
life is way too short to take it slow




Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 01:48 PM
Deathbelle didn’t allow herself to be so vulnerable with very many wolves, Iolaire was allowed closer than anyone alive. They hadn’t known each other for long, and Belle was putting a lot of trust in the woman. Iolaire gave her no reason not to trust her though, and Deathbelle could do nothing but look back fondly at the previous evening. Similarly, Io felt regret at not being able to continue their time alone. Both of them knew the harsh reality, but the time out working would sweeten the time the were allowed together. Distance makes the heart grow fonder or something.

She was inwardly relieved that the silver marked she wolf didn’t become more distant with the rising of the sun. In reality she was just as sweet and Belle’s heart was warmed. It was still a broken mess, but Io was doing well to begin piecing it back together. ”Surprise?” She asked timidly, brow perking as she reluctantly relinquished her grasp on Io’s form. She sighed softly, hesitating making her way to her paws as she watched the way Iolaire’s body moved and stretched languidly.

The same smile she’d awoken with played on her features, not hiding her gaze as Io’s bright eyes fell upon her own. Hopefully they might find a break in their duties to come together again soon. ”It’s not polite to kiss and tell.” Her voice was playful as she finally brought herself to her paws. She didn’t hesitate to try and steal another kiss from her delicate companion as she chuckled softly. She felt free and relaxed, and Iolaire was the one to thank.

”Not that I am ashamed, I’ve enjoyed every moment with you.” Her heart beat quick in her chest and her skin still prickled with excitement. The Armada woman left her mark and more on the Empress’s heart and body.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 02:10 PM
Deathbelle seemed intrigued by the idea of a surprise and Iolaire grinned and shook her head. "Not telling. Otherwise it wouldn't be a surprise." She couldn't wait to see the look on the woman's face when Io showed up with food enough to feed them all. Granted, Sirius had been storing things away, but Iolaire would be the one to make it happen. She had added her own kills to the store, of course, so she had contributed a little.

The other woman placed a kiss upon her maw and Io's grin widened. "No, darling. Not polite at all." She slid her muzzle along her companions and whispered in her ear, "But if you feel the need, know that I won't be upset if you tell." Her tongue flicked over that ear gently before she drew back. A little tease. A promise of things to come next time they met. This could be their place.

Deathbelle admitted to having enjoyed every moment together and Iolaire laughed softly, shooting the woman a devilish look. "Oh, I know you did." Sidling up to the woman, she pressed their sides together. "If you'd like, it won't be the last time, either." Io placed a gentle nibble to the underside of Belle's jaw. "Just say the word and I can meet you here as often as you'd like." Iolaire's heart would be a hard won thing. She did, however, have a very soft spot within it for the Empress. She could never deny a woman of power who allowed herself to be so vulnerable. A part of Iolaire genuinely wanted to protect the woman as well. That was why she had jumped on the chance to take the supplies to her. To see her smile and to wash away a bit of that melancholic worry.
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 03:04 PM
She didn’t begin to have an idea of what Iolaire would bring for her, but she felt excitement brew either way. Belle offered a mock grimace as she was denied the knowledge of what she was in store for. Her thoughts wouldn’t linger on what she was denied, Io was much too talented at taking the Empress’s thoughts and focusing them on her pleasantries. She leaned into her touch, and her stomach fluttered excitedly with renewed butterflies as Io’s words were whispered into her ear.

Iolaire wasn’t going to allow Deathbelle to forget how much she craved the tiny she wolf’s work. She was against pressed against her side, and deft teeth grazed the short fur of her jaw. ”I know you did.” Her heart skipped a beat and her face grew flush at her words, she hadn’t held anything back, and Io knew exactly how she felt about every moment. ”We might never leave if you promise me that,” she half teased at Io’s offer. She leaned against Io lightly, reluctant to make her way from the heavenly retreat.

Deathbelle wished only to be loved by those around her, but the emotion was inevitably reciprocated. She loved those who pledged their loyalty to her, and in their love for one another the Ashen Empire was built. Trust and reliability were encouraged to flourish. Belle could feel the beginnings of a similar relationship forming with the Armada’s Ambassador. If she could Belle would ask her back the next night, but she knew she couldn’t allow herself to become so caught up so fast.

”Soon though, I..” She hesitated, unsure if she was ready even to admit the fact to herself. ”I don’t think I can resist your touch for long.” Deathbelle’s affection for Io was growing, though she felt selfish for so heavily indulging in the warmth of her. Still, Belle winked playfully, letting loose for once as she forced herself towards the cavern’s exit at least they would remain close until returning to the real world.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 03:33 PM
Belle's words, as ever, brought a grin to the tiny fae's features. It was good to know that she still had it. That she was still an a-class lover. Pride was something that Iolaire had in abundance. They walked towards the exit and she sighed once the light of the day illuminated their forms. "We don't even need to have sex. Companionship is just as nice." Io was a sucker for a bit of cuddling. She and Belle could stay inside, snuggle all night. Maybe have a meal together. It sounded superb.

Already Iolaire had ideas for their next meeting. She would most likely come back before hand and bring some furs for them to lay upon. Stone was chilly sometimes and they were both dainty ladies, were they not? Date night. That's what they could call it. And Iolaire could lose herself in the woman beside her while the woman beside her lost herself in pleasure. A shudder ran through the slender dame at the anticipation of the whole thing. She loved giving pleasure. Oddly enough, she wasn't much of a fan of receiving it. How that made sense, she didn't know.

Once at the mouth of the cave, she stopped in her tracks. The night was behind them. Their night was behind them. With a sigh, she turned to look at Deathbelle. "Until next time, darling." Leaning forward, she slid her tongue along the fae's lips, tasting her and giving her something to remember her by. Io began to pad away, sliding her side along the other woman's as she went. Her tail caressed Belle's chin lovingly. "I'll see you soon with that surprise."
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.



Expert Fighter (225)

Expert Healer (224)


VolcanoDream Weaver1KValentines 2020Christmas 2019Treat 2019
Promptober 2019
11-11-2019, 04:34 PM
As they walked slowly towards the world and its problems Io assured her that they need not even get dirty. The offer alone made Belle feel loved, knowing Iolaire wanted her company just as much as her body was comforting. ”I’d like that, Io.” She accepted the offer with a soft smile and a gentle nudge to the she wolf’s shoulder.

Too soon though the light flooded the tunnel and the pair would be forced to go their separate ways. Deathbelle couldn’t help but look forward to their next encounter, a surprise, cuddling, more intimacy.. Belle leaned into Iolaire’s farewell kiss, a soft whine was coaxed from her dark lips as the woman relinquished her touch and turned away. With the parting caress of her tail deathbelle returned her farewell.

”I’ll be waiting.” She replied softly, another smile playing at her features. ”But I won't promise patiently.” She chuckled as she watched Io lope away, and with a soft sigh Deathbelle was forced to return to her own duties. Firstly checking on her children after a morning alone.

Deathbelle wears a rosebud tiara that is not shown in her art.