
Coming back around again




Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
07-21-2023, 11:53 PM
Anthea didn't need to look behind her to make sure that Mercury was following her. She heard the shift of his paws on the dirt and that was all she needed to know to confirm it. Her heart was pounding in her chest with a nervous excitement, there was no hesitation or doubt in her movements. Everything felt like it lead to this moment and she walked confidently into the shadowed space that had been her home since she returned to Auster. She had managed to outfit the modest space with a comfortable pile of furs to make up a bed that took up the majority of the space while her few belongings, including the bracers and dagger she had acquired in her time living in The Hallows, sat off to the side along one wall. It was hardly a fully furnished home, but it had more than done the job for her over the past week or so.

She stepped into her bed and settled down into the plush fur, looking back up at him as she waited for him to join her. As soon as he did, she picked up right were they had left off just moments ago, pressing her side into his and nuzzling affectionately into his neck and brushing her cheek against his. A thrill and a warmth like she had never felt before ran through her from nose to tail and the feeling of his larger form against her own seemed to be the only thing that soothed it but also made it burn ever hotter. She kissed him again, sharing more of those featherlight, testing kisses with him that slowly grew deeper and more eager as the moments passed.

She sifted until she was able to slip into his embrace properly, feeling his warmth and his scent all around her as she pressed into his chest for the first time. Her paws traced along his chest and shoulders as the rest of the world faded away and the only thing on her mind was this wonderful man that had shown her so much and helped her in ways that she would never be able to repay. She had never cared about anyone the way she did him and even though she still didn't quite know what that meant for them, she was eager to find out. Anthea broke their kiss without knowing how long they had been locked together like this, but she didn't go far. Her muzzle still lightly brushed against his and her paws slipped around the back of his neck. "Mercury, I... I've never gone further than this... but I want to," she whispered to him in quiet, breathless words, but as soon as she uttered them she knew that wasn't quite true. She was quick to chase away the thought, to knock it down before it began, but she at least knew that she had never been with a male like this before–not with trust and affection deep in her heart for the man pressed into her.

"Anthea Dásos"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
07-22-2023, 12:37 AM

He followed her into the cave, and despite his curiosity, found he couldn’t focus on the little home she had carved out for herself. His eyes were for Anthea alone as she settled into her bed, her eyes inviting. He followed her down to the bed, folding himself carefully onto the furs beside her. He leaned into her, and pressed his muzzle to hers. Sharing breaths and tastes of each other. Each kiss sent live fire down his veins, and his body was very much reacting to her. Pulling her closer, gasping for breath.

She shifted her weight onto him, and he couldn’t help the little groan that escaped him. Her paws were in his coat, and he returned the favour. Drawing his paw lightly down her arms, nuzzling into her neck.

Her words however broke the trance, and he paused. Locking his paws carefully around her, holding her at bay for a moment. His eyes on hers, searching. “Are you sure, Anthea?” He asked her softly. He had not realised he would be her first. He ached for her, his breathing quick, but his paws didn’t waver. He needed to be certain that this was what she wanted.


[Image: dg62nk4-76f92f5f-869b-474b-8882-b89098d6...nlMae_v5_o]



Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
07-22-2023, 12:54 AM
The pause that followed her words wasn't unexpected, but she was glad that he didn't pull away. The feeling of his paws snuggly around her felt a bit like a lifeline, one that she was very happy to be tethered to. As his eyes searched hers, hers did the same. She already knew that the honesty and the care that he had shown her was true through to his core and as he held her and questioned her to make sure that this was what she wanted that was what she saw in the clear pools of his eyes. It was hard to hide the nervousness that she felt simply from the unknown of what she was about to experience, but the more she looked into Mercury's eyes the more at ease she felt and she knew that's what he would find in her own eyes. A sureness and a need that went far deeper than just a surface level desire. Whatever deep, repressed memories she had from those sinister amber eyes she wanted them to be washed away by the soothing blue of his.

"I'm sure," she replied quietly with a little smile, one of her paws trailing from the back of his neck to cup his cheek. "There's no one I would trust more." There was no truer words she could have possibly spoken and with that promise she sealed it with another kiss. She was immediately sent adrift with a quiet whine and both of her front paws found their way back around his neck so that she could hold onto the thicker fur of his scruff to steady herself. Anything beyond the walls of this cave and her friend turned lover no longer existed. She more than willingly handed over everything to Mercury, knowing that she could trust him to keep her safe.

