
Sun is Setting in the West


12-07-2013, 12:39 AM

He sprang into a full run as his sister called for her pack, he hadn't been back home for a day and already she was calling a meeting. He howled in response as he ran, tail waving high in the air as he drew closer to the meeting spot. Late, as usual, not that it mattered, Chrys would forgive him, he was sure. As he arrived he spotted the white form of his mother, he wouldn't greet her just yet, she had to be sore about his absence, especially since he had been given the rank of Lead Healer just days before his disappearance. So many new faces, so many old ones too, he could barely contain his joy as the final waves hit him; he was home.




12-07-2013, 03:37 AM

He had tried to avenge his best friend to the best of his abilities, but he had failed her and ended just the same as her. Blind in one eye. Not that it really mattered to the now older white knight, but it was still something of a set back and disappointment. It was a little annoying only being able to look out of one eye, but he was thankful that at least he still had one good one and that he wasn't completely blind. If only he could've succeeded in his attempt to avenge Chrysanthe. Had she known what he had done for her? Possibly not, but that wasn't of importance anymore. As long as she was alive and healthy, he would go through it all over again.

Chrysanthe's voice would break through his light slumber, mismatched eyes coming into view, jaws splitting wide as a yawn broke through. Limbs would unscramble from beneath his massive frame, hoisting the man up from the floor of his den as he made his way into the open, blinking wearily. Chrysanthe was calling a meeting. And there was no way he was missing that. Powerful limbs would pull the half blind brute towards the source of the call, his one good eye roving over the incoming figure of his pack mates, gaze immediately zeroing in on Chrysanthe's figure. She seemed to be doing well and that was all Demonio could ask for. He would weave his way through the throng of wolves until he was at a decent distance from Chrysanthe, skull bowing towards her in acknowledgement as he waited to see what she had to say.

Talk like this



12-07-2013, 08:36 AM

It had only been a season since she had wandered from her Valhallan family, but it had felt like a lifetime. Even before she had taken her leave she had been rather absent, distant from her family and all but nonexistent to the other members of her pack. Despite her outwardly enthusiastic demeanor, Arella was anything but content on the inside. Though she could think of no greater family to be part of, she couldn't help but feel painfully and doubtlessly lonely. Her father had disappeared when she was young -- she hardly even remembered the sound of his voice. And her two brothers had left so long ago.

Her slender form would weave between snow-capped trees as she ran as fast as her paws could carry her. Finding her way home had been easy; the scent that marked the borders was familiar and unmistakable. And yet she felt hesitance as she approached. She had abandoned them; what if they did not want her to return?

In her travels, she had realized rather startlingly that reason she had never felt quite included was that she hadn't grown up. Not like her sister. Surreal's raw determination and strength had been visible even as they were children, and all Arella had was a cheery disposition and an infallible sense of humor. But something had changed the girl in the last few months. She was somber as she drew closer to the home that felt somehow so unfamiliar to her, her face hardened into an expression that was unreadable and empty.

Her nose would lower to the frozen earth, catching scent of the gathering of wolves nearby. As she approached, the wolves coming into view, her eyes found the forms of her mother and her sister, Surreal -- her heart would lurch in her chest as she gazed upon them. Would they be angry? Quietly she would slink forward, making her presence known only with a soft whimper as she came to sit beside Erani.


12-07-2013, 08:21 PM

He really hoped that he wasn't late. He hadn't meant to be, he had just overslept a little. Meili had been insisting that he recuperate more often and not being able to deny her, the Adravendi would heed her request. Though today probably should've been up a little earlier. Rushing around, he would nudge Meili to wake, urging her to come along with him. He needed to be at the meeting now. He had been dubbed the new heir and he couldn't let Valhalla think that he was slacking and didn't care; because he really did. Or else he would've never gone and fought in the seige.

