
Welcome to My Home


05-07-2014, 01:48 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had been expecting some big animal to come out, drawn by Klypso's barking, but had never imagined the danger to be in the form of the birds themselves. It took the increase in cries from the tree for Yin to even glance their way, and by then they were already on the attack. One in paticular seemed to have it out for the male wolf, reaching for his ear and succeeding in nipping clean through it with a bite that pulled to further the tear. Yin growled and leaped forward to add her own voice to the mix, hoping to scare the rest into fleeing rather than aiding their belligerent ally. It seemed to work, and with frightened cries they left, flying away in a flurry of wings and feathers.

Ears set back in annoyance, the white wolf watched them leave before turning her narrowed, assessing gaze back on her new companion, admittedly surprised by how badly his ear had been torn. Obviously it was causing him some distress as was evident by the tones of his whines an whimpers, as well as the way he could not leave it alone. He slippe to the ground and rolled to press the injured appendage in the snow, a move she hoped might help to soothe it as she stepped closer to inspect.

He could hardly stay still, complaining about the wound even as he got up and went back inside. Yin followed, sitting down beside him and peering closely at the opening alon his ear. She wished just a little that either of them would have been more knowledgeable about plants. As far as she could tell, the snow had been the best idea. "Did the snow help?" Maybe he needed to go back and lay a little longer in it. "Does it need to be cleaned more?"



05-07-2014, 03:46 PM
Klypso looked to the female wolf and sighed gave a small smile, but his smile soon faded as he could feel the blood flowing from his ear and onto the den, a small wince coming from him. He didn't argue to the femme, he got up and approached the snow once more and laid is figure down on the white sheet. His ears torn down and he wished that he would be able to just stomp his paw and it would be fixed, but he knew it would never get a chance to be fully healed.

"Well, I guess that I'm a dumb wolf, huh?" He showed somewhat sadness, but stayed quiet so he could hear what the female had to say about him. He thought that she would just be laughing and knew it would be true, but he also hoped she didn't see it that way.


05-07-2014, 05:06 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He tried to appear unconcerned at first, bringing about that easy smile that he seemed always ready to give, but she watched it slip as his ear continued to bleed. It was too deep of a tear to stop bleeding so soon and it began to drip down his ear, splattering on the ground at his paws. Without a word, he got to his paws again and stepped past her and our of their den, moving back to lay down in the snow with his ear pressed to the cold. Well, at least he was doing something to help it heal she wondered as she turned and padded quietly closer to where he lay, taking a seat there amid the clean snow.

He joked at his own expense but Yin did not bite. She stayed quiet, watching, waiting, unsure how long it would take for the wound to stop bleeding and then how much longer it would take to completely heal. Could it? It was such an odd tear, she was not so certain. "The cold should help," she stated, the best advice she could offer under the circumstances.



05-07-2014, 05:22 PM
Klypso nodded to his companion as the crimson liquid began to stain the ground. He wasn't used to pain like this, but when she told him the snow would help, he knew she would be right since he had been trying to ease the intensity of the tear, but every time he tried not to think about it, blood would pump out and drip and pain would overcome it, causing him to wince once more, his eyes staying focused on the femme that was with him.

"Thank you, Yin," he told her as he closed his eyes to try and rest, his body trying to clot the ear so that the bleeding would subside, but since the would was so deep, it would take a while before it would.

"Also, do you think I am not a good companion, that I'm just a dumb wolf who always gets himself or his friends hurt?" He asked her, eyes staying focused upon her once more as he pressed his ear deeper into the snow.


05-10-2014, 09:20 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He was quiet for a while, ear pressed against the cold snow and looking quite miserable. Yin merely sat by, expressionless and strangely patient. It was not the sort of silly thing she was used to, nor did she hope it would continue on well after this day, but she was surprisingly not angry. It seemed the company of having someone around, someone who appeared to need her help, opened something new in her, a kindness that was rarely, if ever, seen. She sighed and turned her head away from him, scenting the air and assessing what surrounded them with critical eyes.

The male's voice cut through the otherwise quiet to thank her and ask her an unexpected question, and for a moment Yin did not make an attempt at answering. "I don't know," she said honestly, still not looking at him as her green and blue gaze stared off over the snowy landscape. "Do you do this sort of thing a lot?" Maybe he was. She really had not known him long enough to determine for herself, but if he had fears of his own then maybe there was some grounds for them.



05-15-2014, 10:36 PM
Klypso would keep his lobes against the frozen landscape, his golden gaze shifting to his companions blue and green gaze. He was in pain, and when she asked him if he did this all the time, he figured she was talking about his antics. He sighed. "No, but when it came to crows I dont like them at all."

He didnt like to make her mad, and since it came to her seeming mad about what he had been doing; even though she was not mad now, he figured she was just annoyed. His eyes shifted to some birds who were laughing at his ear as they tweeted in laughter. He stood and let out a deep and agressive yet harmonious howl, and the birds flew off in fright. He shook his head and placed his ear back in the snow.


