he allowed to come in the first place? Abaven happened to be a close ally of the pack would organised event, which meant his pack would certainly be invited. However, he knew nothing of politics and alliances and so the current state he was in had no change. If he didn't want to stand in the corner the whole time, he'd have to make an effort to start a conversation himself. Instead of greeting any particular wolf, he made sure to let everyone know that Abaven had arrived. "Abaven is here! Well, I am."

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
04-25-2015, 12:30 PM

A call rang out from the neighboring lands of Threar. A festival? Birna stayed put for the moment as she debated whether or not to investigate. However, as wary as she was that this could be a trap she rather doubted the peaceful pack of Threar could ever be a threat. Though it wouldn't hurt to attend the festival and get a feel for their neighbors, no matter how passive the others seemed to be.

Getting to her paws Birna headed toward the source of the summons. By the time she got there there was already a huge throng of wolves and many different pack scents. Locating the pale woman who she guessed was the summoner from her position she approached. "I am Birna Volkov-Xanilov of Fiori. May I join you?"

[Image: 262ny8g.png]



4 Years
04-25-2015, 01:03 PM

Well, it seemed her brother was really serious about leaving Imperium. Integra had to admit she was interested in going off and seeing the world but she was nervous about how they'd take care of themselves, particularly Minnie. At least they were a fair-sized group and with practice could probably manage hunting though it might be difficult. And then there was the matter of finding a place to call their home, or at least to have some sort of rendevous point. Integra made a point to start scouting out possible locations and as she travelled east a curiously welcoming call rang out. A festival? Curious she headed towards the call and gazed warily at the throng of wolves. "Hello?"

[Image: yKuOSHo.png]



4 Years
Extra large
04-25-2015, 01:16 PM
ooc: gonna set this before Dægmar's death

Karabela was cackling to herself as she snuck out of Imperium's borders. She wasn't quite sure what had caused this sudden rebellious streak but something in her, some sort of restless spirit was driving her get out and see the world. Staying couped up at home was no fun! The young femme found herself in the east this time, scouting out new territories and meeting new faces. This morning found her in the Redbud Nook. A charmingly young forest blooming amonst the ashes of its ancestors. The fall colors blanketed the earth in warm orange hues and she made a note to return in the spring to see the trees when they were in bloom. As she nosed through this new territory a call rang out fairly close by for a gathering. Raba hesitated and went about her exploration before curiosity overwhelmed her. Peering out from behind one of the trees her golden eyes carefully observed the gathering wolves.

[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king

Absinthe 1

04-25-2015, 01:53 PM

I don't have the right name, or the right look

ooc. keeping details of the last little while a bit vague

The violet darling has seen an absolutely massive lady leave the borders, heading in the direction of a song that had echoed from close by. At first, she'd been a little awed by the size of the woman, because she looked like she was bigger than Bacc! Then, she was curious to see where she was going. She didn't look like she was going to fight someone, and the call had sounded kinda friendly. The babe felt the pull of adventure, despite remaining a little wary. Bacchus was nowhere to be seen, and she didn't want to have to go search for him. It would take too much time, and she really wanted to be going wherever the tall woman was going. After a moment or two of hesitation, mostly spent looking between the mangrove and the retreating form of the pale woman. Fidgeting and whining with her indecision, the child finally decided to throw caution to the wind. She had to get out there and grab life by the horns, right? Grinning with delight, she bounded after the strange lady from her pack.

She didn't want to bug the big lady, because she wasn't quite comfortable with everyone quite yet. She didn't want to get everyone mad, at least not yet. So, she trailed along at a respectable distance. All the while, she wondered if maybe she'd suddenly hit a growth spurt and get to be big like the other woman. Given her heritage, that was doubtful, but she wasn't aware of that. She was growing nicely now, thanks to a consistent diet and lack of stress. However, her short time spent wandering about, hungry and frightened, had taken their toll. The girl would never quite reach her full potential, not that she would ever know. Alabaster toes crunched over fallen leaves as she bounded along gleefully. The scents of many wolves drifted toward her, and for a moment panic fluttered in her chest. So many wolves. The last time she'd been surrounded by masses, she'd been with her family, living in Arcanum. However, her mommies had kept to the outskirts, and she'd hardly ever seen anyone, just smelled them.

Jovial demeanor would shift toward timidity, head lowering cautiously. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. As she approached, she recognized the place instantly. She'd been here already, when everything was quiet and peaceful. Realization sparked in her, and she lavender pelted girl swallowed a whimper. Everyone was bigger than her. What was worse, the big lady had disappeared into the crowd. Her only scrap of safety was gone, and she was hopelessly lost amid all of the others. Mismatched optics scanned desperately over the crowd, finding only one of a size similar to her own. A young boy, with a chocolate mask upon his face, who seemed to match her in stature. However, he was soundly among all of the others that she didn't feel that approaching him would be good for her emotional stability. Why did she have to be so small? A shadowy figure behind a tree would catch her eye, and curiosity would spark again in her. Were they uncomfortable with all the big wolves too? Cautiously, her pallid toes would carry her across the leaf litter toward the figure. As she approached, she noted they were not much older than her, but a little bit bigger for sure. She hesitated, somewhere in the middle of being on the edge of the gathering and being close to the outcast lupine.