With Meili at his side, he would make his way towards the meeting, taking several minutes to arrive before the figures of the rest of his packmates came into view. With a loving kiss to Meili, Gael would make his way towards the front of the meeting, his gaze falling across his sister, lips upturning in greeting. Hope I'm not late aunt Chrys. Hey Aza, glad to see you back. He would take a seat close to his aunt, haunches folding beneath him as he turned to face the gathering, awaiting the start of the meeting.

Talk like this



12-08-2013, 02:59 AM
ooc: heads up guys, this is a looooooooooong one
The first to appear was a brute that she had seen sparcely, but knew that he was friend of Liberty's. Hopefully he hadn't come to inquire as to her why Chrysanthe hadn't yet fought for the girl. Friction was still wondering the same thing she was sure - but it seemed that her odds with Glaciem would not end, she had quite a bit of fighting to do with the pack in order to get her members back. Still she would wait and see what he had to say, facing him as he approached, watching his stance for any signs of anger. His words though, would come to a surprise to her - and he would call her noble, introduce himself politely, and carry himself with kindness and poise that brought a small smile to the woman's face. "Thank you Drake." She would do her best not to snicker at his nickname for Isardis. It was catchy, but she was a woman of respect when it came to the matters of her enemies.

He had succeeded in giving a good first impression. "You are welcome to stay here for the meeting - as a member of Valhalla. I'm sorry Liberty isn't here too." She could see that it still pained him that she was not here, he had come here for her even in her absence, and Chrysanthe would do her best to make sure he didn't regret the choice.

It was after his entrance that the others would start piling in. Guin was first, and she would smile at her niece, moving forward to let her muzzle brush against the girl's face. "It's good to see back home, Guinevere!" Her excitement would be met with some enthusiasm from the alpha, but it would seem that she was scared of her scar - and the alpha would let her pull away, watching her find a place to sit.

Odette's appearance lifted any of her spirits that had dithered somewhat, but the girl didn't seem to be as confident here as she would hope. The alpha would lean over and plant her nose on the girl's head, a greeting and a motion meant to sooth whatever nerves she might have had. This was probably her first pack meeting - hopefully it would pass smoothly and give a good impression. The last thing she wanted was for Odette to fear the pack coming together and dread the meetings that they had.

Erani had been busy, she was sure. Her mother was tired, she was sure, but still held herself with grace. Despite them not always seeing eye to eye, as any mother and child, she loved and appreciated the healer - now more than ever with so many wounded and the way that she was handling herself despite the workload. Perhaps she could pick up a bit of the craft and help out where she could this winter - it was the least that she could do. A nod was given to the woman, as well as a gratuitous glance, before Chrysanthe went back to waiting for the pack to come piling in.

When Surreal stepped forward, Chrysanthe would watch her somewhat idly, seeing that she had glanced at the position that was supposed to be her uncle's. If she caught the alpha's one eyed gaze, she would see her motion with both her head and a swish of her tail for her to come sit with she and Odette. As far as the woman was concerned, she had been training with Cormalin, and although she would have to be tested, she was capable of filling in where her uncle currently could not. If she didn't catch the motion, it was alright - she would announce the rank shift regardless.

Caerul would show up next, and she appreciated his attempts to remain in high spirits. "Yes, I'm doing fine. I'll try to get through this meeting quickly." He smelled of mud, and of the dead - and immediately she would understand what he had been doing. Burying the dead - he had taken up the task without being told to. "If you want assistance I..." She would help him finish his task if he wanted - but she understood if it was an undertaking he would rather finish on his own.

The dark woman's appearance was not expected, but Chrysanthe couldn't say that she had not seen her before. She would have to speak with her after the meeting. Another rogue would follow after her, but she seemed to know Odette. She would watch the girl, and watch Odette's reaction to her - but she had no problem with the young female being here. Any friend of Odette's was welcome here.

Azalea's appearance was one that brought joy to her, but the girl seemed to have something heavy on her mind. She smelled of something somewhat musky, but it was a subtle hormonal scent that Chrysanthe could almost see past if not for the change in Azalea's appearance. She knew a stomach swollen with pups, she had seen it a few times before...

