


07-25-2014, 01:20 PM
elysium members have until july 28 to post here. attendance is mandatory and those who fail to respond will be demoted to serf.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? it baits her from her confines, forcing a wry grin to unfold across the premises of her corrupted countenance -- the symphonic heralding of WAR -- and she adheres to it like a hound. the queen?s procession is hasty, animated, her visage portraying the ramifications of the thrill and adrenaline which surges through her interior as the domineering command to follow erupts from gluttonous jaws. none of her advocates { save for the firebird } have been informed of the impending carnage, and even as she maneuvers across the entirety of alacritia the phantom is a silent enigma, plots brewing within the chasms of her most pestilent mind. as she approaches the borderlines of her ally?s domain, she blatantly disregards them, fully aware that she will be welcomed with open arms into the fold; and once the masses start to manifest within her line of vision, the queen breaks away from whichever of her acolytes abided to her demand on her route to roman?s side. a sheepish smirk is offered in greeting to the armada sovereign as she reclines upon her haunches adjacent to the woman, attention wavering to the prospective militants gathered as she waits for her own troops to settle.

Jupiter I


7 Years
07-25-2014, 01:34 PM

[Image: G6wzw14.png]

Burning anticipation soothed at the call, the rough itch of her paws smoothed by the salve of impending war. The phoenix descended upon Tortugan lands hastily, ravenously, following Artemis' every step as they pass the borders. This time, Mercury was perched between her shoulder blades, clutching to her orange fur with relentless claws as he kept his balance. He had been too slow to keep up with her pace but this time, she didn't want him to merely catch up later. She wanted him here with her now, as he had always been. "And so it begins," she chuckled darkly as the gathered group came into view.

Her long stride slowed drastically until she approached the mass with a terse causality, somewhere between nonchalant and tense. Artemis broke off to take her place at a white woman's side--undoubtedly the leader of Tortuga. Jupiter turned her gaze upwards to the marked she-wolf and offered a nod. I am with you, she thought, a deep breath cycling through her lungs. After a few moments, she settled down on the outskirts of the crowd, not wishing to encroach any more on the Tortugan's spaces than she already had.

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


07-25-2014, 02:46 PM

he hears the call, and he heeds it. it is the drumbeat of war, the sounds made only before imminent bloodshed and death. his heart races to the bass of it, as he moves into the tortugan lands- seeking none only to destroy those opposing them. his scarred white form is a ghost among the lands, glowing as he approaches the meetings. he follows his tryrant- his goddess of a sister, and enters the crowd of wolves with an air of indifference. his eyes study each wolf in presence, taking in their forms- as they are his allies for the day- for the war. today, at least, they are not his enemies but tools to further their means. He stops among the crowd, glancing at the wolves he halts beside, his eyes straying to the armada leader. they will dominate, they will win.

the gods will rule

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6 Years
07-25-2014, 04:15 PM

War, a subject the young boy had been exposed to since he was a young pup. The king and his family was now being called by Tortuga his older sister's pack to come aid in such a thing. In which Vereux would not hesitate for he knew that family was important. Not only that, Athena and Roman had a tight relationship which was something the king enjoyed to see. This may have been his first war as a leader, but he would not object to it. Tail flicking behind him the dark colored blue boy would have his green eye widen slightly at the sight of Artemis. So, she was friends with Tortuga then? No doubt she probably forgot about him and their last meeting already. He had a feeling that was just how she was. Regardless the king would face Roman.
?Roman, Glaciem is at your aid when you need it.? he stated calmly and dipped his head. They were the supreme family, and survival was the most important. Covari was a threat for a number of reasons, their numbers, and recent happenings of their queen bidding others to take over various packs. Valhalla was an example of that. They definitely posed a serious threat to his pack, so he was all for this war.

?I speak?


