
Top 7 funniest awkward moments of 2018



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
11-06-2018, 02:34 PM

It was a waste of effort to contemplate whether or not Seph would ever slow down long enough for him to not need to corral her like a feral beast. He was just glad he'd gotten relatively good at cutting her off before she ducked out of actual work. There'd been many times in their childhood where she'd simply been too subtle and quick and he'd be left with the burden. Not anymore though!

He already knew roughly where he was going even before he lifted one end of the partially eaten animal and began trudging down the slope a bit. With Seph on the other side it was a lot faster than if he'd been trying to move prey by himself, thank goodness. Even if they hadn't heard or seen anyone else around yet he wouldn't be relaxing much until the prey was hidden from view. His paws sunk deeper into the snow with the added weight of the still warm kill weighing him down, making moving more difficult. He kept scanning ahead, more or less ignoring Sephira for the time being as he sought out the best spot.

When a patch of dense brush came up the the left, he veered towards it, pulling the elk and Seph along with it into the foliage. Finding a good ditch in among the greenery, he pulled the doe into it as best he could and began shoveling some snow over it for good measure. It'd cool the meat down, preserve it longer that way and hopefully make it a little harder to just smell on the wind. Once he was good and satisfied with his work, Ignatius turned to his sister who was probably about to burst from the seams with pent up excitement and desire to go explore those trees that she'd found so tempting.

"Now we can go tree climbing," he said with bit of hesitation, his reservations about allowing her to go do something that'd potentially break their necks written all over his face.




3 Years
Extra large
11-13-2018, 12:27 PM (This post was last modified: 11-13-2018, 12:56 PM by Sephira.)

Luckily for them both, Ig seemed to have a plan in mind as soon as they began began to drag the carcass. They were both keenly aware how well (read: poorly) Sephira dealt with impatience. This was a boring thing, albeit necessary, and she wanted to do a fun, albeit completely and recklessly unnecessary thing. It was recipe for disaster. If they had been back home with other wolves around to act as distractions, she would have slipped away the moment she had wrapped up her meal. But noooo, she had to be somewhat responsible now. Lame.

Eventually Ig found a low-lying bit of earth, partially obscured by greenery, and they hauled the doe into place. Seph hurriedly assisted in kicking snow over her, and maybe sent a clump or two Ig's way as well. Total accident. Not intentional whatsoever. How could you even think something so heinous. Lies and slander. Anyways, eventually Ig was satisfied and gave his lordly blessing that they could proceed with the fun part of the day. Her selective memory had already forgotten the thrill of the hunt in the face of tedious post-hunt activities. Her ears perked and she began to shift from paw to paw, nearly dancing in place. "Betcha I can climb higher than you!"

And with that she spun on her heels, darting off towards the nearest lilting trunk. These trees really were utterly massive. Three or four wolves could easily walk abreast over most of them, some more and some less, of course. Craning her neck upwards it would appear that she could get into the canopy if she was careful. Or, you know, die. But what was life without a bit of risk? She scrabbled for purchase, hauling herself up onto the lowest bit of the trunk, then turned to look over her shoulder. Her party-pooper brother would probably tell her it was a dumb idea. She wasn't sure if she cared, but she at least wanted to make sure he knew where she was in case she needed buried later. One must always be prepared, right?




7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
11-24-2018, 08:18 AM

"Betcha I can climb higher than you!"

Yeah, probably. As expected, Sephira was off like a shot and he was left to trail along after her as she made a beeline for the nearest potential climbing spot and set to work ascending into the trees without a backward glance. He watched her multicolored pelt as she made her way up higher and higher before he finally found himself saying a prayer to one of the gods their mother had taught them of as children - a habit most often brought out by his wild sibling - and began climbing after her.

He really just hoped at this point that she wasn't going to be the death of him before he find a way to enjoy himself in these new lands. It'd really suck if he went from exiled Prince to splattered remains in a forest before he could even accomplish more than hunting. Unfortunately it was... disturbingly easy to see that exact scenario playing out, so he did his best not to look down and trailed after Sephira as she scampered her way along. When she'd paused to look around and he caught up a bit, Ig's eyes narrowed immediately and he hissed, "Do not do whatever it is you are thinking of trying to do." Party pooper? Maybe. But if it was his lot in life to rain on her insane parades that caught fire and caused general chaos, he could make peace with that.