Members would continue to flood in, and she would nod back to Leon's greeting, and offer a small smile toward Ashtoreth. Ravine's greeting was a bow, and it was rare she see such a polite act. She considered herself a leader not a Queen, and such actions never really struck her as something to demand of her people. She would return his action, lowering her neck and head before sitting up straight and flashing him a good natured smirk. "Likewise."

It was good to see Preston among them, and she would have teased him for being late, but his answering howl had told her he was on his way. He was right - he wasn't in any sort of trouble. It was rare that he ever be, she had a soft spot for her older siblings.

Demonio's visage would strike her, and she would stare as he bowed toward her, dread in her stomach. It was too much of a coincidence, his scars matched her own to the 'T'. Had Glaciem's Queen taken half of his sight as well? She would release a shaky sigh as he looked away, seeing all of Valhalla before her, she was glad that so many were able to make it, but it was clear that Glaciem had done a lot of damage. Even Gael had scars, and he had been her heir for a short time. "You're just in time Gael." It would be her final greeting before the meeting began.

She would try not to be too long winded about all of this.

"Valhalla, we have survived our first war - despite our enemy tearing past our borders we held true. Thank you all for fighting beside me, you did wonderfully. Don't listen to what anyone says, we were a pack of peace, unprepared for war - and still we didn't let them come without standing up for what we believe in."

"Cormalin, Bronze and Themisto were taken from us, and I plan to fight for their freedom should Isardis fail to grant their release." He would not trade his girls for them, but he had no reason to keep them for long. If they were not let go before Valhalla left for their new home she would start her challenges. "But Azalea is back with us, and if she would like, is more than welcome to taking her rightful place as heir." She would look toward her niece with her words, and then her one eyed gaze would shift to Gael. "If she does, I would like you to be one of Valhalla's betas."

"The other, I would like to pass to Surreal. I have every intention of getting your uncle back, but I know he would want you to fill in for him - he trusts you, and so do I." She would give Surreal the choice - if she didn't feel up to the job or didn't want to replace Cormalin, she would completely understand.

"Imena, you are no longer an omega, but an eta." As she should be. Anyone with the ability to help the injured heal - especially at this point - would be respected. "Sephiroth will step up as a Digamma, and help with training our Gamma." She trusted the job to him - he had fought hard during the seige, and after speaking with him she believed that he was up for the task. "Collision? I know that it's sudden, but I want you to step up as an alpha - it's always been a good place for you. I trust you to help me get our members back, and help this pack flourish as it should." He had been the one to bring them together, to set their bond with Seracia in motion, and she had seen such tenacity in protecting his daughter's pride on the battlefield. He was ferocious, but lacked the somewhat enchanting chaos that Syrinx held, opposed to chaos, to her, he was justice - and Valhalla needed that now more than ever.

"Our borders have been trampled, our territory bloodied and too much of it is known by our enemies - I've done some scouting for a new home for us. Of all of the places, the one that I believe suited us most, is an island to the South - Nephilm Island. It has plenty of prey, water and shelter - and should anyone want to attack, they will be forced to swim to our beaches, where we will be waiting." And the ocean would wash any traces of them away. "I want us to make the move as soon as possible - the ocean is shallow leading to the island, but children and the injured should be watched carefully during our trip there."

"If you have anything you want to ask, or to say, go on ahead." She was listening, and would try and quell and fear and answer any questions that Valhalla had.


12-08-2013, 01:37 PM
The man had made his way home, he probably looked like a sight to see. His coat was dirty despite it's dark color. Aqua blue eyes seemed dim yet still were able to see. Dark gray paws were crusted with mud and dried blood, most his own. Thane did not care to speak of what happened to him during or after the battle. He was home now so that's all that mattered. Cyril lay perched on his shoulder as well, quiet as a mouse. The man had appeared just a few moments in Chrysanthe's speech. He would sit down on the outskirts of the grouping, only caring to glance over at his mate and son. This made him wonder where his other son was, as well for his daughter. Resnera was smart, she was probably fine, is what he convinced himself. And as for Ryker, he had no idea, he hadn't even been home since to know lately.