07-25-2014, 04:36 PM

The drums of war beckoned the bitch. Recently she had been craving the taste of blood, the thrill of battle, and the joy of adrenaline coursing through her veins. This was the before of war, and the aftermath was possibly disastrous, chaotic. Isardis had handed over the pack, but all the same her loyalties lie with the wolves of Glaciem, and the Armada blood. Any of those who were disloyal would be feeble, apt to be destroyed. Already, the bitch had begun traveling to meet her half sister once more when the call of her's beckoned for the allies of the pack. She cared not for who she would fight against, only for the thrill of blood. Already she had partaken in a war, of the siege of Glaciem upon Valhalla, but the pack had been handed to a pitifully old bitch by the queen of Covari. Should any stand in their way, they would be vanquished.

She traveled at the king's flank, rubies shimmering with an undying lust for battle. At their arrival, the king would speak of their alliance. Her own voice would rise, sitting in the crowd of wolves having gathered, scanning each one's face to determine who was friend and who was foe. Show me thy enemy, and I will shred those who dare disrespect our lineage.




07-25-2014, 04:40 PM

The vixen heard the call of her sister. The creature instantly perked up and got up from her resting place. What was so dire? The fae would gather herself for a few moments before allowing her delicate yet beautiful bodice move to the lands in which they would gather. But, as she slithered in her eyes would slip from each wolf to the next. Identifying many she did not know. But all the scents were sort of familiar. She would spot her brother and smile softly. It was the first time she had seen him in a little while. The Goddess slithered to her lovely brother and bumped his right shoulder with her left, a common greeting for the two. She would nuzzle him softly, but as she listened to the red and yellow marked womans words the fae raised a brow. War? She looked to Artemis quickly then to her brother before back to Artemis. Were they really going to war already? Nephele rolled her delicate shoulders before smirking softly. "I have been thirsting for such chaos." Such might sound to keen for such dangerous events but she was growing confident in her skills. "Sister, what do you say to this?" Obviously they supported the marked babe and her pack. But, she still wanted to hear her sisters thoughts.



1 Year
07-25-2014, 05:12 PM

[Image: jcar0Xv.png]

He is but a babe of welcomed imagination amidst a playing field of seniors, unseen and undisturbed as he meanders silently the misty sheets of a dawning world; mismatched gaze like the rotating arms of a silvered compass, and just as lawfully directional, calculated. Thick curls cast a pale shroud over the sturdy tapers of his coral hocks, golden threads catching glimmers of virgin light as brilliance itself shares the wealth of his valour as dancing reflections against frozen earth. Jigsaw can wonder silently if he will become a man of war; though there is no doubt he will march to arms as his family does now, with Armada chanting its own name boundlessly within his thrilled clockwork. He will fight not through obedience, but curiosity; eager to find himself amidst the craved bloodshed his family was so infamous for.



07-25-2014, 05:43 PM

It is disastrously disappointing to not be the King to lead his horde to war; though his name is a historical watermark against pages of the past, and in his mind he will always be combat?s director. Coral toes will waltz with seamless elegance, faultless strides as unscathed as gravity-less cloud-hopping. Dawn rises behind him like the halo of his worshiped existence, an albino supernatural whose continuation pleads to make or break the world that lifted its shoulders at the rousing prospect of supporting his credence. Though he has aged, muscle still unfolds beneath his pallid skin as if youth has latched his bloodstream as a disguised leach; in his mind he is still imperishable, still of high worth than just a supporter of his daughter?s war.

He glides his shoulder against her curved quarters as though his corpse is allured by her command, salmon tongue tracing the well-covered tenders of her silver spine as he absorbs Roman as all he?s grown to lavish in most recent times. Blade ricochets from her delicate ribs as the Ice King comes to stand eagerly by her towered side, malicious snicker growing fond upon his cherry lips as his gaze devours her audience as though it were his own. ?You will consume them, my daughter,? the title falls as though he has placed selfish emphasis upon his own genetic success. Though he supports her, Isardis has far greater purpose in this siege than most may care to be aware of.


