
Legion of the Black


04-07-2014, 03:56 PM
In the event a Black family member is not being posted at least once a week for 1 month. Is set inactive, or is simply not participating where required, as stated before, I reserve the right to take back the members adopted out. Reimbursement is a possibility, however.



8 Years
Extra large
06-03-2014, 01:50 AM
Pulsus & Deviant are back up for adoption. However, I will be very picky about those who apply for they are imperative for the plots set up for the family. Personalities (though some development is ok) and appearances must remain as they are. All that is needed is an RP sample, and a re-written/added on to personality if you wish. If different personality is chosen, please keep it within the lines of how they are currently.

Nocturne I


4 Years
06-08-2014, 09:25 AM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2014, 04:57 PM by Nocturne I.)
Starry is coming back for Christian!

Name: Christian "Sorcerer" Black
Litter Group: Ashley/Twig's Litter!
Find him a strong young male, standing at thirty-five inches, and weighing one hundred five pounds, an even balance of strength and agility, to a point where he is perhaps useful in battle or as a guardian, but as you'll later find, he doesn't like to be useful to others but himself. Really.

Onto the canvas masking the skin of the brujo. It is very much similar to his sister, Ashley, otherwise known as Twig, in shape and color. His base coat is a slightly darker hue than that of the tempest, and appears inside the trademark cross of the Black family. Rich brown markings dot various points of this cream base, most commonly about his eyes, back, legs, and tail. Both forelegs are dipped in this hue up to the shoulder, but the left is broken by a white filled cross, outlined in the same chocolate hue, as if it were stabbing through. His back legs, however, are dipped only to about half the height. His banner is solid in this same color, and it bleeds to stretch all the way up his back and to the bridge of his nose. Upon the crown of the male, lie two amethyst orbs, rich and vivid in color. Each ear is coated in chocolate, as well as his eyes, which are ringed in the same colors, dripping down to his lower jawbone, and the same for a marking from his muzzle.

"Family is Important, more than myself."
He is trademark in personality for the Black Clan, a wolf who will put his blood before himself, and would give his life for the good of his clan. Though he may travel and meet other wolves to travel with, in the end, his true loyalties will be with his family, and no riches or throne can deter his stronf will.

"I am ambitious, and strong willed."
Within his dreams, there are unlimited treasures, a throne, and a lot of women. He seeks these goals out in haste, as if they will greet him with a cake and surprise candles. Not in this case. However it seems he wanders, he knows what work it takes to achieve his goals, and will stop at nothing to do so, and to get what he'd like.

"They can call me serious guy, and intelligent."
The Black is very solemn and serious in nature, and never really has been playful or one to tell jokes, but he still has a sense of humor and some times will break the silence with an 'icebreaker'. Over the duration of his travels, he has learned from many wolves the uses of many herbs, and some poisons, should he need to subdue a wolf for a period of time to kill them for the greater good or to simply stop them from wreaking havoc or thrashing if they are sick.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Brief History: Idfk, just wandering away from the Blacks and stuff.
Plans: To have him be a bit helpful during the epidemic maybe and to just wander and dream of women and treasures.


