
Marked to Die: Battle Training!



4 Years
05-02-2014, 01:22 PM
NOTT; 36 inches & 105 pounds
NARFI; 35 inches & 120 pounds

Luis has given me permission to edit my post saying who Narfi is sparring.

It seems she had arrived after some exchanged words, from what Catalyea said, the Marquis were concerned people wouldn't listen or respect them? She wouldn't pay too much attention, she would respect them as long as they respected her, simple as that. Zaria spoke up, she didn't want others to give her special treatment. Then Kylar came into view, taking a seat near her and questioned them becoming partners. It would be interesting should they get paired seeing as he was much larger than herself, a little challenge. "Should they allow us to choose." She smirked, though she had a feeling they wouldn't be allowed to choose.

An unknown, most likely newbie, showed up along with Cataleya's pet, Neios... and wearing an interesting item over his massive frame with spikes lining it. Narfi had to admit, it was impressive, far better than her little back pack and skull she wore. Next to show was the girl she had sparred with for the Duchess rank, slinking out of the shadows after losing and vanishing. At least, in Narfi's eyes. Was she so hurt at her failure she had to hide away in a dark hole? The girl would smirk once again but her attention quickly went to the others gathering.

Two more dark pelted wolves, a female who had been at the previous meeting and a lighter male with similar eye markings to the Monarch. It was then Daegmar began.

She informed the group about the lesson now and to come, focusing on a particular aspect of fighting; defense, attack, control, reflexes and anticipation. They would also learn to fight multiple opponents within a few sessions, and for now they would focus on defenses. Next, basic defenses would be given. Narfi would listen closely to these, some of them she already did instinctively, and others she would remember and keep in mind for any future fights. After that, she would give Hati the task of pairing them up and once they were finished they would fight in teams to practice team work. No permanent maiming.

Hati now spoke up, giving a small tip about furrowing the brow. Next were some more things they should know to protect themselves, Narfi would soak it all up like a sponge. Finally would come the pairings; Zaria and Kaneyna, Novacaine and Daegmar, Nott and Narfi, Sora and Neios, Hati and Kylar. The girl would sigh, but not of annoyance or frustration, more like a playful release. Her gaze looked up to Kylar and gave a small shrug. "Maybe next time big boy." Next time she would request to spar her partner, it would only seem appropriate, see how each were and improve some things about each other so they could work better as a team.


Picking herself up the girl would glance over at Nott, the dark female only a tad taller than her but definitely lighter. With a quick shake she would take a few steps to the side to give a bit of space so she wouldn't knock into one of her pack mates, motioning the woman to come join her. It was about then that Hati spoke up for people to move their asses, mumbling something about babysitting, daycare, blah blah. Narfi ignored his ass, keep talking like that and she would treat him like a child even though she was younger. He could go throw a tantrum someplace else. Wasn't this suppose to be a pack of fighters, not whiners?

This time, she would allow her opponent to make the first move. Switch it back and forth. Immediately she did her usual stance and defenses, head lowering to become leveled with her spine, tail also doing the same. Ears gave a flick before moving back and laying against her skull, eyes narrowing. Legs spread evenly, bending at the joints while toes spread and slightly dug into the earth to help with grip. Next she would apply some defenses the Marquis gave. Shoulders rolled forward and her head pulled back, tilting forward to protect her throat and jugular while also scrunching up the neck to create some folds of skin.

She was ready.

narfi VS nott

zero OF two FOR defense spar



5 Years
05-08-2014, 06:54 PM
ooc: Just a note of clarification DEFAULTS APPLY. They begin now so please be prompt in your replies. You must finish your spars by 7:00 p.m. on Saturday, May the 17th (this excludes judging). Please don't be a putz and purposely wait to the last second to screw up your opponent. xD Ok, lets go people we're almost done! We'll probably save the melee fighting for the next round of training? which has to happen in winter so again? chop, chop yo!

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar nodded as her fellow Marquis elaborated on her statements and even added some advice of his own. Despite his rather gruff and uncouth demeanor she was glad that the male was by her side in this endeavor? especially as his sour mood unleashed itself on the pack when they stared at the pair as if waiting for something to happen. D?gmar growled and strode towards the pup that would be her opponent. What were they waiting for? The sky to fall?

As Hati had already reprimanded them D?gmar sheathed her own verbal venom in favor of leading by example. Time to spill some blood. She grinned as she turned to face Novocaine. "Let us begin." She said smoothly, her silky voice spilling from her fanged maw.

Facing the boy she set her defenses. Fur and hackles rose as her ears pinned to flat to her skull. Eyes narrowed as her maw parted the muscles and flesh bunching up as a light growl emitted from her muzzle. D?gmar's chin tucked slightly as her head and tail aligned with her spine. Lean shoulders rolled forward as her neck scrunched back. Knees bent and muscles coiled as she spread her limbs slightly to evenly distribute her weight. Toes splayed and claws would bite into the dirt and her abdominal muscles would tense as she prepared to spring.

D?gmar waited for the boy to set his before she pounced, taught thighs unfurling as the Marquis endeavored to close the gap between her and the smaller male, her body shifting just slightly to the left as she threw her right shoulder forward to try and connect with the middle of his throat to knock the breath out him and maybe make him retch in response but not enough to crush his windpipe or cause any lasting damage. Her head curved to her right as parted jaws sought to dig into Novocaine's left side, just behind the shoulder blade. She hoped to meet her target and gain a hold.

D?gmar vs Novocaine

For Sparring Practice

Round: 1 of 2

Attack: Attempting to close distance between them, throwing right shoulder forward for middle of his throat to knock the wind from him and perhaps cause retching. Head curving to right to try and seize the flesh behind his left shoulder blade with her jaws.

Defenses: n/a

Fur and Hackles Raised | Ears pinned | Eyes narrowed | Jaws parted | Chin Tucked | Neck and Tail alined with Spine | Shoulders Forward | Neck Scrunched Back | Knees Bent | Weight Evenly Distributed | Toes Splayed | Claws digging into Dirt | Abdomen Tense


ooc: :D

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]



4 Years
05-11-2014, 12:02 PM

Blah blah blah, all this talk was boring the child to death. Who cared about defenses, really? All that mattered was brute strength, or so the boy assumed. Novocaine thought himself a master of the art of war, this training was a formality, a chance for him to hone his already perfected skills. He let his gaze wandered as the dappled female began to show them defense techniques. Boooooring! He really only began to pay attention again as the other wolf in charge started to pair them off. Steel blue gaze narrowed and he felt his fur rise some as the man addressed him as ?the pup.?
He bound to his paws, swinging to face the dappled woman. Automatically his ears pulled back, and his hackled raised. He watched with narrowed eyes as she situated herself before him, getting herself ready. He watched her, shoulder?s automatically rolling forwards and his head lowering. And then Daegmar pounced.
She was rushing towards him, her long legs carrying her faster than he would have imagined, and she slammed into him; her shoulder connecting with his throat. Had he been in a more stable position he might have been able to bounce back, but he wasn?t. Novocaine stumbled back, coughing, head ducking even further, managing to miss her bite by sheer dumb luck. Rage filled the boy and he threw his head back and snarled angrily at her.
He rushed the Marquis then, too untrained and allowing his rage to guide him, Novocaine would charge towards her, attempting to slam into her chest. His jaws were parted and he angled his head down and to his left as he ran, hoping to catch her right leg in his grasp.
D?gmar vs Novocaine
For sparring practice.
Round 1 of 2

Defenses:Ear pulled back, hackled raised, narrowed eyes, shoulders rolled forwards and head lowered.
Attacks: Attempting to charge and slam his weight into D?gmar, while trying to grab hold of her right leg.
Injuries:Light bruising on his throat from the impact.
OOC: Just let me know if anything needs clarification.

Talk like this

Please note: Novocaine is missing his right eye entirely, an empty socket is all that remains in its stead. Not all of his tables reflect that as of yet!

[Image: Novocaine_zps6b647269.png]



5 Years
05-14-2014, 05:11 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

D?gmar's shoulder collided with the youth's throat sending him sputtering backwards. He was smaller and lighter than he appeared and the force of the blow sent him farther back than she anticipated, causing her fangs to seize around empty air. Head realigned with her spine as she faced the youth, quickly resetting her defenses to prepare for his retaliation. Fur and hackles remained raised as well as her ears pinned. Eyes narrowed as her jaw parted a growl slipping from her throat. This was not a game. Chin tucked as her tail aligned with her spine, shoulders forward, neck scrunched back. Supple limbs bent as her weight distributed evenly across them, her abdominal muscles tense, toes splayed and claws digging into earth.

With a roar of rage the youth charged at her and she would scowl. She admired his spirit but such a lack of control would make it harder for him to fine tune his abilities. D?gmar's back legs uncurled propelling her forward and up. The femme was intent on using her larger build against the smaller youth Because of her upward motion his body slam resulted in the tops of his shoulders colliding with her lower chest as his head dipped for her right ankle. D?gmar's front limbs were off the ground, raising in an attempt to wrap around his shoulders. Novocaine's fangs grazed her right paw as she pulled it up just in time out of closing jaws.

In addition to attempting to wrap her front forelegs around behind his shoulder blades, paws looking to rest near his armpits, she allowed her weight to shift forward. If she was successful in her attempt she hoped to use her weight to topple the youth to the ground.

Jaws also lunged forward as her body did, seeking to dig into the flesh, fangs on either side of his spine about six inches behind his shoulder blades. Aware of her somewhat vulnerable position she moved to tuck her tail between her legs and over her belly should the youth snap for that flesh. Abdomen tensed in preparation for retribution.

D?gmar vs Novocaine

For Sparring Practice

Round: 2 of 2

Attack: Upper body lifting off ground, attempting to wrap her front forelegs behind his shoulder blades. Weight shifting forward to try and topple him, jaws aiming to latch onto his spine six inches behind his shoulder blades.

Defenses: n/a

Fur and Hackles Raised | Ears pinned | Eyes narrowed | Jaws parted | Chin Tucked | Neck and Tail alined with Spine | Shoulders Forward | Neck Scrunched Back | Knees Bent | Weight Evenly Distributed | Toes Splayed | Claws digging into Dirt | Abdomen Tense
*tail tucked after attack

Mild bruising to lower chest, shallow scratches to right paw

ooc: :D

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]


05-14-2014, 06:11 PM

He sat beside Narfi , listening to words without really processing them. It wasn't until he heard his name did he finally zone in on anything. So he was up against the one speaking? He shrugged, massive shoulders lifting and falling as he smiled down at Nerfi. "Next time I suppose" He said as he stood, shaking out his pelt and moving towards Hati, defences setting even as he moved. Joints would loosen, long legs bending to lower him closer to the ground, skull dipping and shoulders rolling forward. Ears pinned to his skull, eyes narrowed and upper lip curled to further scrunch his features. Hackles lifted to make the big man appear even larger while spine arched and stomach tucked to gather his core strength. Everything was so engrained in him that this was all fairly close to his natural step. Tail lowered, he had seen his sisters broken tail and didn't find it attractive, he didn't want one of his own. But before they were all set haunches would curl beneath him and then unfurl milliseconds later to launch himself at the smaller male. Skull was low enough to almost drag on the ground, really only presenting his upper neck and shoulders as a target. He sot to ram into Hati's chest and hopefully send the other male backwards and knock the air from his lungs. At the same time jaws would lash out, only turning slightly as to keep his skull lowered, snapping them towards the male's right front forelimb near the ankle.

Kylar vs. Hati ONE TWO

Attacks: Ran head on, head lowered and shoulder first to try and ram into Hati's chest. Also attempted to swing his head slightly to try and grab onto Hati's front right forelimb around the ankle.

Defenses: Head lowered, shoulders rolled forward, joints loosening, ears lowered, eyes narrowed nose scrunched, tail lowered, spine arched, stomach tucked. Don't know if I missed anything else <,<

Injuries: none yet


ooc;; edited because I derped and forgot to add the spaces between paragraphs >.>



4 Years
05-15-2014, 10:33 PM

Novocaine was taken completely by surprise, not expecting the older woman to suddenly lift up as she did. He was jostled as his shoulders brushed her chest but not enough to nudge him off course but she was already moving out of his way and even as his jaw was closing, just barely scrapping her leg, he found it snapping shut around thin air. The youth was attempting to compensate, splaying his toes but not quick enough. Daegmar already had her limbs wrapped around him and she was pushing into him. Had Novocaine been more stabilized he might have been able to shrug her off, unfortunately for the boy he was toppling.
A sharp pain in against his back notified him that the Marquis had grabbed hold of him. But the boy was going down and as he fell he felt a sharp tearing, flesh and fur pulling as he fell onto his left side. With an enraged snarl he would flash his parted muzzle up hoping to grab hold of her jaw, or anything within biting distance. The boy would pull his tail tight, very aware of how vulnerable he was.
D?gmar vs Novocaine
For sparring practice.

Round 2 of 2

Defenses:Ear pulled back, hackled raised, narrowed eyes, toes splayed, tail tucked.

Attacks: Hoping to catch her muzzle in a quick upward bite.

Injuries:Light bruising on his throat from the impact, torn skin and fur (possible lascerations) along his back behind the shoulder blades.

OOC: Woot we did it! :D Best of luck to you.

Talk like this

Please note: Novocaine is missing his right eye entirely, an empty socket is all that remains in its stead. Not all of his tables reflect that as of yet!

[Image: Novocaine_zps6b647269.png]



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
05-16-2014, 06:50 AM
Hati Hr??vitnisson

Hati wasn't used to being the smaller, more maneuverable wolf in a fight. Most of his family members were shorter or thinner than himself, other than his father and a few notable exceptions among his younger siblings, so it wasn't exactly a style he'd grown up using. There was no ingrained muscle memory for the bouncing and cavorting about wolves like Loki used. Still, he would try.