07-25-2014, 05:46 PM
There were quite a few newcomers here, weren?t there? Ritsuka would look around as Roman announced them all, his ears twitching a bit. Some were even family of the praetor herself. He would look back to Roman, narrowing his eyes when he saw the scars upon her head. Who had done that to her? He felt anger upon his spine, and Suka would let out a low growl. But he would wait, for there was important news to discuss. But still the Venator could not help but lightly claw the earth. Anyone in his family getting hurt was simply unacceptable.

What he would hear would certainly not please him. So Covari had continued to push their luck, huh? The male narrowed his eyes, though he felt some satisfaction that Roman had damaged her. But this was a meeting of war, a chance to strike at their opponents before they could be struck against. So be it then! Ritsuka spoke clearly as he gave his answer. ?My claws and fangs will do justice for our family, Lady Roman. I stand with Tortuga and it?s allies in this war.? The calls of other Tortugan?s voicing their will to fight, only strengthened his resolve. Let this happen, and greater beings give them the strength to win.




07-25-2014, 06:02 PM

Sapphire eyes trailed Ritsuka as he walked into the meeting. Gossamir offered a soft smile but her stomach sank. She had a bad feeling. Something wasn't quite sitting right and she could practically feel an unspoken tension in the air. Not only that something was telling her she might not get to see Ritsuka again. The young fae forced the feelings down. She was just jittery from her encounter with the tiger that was all. Roman spoke and soon the meeting became a massive throng as more wolves piled in from their allies.

Gossamir remained silent eyes narrowed slightly. Roman had outright insulted her and it hurt. Had Roman not made her Curi? Did the Queen not have faith in her skills? None of the herbs that the Queen of Covari had brought to Tortuga had been poisonous. Hell Gossamir was trained in poison and dangerous side effects of herbs well before she learned how to use them to heal. She knew poison. None of it was. But fine then? so Roman didn't trust her. Would it mean she'd skip out on this war? Certainly not? but afterwards she decided it might be time to move on.

Eyes lingered on the form of Qanik, the pregnant femme, friend and in some ways a mother figure to Gossamir. She would do everything in her power to protect that woman. As well as too protect her friend Ritsuka. The pack was important to her regardless and she would not let them go into battle alone.

"I've stated before my disagreement on the supposed "poisons". However, I don't deny that Covari is a huge threat to our security. A queen that so boldly and blatantly trespasses on another's kingdom will only grow more bold, especially if she has some sort of connection to this place." There was no doubt in her mind that the Queen of Covari would eventually seek to over throw Tortuga. They might as well make their stand now. "I will stand beside my fellows and fight til my last breath!"

Sharpening my words...
[Image: gossy_bot_zpsa3db5e02.jpg]



5 Years
07-25-2014, 06:59 PM

It hummed in the springtime air, the tension and excitement. D?gmar moved with fluid, trained movement as she followed her Tyrant to the meeting place. They were gathering with their allies and soon the Praetor of Tortuga announced the reason? w a r. D?gmar could almost purr with the word for what else would a warrioress long for but the hymn of battle? Emerald eyes lingered over the faces of the gathered wolves, taking in the sight and sent of those that pledged to fight, memorizing them. Though the pack scent was fairly obvious and difficult to mistake. All the same, she wanted to make absolutely sure that her jaws were fixated only on their enemies. The heat of battle was intoxicating in it's own unique form of rapture. There was no need to ask if she would participate. That was like asking if she wanted to breathe. D?gmar couldn't wait.




2 Years
07-25-2014, 08:31 PM

Stars scattered from the sky, driven away by the violent red light of dawn. Drashiel strode along with the rest of the company of Glaciem for the territory of Roman, the Queen of Tortuga, the Bear Fighter. He felt a stirring of pride and excitement. He'd always admired this sister and to see her putting her ambitions into action was thrilling. The young male moved with cold and calculated movements, rust-tainted paws seemingly gliding over the terra with assured confidence. He'd come this way many a time to pay visit to their neighbors and allies. Drashiel still lacked the grace of his father but he was far from the awkward and impulsive boy he used to be.