White lined ears listened as words of moving came to his ears. She spoke of an island, that sounded quite nice. Thane listened as he leaned down to lick the mud and dirt from his paws...well an attempt more or less. At least the coat on his back and sides looked fairly presentable. With a sigh the male stood up and silently walked over to Ookami. He was also sure she might have been worried about his absence; this made him guilty. As he slowly and quietly sat down with a soft grunt Thane looked over to her and offered her a small soft smile. Then he would look over to Ravine near them and give a small nod. Cyril who still perched atop his shoulder-blade shifted.

Looking at Chrysanthe the man would give her a nod, he was a mess. Truly all the brute needed was a good cleaning and maybe a checkup on things. And maybe he was feeling crappy because alas it was winter now, he was already five now. Maybe now he was truly an old man; but Thane would never really truly accept that, maybe partially though.


12-08-2013, 01:49 PM
white lined ears flattened against the young brute's head as he ran towards the meeting. Damn, he was late. But you know who else was late? Probably his father, and his sister. Ryker had thought that they would all stay together now since everyone came back. He had to hand it to his brother now, he was the only good one out of the three of them. Ryker just couldn't cope with this all, he felt anxious and stressed all the time. Half of it he blamed on his family and the other half he blamed on the absence of Irin. Even thinking about her made him feel happy and sad at the same time. It sent his heart aflutter until it realized that it's wings had been chopped off...

With a sigh and a mutter under his breath the male finally arrived and he looked around for his family. Aqua blue eyes with an emerald green flint in each then landed on his brother, close to him were his parents. It almost took him a double take...both parents in one place? Wow, new record. With a small roll of his eyes Ryker shyly walked over to his brother and sat beside him. After doing so he gave a small nervous nod towards Chrysanthe. Jeez, he was such a wuss when it came to things he felt he did wrong;like being late to a meeting for instance. Leaning forward the young male would look glance at his parents. He was kind of happy though to see both of his parents here. It was almost a blessing. Well of course his mother had been home since her memory loss but then he assumed his father just appeared out of the blue today. Looking at his coat Ryker assumed so.

Offering a smile to Uncle Cyril he leaned back and looked at his brother before giving him a small playful light shove. He was happy to see him actually. Ryker was thankful for his siblings. The only one who was missing now was his sister who always seemed to be all over the place now. With a small sigh Ryker listened to Chrysanthe and then looked around to make sure his eyes just didn't miss his sister the first time. Nope, guess he'd have to sit here and think about stuff that he hated until he could leave...


12-09-2013, 12:46 PM

Preston nearly jumped when he heard about the move, truly fortune smiled upon the wolf. Now he would be in his old environment, one that he had reached true maturity in, one that he could proudly say he knew well. He couldn't wait for the rest of the pack to move, running along sandy beaches, tasting sweet colorful fish, teaching aspiring healers the way the island wolves and Erani had taught him, maybe even teaching Erani herself. He couldn't help himself, an excited yip escaped his jaws just at the thought. True he wasn't leaving behind as much as others and surely there would be Nay Sayers in the gathering crowd of people. They needed security, they needed to know that they would be protected on the island, and who better than Preston to give them such a thing. "I volunteer my services in island survival." He said proudly, tail wagging feverishly behind him as he spoke.





6 Years
12-09-2013, 02:02 PM

Her brother greeted her but seemed distant and certainly didn't seem to notice her pregnant state. Ears folded back against her skull uncertainly. Chrysanthe began her speech quickly, not wasting time waiting for the stragglers. Her mother seemed to be among the missing wolves, perhaps busy with some of the wounded still. The toll of those taken was not as bad as Azalea had first thought, thankfully. More wolves than she thought must have gone to find their loved ones in Seracia after departing the battle. "But Azalea is back with us, and if she would like, is more than welcome to taking her rightful place as heir." These words made her eyes widen, breath sucking in as her head shot up.

