
God Wears Gucci [Meeting]



10 Years
Dragon Mod
10-11-2015, 10:39 PM
Eyes narrowed when the slave boy crawled towards the crowd, his body reeking of fear. Nostrils flared and face wrinkled as disgust made its way over, eyes narrowing while her mother and sibling had obvious worry ad questioned where one of the newest last was, if it was alright. It should be fine, not that the girl cared much about them, and if it died then oh well, it didn't deserve to survive. Thankfully her father would begin, to which the girl straightened up and listened in.

There was disappoint in their size, but that couldn't be helped, with time they would gain more members and really make a mark, she was sure of it. There was also some annoyance towards two wolves not showing, that grey kid and Xephyris. Brows made a faint attempt at joining, her plans that were being formulating needed that male, but could she really consider him if he couldn't show up to a meeting? It would move on, going to retaliation for that pathetic excuse for a pack, Threar who didn't even attempt to protect itself.

And then, her rank, Hellstrom Heir. A smirk formed at this brilliant news, chest puffing out and tail laying over her paws as a new light came to her dark gaze. "About time." She grinned and spoke to herself, a cockiness already forming.

Everything after that was pretty simple, and at last it was over, Sin asking if there were any questions for himself. Paradox glanced around the group, gaze hardening at the sight of the two missing wolves showing up and taking a seat. On the inside she hoped they had a damn good reason for being tardy, but on the outside she was relatively relaxed and in a good mood. "I'll handle Xephyris." She would say to her father before standing and slinking off, motioning the man to follow suit as she exited the meeting.
