



9 Years
12-12-2013, 03:01 AM
ooc//totally went over my head and forgot about this -__-; lotsa work lately with the new job soorrry. Also, Rin never left glaciem..there's really no need for the prisoner status. He still lives in glaciem and the poison battle thingie was him testing it out lol not against them though XD
Also if you wanna talk you can skype me to clear things up. Skype name is on my pages or ask someone for it. :)

He bounded in from the trees beyond, catching the words of his father as he entered the scene. He would slip towards his mom, glancing around at all the wolves who were gathered. He chuckled quietly at Irune and Kyung, his two favorite siblings. He would look up at his mother, nuzzling her chest as he watched and listened. So the rumors he had heard were true, the kings former queen had run away and was now presumed dead. Though perhaps she was still alive somewhere, and that was when the plans would come into play. A couple of the pack members would volunteer, none of whom he knew but he didn't really much care for the other adults. It's not like they ever tried to get to know him or his siblings anyhow. Regardless, he would watch on. Looking up towards his father, he wondered what plans he was concocting in his mind. What would happen to the former queen if she was found? Would she be tried for treason? Betrayal? It was a farfetched idea, and Rin wasn't quite sure what all those things meant anyway. So for now he sat quietly with his mother.



If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



12-13-2013, 02:12 AM

He would regard the duo proudly as they offered their services, ?Allow me one moment before you leave,? shifting his weight as Sendoa would provide them with directions, before a loose whisper would shudder his drums, ?Of course; tell them of the magnificence that loiters your womb, my adore,? his skull would reach to her, attempting to push against her with his cheek, lashes fluttering as ruby gaze would re-find themselves to the crowd, to the brilliance that had gathered. However a pup would cause pale lips to twitch with unsure influence, ears flicking backwards as Rincavornon would meander towards his mother as if nothing had happened. Oh, so the defiant child had returned? Words would be had.

?I bring also the news of Tortuga?s disbanding; it seems Taurig has finally yielded to my pressure, and submitted his throne to our doings. The new leader is already chosen, Satis will be joining him for some time to assist with rank development. Until her return, Impra, who has recently arrived home, will be taking the position of Sentinel, and Artemis-? vibrant gaze would search for the pallid brilliance, hovering atop her flawless fa?ade, ?Will become an Overseer.? It wasn?t a question, but a demand, he left no room for argument; they needed strong fighters in their upper ranks. ?Due to our arrangements with Tortuga, none of the past pack members are to be harmed unless in self defence, understand?? sternly he would suggest as such, shifting to gaze again upon Lova and Roman, ?Go now, search high and low for as long as it takes you, return only when you feel satisfied with your findings? or lack of. I needn?t give you my gratitude,? for you both already have it.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]



5 Years
12-15-2013, 01:26 AM

She would sit there waiting for some explanation from her mother as to why Isardis and that other lady were on the log. And why Genesis and some others sat next to it but everyone else had to sit farther back. But before anyone could answer her Ky came running in and tackled her. She giggled and rolled around before nuzzling her brother on the shoulder. She wiggled to her paws before sitting next to him wondering where Rin was. It was then that Isardis invited her to join him. Her amber eyes glowed with excitement but then she turned to Ky and back again. She didn't want to go up there without her two brothers. For a moment she thoughts really hard. From here she had her mother and brother and knew soon Rin would join them. She felt higher than she would be up on that log because she had them at her side. Standing up she took a few steps forwards to address her father.No thank you. My place is here with my mother and brothers. I feel...more proud sitting here with them than I would up there without them at my side. She replied respectfully. Sure she could be a pain in the butt, have a temper, but she was smart. She wanted to be a good example of a leader for her brothers. With that she stepped back to Ky's side and sat down.

Isardis started the meeting, something about a missing member was all she understood. She watched two others offer to look for the missing packmate. Irune looked at Rin, by his mother, and Ky. She would do anything to find them if they went missing. She looked back at Isardis.I wanna help too! I would do anything if I lost my brothers! She yipped out and darted forwards before Eris could even think about stopping her.




6 Years
01-23-2014, 02:59 PM
Her emerald colored optics watched the pack intently. Even though she was part of the pack, she wanted to make sure she didn't get on the king's bad side. Her ebony pelt shifted from side-to-side due to the wind batting against it. The snow seemed like a blanket that covered most of the territory. The cold hit against the femme's face as she lied down and placed her head on her forepaws, trying to block the fierce winds from freezing her face. Her tail wrapped around her form as she began to shiver from the immense cold, despite having a winter pelt on.

She saw many unfamiliar faces, but she did see a few familiar ones. The clouds began to drip small drops of frozen water down, feeling them seep into her coat ad causing her to feel more cold than how she felt before. Her ebony claws dug into the sheet of white, leaving a fresh paw print.

The howls and barks of the pack greeting each other caught her attention as her ears bent back slightly in a shy way. She didn't wish to do anything that might embarrass her or get in trouble so she just kept her trap shut.