"If she does, I would like you to be one of Valhalla's betas." Azalea thought about it deeply for a moment, feeling pressed to say no. "At present I would like to get settled before taking my duties back over, but if the offer still stands," She had to pause. What did she say? Later? How much time was later? She didn't even know. "Well, then I will gladly resume the title when I've acclimated." Azalea had stood up to address her one-eyed aunt. She would surely understand what she was saying and the others would see what she had become in her time a way. No more than oven for the devil's spawn.

More promotions were given. Her father even, asked to step up as alpha to stand beside Chrys loyally, as Syrinx seemed to fail in doing. She could not blame her uncle for securing his own fortunes, Azalea was surely just as selfish at times. Gideon seemed to have yet to earn a place as alpha, and would he ever?

"Our borders have been trampled, our territory bloodied and too much of it is known by our enemies - I've done some scouting for a new home for us. Of all of the places, the one that I believe suited us most, is an island to the South - Nephilm Island. It has plenty of prey, water and shelter - and should anyone want to attack, they will be forced to swim to our beaches, where we will be waiting." Azalea assessed this idea, certain that her aunt would not push for the move unless she herself had gone and had a thorough investigation. "I want us to make the move as soon as possible - the ocean is shallow leading to the island, but children and the injured should be watched carefully during our trip there."

The floor was opened for others to speak up. Azalea simply nodded firmly, showing that she agreed with her aunt's words. Preston, family and a wolf she hadn't seen in ages, jumped to his paws. He looked more than a little happy. "I volunteer my services in island survival." She smiled lightly, unable to escape his enthusiasm.




10 Years
Athena I
12-11-2013, 12:57 AM

ooc: sorry for lateness >.>

One day he hoped that he wouldn't be late to a meeting. Thus far he had been late to every single one he thought, though usually not because of laziness or uncaring on his part. He had been scavenging the territory for any small piece of herb that might still be clinging to life in the snow, even though it was a hopeless venture. With winter firmly gripping the land and the number of injured as high as ever, every herb the healers could get their paws on was precious. Also... he needed the distraction. Ever since the war had begun, Valhalla's territory had carried the same hints of death and destruction that the druid despised when he had visited the battle field. On top of that, he had to keep himself from thinking about the future family he and Imena might bring into this world. The thought of their children made him so happy and yet so worried all at the same time.

But when Chrysante's call rang out, calling the pack together, Cael stopped in his tracks, stopping his pointless search immediately to trot off toward his leader. How was it that every time she called a meeting he was on the every edges of Valhalla's territory? By the time he arrived pretty much everyone was there, including a large piece of his family and his mate. His heart warmed at the sight of her and he slipped up beside her on the other side of her from his aunt, his shoulder rubbing up against hers affectionately.

He arrived just in time to hear their alpha's announcements. The piece of information that brought him the most joy was that of Imena's rank being changed back to Eta. A grin spread across his muzzle and he turned his head so his two-toned gaze could rest on her, his tail wagging behind him. He was glad that she finally had her position in the pack again and knew that it would do wonders for her self-esteem if nothing else. He gave her cheek an affectionate lick as a silent congratulations before turning his attention back to the russet-faced fea.

Next, Chrys brought up moving the pack. Not only moving, but to an island no less. He blinked with surprise, his mind reeling with all of the questions that came to mind. Would there be a good supply of helpful herbs there? Would it be a safe place to raise pups? What was the weather like there? How often would he and the other Etas have to swim back to the mainland to get the herbs they needed if there wasn't a good supply of them in their new home? But, he silenced his thoughts as he glanced over to his aunt. He was sure she would be thinking the same things and surely she would not let the pack move somewhere that the healers would not be able to function successfully. Looking back to the alphess, he nodded, agreeing to this move. As long as his family and mate were happy with it he would be too.