05-18-2014, 10:36 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Yin huffed a breath. So Klypso had a problem with their winged neighbors? She had to admit they could be incredibly noisy things when they wanted to be, especially since their aerial abilities could bring them quickly out of reach within a matter of seconds. As far as she was concerned it was a troublesome problem to have, and she hoped their stay here in this location would not be hampered by it. Last thing she wanted was for them to be antagonized by the birds after they realized the wolves disliked them.

As if on cue the ruckus within the trees started up again, a rude cackling that was entirely too coincidental. They already knew the feelings of the wolves and obviously cared nothing about it. Yin's ears perked as she glanced upward into their safe tree, mismatched eyes narrowing unamused. If only they were on level ground, they would not be so quick to laugh. "If it's feeling better we should go back in," she suggested, finally turning he gaze on the male who still had his ear pressed into the snow, "I don't like having an audience."



05-18-2014, 10:51 PM
Klypso sighed and nodded as he followed the female to the den. As he lied down, he could feel his ear continue to cause excruciating pain, and crimson continued to drip from his torn lobe. He lied down and placed his head down upon his paws and curled into a ball, trying to fall asleep and get the pain to leave him alone.

"You're lucky that you dont have to have this pain," He told her and soon continued to keep hisbeyes closed, opening them once in a while and listened to the crows that soon came back. The brute wished he could snap down on one of them again but he closed his eyes and erected his ear to hear Yin if she needed to say anything.


05-19-2014, 07:25 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The male lifted his head from the snow with a nod, and with his okay she led them away from the snowy outside to take shelter inside of their den, away from the cackling cries of the crows who continued to pester them from above. A final, irritated glance was cast over her shoulder before she disappeared inside, her green and blue gaze seeking out Klypso as he lay down within the safety of their shelter. His ear, the tattered thing, was still bleeding. Apparently the snow had not done enough.

Yin padded around to the side of him with his torn ear and took a seat while she continued to look down at him, noting how he curled tightly in place as if trying to shield himself from the pain that his ear inflicted. His pained words caused her ears to fold slightly, though whether in annoyance or pity she was not altogether sure. She was no healer, after all; what did he expect her to do?

"Not picking fights with birds would prevent that," she suggested quietly. After a while, she rolled her eyes and scooted closer, leaned her head down and tried to clean up the side of his head where the blood had dripped with a few licks, sticking clear of his ear to prevented unwanted pain.



05-23-2014, 05:24 PM
Klypso's gold pools looked into the heterochromatic colored pools of the fae before him. A small, thankful smile would spread across his maw as he wrapped his tail around his side, placing his cranium upon his forepaws allowing Yin to lick his bloody ear. A small wince would appear when she missed and hit her ear. The pain was unbearable and felt to be inhumane. The sense of him wishing he never even messed with those damn crows ran through his mind.

"Thank you for the advice, I will be sure to use it from now on," he chuckled and nudged her slightly in a friendly way as he soon set his head back down on his front paws. Snow began to fall in large flakes and the wind would pick up, sending the large particles of white right in front of him and the fae. He liked the cold, but not when it was like this. The brute stood and allowed the cold air to calm down his ear, trying to think that perhaps it would help with the pain he was feeling.


05-29-2014, 07:44 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Klypso lay still, smiling, as she tended to his face, swiping away the droplets and streaks of blood left by his ear. How long before it stopped? Maybe the snow had not been enough to do more than soothe the ache from the tear. She hesitated only once, realizing one careless lick had been too close and had caused the male to wince, and after a moment she finished what she had started with a few more cautious, cleaning licks. At least he looked a little better, less bloody at any rate.

Finished, the white wolf curled up again at the golden-eyed male's side, her own dark tail curling close. He thanked her for her advise, advise she thought he ought to have known already, and gave her a little nudge. Yin said nothing, only thought quietly how strange it was to have company again, to have someone that she needed to care for. Wondered more strangely how she had managed to end up in that sort of situation again in the first place.

He rose, placed himself before the entrance to their new den, and allowed the icy wind to come inside and glide past his injured ear. She was not sure it would provide much more help beyond what the ice had been able to do, but at least he was making an effort. "When the birds are gone, you should put your ear in the snow again," she suggested. It all depended on how long the birds planned to stick around. It did not sound like they lingered any longer - maybe their audience leaving bored them into finding another target for torment - but maybe waiting a while longer just to be sure was not such a bad idea.



05-30-2014, 05:25 AM
Klypso could not sense, or see the black birds outside in the sheet of white. He believed he should do as the fae had advised and placed his ear back into the snow, the cold snow felt like a compact that was to sooth his aching ear. His golden orbs were showing, but they were darker since no light came from any source. The brute missed his family, but he promised himself that he would do something for Yin, even if it meant leaving and going their separate ways; if that would make her happy. A small sigh would escape his mouth as he spoke.