Peridot iris' focused on his sister, Roman Armada as she spoke and he nodded at her words. Covari was indeed a dangerous opponent. Viridiana and her allies were swiftly consuming weaker packs, like Valhalla. But Glaciem was far from the fragile pack it had been during the plague. With the aid of Elysium and Glaciem, Tortuga was certain to crush their enemies. Drashiel grinned. It was about time Glaciem had a chance to show their strength. These rumors. These pestilent rumors of their weakness needed to be laid to rest. What better opportunity than to come to the aid of an ally?

"I am more than ready to fight alongside you, Roman. Let us send our enemies a message. Let us drive them before our fangs like witless prey."

Chrono I


5 Years
07-25-2014, 08:43 PM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2014, 12:43 PM by Chrono I.)

The male would listen to the alpha, not really understanding anything that had been going on. He wasn't aware that the pack had been poisoned, that someone had intruded into the lands. But if anything he wanted to start being thankful to the lands, being as they would be the home to his new family.

"I will fight to show my loyalty."

He wasn't aware that Esper was in the crowd, and hopefully she wouldn't be upset by his decision. But he could only hope that she wasn't behind him somewhere thinking that she could get up and fight too.

The male would look to the on coming wolves that had allied Tortuga as they approached the queen in separate times. But if they were willing to help than Chrono saw no fault in their joining. He would just wonder is any of them could become his own ally, or a friend.

But the thought of death had slipped his mind.

(OOC: I seriously hate writing sparring/fighting but I would love for Chrono to participate in this. It sounds like so much fun! (Also kind of harsh/depressing but tis only a game) Since he is no longer Tortugan, you can just ignore his posts or say he left with Esper ^^)

Walk "Talk" Think



6 Years
07-25-2014, 10:56 PM
Esperanza would hear that the pack would be participating to fight in a war between Covari. Sadness would show on her face. She was part of Tortuga, but, she was not sure if sje would participate in the war. Her emerald orbs looked to Roman and soon she turned her head. She was about to walk away when she heard the voice of Chrono, he was going to fight.

Shock overcame her, but she continued back to their den, head hung low as she walked and soon hoped that her mate would be safe during the siege and lied down once she reached the den.

-exit Esperanza-


07-26-2014, 09:23 AM

It was shortly after her's and Talon's arrival that Roman would speak, addressing everyone and introducing new members to old ones. Kangi forced a smile when a few looked her way but other then that she simply tried to make herself smaller and curl into Talon's side. There was a pause after her introductions before she would carry on. Words jumped out at her like a slap in the face and her eyes would snap open as wide as saucers. Danger. Poison. Trespass. War. Her jaw would unhinge, working like a fish out of water as if gasping for air but no sound would come out as she was swept over by shock and horror. War... She didn't know what that meant but it sure as heck didn't sound good!! Roman would step forward to call for allies and Kangi would turn her wide eyes gaze to Talon as if searching for answers in his face but still unable to speak. She was still staring at him when they started arriving, other wolves from other packs.

What was this? Allies Roman had said... They all began speaking as well... Speaking of this war thing and slowly Kangi would lift herself. "Kaga...." The word dropped from her mouth like a stone, barely even realizing she had said it until he made his appearance. The ice king who's pack Kangi had joined for the shortest time to be with Talon then had promptly fled. "Kaga... Kaga, Kaga... Talon let's go..." There was more urgency there now as her gaze locked onto the pale king and she began to back up slowly. Why was he here? Were they friends? This couldn't be good. Her horrified expression would seek out Talon's face as she tried to mentally drag him backwards with her. 'Please come with me...' Her gaze would plead, of he would come with her she would leave right then and there.