5 Years
Athena I
12-11-2013, 01:25 AM

ooc: again, sorry late <.<

Meili awoke to Gael's nudging and urging, blinking open her teal eyes with a yawn. She couldn't figure out why he was rushing till she finally woke up to realize he was trying to get to the pack meeting. She scrambled to her paws and ran after him, hurrying along as well so that she could stay at his side for as long as she could. She understood that with his important place in the pack it was necessary for him to be there. Silently she wondered if she would ever get used to this weird feeling of being a tag along, just coming along with her man for the ride. He was so much younger than her and yet he had already achieved so much more.

When they arrived at the meeting there was already a large group of wolves there and a brief smile crossed her muzzle when he gave her a kiss and went to take his place by Chrysanthe. Despite the awkwardness she always felt at these things, she still had a strong since of pride when she saw her man up there.

She looked around the group till her eyes finally found Ash, who was with Leon of course. Meili padded over to her none of the less since she was the only other wolf in this pack she had gotten close to besides Gael. Once she had sat down beside her friend and greeted her with a smile she looked out at the pack once more. She blinked with surprise when she spotted Oddette, the pup she had helped with her hunting so long ago. It was certainly a surprise to see her sitting here, but a pleasant one none of the less. She finally turned her attention to Chrys as she began to speak.

Meili felt disjointed from the meeting, listening as wolves changed ranks and such. She smiled slightly when Aza turned down the position as heir, even if it was for now, meaning that Gael was still the current Heir. Then she mentioned moving Valhalla to an island in the south and her teal eyes immediately shifted to Gael to watch his reaction. Meili honestly didn't care where they lived. As long as she was with Gael then she would be happy. She had no input in the subject, so she sat quietly and waited to see if anyone else would chime in.


Thank you Yumpy!



12-14-2013, 10:33 PM

Silently she sat there next to Erani, her Aunt-in-law, eyes trained on Chrysanthe. If her alpha was half blind, who else had suffered similar injuries? She should have stayed back to help the other healers, and yet the rest of the pack fleeing had needed a healer with them in case anything would have happened. Eyes turned away just as Skyla joined her, she nuzzled the pup tenderly, glade she was recovering so well. But quickly the pup darted away towards a female she did not know. She watched them carefully, shoulders tense in an edge as the need to protect the pup if needed, tightened her muscles. She couldn't help it, Skyla in her eyes was her pup, as if she had born her. But there was no threat and if so many pack members, one would be a fool to harm a pup infront of everyone. She turned to Chrysanthe, trying to catch her eye in a meaning they needed to talk afterwards about Skyla and much more.

She sighed softly as eyes scanned her pack, flinching at the visible wounds her members had received from the war. Ears twisted back, she needed to learn to fight. The rising need to be able to defend herself and pack was growing. She glanced at Alsander and Caerul. Cael brothers could help her she was sure. Plus if Cael and her ever started a family she would need to protect herself and her pups if the time ever came, pray that it do not though. Thoughts scattered away as her Alpha began the meeting. She listened carefully, tail wagging slightly as others were promoted. But it seemed odd not to see Cormalin up there next to Chrysanthe. She had also seem his presence as reassurance. Then her name was mentioned she froze. She felt like those words weren't ment for her, as if her brain and soul were watching from as outsider's view. It wasn't till Cael nuzzled her cheek did it really hit her. She was no longer an Omega, her rank of Eta was restored. It felt like water breaking a damn as her chest loosened. Shoulders shagged in relief and blue eyes slowly regained some life into them, some spark and hope. She dipped her head to Chrysanthe graciously. She turned to her mate, who had arrived slightly late and nuzzled his neck in a tender greeting.

But she would return her attention back to the meeting. Move? Valhalla would move to an island? What about there herbs? Their dens?! Imena loved her den that sat above a small creek, the smell of herbs, of Cael and Skyla's scent in the cave. It was home, but now they had to leave it? She shifted, unsure of the idea. Chrysanthe, if we can cross to the island, what would stop Glaciem from doing the same? She said loud enough for everyone to hear. It was true, sure Glaciem might not find them right away but in time they would. And if they found them quickly, Valhalla was at a slightly disadvantage because they would still be learning their in home.




