


04-28-2014, 09:51 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He had no comment to her remark, possibly just accepting it as a fact rather than acknowledging it as anything other than that. Yin was somewhat relieved by it. He could have easily started them on a long and drawn out conversation that she would have eventually tired of, but instead he was willing to let them lapse into silence, a strangely comfortable silence like those she used to share with Yang when he had still been her constant companion. Where was that twin of hers? What sorts of dangers had he gotten himself into to keep him away from her for so long?

A little frown formed upon her brow, darkening her green and blue eyes. She did not want to think about where he might have been or what might have been keeping him from her. It was of no consequence here. She was learning how to move on, to live on her own without any of them. Save for this moment which she shared with Klypso, but that was a selfish endeavor, one meant simply to prove herself right about others lacking an investment in knowing her. Eventually he would leave too. She was sure of it. It was only a matter of time.

Distraction came from the river. A splash sudden broke above the water and came their way, and spotting it ahead of time Yin had enough time to lift her head and lean away from the majority of the water, only a few stray droplets landing on her side while Klypso received the brunt of it. It seemed to be just the right thing to make him lose his cool, and snarling and snapping he was in the water, chasing after the fish who continued to taunt and tease him as it drew him further away from her and their resting place beside the stream. Eventually he returned unsuccessful, and Yin stared at him with a brow raised. What had she just witnessed?

She decided not to bring it up as he returned to lay down beside her, at a distance she noticed that was closer than the last time. A show of trust or had he just not remembered his earlier display of respect by keeping his distance? Whatever the case, she hardly felt threatened by him or by his slightly encroachment. She accepted it by placing her head again upon her outstretched leg and closed her eyes with another sigh.



04-28-2014, 09:58 PM
Klypso listened to the sound of the splashing fish. He trusted Yin, and he liked her a lot, but he doubted she felt the same way since she was used to being ripped off and alone. His gold orbs shone as the sun started to go down, and he looked to Yin and accidentally, his tail touched hers and he placed his head on his paws.

"Thank you, Yin, for giving me a chance," he spoke in a calm and quiet tone as he could smell the scent of oak and maple escaping from her pelt. He yawned slightly, but kept his eyes open to watch for danger if someone or.something were to sneak up on them.


04-28-2014, 10:17 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

In silence, the night crept up on them. She had failed to notice at first, just merely relaxing and enjoying the peace of having someone nearby while not feeling obligated to carry on a conversation that would have been pointless and tiring. But eventually her mismatched eyes and drifted upward and over to the trees and she spotted the new length and lean of their shadows, the indicator that the sun was beginning its decent and that, very soon, the chill in the air would become more prominent, colder, and their streamside location would become less than ideal.

She felt the touch of something against her tail and her ears turned slightly in a move of attention before she realized what it was. As it was not uncomfortable she let it slide, closing her eyes as she continued to rest in the fading afternoon light and listen to the gentle current of the stream as it continued along its path beside them. Her ears turned to listen as he thanked her, to which she only replied with a gently murmured, "Mm," and nothing more. No point in saying anything else; there was still plenty of time for him to back out of the challenge and prove to her that she had been right all along.

Eventually the chill in the air did become more prominent, and after a delayed second she offered up a little suggestion masked within a harmless phrase. "It's getting cold. Not good after a dip in the stream." Likely it would have done good for Klypso to take shelter somewhere before the cold could fully creep in and under his coat, if it was still wet. But it was his choice. She was not going to press it.



04-28-2014, 10:25 PM
"It is getting cold and dark outside. Let's look for a den for the night. That is if you would like that and wish to join me," he spoke in his calm tone and tilted his head slightly. The cold continued to get worse every second they stood out here. His gold eyes looked to the the heterochromatic eyes of the female before him.

"The more we stay out here, the worst the weather will become," he spoke truthfully and walked over to the forest, waiting for Yin to come with him. But, if she didn't, then he would stay by her side and keep her warm from the harsh weather.


04-28-2014, 10:39 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Finally he took note of what she had said and realized that she was right. They did need to get somewhere else before the cold really set in. Not only would it have seeped right into his coat and made him incredibly uncomfortable for the night but even she with her northern experience knew shelter was still better than sleeping out in the open. Here she thought they would be lucky. There was foliage all over the place to provide cover, not to mention more large sized creature from which they could steal a den and sleep in for the night compared to the north. When he suggested they go look for one together, she nodded silently, willing enough to spend the time with him. He was harmless. If anything, he might have needed her help more.