"Anthea Dásos"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
07-22-2023, 01:01 AM

Her words melted him to his core. He shuddered a little as she let one paw trail from neck to cheek. Pleasure in the motion, and he found his will to hold her at bay falling. He pulled her gently back into his arms, kissing the soft spaces around her ears. “Anthea.” He said softly, savouring her name. “Anthea Dásos” He whispered, rolling the pronunciation across practised lips. Even her name was a piece of home. She was everything he thought he had lost.

“You taste like home” he whispered, pulling her further on top of him. He placed his muzzle to hers again, kissing her passionately and slowly and carefully moving her into position. He would treat her first time with nothing but love and care



[Image: dg62nk4-76f92f5f-869b-474b-8882-b89098d6...nlMae_v5_o]



Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
07-22-2023, 02:55 AM
Even the way he whispered her name took her breath away as he pulled her into him once again after she gave him her reassurances that this was what she truly wanted. "Mercury Ermis," she whispered in return before her voice was caught up in breathless gasps at the sparks that danced across her skin from the affections he left there. In his paws everything else like it was as it should be, as if nothing was ever taken away. When he told her that she tasted like home, she wasn't sure she could have summed up this feeling any other way. "You are home," she replied softly against his lips before she was caught up in their passionate kisses once more. She followed his lead and was not led astray. Mercury brought her to pleasures she didn't know were possible and only proved to her that this was exactly where she was meant to be. He completed her in ways she hadn’t known she needed.

- fade -

As sunlight filtered in through the entrance of the small cave, Anthea slowly woke up, blinking open her eyes with a quiet grumble. It took a moment before she realized the fur under her cheek wasn't the fur of her bedding and the steady sound of a heart beat in her ear reminded her that she hadn’t gone to bed alone. She shifted to lift her head slightly from Mercury’s chest, her gaze landing on his handsome features that were still smooth and peaceful with sleep. A grin crossed her muzzle as she thought about the night that had led to this moment and was never so happy that what she thought was a dream was actually real.

Pulling herself up a bit, she tipped her head up to gently nuzzle into his cheek and neck, slipping her paws around him as she slowly pulled him from sleep with her affections. “Good morning,” she said quietly once he finally opened his eyes, chuckling softly as she gave him a grin. First her hero, then her friend, and now her lover. She was beginning to wonder if there was anything he couldn’t do.

"Anthea Dásos"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
07-22-2023, 10:30 PM

Mmm. Merc murmured quietly to the waking world. He blinked open sleepy eyes and stretched like a satisfied cat. There was warmth around him, breath against the thrum of his throat. He woke a little faster, his eyes already smouldering as they lingered on Anthea. “Careful, or we’ll be heading towards round two” he teasingly warned her, moving to kiss the nap of her neck. He could feel the beat of her heart beneath it.

He blinked slowly a couple times, still waking up. Already his thoughts started to take a heavier turn. He wrapped a paw gently around her, pulling her close. “Still need a little time on your own out here?” He asked, trying to voice the question teasingly to hide how important the answer was to him. It was just one night. One night didn’t have to mean anything… so did it? Mean anything to her?


[Image: dg62nk4-76f92f5f-869b-474b-8882-b89098d6...nlMae_v5_o]



Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
07-22-2023, 10:57 PM
Anthea's grin widened at his teasing warning about her winding them up in a second round, the thought making her giggle and her cheeks flush as he kissed her neck. "And who said that's not what I wanted?" she teased in return. As he continued to wake up she noticed how his expression seemed to shift with some kind of thought or realization before he pulled her tighter to him. She looked at him curiously, but before she could question him about what was on his mind, he asked her about the time she had mentioned needing on her own out here. He phrased it lightly and teasingly, but she could feel the undertone of that question and what it actually meant to him.

It was no secret how deeply he felt about The Hallows and his place there so she knew there was not a world where he would ever leave it to be with her–not that she would want him to. But it had only been one night. It had been one night as lovers in an escape from her emotional turmoil. But was it? Was that really all it was? As she thought about their time together and how it had felt to be with him like that it didn't feel like it was just an escape or just a moment of weakness. She cared about Mercury more than she had anyone else and the thought of being separated from him again made her heart ache.

She was quiet for a moment as she considered her answer until she finally tipped her muzzle up to place a gentle kiss at the end of his nose. "You are my home," she told him, echoing her words from the night before with a loving smile. Even if she had no idea how to navigate the idea of a true relationship, she knew she didn't want to be without Mercury and that told her all she needed to know to make a decision. There was still a hesitation though as she added, "I just feel guilty about asking Artorias for a place in the Hallows again. I asked to live there only to turn around and ask to leave almost immediately after and now I'm coming back to ask him to live there yet again... I just worry what he'll think." Art seemed like an extremely nice and understanding wolf from her few times speaking with him, but everyone had their limits and it felt embarrassing to appear so flighty to someone like him.