12-16-2013, 03:18 AM
Hearing Preston step up brought a small smile to the woman's face. Her older brother would enjoy the islands she was sure, he had said that he was skilled in using the plants that grew on islands for healing. Once he was around long enough for the other healers to get acquainted with him, he would make a good lead. The position had been his once before - it could easily be again. "Our healers will make good use of your help Preston." She would say to him, trusting him not to let her down. "Etas - Preston was once a lead healer here in Valhalla, and knows a lot about the different herbs that will grow in our new territory. Listen to him." She had faith in her healers to make sure that this went over smoothly. Between Preston and Erani, Chrysanthe felt that no one would be left in the dark.

Azalea didn't want the position of heir just yet, and she didn't blame her in the least. The woman would nod - but would take care to speak with her after the meeting. "Whenever you're ready." The place had been hers from the start, it was not something that she saw changing anytime soon.

The woman knew that there would be hesitation from some in regards to the move. Imena and Cael were going to start a family soon, so her asking questions didn't strike her as strange or insulting. It was good - she was thinking about the future too - Chrysanthe only hoped that she knew the alpha was acting in the pack's best interest for the future. If Glaciem were to cross over, they would not make it in far at all - there was only a single point that they could enter the pack's lands. "We will. The borders are now a single point on the island, there are no angles that they can try and surprise us with, no back ways for them to invade. They can't slip onto our territory without us being there, ready for them. There's no reason for any future fights to surpass the beaches of our new home." Their allies would be able to close in on their enemies from behind, but she would have to make sure her allies were still her allies. Amenti had Syrinx, but she did not expect him to just fight her battles for her. Same with Seracia - they had risked sending a few of their warriors to the siege and had nearly lost Themisto and Bronze. Leaning on her allies put them in danger, and it wasn't something that Chrysanthe liked to do.

She would have to train her gamma - and train with them.

"So long as we keep watch of our borders, we will be safer there." She would patrol them night and day herself if she had to.



10 Years
12-16-2013, 04:24 AM

Odette was nervous, and if she denied it, then it would have been a downright lie. The Gargoyle replica didn't want to start off on the wrong paw with her new home and its members, so she remained silent as the wolves began to pour in. Each one approached Chrysanthe, offering his/her welcomes and hellos before finding places to sit and listen. She didn't know what to do except observe them, pondering which wolves she was related to. So many relatives she didn't know she made her dizzy, but in a good way.
There were a couple of surprises, though. The first one was Surreal, the girl who had approached her on one of her exploring days in the Emerald Valley. Odette's tail thumped at her enthusiastic call and she giggled at the warm nuzzle. She gave one in turn and softly said, "Surreal, it's great to see you," before Erani's daughter moved to recline on Chrysanthe's other side. Her bi-colored eyes began to scan the oncoming crowd again and she tried to remember their faces when her second surprise arrived. Skyla, the pup she had met on the beach one day months ago, was there, too! She approached her at a fast rate and Odette slowly peeled herself from her mother's side. "Skyla!" She voiced, eyes glistening with happy sparkles. "I never thought I would see you again...You're here, too?" It was a happy question, but she had to wait until after the meeting to get a reply.
Odette seemed to relax after being recognized by two of the wolves that she had crossed paths with. Maybe the world wasn't that big after all. Another surprise that jolted her heart was seeing Meilli. They shared a passing glance and Odette's smile widened. She noticed the female nuzzled next to Gael and her tail continued to thump against Chrysanthe's thigh. It was then that she shyly nuzzled her head into her mother's stomach fur, shyly peaking out with one blue eye to the crowd. "I know a few of our people, Mother," she said in a muffled tone, happiness evident in her voice. The playful nature in the young pup wanted to have her bounce around and chase after Skyla, but she knew better and raised an ear to listen as Chrysanthe spoke.
The war was over and promotions were given out. Odette's name didn't rise among the ones who received higher places in the pack, but she didn't expect to have it. She had only just got there, after all! Then, Chrysanthe spoke of moving to an island for the pack to live on. It was definitely news to her and she pulled her head back to look up at her mother's russet-furred face. "Mother?" She softly said, after the floor had been open and others had voiced their questions, "Will we be able to leave the island and come visit others here if we so choose to do?" She hoped her mother wouldn't keep her locked on the island forever...There was still so much she hadn't seen in her short life!

Talk like this


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12-16-2013, 04:34 AM

The two toned male sat in silence as dual toned eyes watched his Alphess. A couple wolves would arrive late, but he did not blame them. The turmoil of war had left everyone frazzled, and certainly kept others still worrying about their home as they patrolled or simply disappeared to be alone for a while. He knew the after effects of war. He had been in one before when he was barely a yearling, and it was not something he had hoped to see again. As he sat and thought, he listened to the words that Chrysanthe had to say.

He listened as she addressed those that had arrived, and he too noticed the dirty pelt of the Digamma warrior, Caerul. Exhaustion mixed with determination within his eyes, though there was the hint of a certain emotionless factor. Cormalin, he knew was the male's father. And he had been one of the taken prisoners. It was unfortunate, that the family was ripped apart like that...and yet, this Caerul would keep doing his duty, even if in silence. Sephiroth could tell he was dedicated, just as he was. Though he held no ties to Valhalla, save for Seraphine. If not for her, he wouldn't be here. He very well could have ended up somewhere else, perhaps not with Angeal in Ludicael, but maybe still out on the road looking for a place that would accept him. He was lucky to find Valhalla, it changed him in ways he had never expected. The once cold and distant man now found himself helping and caring for a family he never thought could exist for him. And Valhalla was it. He'd watch the proceedings, Azalea refusing the position of Heir, which he found unusual but he would not question nor linger on the thought. Another wolf given her rank again, after it had been so cruelly stripped some time before the war. It was an unfortunate event, and he was sure that if he had intervened upon hearing about it, that the battle hungry alpha at the time would have stripped him of his own rank too, he was sure.

And then something would catch him by surprise. Chrysanthe had announced that he would be promoted to Digamma. A strange sense of pride would swell his chest, and he sat taller as he turned his aquamarine gaze on her. "I thank you Chrysanthe, I will not fail you! I will work hard to ensure our pack is ready to defend and protect should the need arise." Nodding to her, he was proud to have this new position. That meant he could now work alongside Caerul and a few others to get their members the proper training they needed to defend themselves and protect the ones they loved.

The meeting would go on, and soon Chrysanthe had spoken of another surprise. Valhalla would be moving. He was not surprised, after all, the plains on which they lived was now unrecognizable...too much blood had been shed, lives lost, and the land compromised to the enemy. It would be a good change for Valhalla, to start new and fresh. Away from the strains of having to constantly watch all their borders, and this new Island appeared to have one main point, that would be easy enough. He was always on patrol, making sure the borders were safe and that Valhalla could sleep easy. Seldom did he himself sleep, he was trained that way. Anything could happen at any time, and he would never be caught dead in his sleep. They grey woman, Imena would voice her concern about the Island. And Chrysanthe had given a very good answer in explaining. As she did so, he would nod. He approved of her choice, after all, it was a very good one. He knew that these wolves would miss their home, but he also knew that it was time to go. They could not stay here anymore. It would only keep them in danger. "I think it is a good choice. Valhalla would be much safer, and if there are certain herbs that cannot be found on the island, then I am sure we can gather up some volunteers to cross the waters and fetch them. I volunteer myself for that role if it eases some of your worry. Keep in mind, I know a lot of you don't want to leave...but Valhalla is not safe here any longer. So I say we go as soon as possible before the enemy uses this opportune moment to strike. I will help those that need it to cross the open water."