Another encouraging comment was made, and after a wide yawn Yin spoke up. "Then we better get moving." Getting her paws beneath her, she pressed up from the ground and stretched, finding that she had gotten a little too comfortable there on the ground and her body was eager to get back to resting. Looking for shelter was sounding better and better. Klypso was already moving, stepping away from her and toward the trees with a slight pause and a glance her way to see if she intended to follow. She did, trailing after him and letting him take the lead while she kept an eye on where they were going and what else might have been in the woods with them.



04-29-2014, 02:08 PM
When he saw that she was coming, he walked onward through the forest in search of a den that could be used for the night until the storm cleared up. The smell of oak and maple continuing to fill his nostrils with the bitter fragrance. A small smile came across him, but he tried to keep the smile off of his face so that he didn't upset Yin. A small sigh escaped his mouth as he looked around, and that was when he saw a makeshift den that was crafted out of an uprooted tree as it lay crooked, and the its roots pointing upward.

"We can use this for a den if that is alright with you, Yin," he looked to her and then shifted back toward the den and soon felt the wind begin to get worse, his pelt whipping about in the direction where the wind was coming from. He lied down near the entrance of the den and watched for an activity that he needed to be aware of. The smell of oak continuing to enter his nostrils, causing him to snort slightly from the smell.


04-29-2014, 02:33 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The black, grey, and white male continued to walk ahead of the large pale female, and as he did she continued to look about them. It reminded her a bit of her travels with her brother, him carelessly and happily considering their next location while she remained more concerned with the here and now, the dangers that lurked around them. Of the twin pair, Yin had easily been the fighter, dangerously equipped with a temper that allowed for her to strike first without asking questions. Yang had even the one to reign her in, to calm her when she otherwise might have snapped. Her mismatched gaze shifted back toward Klypso in his leading position, still wondering if it was at all possible to fall back into that familiar habit with someone she had only just met.

He spotted their densite before she did, and with her gaze still attentive to their surroundings she only stopped because he did in front of her. He spoke drawing her attention away from her self-appointing task to glance assessingly at the fallen tree Klypso spoke of using as their shelter. There did seem to be a decent-sized spot below it suitable for protecting them from the elements until the night was over, and so she nodded agreement, sure that it would complete its purpose for the time they needed it. He stepped in first and stopped near the entrance, Yin brushing past to head toward the more protected back. She curled up tightly again, watching quietly Klypso as he continued to take the brunt of the cold weather outside. "You sure you want to lay there?" she asked, mismatched eyes narrowed in something almost like concern, "Are you even dry yet?"



04-29-2014, 02:43 PM
The male looked to her and nodded, not saying anything for he did not wish for her to be upset with another conservation which he had started. The cold continued to whip against his mismatched pelt, and he would smile at the cold that began to cause him to shiver. He was used to the cold. No matter what he would help keep Yin safe, even if she did not wish for his help. The rain began to fall, as did drops of snow and he sighed and walked inside the den, shaking the wetness away, making sure not to hit the femme that was inside.

"Thanks for the concern, but I was used to the cold when I was in my other home." He lied down a little close to her, having his side brush against hers to try and keep her warm from the harsh cold that began to show itself to the two acquaintances. He placed his head down upon his paws and closed his eyes as the wind whistled past his lobes.

"I have been alone, and at least I have someone I may be able to talk to for a little while longer," he spoke and lied down on his side this time, making sure not to touch Yin for he was not sure if she would accept his touch, but he was happy to be inside the den and safe from the climate that had begun to change.


04-29-2014, 03:12 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The weather appeared to be growing worse outside of the den, rain beginning to fall and soak the wood they had been wandering through, worsening the longer it persisted and eventually even becoming an early snowstorm. What luck they had. If she had not suggested a place to rest then they were well could have been out in that mess, without anything to protect them from the cold. Klypso seemed surprisingly resilient despite not looking like much of a large, burly warrior. He might have shivered there where he was beside rhe majority of the storm, but he refused to move, claiming that he wa fine and perfectly content to stay there. Yin thought him a little crazy for it, but was admittedly impressed. Who knew he was stronger than he looked?