"Anthea Dásos"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
07-22-2023, 11:04 PM

She moved from teasing to serious herself as she responded to his question. He wasn’t sure exactly what to expect, but it wasn’t what told him. He wasn’t expecting to mean so much to her. He squeezed her a little tighter, but didn’t speak yet. Sensing she wasn’t done. She continued on to speak of Artorias, and he was surprised to hear that was her concern. “You joined the Hallows because you washed ashore right outside the castle. You needed medical help, and it all sort of fell into place. You didn’t get to join entirely as your own choice, and the events that led to your near drowning was something you needed to investigate. Believe me, Art will be understanding about it.” He told her, speaking with conviction.

His heartbeat picked up again, was that her only objection? His question had opened this door, and now he looked at the room beyond more closely he found himself afraid. What they were talking about sounded an awful lot like commitment. Was he truly ready for that again? He buried his head in the scruff of her neck, breathing in the scent of her. He was afraid, but… he was willing to try.


[Image: dg62nk4-76f92f5f-869b-474b-8882-b89098d6...nlMae_v5_o]



Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
07-22-2023, 11:30 PM
She knew she was being ridiculous even as she explained what her hesitation with coming back to The Hallows was, but as Mercury pointed out the real situation that had led her to his pack in the first place she felt even more silly for ever feeling embarrassed for asking Artorias for a second chance. She felt more sure of herself this time and felt like she had more of a reason than just circumstance now with Mercury at her side to be in The Hallows. He knew Art much better than she did so if he was confident that Art would be understanding about it all then so would she. "You're right," she agreed with a more confident smile, relaxing with his reassurances. She was still nervous about the prospect of attempting to settle back into pack life yet again, but she was willing to give it a shot and make an honest effort to really make it her home.

With how he had asked her if she still needed time on her own she had assumed that he had wanted her to come back to The Hallows with him, but as he easily reassured her only concern she suddenly felt a nervous energy from him. Was that not what he wanted? As he tucked his head into her scruff, she slipped her forelegs around his neck with a little frown, her ears flicking uncertainly as she held onto him gently. She didn't know if there was more she didn't know, but she only wanted this if he did as well. "I don't mind giving it more time if now isn't the right time," she insisted as she rubbed lightly along the back of his neck. "If you need to talk to Art or sort out some things first or... I'm willing to give The Hallows another shot, but only if you want me there."

"Anthea Dásos"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
07-22-2023, 11:44 PM

“Then I’d like that” He told her warmly. One step at a time. They didn’t need to rush into it, once she was in the pack, he’d have all the opportunities to spend time with her. He would let the relationship build and flow as it so chose to from there.

As she wrapped a foreleg around his neck, he moved enough to kiss it gently. “I do want you there, Anthea. I want to give… whatever this is, a chance” He assured her. So long as that was what she wanted, as well. If they took their time, and explored each other a little longer in the Hallows, it would buy him time to sooth his heart and his anxieties over attachments. It would give them a chance to get to know each other a little better. Speaking of. “Do you have a favourite flower, Anthea?”


[Image: dg62nk4-76f92f5f-869b-474b-8882-b89098d6...nlMae_v5_o]



Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
07-23-2023, 12:02 AM
Her expression softened once more as he assured her that he did want her there. She felt like there was probably still more he wasn't saying behind the apprehension she felt from him, but she wouldn't push him for more. Just knowing that he wanted her with him and that he was just as willing to give this a shot was enough for her. "I want to give this a chance too," she agreed softly, turning her head to press a kiss by his ear. She didn't know what to call them now. Lovers? Friends? Was this a relationship? Some combination of the three? She couldn't be certain, but they had only just begun and there was plenty of time ahead of them to figure it out. If nothing else she was just glad to no longer be alone.

He surprised her with a seemingly random question about her favorite flower and she blinked with surprise a couple of times before chuckling with a little smile. "I've always liked hydrangeas," she replied. "There were a few huge hydrangea bushes near the dens I grew up in. I love how many different colors they can be and how delicate they are, but still so large and fluffy all clustered together." She snuck a quick kiss to his cheek before she asked, "What about you? Do you have a favorite flower?"

"Anthea Dásos"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
07-25-2023, 08:52 PM
He smiled at Anthea, holding her in his arms for as long as he could get away with. "I won't rush you into anything, but I can talk to Art. I'm sure there will be a space for you whenever you want it" he said, knowing his kind-hearted alpha well enough to believe that he wouldn't turn away the recovering woman. 

In a bid to better know her, he turned the conversation to flowers. He grinned at the one she mentioned, kissing her brow purely for the sake of kissing her. "Sounds lovely, I bet they really livened up your forests." He wasn't familiar with the name, but perhaps one of the packs healers would help him locate some. "I've always liked star jasmine. We had walls of it back home" he admitted.
[Image: dg62nk4-76f92f5f-869b-474b-8882-b89098d6...nlMae_v5_o]



Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
07-26-2023, 01:01 AM
The kiss he placed on her brow made her smile and their conversation made her smile even more. Knowing his favorite flower was one of those things that felt so frivolous, but it still somehow meant so much to her. If it was true that everyone that she knew and grew up with was gone then he was now the only wolf alive that would know these little, insignificant details about her. The realization was slightly bittersweet since there was such a great loss tied to it, but she was oh so grateful to have someone now that cared enough to ask about them. "Jasmine does smell lovely," she agreed as she leaned in to nuzzle his cheek.

"Come on, lets have some breakfast," she said after allowing herself a moment longer of just snuggling with him and enjoying his company. She knew that if she was truly going to rejoin The Hallows to be with him and see where this took them both she would have plenty of time to get to know him more so pausing for a moment to eat certainly wouldn't take away from anything. With a bit of reluctance she slipped away so that she could roll to her paws and shake out her fur. "I have some dried meats we could share unless you'd like to do a bit of morning hunting."

"Anthea Dásos"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
07-27-2023, 03:00 PM

He stretched and yawned as she slipped away, and after a moment, he followed after her. He was surprised how strongly he was feeling about this whole thing. Their shared past resonated with him, and he wanted to help Anthea uncover more of her missing memories. He wanted to be a part of that exploration, and the remembrance. Even knowing what she recalled may likely be difficult.

He stepped up beside her, and brushed his head against her neck, stifling another yawn. She had some dried meat, and he still had those sweets from the Castle. But she was living as a loner, and he wasn’t sure how long she intended to do so. Instead of using her stores, he could help add to them with a hunt. “Let’s catch something fresh” He said agreebly.


[Image: dg62nk4-76f92f5f-869b-474b-8882-b89098d6...nlMae_v5_o]



Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
08-02-2023, 06:31 PM
Anthea waited for Mercury as he got to his paws as well, grinning a bit as he came to her side with a brush of his head against her neck. It made her wonder if she'd ever get used to this new level of affection between them or if she'd always feel this skip and patter in her chest from it. She was slightly glad when he opted to catch something fresh with her for their breakfast. She didn't mind sharing her dried meats with him in the slightest and wasn't worried about her store of food, but she had been living mostly off of these dried meats for the majority of her trip so it would be nice to switch it up. Plus, it meant that she was going to get to keep him from going back to The Hallows for a little bit longer. "Okay!" she agreed and after quickly slipping on her bracer that held her dagger she began to lead the charge through the large cedar trees.

"I'm pretty sure I saw an okapi moving this way yesterday. Hopefully it's still near by," she mentioned quietly as they moved. Living on her own, that large of an animal was pretty much out of the question, even with her companion assisting her, but with Mercury joining her she was certain that her luck was going to be much better. Even if they didn't come across the okapi it was likely they'd at least find some kind of prey animal in a forest like this. She kept her gaze sweeping the trees closely for any sign of movement and paid close attention to the scents on the breeze to see if anything caught their attention.

"Anthea Dásos"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
08-17-2023, 07:32 PM

He watched as she slipped her bracers back on her slender limbs. The action shouldn’t have entranced him nearly as much as it did. Perhaps it was just the act of watching her. Enjoying her as she readied herself. He realised he had it bad, and fought the urge to pull away from the feeling. Commitment was still something he was weary of.

“An Okapi? Neat” He said admirably. Perhaps he could make something out of their soft fur, as well. He grabbed his beloved sword, which he had stored carefully to the side, and slung it on his back. Heading towards the entrance of her den. Where morning light was already sweeping like a curtain across the cave's dark floor The moment he passed the threshold, he began to track. Searching for scents of signs of its passage.


[Image: dg62nk4-76f92f5f-869b-474b-8882-b89098d6...nlMae_v5_o]



Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
08-23-2023, 03:30 PM
With Mercury in tow tracking and hunting the okapi was a breeze. Well, perhaps a little more difficult than a breeze, but it was wonderful having someone to hunt with again and it went off without a hitch. The okapi she had spotted the day before was indeed still in the area, taking advantage of a particularly lush clearing in the middle of the cedar wood forest, and with a bit of strategizing and effort the two wolves made short work of the animal. She panted lightly as she stepped back from the okapi that she had helped keep pinned while Mercury finished the kill and she gave him a wide grin. "Looks like we make a good team," she commented playfully with a wink, chuckling as she went to reach for her dagger so she could begin to carve into the okapi. She knew it would be too large for them to drag back through the woods, at least while it was whole, so she set to work dressing the animal so they could eat and have it in a more manageable form.

She had barely gotten her dagger into the okapi's hide when a rustle in the near by bushes caught her attention, making her blue and green gaze shift up from her work to the trees as she watched for movement to go along with the noise. A moment later the first shift and rustle of leaves was followed by a louder thump and crack of twigs, whatever it was moving closer and closer until a huffing grunt in the shadows and the strong smell of a bear tipped her off on what was making such a racket. Withdrawing her dagger from their kill and getting back to her paws, Anthea glanced quickly to Mercury before fixing her attention on the spot in the trees where it sounded like the bear was coming from. No sooner than she had braced herself, a massive brown bear came lumbering out of the trees, the larger predator assessing them both and the okapi that sat between them. It clearly had heard the commotion of their hunt and came looking to get a piece of their dinner. She stood at the ready, glancing between Mercury and the bear to see if they were fighting or running.



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
08-25-2023, 03:39 PM
Hunting with Anthea was almost seamless, and certainly enjoyable. He was happy for her to take the lead in carving their prey. He grinned as he watched her work - or begin to, and then stop. He heard it too. His eyes turned to the woods, and he tilted his head with a frown. They were only two wolves far from pack lands, with a fresh kill at their paws. But still, the audacity of a predator to attempt anything…

He shifted body language subtly, taking a defensive position in front of Anthea. When the bear ambled into view, he bared his fangs. Rolling them aggressively over his fangs. A glance at Anthea told him she was taking her cue from him. Stay, or flee? Perhaps he was foolish, but he would not relinquish her kill easily. Anthea needed this, it gave her time to make her decision. He took a step forward, his stance low and centred. A warning. He was telling the bear he wouldn’t give up the okapi without a fight.

[Image: dg62nk4-76f92f5f-869b-474b-8882-b89098d6...nlMae_v5_o]



Advanced Fighter (70)

Advanced Intellectual (60)

4 Years

WordySamhain 2022
08-31-2023, 03:39 PM
She stood just slightly behind Mercury's shoulder as he squared off with the hungry bear, making it clear that he wasn't willing to give up their prey to the scavenging predator. Stand and fight it was! She was willing to follow his lead either way. With the bear's attention on Mercury as he growled and gave the bear a warning, Anthea began to shift away from her lover's side and slowly crept out of the bear's line of sight, perhaps letting it believe that she was trying to get away. Instead, she snuck around just outside of the bear's peripheral vision till she was able to sneak around behind it. As soon as the bear lifted a heavy paw to swipe at Mercury, making it clear that it wasn't going to back down to the larger wolf's threats, she struck with a surprise attack. With her dagger still clasped firmly between her teeth, she lunged forward and drove the short blade into its back leg near its knee. She felt the metal scrape against bone as she sunk the sharp weapon through thick hide and muscle right as the bear roared in pain and immediately began to turn to try and retaliate toward her. The wound in its leg made its movement choppy and staggered though and it gave her a moment to free her blade from its leg and bounce back out of the way before its slobbery jaws could reach her.



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
09-12-2023, 05:03 PM

He felt Anthea move away, but he did not follow her with his eyes. Understanding her intent to sneak up on the bear, and having no intention of giving her game away. Instead, he stood strong, and kept himself between the bear and its apparent chosen meal. He was the distraction, and he was happy to play it. His fur had risen along his spine, and head lowered to line up with his spine as he growled and put on a show to keep the bear's attention firmly on him.

It moved to swipe him, and he went to duck on limber paws when Anthea struck. It roared - almost deafeningly so in his ears - and turned to strike at Anthea. He lunged forward then, grabbing at its arm with his cat-like claws, before freeing Skybreaker from its sheath on his back, and stabbing at its chest. He was not going to let the bear strike at Anthea.


[Image: dg62nk4-76f92f5f-869b-474b-8882-b89098d6...nlMae_v5_o]

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1. Coming back around again The God's Garden 03:34 PM, 07-20-2023 03:43 AM, 02-13-2024