"I know how we both know that we're lonely and have not had much company in our lives despite family members, but at least you have others that would go to the ends of the earth for you, and even though you're helping me, I will help you. Even if it means leaving you alone and you can be yourself again. But, I am not breaking the promise on my own will, but you telling me to go." He spoke in a serious yet kind tone and waited for the answer of the female wolf before him that was warm and safe in the den.


06-12-2014, 09:55 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

As if her word was law, the smaller male was up and moving again, drawing himself out and away from the den they had chosen and back out into the snow. No raucous screeching started up when he went so she supposed the birds really had departed. All the better. She was beginning to think she might lose her patience next and make the same mistake Klypso had by charging at them to get them to be quiet.

She had stayed inside their den but upon hearing his voice Yin rose to her paws and followed him outside to better hear what he had to tell her. And what he did say was quite surprising. The white wolf was not sure who he spoke of when he claimed someone was willing to go to the ends of the earth for her. Did he mean himself? He certainly could not mean her brother or her once-friend. But, more surprising yet, he mentioned leaving her. "You want me to tell you to leave?" she asked flatly, uncertainly, her brow drawn into another frown as she stared at him across the snow. Was that what he was asking for?



06-14-2014, 02:06 PM
He did not wish for the female wolf to make him leave, and he surely wound not leave on his own accord. The brute had promised Yin that he would watch over her, even though it would seem that she was strong and able to do things her own way without him being their to help her. The snow continued to go down in heavy and large flakes, making it very hard to see. If he were to leave, he would surely not be able to see or do much of anything in the blizzard. "Yin, I don't know if you want me to leave, but it is up to you, and know that I am not leaving on my own accord unless you wish for me to leave you in peace. And, when I was saying that someone would go to the ends of the earth for you; know that that someone would be me. Even if you do not like me, I would be willing to die for you." He said as true words came through his mouth, walking out and sitting down on the entrance, eyes staying focused on the snow that was falling down on his head and making his dark and light grey cranium into a speckled white.

"I have not had much of anyone that would go through so much for me, and I know the same things that you would be feeling. I do like you a lot, Yin, but, I don't know if you would even feel the same way since we have only been here for a little while, and I was basically taking you away from being yourself. But, if you want me to leave, I will, since I care about you and want you to be happy," he said in his kind and gentle tone. He really did like her, he even loved her, but knew that she might not feel the same way and would leave if she wished him too without any argument.


06-18-2014, 10:56 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The clouds, which had until this point seemed demure and quiet above as they released a light coating of snow, suddenly became more menacing, the snowfall intensifying to the point that Yin glanced upward and away with a narrowing of her eyes. It had taken a dangerous turn, falling thickly and quickly, reminiscent of the beginnings of blizzard weather. For a moment she wondered whether their small shelter would be enough to protect both herself and Klypso from the cold and frigid wind, but then she stopped herself. She was a hardy one, from the north and fully capable of withstanding a simple blizzard. As for her company...she would do what she could, but she could not hold herself responsible if he did not have the strength to get himself through it.

Her companion spoke again, informing her that the decision of whether he stayed or left was hers to make. He hated feeling as if he was keeping her from being herself, whatever she naturally was without him, and that he cared for her no matter what he did. Of course, he said all this in his own words, which were more long winded than she suspected was necessary, though she supposed it was all a ruse to tiptoe around the fact of the matter that he thought she might not want him around.

In a way, he was right. He was a burden, something that needed her attention and care and protection, and a little she resented him for it. He did slow her down, and because she could no longer be selfish and self-serving his presence bothered her. But at the same time, he reminded her of her brother, the figure in her life that had meant the most to her, who had always been deserving of her kindness and compassion and companionship. And this, too, made her resent him; no one could ever replace her brother in her eyes, and living with the reminder that he was not there was bothersome. She supposed she had made up her mind from the start, even if she had been dragging him along the whole time. It was a feeble attempt at keeping the memory of her brother alive, at trying to cling to him when he was long gone. and what sense was there in fooling herself, and Klypso, any longer?

She frowned deeply, not liking the path her thoughts had traveled, but she sensed freedom, felt its pull, and let it guide her words, her actions. "I don't know how to live with others now," she stated, explaining herself while she still had the chance. "I've only ever lived with my brother, and he was tolerant of me always, even when he shouldn't have been. You are good like he was. You deserve a better companion than me. No matter what you may think of me," she added quickly, sternly, leaving no room for him to counter her otherwise. But then she paused, turning her mismatched eyes away guiltily, stubbornly. "You should go. You'll be better off."

She did not wait for him to say anything to stop her, to talk her out of her decision, to stall her and make things different. He had offered to leave, and so she had released them both from their burdens. With a flick of her dark tail she stalked toward him, eying him for a second before she leaned in and placed a lick against face where she had cleaned away the blood just a little while ago, as if cleaning away some that she had missed, and then she turned and hurried into a trot, a lope, to disappear across the snows and find herself a den alone somewhere so that Klypso could at least hole up inside the den they had shared and stay warm during the oncoming storm.

-Exit Yin-

OOC: I think I'm going to be setting Yin inactive soon, so I figured she could let Klypso go, just in case. x: