
Red Wine and Moonlight

Lilulus ♡



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
12-06-2021, 07:25 PM

It was the easiest thing for Romulus to give himself up to the moment he was creating with Lillith, easy to get lost in the wonderland of her kisses, her touch, her scent, her taste, everything about her. Where they had begun their relationship with him coaxing and urging her through their experiences, now Lillith took the lead, bringing him through breathtaking sensations and heart-pounding delights. It was the perfect physical culmination of their love for one another and neither of them would be denied what they'd worked so diligently to achieve. It was passion, raw and hot, and it was all theirs. Seeing the way she grinned from her perch atop his body, full of confidence that should always have been hers, exuding feminine beauty and power over him, it stirred things deep within him—and in between them.

Roman was whipped through a flurry of wanton sensations with every touch of Lillith's paws or movement of her body against his, from her paws clinging to his chest and caressing his cheek to the way she shifted her hips on top of his. The feeling of her silken fur brushing through his thick coat made him feel like every inch of his skin was alive with electricity and fire, akin to touching a live wire or being struck by lightning. It was powerful and primal and unstoppable and Roman couldn't get enough! In her ruby eyes, he saw reflected the same lust and love. In that moment, Romulus had never felt more important than he did with Lillith. She made him feel like the only brute in the world—the luckiest brute in the world at that. For her, he would tear down heavens and burn hells. He would give his last breath if it meant she'd still be breathing after the end of the world. She was his alpha and omega, his beginning and his end and every part in between.

The surprise that crossed Lil's features was swiftly replaced by a somewhat nervous smile, but with his gentle insistence, she agreed to do this together. The beautiful fae pressed her slender body to his, their bellies pressed together, and then Roman felt Lillith push her hips back into his and their bodies were joined once more. Silver eyes opened wide with a breathless gasp from the brute when he felt himself sink into her, paws flexing to grip over her hips on reflex as their coupling began again. Together, the two lovers found their rhythm, Roman eager to push back against Lillith's grinding hips and renew all those sensations and pleasures they'd discovered together the first time.

The Armada wolf held nothing back; he gasped, he groaned, he grunted, he grit his teeth and squirmed beneath his lover. He felt every reaction come naturally to feed her, giving her visual and audible cues to guide her. When he sensed her hesitation, molten steel eyes fluttered open to meet hers with a smoldering gaze that begged her to keep going, rubbing gentle paws over her thighs to encourage her on. Romulus moaned her name between heavy breaths, singing the praises of his true love, his soul mate, on pleasure-drunk lyrics. Beneath the stars and lights and moon, the two lovers worked together to achieve ecstasies of the deepest level.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-07-2021, 08:42 PM
Nothing existed but Roman and that made her feel such relief from the stress and horrors the long night caused for all of them. All that mattered was him, that he was still with her, that they were her experiencing this magical night together. Every movement and sensation was new and amazing, her love for him grew by the second. Roman was her world, she’d never imagined that day he would become so utterly important to her. Essential to her existence. This intimacy only enhanced those feelings of need.

She desired him in so many ways, and with every touch and caress she’d show him. Lilith would prove her love for him with those same strokes and kisses. The way their bodies pressed together and the way he made her feel. He was her confidence and her confidant, he knew her more fully and deeply than any other wolf. He completed her, he was her other half, and her soul mate. No one else held her heart but him. She knew there wasn’t another she wanted to stand beside for the rest of her life.

Romulus propped her up in her moments of weakness, he encouraged her and built her confidence through experience. Like now as he urged her onward, wanting to learn this new thing together. She wasn’t entirely graceful but the results were just as extraordinary as their first time together. Neither one willing to hold back as sighs and moans were exchanged between them. Romulus held tightly to her thighs as his expression spoke volumes of emotion while he gazed up into her garnet gaze. Pleasure reflected off her own features as they moved together.

She showed some hesitancy, but Romulus was swift to help guide her, as he always did. He encouraged her onwards and he followed her lead to inexplicable heights. Soft whines and pleasured breaths fell from her lips as the magic of the long night finally turned to their favor instead of misfortune. Nothing could have been more beautiful or perfect than the moments the night played out. There was no one she wanted to experience it with more than Roman, and she showed him that with every movement, touch, and sigh of his name. Reaching for bliss alongside him cemented her need for him. Body, mind, and soul.




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
12-10-2021, 02:29 AM

The rest of the world was drowned out to Romulus. The overly large moon, the swirling ribbons of light, even the rippling and crashing of the falls right next to them was all washed away by Lillith. She possessed his body, mind, and spirit like a specter, controlling him, steering him through exciting and euphoric new sensations. He reveled in every single second of it, relishing each touch, each breathy sound, each movement of their bodies against one another, both subtle and deliberate. It drove both young lovers to brand new heights and experiences together. When he had met Lillith in the gardens on that balmy summer day almost a year ago now, Roman never would have been able to guess how profoundly she would change his life for the better, how essential she would become to his survival. The Armadan wolf had set out on a journey to discover his family's ancestral lands. It turned out he'd found so much more here than he could have ever expected in her—he had found his home.

All the while their bodies shifted and ground and moved together in an intimate, erotic dance, Roman's silver-hued eyes never left Lillith's, drinking in her beauty and savoring every little nuance in her expressions and reactions that crossed her features. He wanted to remember this moment for the rest of his life. It was then, lying beneath her that Roman had an epiphany. When he was a younger adolescent first starting to take notice of girls, his father had told him that he'd just know when he'd found the wolf he wanted to give his heart and soul to. At the time, Romulus didn't understand his father's words. But here, wrapped up in Lil, he did. He saw the two of them spending every day together, waking up in one another's arms and falling asleep in the same spot every night. He saw their lives play out before his very eyes—growing up, getting married and mated off, having a litter of puppies, then another, and another, the journeys each year together would take them on, every sunrise and sunset they'd share, growing old and watching their family grow as their children had children. It was like watching a beautiful movie play out in his mind; it was almost enough to bring him to tears.

Roman's heart raced for Lillith's passion, feeling his body immolating from within as the fires consumed every part of him. Every nerve ending that touched her body was on fire. Heavy breaths and low groans joined her cries in their symphony of pleasure. Slate-dipped paws slid up the smooth curves of Lil's hips to wrap around her waist, clinging to her and holding her body tight to his while they moved in unpracticed, raw motions, just following whatever instinct told them and what felt best. Claws gently gripped at tender skin, refusing to relent his grip around his lover while the sensations overwhelmed him. Roman growled her name out in response to her sensual sigh as he reached the apex of bliss and release with her, singing his ecstasy to the world in a primal howl for her and her alone.