He shifted from his place and came a little closer, curling up on the floor of their makeshift den just beside her. His side was close to his, touching if only just, and she could tell now that she had been wrong in her concern. He was already dry, though his smaller size did seem to make the cold slip beneath his skin that much easier. But his own concern was not for himself. He did not say so aloud, nor did he make it painfully obvious, but she could see that he was going out of his way to ensure she was comfortable, offering her a what extra warmth he could without completely encroaching on her personal space. It was such a strange line that he walked, between being helpful and being respectful. It was almost amusing.

Yin questioned why she was there. Was it because she secretly wanted the company, a secret so well hidden that even she failed to take it as fact? Or did Klypso remind her so much of her brother that she felt obligated to stay with him and protect him? Her eyes watched him closely from where she lay, studying him as she remained quietly lost in thought. On impulse, the white wolf with the black tail scooted closer, pressing against her companion to both offer warmth and security. She was still not sure why she was being so uncharacteristically nice, but helpless to act otherwise she was forced just to go with it.



04-29-2014, 03:21 PM
Klypso looked to his companion and gave a small smile as he wrapped his tail around her haunch as if acting like it were a blanket to help keep her warm. Even though he was slightly smaller than she, his tail was bushy and when he was alone, would use it to help him stay warm. The frigid climate sent down small patches of cold at them, but he was used to the cold, and liked it in a way. His fur would sometimes keep him too warm to his liking, so the cold would help cool him down for a little while until he had enough.

His gold eyes were covered by his grey lids as his breathing became still and calm. He would never leave Yin out of impulse, but only if he was forced too. Even though he was used to being alone as well as she was, he always thought that everyone deserved some kindness even if they were not.

"Are you warm enough," he asked her with a somewhat sleepy tone, and if she said yes then he would leave it at that. His orbs shifted around even though they could not be seen, ears erect to try and find anything that he would need to keep from entering the den. When finding nothing, he began to rest in peace and listen to the sound of the storm before them.


04-29-2014, 03:38 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Yin was grateful Klypso's company was quiet. He made no remark about her drawing herself closer but merely smiled that small, kind smile of his and set his tail around her haunches in a gesture of comfort and care. Had it been anyone else she might have extended a hind leg and kicked the appendage away, to discourage him from trying to encroach on her space as she had already done to him. She had never truly been one for physical contact, content enough to keep her distance. But it seemed as if her extended time alone had affected her. It felt off to her, but at the same time it was more comforting than she was used to it being.

He asked, selflessly, whether she was warm enough and in answer she relaxed further into her position beside him, murmuring an agreeable, "Mhm," if her answer was not clear enough. She extended her head to rest her chin on the ground beside his foreleg and closed her mismatched eyes, listening to the storm as the wind continued to blow about outside their makeshift den. They might have only met that day but already she was sure she could sleep here, curled up and pressed against his side. It was strange, incredibly so; the last time she had done something so bold she had been so very disappointed.

Surprised to find herself hoping for better, silently and secretly rooting for Klypso to prove her wrong, Yin sighed and relaxed, content to spend the night within this shelter at the greyscale make's side.



04-29-2014, 06:01 PM
He looked to her and nodded, the smell of snow, wind, and rain sending cold into his pelt as he looked to her. The morning was the same way as he had walked over to the entrance and sniffed around. It was cold, but not like it was last night. His eyes stayed focused on the world around him as the cold sent chills down his spine, but he was happy to see it at a relaxing feeling. His claws dug into the earth as he sniffed around. Yin appeared to still be sleeping. He lied down and kept watch for intruders once more.

"I would like to go hunting with Yin, but she is still asleep and I do not wish to bother her while she needs her rest," he spoke quietly to himself and gave his small smile, lying down and placing his head down on his paws like he had done many of times before when he was with the white and black femme.

A rabbit could easily be seen as he crawled into the underbrush, waiting for the right opportunity. His eyes focused on his prey as he watched for any movements that the hare might make, and soon, like a bolt of lightning, he was on top of the rabbit. It squealed in worry and protest as it was kicking its feet. He shook it's head as the life was leaving it's body, and soon, it was laying limp in his maw. He placed the hare down in front of the female wolf whom he had known since yesterday and lied down once more near the entrance, keeping watch as his eyes scanned the perimeter for anything he needed to be aware of.