06-08-2014, 12:27 PM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2014, 01:45 PM by Latalia.)
i want to adopt div but if its to late to basically completely change her then id liek to add a female to crus litter if possible. :3
Name: Divinity "Dove" Black
Litter Group: third
The woman is covered in her family colors to the tee. She has a base pelt color of dark grey, darker then a storm could. Though, she would be adorned with a mixture of whites, lighter grays, and blacks. To start at the head, she wears a lovely mask of gray along her eyes, outlined in various whites and a deep coal. Each marking would fade into the next with such perfection. On each side of her muzzle she is complimented with a fade of white to black to the base color dark grey. Her ears are rimmed with a light gray fading into a pure alabaster color. But, on each ear she is pierced with three silver hoops on the inner bit and one silver hoop, slightly larger, on the outer-base of her audit. The focal point of her interestingly marked face is her beautiful light green eyes. But, as your eyes flow along her back you would see that she had a lovely bit of grey and white along her thick hackles. It would outline her back until it fades into the dark gray mid back. But! Upon her rear she has a patch of snow white fur that mixes with a bit of grey that stops at the base of her luxurious tail. The ladies tail is the same deep gray as the rest of her body, but upon the end your eyes would meet a coal similar to her face markings that is lined with a pure white along the very tip. Though, it gets better. Her hind legs are obviously the same dark gray as the rest of her, but along the back of her entire thigh and leg is a soft gray that slides all the way down to her paws. White is slips across the back of her thigh, just a bit, and some is mixed in mid thigh. Though the grey only covers some of her paws, the inner toe on each hind paw is a dark grey to contrast with the other toes. Your eyes would move to her shaggy belly fur to feast upon black tipped fur directly below her. Though, along her side she has a strip of ebony fur as well as some white more near her hind leg. But, you have yet to see the most outstanding part of her pelt. Upon her left shoulder there is a defined cross, outlined in the darkest of black and filled in with a simple light grey. But, the black outlining is met with a simple layers of alabaster to define the marking. It is -truly- magnificent. Down that leg and her other front legs white would line the back of each leg and slip down to the bottoms of her paws. Each claw on each paw is black as night. Though, along her neck is another layer of shaggier fur lined with light gray and tipped with the same bright white as before. Her body is of average stature, 32 inches in height and 100 lbs flat. The woman is truly incredible.
Personality: A woman plagued by the death of her very mother. Her mind is ridden by memories and fears of the future. She often over thinks everything. Thoughts of what her life could be or could have been haunt her every waking moment. She often finds herself daydreaming, spending time along, and annoyed at the smallest things. Dove doesn't know what is wrong with her but she wants it to stop. She has a yearning for her family to gather but is scared of what may happen if it does. Violence scars her but she enjoys the thrill of a spar to take out all her bottled up emotions. She tends to dwell on things for a very long time, grudges would not be put past the yearling. Words rarely come to her easily. She is painfully shy at times, there is a block. Often times within a conversation she would say the wrong thing or stay quiet. Awkward would be a good word to describe her. Dove looks slightly sad or unhappy almost at all times, not on purpose, but it just comes natural. Her depression has taken a hold of her life and she doesn't even know how to deal with it. Dove rarely confides in others, trust being an issue. But, deep down would be a hopeless romantic just to terrified to let herself reach out a love. There are few things she finds fun, but more often then not they include being along. Hunting excites her most of the time. Discovering a cool spot. She enjoyed rough housing with her brothers when she was just a pup. It is a past time she has yet to let go of. There is a chance she could find a select -few- she could trust, but it would call for a lot of work. Dove is scared of doing the wrong thing or saying the wrong time constantly. Being on the spotlight would make her completely freeze. Panic attacks are not a stranger to the fae. Yet, she would never let someone see that side of her. Another reason why she stays far far far away from others. -- *more will come as she is played but i think u get the jist*
Alignment: neutral
Brief History: She has been learning the ropes of survival on her own. She moved away from her seemingly haunted family.
Plans: She will meet the family and see what is going on. probably meet people and be scared of them. have a few melt downs. stay on the down-low. may potentially find a few people she can trust.

contact me on skype if u have any questions! <3 kara.ward101


06-12-2014, 03:47 PM
RP Sample:
The man had been searching diligently to find one or more of his children. The Black family had to stick together, even if they were to wander apart for a while. His main hope was that the ones he knew used to be a part of Valhalla were still in Valhalla and under Lady Erani?s rule. Jinxx and Twig were still there he hoped and it was, shockingly enough, one of the only things he could think of as he headed towards the familiar lands that he once roamed. He felt guilty for leaving them there while he went off on a quest to discover more of his family and where they might lay. Unfortunately it was to no avail for he could not find even a trace of another he called a relative. He hoped no ill will had come to them in his absence and he hoped he had caused no strife with his leave.

Brief Plans:
First, I apologize for the rather crappy application RP sample, I'm not quite used to writing to fit his personality yet so it might take a few posts in the beginning. I plan to have him rejoin Valhalla while searching for more family and keeping Jinxx and Twig close to him because he doesn't want to lose them.