07-26-2014, 01:24 PM

The war drums are beating, and the maiden is not one to let the call of battle go unheard. It seems that Roman, their ally and queen of Tortuga, wishes to bring hell upon a pack known as Covari. The babe has not heard of war since she was a teenager, and the opportunity to finally participate incites her. Her king is the first to travel to the lake within Tortuga, and Liberty aims to follow after him, as she is not familiar with this territory. Ramses follows directly after her, pressing himself against her legs comfortingly as they travel. The duo reaches the growing group within a few moments, and immediately her eyes fall upon Isardis's coral form. Whither she was in a room of gods or pheasants if Isardis was there her gaze would always fall adoringly on him. She stares at him for a few moments before sliding her azure gaze to rest it upon the Tortugan queen. She makes a mental note of the scars that litter her forehead, questions of how she could have attained those scars flooding her mind. "I will aid you with your feats, miss Roman." The babe says, determination and pride coursing through her veins. She reclines on her haunches and observes the large group of wolves, making mental notes of all the new faces.



07-26-2014, 01:37 PM (This post was last modified: 07-26-2014, 02:18 PM by Melody.)
She was worried about her father. He hadn't seemed himself lately. Ever since their return to Tortuga, which had been well over a season now. He was down and depressed, the light in his amber eyes not nearly as bright as it once was. It was as if he had lost her mother all over again. When they heard Roman's call, Melody had been trying to get her father to care for himself once more. She felt almost like his fulltime caretaker now, making sure he ate, took his proper medication, and bathed himself. It wasn't the kind of man that he was, to let someone fret over him in such a way. But he had taken to spending hours staring into the distance without any note of reply to her pestering him at all. She was really starting to hate Qanik for doing that to him.

As the call of her Alphess rang through the trees, Melody would sigh. She would go to her father's side and pull him to his feet by his scruff, hoping that his bones were not so frail that they would collapse from the weight of his body. She watched him for just a moment and then buried her muzzle into the fur on his neck.

"Please, father. We must go to this meeting. We are a part of this pack and need to act as such. Please wake up....don't do this to yourself any longer." She would beg him, and in return receive a slow blink. Her ears would lower in frustration and the girl would gently push her weight against his shoulder, urging him to lead the way.

Flamesong would respond by giving one good shake to his pelt and padding painfully in the direction of the call. A small smile would grace the lips of the young beauty as she followed closely behind him. There we go.

They reached the clearing a little late, and Melody leaned against him again, knowing that he would not stand on his own feet for much longer. She led them both to a spot away from the crowd and allowed Flamesong to descend slowly and carefully to the ground. She hated seeing him this way. He was so sick. And she knew it was in his head.

With a sigh, Melody aimed her hazel eyes towards the alabaster queens and listened as Roman explained that there was to be a siege against Covari. Anger and fear filled her mind at the thought. How dare the bitch red queen think she could trespass on their lands at her own desire? And what would happen to Flamesong? He couldn't fight. Wouldn't fight. Would he care for himself while she was fighting for the siege. She wondered if perhaps it was time to consult a healer...Her hazels would dart to the form of Gossamir. She needed to speak with the woman. If not Gossamir, then perhaps a different healer.

The girl waited until the commotion had died down, and then made her decision. She spoke up with a shrill bark, and addressed Roman herself. "I will fight beside you always, my queen." Her tail would drop then as her thoughts returned to her father. She would have to tell Roman about his illness. SHe would just have to approach her after the meeting and speak with her in private to protect her father's pride.


07-26-2014, 02:07 PM
Colors were drifting past his vision. Greens, blues, purples. Weren't they all so friendly with each other? They would float separately and then suddenly merge together into one, mixed color. He would watch them day in and day out, curious as to what they would do next. Would they ever leave the other colors alone? No, they knew each other too well. Were so well acquainted that one would not be able to function without the other. If he blinked, closed his eyes for just a second the colors would rearrange and have to begin their dance all over again. He wouldn't want them to be lost, so he tried to keep his eyes open.