04-29-2014, 07:11 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Night passed on quietly, save for the storm outside the den, and Yin was able to sleep soundly and peacefully beside the male who she had suddenly taken as a companion the day before. She never would have imagined sharing a den with anyone after all the trouble she had been through, after convincing herself that she did not need anyone and that even if she did they would not stick around to provide anything more than a temporary company. Of course, it was still early in her fledgling friendship with Klypso; they were only on day two. How long before she finally set aside her doubts and began to see him as an integral part of her day? To even learn to care for him as she once had her other companions?

It was the smell of breakfast that woke her. She had been oblivious to Klypso's early morning adventures and had slept right through them, content to rest as long as she could and perhaps even able to do so more easily because she was subconsciously aware that someone was watching her back. Her dark nose twitched at the end of her muzzle as she smelled the meal and her sleep befuddled green and blue eyes blinked blearily open to finally spy it lying right before her upon the ground. Slowly she lifted her head, still staring at the hare and then shifting to the male wolf who lay just beyond it, glancing about outside of their shelter. "You already eat?" she asked, her voice slightly gruff with lack of use during the night. She could not remember the last time she had woken up to a meal already ready for her; it was almost too good to be true.



04-29-2014, 07:22 PM
He would see that she was awake as she had asked if he had eaten. He walked inside and lied down beside her, curling his tail around her haunch as he shook his head. "No, in my old family, the females would eat first and the males would hunt for them and bring hare or deer to them. You are a friend to me, and I remembered my old pack's custom, so please, eat and I shall hunt for myself when I have the chance." He smiled and looked to the sky as the clouds soon became scarce, and the sun peaked out over the horizon.

"If you need anything else, be sure to let me know," he spoke as he continued to look around and keep watch. The smell of the hare caused his stomach to growl, but not bad enough for Yin to hear anything. He placed his cranium upon his two front paws and heaved a small sigh and relief that he had hopefully won over Yin's trust, and he hoped that she would also accept him as a friend.


04-29-2014, 07:36 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

No sooner than he noticed she was awake he was walking back inside the den, coming around her side to settle there next to her and wrap his tail around her haunches. She watched him as he did it, feeling strangely odd with how easily he took up the position compared to all the tentativeness from the night before. It felt oddly...intimate, though the gesture itself was small. Or was she perhaps reading too far into it? He had meant it in nothing more than friendship the first time; it was likely that was still the case.

Without knowing, Yin let her gaze shift away from the male and back to the rabbit he had hunted for her, listening as he explained why he had done it and how things were done within the home he used to have. She was not used to this way of life in any way. She was used to being self-sufficient, of needing no one to feed her, shelter her, care for her. How strange it was to sit back and not need to fetch herself a meal, for it to simply show up without her even being aware it was on its way. Thanks were not necessarily her style, but she was grateful despite not voicing it aloud. With only a nod of her head, she reached a paw out and brought the hare closer, beginning to eat from it.

It tasted more delicious than she had anticipated, possibly because she had not needed to go through the effort of catching it for herself. She hardly felt right eating in front of Klypso though, knowing that he himself had yet to eat and if he had gone through the trouble of getting this rabbit then he had to be hungry too. Licking her lips, Yin stopped eating to speak. "You don't have to watch me eat," she informed him, quite certain she would be fine finishing her rabbit alone if he wished to get himself a meal now. Somehow she would need to make it up to him, this unnecessary generosity. It was what she would have done for Yang; it felt just as pertinent in this situation too.



04-29-2014, 07:48 PM
He would look to her and shook his head, "I promised myself that I would not let you do anything as long as I am here. If you wish for me to leave that is alright, but I think of you as a friend Yin, and you surely know how to keep me on my paws." Klypso smiled and walked over to the entrance of the den and watched the clouds, "And sometimes, I would think of you as someone I would die for, and that is the truth." He turned back to the clouds and smiled as his gold eyes shimmered from the sunlight that entered and reflected off of his orbs.

"I was alone for most of my life like I have said. I have not had many friends, and those that I had met used me to get revenge, or to get a quick meal from and then left me to defend myself against those that have been angered by my so called friends. I understand what you feel, and I am sorry you had to go through a rough life as far as what it seems to me. You must move onward, for you will never learn to move forward until you forgive those who have hurt you. And that is what I did. And now I met you." He spoke the truth in everything that he had said. Even though she did not speak much, he knew she was something special, and deep down, even though they only knew each other for two days, he really enjoyed her company and liked her a lot.