Deciding that she would rather not talk to the mysterious canine, she slumped dejectedly onto her rump. Maybe the lilac babe should have remained back in the mangrove, or waited until she could find Bacc before she came here. Now, she was confused and a little frightened. A low huff would escape her, as she dropped her gaze to the ground. A lifetime of almost constant seclusion had not paid off, evidently. Two toned gaze would drift back to the throngs of wolves, and wonder if she should at least try to make friends.

but I have twice the heart


All my love to the lovely Luisiana for this gawgeous image!



10 Years
Dragon Mod
04-26-2015, 07:59 PM
Scents roused him from his slumber, and from the wind he'd inhale a number. One? Two? Five? Raising his head, he scented the air once more. The mingling scents of many not far from his location. Curious though, he rose to shake himself free of debris and would saunter silently towards the curiousness. Enigma generally wasn't one to trifle around with others, but he wanted to get to know more of the land as well as those was surely what his father would have wanted, after all. The creature drew closer, the scents growing stronger until finally, through the shadows of the trees he would watch a multitude of bodies mingling and shuffling around. Alot of them looked similar, while others seemed to look displaced.

Silently he watched, amber gaze narrowed as he attempted to pick out the scents of each individual. As he searched each one, one wolf in particular seemed to carry a different scent. The Alpha perhaps? It seemed so. The others seemed related, well...most of them anyway. The others? Who knew. Why they were here, he didn't know either. Although it looked like a gathering of some sort. He could only pick up bits and pieces of conversation, not only that, but the scents of some told of other packs as well as those without. Strange...did packs normally do this?


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



10 Years
04-27-2015, 07:06 AM
Novel wouldn't miss the sound of her aunt's voice calling together the wolves of Alacritia. Mismatched ears would perk curiously at the sound, knowing that too much time had passed since she'd spent any time with her closest family she had left. Taking a deep breath she'd nudge her wife softly, would she wish to accompany her? "It sounds like Novella wants to see us." Her voice was a little nervous, who knew who all was going to show up there. However she didn't want to give up such a chance to reconnect with her family.

She would stand, finding a bit of courage within her as she left the den. She wouldn't stray very far from her mate's side, enjoying the extra time they had together. Not that there would be much time to walk together, the gathering was rather close to their pack. She would smell the different scents as well as the family she had that had already shown up. As they drew more near her brilliant blue gaze would scan over the other wolves here. Her eyes finally finding perch upon Novella and her maw would sprout a small smile.

She'd navigate around those already here, hoping Ara was still beside her, as she made her way closer to Novella's side. "Hello." She'd offer somewhat timidly as they came more near the older Destruction woman.
if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



10 Years
04-27-2015, 09:29 AM (This post was last modified: 04-27-2015, 09:30 AM by Ara.)
Attending the Threar festival was an easy decision for both she and Novel. The pack was mostly family to her wife, and thus family to her by marriage. Though their relationship had not been made publicly official yet, it was fairly common knowledge that they shared a life together, and that Novel's sons considered Ara their mother as well. As Novel nudged her, she'd smile and nod. "Let's go then," she'd urge her with a gentle nuzzle. If there as any gathering they ought to attend, it was this one. A visit to Threar would do her well, she was certain -- and there were a few things she wished to talk to Novella about too.

The journey was quick and they made it to the neighboring pack in no time. She wondered if Psalm and Hymn would decided to show up; she'd be surprised if they didn't. She followed Novel as she approached her aunt, a slightly shy smile on her face. It was surprising for Novel to lead but she was happy that her wife had some confidence in her, even if it was for something as small as approaching a family member. "Hi Novella," she'd greet her warmly. "It's nice to see you." She'd lean lightly against Novel for support, happy to be here with her wife.



5 Years
04-28-2015, 12:03 PM (This post was last modified: 04-28-2015, 12:04 PM by Novella.)
The size of the crowd swiftly growing it was getting to the point it was hard to notice the arrival of each wolf that appeared unless they came right up to Novella herself. The first example of that would be Rhythm. Now Novella could have sworn the scent upon her was not of Abaven though she wouldn't question the matter at all, instead simply greeting her niece in return, glad to see her. "Hello Rhythm." She responded. There was little time to focus upon the reunion with family however with others continuing to arrive.

The first Abaven wolf it appeared, not one she recognised though it left her hopeful though that perhaps Bass and the rest of his pack would show soon as would the arrival of Birna from Fiori. "I'm Novella Destruction, Author of Threar." Novella responded with an introduction of her own. "Of course you may." Any who weren't looking for trouble were welcome here for the festival.

The next arrival that would grip her attention were two more Fiori wolves that she was certainly glad to see. Epiphron had informed her that the pair were fine and she clearly hadn't been lying, it was wonderful to finally see Novel and Ara for herself again though. Though Novel seemed a little more timid, she would greet the pair warmly. "Novel, Ara, it's good to see you both again. Have you brought the boys with you?" Hymn and Psalm had probably grown a lot since she had last seen them.