The hunger didn't bother him anymore. The constant clawing at his belly had turned into an empty crater, constantly shrinking. Food wouldn't satisfy him anymore. It turned rotten in his mouth, or so it seemed. Flavors were all the same, textures were nauseating. Flamesong was no longer a warrior, no longer a healer, no longer a wolf. He was nothing. Not even the slightest wisp of grass on the wind. Nothing.

Amber eyes would blink as his daughter pulled him to his feet by his scruff. The colors scattered across his vision, and he had to swallow down the panic that arose because of it. She was speaking to him now, and the colors were rearranging themselves; preparing the first steps of the dance. He smiled, wondering if the dance would be different this time. He felt a light pressure against his side and the colors would disappear. He was confused, but Melody was pushing him in the direction of the alpha's den and Flamesong had a feeling that he should go there. He picked up his paws and pushed himself slowly onward. He felt the young lady following closely behind him, watching his every move and practically walking the path for him. He saw blue in the distance, leading him onward.

As they reached the clearing the man felt his daughter press against his bony side, and he nearly collapsed into her. Blue and purple had moved together. Their hue changed to pink and there was Isardis, like a nightmare in his vision. The large albino was here in Tortuga? The man's thoughts raced, all colors scattered again in a panic. He wasn't truly there. There wasn't even a slight possibility. No possible. Flamesong let his shoulders relax and felt as the rising growl descended back into his chest. And so the colors reappeared.

It seemed that the dance upon his vision was keeping him from hearing whatever it was Roman had to say. He had found himself now, collapsed at his daughter's paws, lying on the ground while his mind played tricks on him. He was gone, his mind turning rounds with the colors that danced in his eyes.

Talon I


4 Years
07-26-2014, 03:41 PM

Kangi was quick to join him, though she seemed confused and bewildered at the gathering. The number of wolves here was already large, but it seemed to grow by the minute. Talon was quiet at her side as he watched them trickle in, feeling a strange aura in the air. Though Roman had seemed warm and inviting, he found that many of the wolves around him seemed tense.

She began to speak, and his silver eyes were wide and attentive, fixated on Roman. She even introduced and welcomed himself and Kangi, and he found a smile forming on his lips at her kindness. But it faded quickly as her voice grew serious and somewhat harsh. Danger.. poison.. war. War? He found his nose wrinkling and his heart began to hammer loudly in his chest. Roman invited any of them to join, and he found his head shaking side to side without thinking. He would not fight -- he couldn't fight.

Fear begin to flood the very core of his being. She would call their allies to them -- and they would arrive. How long it took, he didn't know; he was too busy getting lost inside his head, terrified that they had made some horrible mistake in coming here. Some seemed happy to fight, ecstatic even, at the possibility of bloodshed and danger; he wanted nothing to do with it. He began to quake at the arrival of Isardis, panic coursing through his veins. Why is he here? He thought he had escaped him. A gentle whine escapes his throat, barely audible, only meant for Kangi alone.

He heard the gentle voice of Kangi beside him. 'Kaga,' she said, the word they'd decided would be the safe word, what they would use when they were no longer comfortable here. Talon would quickly move as she did, leaving the group without hesitation, wanting to comfort her as soon as he could find the strength to.

- exit Talon -



4 Years
07-27-2014, 02:33 AM

[Image: O2SqJTo.png]

She would watch as two other packs started to find their way into the Tortugian territory. "My queens, I seek permission to prepare herbs to aid with the injuries that might be sustained but I will need an assistant or two to do so." She informed Qanik and Roman with the anticipation of a response. She was quite nervous about this siege but she was alright with it because it was right and just. She had come to hope that the siege worked out and that she had little use fr the herbs that she was going to collect. She truthfully wanted to just go out there and fight as she was going to attempt to persuade the right to prove herself as a beta. However, she was a far ways away from that.

[Image: p6FO9J3.png]