04-29-2014, 08:08 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

How was he so content to just sit around waiting on her next request, her next command, and be so willing to care for her like that? What had she done to deserve it, aside from simply not send him away the first chance she had? Her brow furrowed as she set her mismatched gaze on him, studying his face and the smiles that he so freely handed out to her. He was even more odd than Yang had been, especially in moments like this. She merely shook her head at his complacent behavior, going back to finish the rabbit when he rose and moved to sit closer beside the makeshift den's entrance to stare outside into the brightening morning.

He surprised her when he spoke next, making her aware of the fact he had grown to think so highly of her that he would be willing to lay down his life for her. Whatever appetite had been in her stomach at the time disappeared with the severity and intensity of the casually made remark, her eyes immediately going toward him and staring at him uncertainly. Did he really mean that? Could he really be so willing to lose his life for someone that he had only met, someone that had bet him he would fail to stick around long enough to convince her people were not all selfish and ready to abandon those who counted on them? She licked her lips again before pushing the mostly eaten carcass of the rabbit away from her, remaining silent as she had no idea what the expected response was to such a proclamation, especially when she was still working out how it was that she felt about this eccentric stranger.

Without being asked, he ventured forth to tell her a bit about his life, to explain to her how he had once been in her steps and knew all too well what it was like to be forced to live alone. She listened quietly and oddly patient, assuming his story was supposed to bring her closer to him in some way. Maybe he just liked to tell stories. "You sure meeting me was a good thing?" she asked, pushing her torso up so that she could sit and meet his bright gaze more levelly. He had, in a sense, signed his life away when he had agreed to this challenge. Maybe he would come to regret it.



04-29-2014, 08:20 PM
He looked to her and locked his golden gaze to her mismatched eyes. He knew what he was getting into, and he was not afraid of the challenge, but he did not care about it. "Yes, for you are someone special to me, and like I said, I would be willing to die for someone like you." He spoke to her and looked back outside. "But, you will only have to believe me when or if you can. If not, then that is alright, but I will still be willing to help whenever I can and if you accept my company. I will be back in a couple minutes, for I am getting my breakfast." He spoke in his calm tone, this time sounding quiet as he left the den.

Within a couple minutes, he brought back the rabbit and began to eat the hare. When it was finished, he buried the bones and lied down, closing his eyes as he allowed the wind to touch his face and cause the fur to the whip around. He was at ease.


04-29-2014, 10:08 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

He was so annoyingly sure of himself, refusing to even consider that he might have signed his life away to the boring task of fetching meals and finding shelters for a silent, poor excuse for company. Again Yin shook her head, disbelief mingling with surprise. Would he ever drop the pretense that he would be satisfied with such a life when it could very quickly become tiresome and cause him to regret it? "You say that now," she remarked somewhat irritably, realizing in that moment that there was another, incredibly important difference between this male and her brother: her brother had seen her at her worst.

Klypso left to get his own meal, and while he was gone she growled lowly to herself. Who was she kidding? Why had she even thought for a moment that he might prove her wrong? As soon as he saw the kind of person she was she was certain he would run, either to get away from what she was or what she could do. It was nothing for her to attack someone, to turn on them over even the simplest of things. He just had yet to see it, or to accept it.

He returned eventually with his own rabbit and began to eat it, and while he was busy Yin got to her feet and walked outside of the den, stretching and working out the stiffness that had settled in during the night. The wind rustled her pristine white coat, and her green and blue eyes adjusting slowly to the light. Once she stood comfortably she turned her gaze upon Klypso and asked, "Did you have anything planned today?"



04-30-2014, 05:23 AM
He looked over to her as his maw was still stained with the blood of his kill. The foul smell of death wafted into the air, but he was used to the stench. "If you have anywhere in mind that you wish to go, I have no problems with it." He spoke and gave a small yawn, stretching the stiffness that hung throughout his joints. His ears were erect as he listened for anything, but only caught the sound of songbirds out in the distance.

He stayed focused and calm like he had done for a little while now. He was happy to be with Yin, even though she thought that he was like a slave or a servant to her. The men in his old pack acted like slaves to their friends and mates, for perhaps they were pregnant, injured, or had pups to take care for. He would do that for Yin for it brought back memories of his childhood.