3 Years
04-28-2015, 05:21 PM
Luck followed her mother and father to the Nook, her clumsy paws causing her to trip several times. But she stayed close to her brother, who was also fumbling behind the two of them. "Hunt? Fight? Explore?" Each word made her shiver with disgust and fear. She wouldn't really have to fight, right? Luck bounded up to her brother and frowned, nipping at his rump. "I hope we don't do any of that...! It's so violent..." She whined, coming to a halt behind Novella and Frith. Instinctively, she bounded up to her father and snuggled up between his forelegs. But when everyone arrived, she was amazed.

All these strangers were so colourful, with smells of all kinds clung straight to them. All the smells were almost overwhelming, she had to back into Frith with a whine or two. And even more came. From all different directions in many groups. What was worse...they had approached to greet and ask questions. Luck stared up at them with curious eyes, her tail coiled in against her back. "Daddy...where are all the other pups?" She whimpered, her gaze moving from the older strangers and searching for any small, young girls or boys.

Suddenly, emerging from the crowd, was a young boy of bright red. It was absolutely amazing. Luck adored colours...colours of all kinds! The rainbow, even! This stranger...was interesting. Without speaking, she lowered to the ground and weaved herself through the crowd, approaching the stranger and bolting in front of him. He was much larger than her, and a bit older. But...they could talk, right? Be friends maybe? "Hello!" She giggled, seating herself in front of him. "My name is Luck...I'm Novella's daughter. Who're you?"  



5 Years
04-29-2015, 04:58 PM

Frith wouldn't hesitate to greet those that appeared before them, some he knew but mostly that he didn't. Frith had never really ventured much past the Destruction family, and hearing all the new names and faces was quite refreshing. Still most of his attention would remain on the tiny girl between his paws, Novella talked to those that addressed them while he leaned down to nuzzle her tiny features. She would whimper an innocent question and he would nuzzle her more closely, "I'm sure they'll be around here somewhere." He made sure to promise as he watched a few more of Novella's more distant relatives appeared.

It seemed to work and the young girl would make her way towards one of the youngsters that had tagged along. His attention would shift from his timid girl to his wife and the women she was addressing, Novel and Ara. He'd give a gentle smile as his eyes scanned the crowd, it seemed like they had quite the excellent turn out.



05-03-2015, 09:15 PM

ooc: leave it to Pan to show up late to the party lawls

It had been a little bit of a trek, but Hercules knew the trip needed to be made. He wanted to be on a good footing with all of the packs. Well, at least most of them. Leaving old grudges hanging in the air wouldn't be good for anyone involved so he wanted a fresh slate now that he was Patriarch. He had pulled his father and anyone else who wanted to join them along as well, deciding that it was for the best for all parties involved to be a part of this meeting. He had really only been in the area to visit the pack, but as they got closer they heard the summoning howl and his ears perked with curiosity. Well, what perfect timing!

When they got there it seemed like there was already quite the crowd gathered. His orange gaze searched the crowd till his eyes landed on the pair that seemed to be running this show. Smiling a little, he lead his small caravan of pack members through the crowd as he made his way toward them. He dipped his head in greeting to the both of them once the wolves that had been talking to them finished. "Hello there! I am Hercules Olympus, the Patriarch of Pantheon. It's very nice to make your acquaintance." He glanced around him curiously, commenting, "Looks like we got here just in time for the party, hm?"

"Talk" "You" Think



5 Years
05-04-2015, 03:20 AM
The arrivals were slowing slightly now, or at least they appeared to be anyway. If any joined on the outskirts apparently they didn't have the urge to venture through the crowd and closer to the pair that had called the gathering. One young boy however, he couldn't have been any older than her first litter, did venture closer towards her and would shock Novella with two facts. The first that he was an alpha but more so was the name Olympus. Hadn't Virgil once led the family? Why was one so young carrying that burden now? She'd had very little to do with the family after Virgil had threatened Anthem though there had always been that lingering curiosity about how the children were doing, they would be older than Hercules, had Virgil not assigned one of them as her heir?

She left all the questions alone, now wasn't really the time for them after all though she was certainly tempted to investigate the Olympus family, or at least the topic of her nieces and nephews, a little more when she got the chance. "I'm Novella Destruction, Author of Threar." She greeted Hercules in return, keeping her tone light. Given that he stood here before her now in a friendly manner she could only assumed that the hostility towards the Destructions had at the very least faded now. "It seems you have."

Helios I


9 Years
05-04-2015, 11:03 AM

He was not happy, that was evident from both the sour expression on his face and the stiff way he held himself. Helios had agreed that perhaps it was time that they put the family’s hostility towards the Destructions behind them but he didn’t have to be happy about it; more so he didn’t want to be there to do it. Still Hercules had requested his presence and he wasn’t going to say no; he was the second in command and he supposed since he was the only remaining Olympus who held animosity towards the family he needed to be there as a gesture of good faith.

They approached the packlands and Helios did his best to lose some of the tension, some of the hostility from his expression; though his movements were still stilted. His son would move towards a woman he vaguely recognized from their confrontation and the russet man would hang back, casting a glance at those wolves around him, most of whom were complete strangers.