When the duke finally deigned ready himself for the spar, Hati made sure his defenses were set. Yes - widened stance squared with weight evenly distributed beneath him, his legs slightly bent and muscles tensed in preparation, head and tail at the level of his spine with his shoulders rolled forward and his head pulled back, putting folds of skin and fur and fat over his vulnerable neck. Head inclined slightly toward his chest to protect his throat as his hackles rose, spiking his already-spiky fur even further. Eyes narrowed and face scrunched in a furious snarl as his ears pinned against his head. His toes spread out, clenching against the ground and ready to lever his body where ever it needed to go. Let the duke come. He was ready.

And come Kylar did, charging toward him with his head completely lowered. Hati snarled in disgust - how could he expect to properly see like that? - but wasted no time as his tensed muscles uncoiled like a spring to send him hopping to his own right to avoid the charge. The snarl turned to pain however as Kylar's jaws snapped toward him, catching just above Hati's left ankle, digging in just deeply enough to stop against the bone.

In retaliation Hati readjusted his weight, tightly curled his paw despite the pain of the wounds in an attempt to trap Kylar's lower jaw in place, and yanked the offended limb toward his chest as hard as he could. As he did he curved his body to the left, aiming a slashing bite at Kylar's face - aiming for the top of the muzzle rather than the eyes, though barely-controlled instinct told him to cripple the other male. At the same time he continued to twist his body, bringing his right shoulder forward as his left leg pulled back, aiming to push his weight into the cleft between Kylar's left leg and his ribs. Catch it right and he could force the join out of it's socket. Catch it wrong, well - he'd just have to see what happened.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/2

Defenses: widen stance squared with weight evenly distributed, knees slightly bent and muscles tensed, toes spread and gripping the ground, tail and head held even to spine, head pulled back and shoulders rolled forward, head tilted down slightly, hackles raised, ears back, eyes narrowed and skin on face scrunched

Attacks: curled paw against foreleg intending to trap Kylar's lower jaw with his teeth still in leg while jerking towards his chest to try to bring his head closer/disrupt his balance. Slashing bite to top of muzzle, shoulder aiming to force Hati's weight against the juncture of Kylar's left front leg and ribs.

Injuries: moderate puncture wounds to left ankle (punctures shallow but reach the bone, no tearing at the moment)

Out Of Character Notes:

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
Help keep my thread list updated so your thread isn't forgotten!

The Judge


06-18-2014, 12:52 AM

D?gmar v Novocaine for training

Round 1

9 for clarity- Mostly clear

10 for powerplaying. none seen

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

6 for attack. +2 for slam +3 for attempted bite +1 for trying to gain a hold

10 for injuries.First round

Round one D?gmar Total: 45/50


4 for clarity- -3 ?attempting to slam into her chest? What part of him is trying to connect with what part of her chest? -3 ?hoping to catch her right leg in his grasp? Where is he trying to grab along her leg?

10 for powerplaying. none seen

5 for defenses. +1 for each seen

2 for attack. +2 for slam -1 for lack of clarity. +2 for bite -1 for lack of clarity.

10 for injuries.First round

Round one Novocaine Total: 31/50

Round 2


9 for clarity- Mostly clear

10 for powerplaying. none seen

10 for defenses. +1 for each seen

8 for attack. +3 for jump and wrap +2 for trying to topple him with her weight +3 for spinal bite

6 for injuries. -2 for brusing to the chest -2 for shallow scratches to right paw

Round two D?gmar Total: 43/50


6 for clarity- -3 ?fell onto his left side? What did he attempt to do with Daeg in this time? What did he try to do to get her in a position where he could bite her face. -2 ?anything within biting distance? Please be specific of where he wishes to bite

7 for powerplaying. -3 not sure how he was able to bite at her face

5 for defenses. +1 for each seen

2 for attack. +2 bite at the face.

6 for injuries. -2 bruising on his throat -2 for bite to the spine

Round two Novocaine Total: 26/50


D?gmar: 88/100


And the winner is...

D?gmar! Novocaine must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out.


D?gmar moderate wounds will take 1 ooc weeks to heal. Bruises a few ic days

Novocaine - Lacerations to the spine that will take 2 IC weeks to heal. Bruises a few ic days


Tips for both writing, and some suggestions. (no points are deducted here)

For Luna
Good fight! You did great with your defenses! Only thing would be to watch out for assuming what damage you opponent will take.

For Lolaf
You did a great job playing an inexperienced fighter! Notes for next time to be more specific as to where you want you attacks to land and maybe throw in a few more attacks in rather then relying on that one.

- By [Dione]