
Where Do Your Demons Hide?



10-10-2013, 07:43 PM

The first task that her new Theta would have, wasn't supposed to be fight training - but that was just how things went weren't they? She was fully prepared to fall into a defensive stance and give fighting Rayne a go, but she froze, her fur bristling slightly at the smell of thick snow on the air. The alpha for a moment feared that Valhalla was being ambushed and that intruders had sneaked into the borders, but there was something far too familiar about that scent to be the enemy. Pulling herself out of sparring mode, she would pull her gaze away from Rayne, glancing to either side of her. It was a bit strange to see her unfocused, but she didn't want to sound any alarms until she was sure...

When she finally realized just who was behind her, her pensive look melted completely. Disbelief was on the alpha's face, only for it to stretch into a smile as she turned to face her mate. "Gideon!" She couldn't make any more of a sentence than that to start, and she quickly turned to bathe the man in kisses. Although she cared very much for Syrinx's training, she would not miss a reunion with her husband - not when she had been so worried, not when she had been fully prepared to fight tooth and nail for him unknowing of what state he was in. "You have no idea how much I missed you! I'm so sorry I lost you." Her words were quiet, just for him despite their current company - yet for a single moment her worries were swept clean, and she was overjoyed to see her mate back where he belonged - at her side.

Stepping back she would look him over, noting that he was all in one piece - they had not tormented him, had not sent him back bruised and broken, a testimony to what they did with their prisoners... "What happened? They took you back on the battlefield, why would they..." There had to be a dire consequence, if they had sent him back, what in the world could they have gotten for him in return?



10-11-2013, 06:09 PM

She had been very reluctant to go to this training but knew she needed it. If the pups were in her charge she would need to be able to defend them. She thought of her den, it was the farthest to the northern boarder of Valhalla. She could keep the pups there till it was safe and they would be able to have a very good head start should they need to run. And if they needed to run they would go as far south before turning to head to Seracia, their allies. She mentally mapped it out, hoping it would work. She should ask Syrinx to spare one warrior to help her if she needed it.

White tipped paws trudged to the meeting and at once her normally warm calm blue eyes sparked with livid fire. With a snarl she rushed in towards Syrinx. She gently placed herself between him and the pups, hackles raised. Never before had she shown such anger."Why the hell are the pups training!? Syrinx they are to be left out of this! They are far to young for this! If they need basic defensive skills i will train them! They are under my charge while this war is upon us!" She snapped. Pups should never go through such a thing till the reached a year old at most. She had seen what happened to those trained for battle at too young an age. She glanced at the pups with a sigh. Looking back at Syrinx she calmed down and angeled her ears to indicate she wished to speak with him in private."Syrinx, i mean you no disrespect. I do agree that we must deal with Glaciem at once. But..i have seen pups trained to young and what it has done to them. They become war machines and die to young. And that sadly is saying it as kindly as i can." She shivered for a moment at the memories of her former pack. "I do wish to learn to fight more. I will be their protector as Den mother. And i will willingly give my life for them without a doubt. But if something happens and Glaciem is here..i will need help getting all the pups away to safetly. Might i request a warrior. Just one." She added softly. She glanced back at the others, eyes meeting Alsander's. She knew he was related to her mate and had instantly liked him before even fully meeting him."I would like to sparr with Alsander or you." She added. Sky blue eyes returned to Syrinx full of burning determination. Every word she spoke came from deep within. She would give anything to protect the pups. She would not fail this time.




10-11-2013, 11:08 PM

Whitened paws stepped heabily upon the ground, the sounds of wolves in training reached his ears as he approached. Grey ears twitched at the sounds of a familiar voice, and he would arrive in the presence of the valhallans. Of course there were others he could see, but none that he knew save for the Alpha, Imena and Alsander. He had shown up in time to hear Imena's outburst about the pups, and his brows would crease in concern. Surely Valhalla didn't plan on sending kids into this war? Irritation would flood from him, though he masked it as best as he could after the meeting. He had been severely disappointed that he had not been promoted to at least a Gamma. His siblings all had been promoted, yet he was the only one singled out when he was the one to voice his aid in the last fight against the glaciem king. He was displeased with it, but he kept his mouth shut. So he had decided to show up and see what the training was all about even though it was for gammas and the like. Ears would flick with annoyance as his thoughts consumed him. This entire time leading his siblings to this land and now it would turn on him, striking him down to the bottom. He sat down near his brother Alsander, stiff features showing he was upset yet he would refuse to voice it. "Good day brother, how goes it?" Ears perked as a strangers smell drifted in, and he watched a reunion between his alpha and her mate. Had Glaciem let him go..? Or were they plotting some kind of ambush?




Extra small
10-13-2013, 04:18 PM

OOC: [ ]

He had an immense pride in seeing his children raised up to be stronger and smarter members of the pack. they would be strong and very capable in their future, of this he was certain, though it was not necessarily true that his ideas would be honored by all. However, the approaching woman was wrong in two places. These were his children, first of all. Second of all, he nevr had intentions of bringing them to the battle front. Tail swayed in anger behind him and he ripped a snarl from his lungs and put his face mere inches from her own. "They are mine! These are my brood. You have no sway in their raising! They are near old enough to begin training. They are certainly capable enough to handle almost any canine here because of their stance. Would you like to further question by ability to raise my children? To lead my pack?" his fur bristled and his hackles raised, "You lose your standing in this pack, no longer will you stand here as an Eta. Even before you held no ability to lead these pups, you lack the rank. Omega will suit you for the time being," eyes burnd into the woman. she needed to learn her place for she had not. Everything in him yearned to snap forward and rip her petty little tongue out, and yet, he refrained. For his sister alone. should she push her luck, however, he would make no remark.




10-13-2013, 07:11 PM
Midnight had tried to be polite she had called and waited on the border but as the minutes dragged on she had become restless if the rumours where true and war was coming perhaps they where to busy to mind there borders for friends, though that seemed a bad idea to her own mind. Cautiously she had stepped over the border keeping her head and tail low and her ears pricked she had moved further into the pack land. Her head swivelled at the sound of angry voices and she followed them. Standing on the edge of the clearing she watched as the alpha dressed down the dark dame, and for a moment she was perfectly still this was it the final chance she would have to turn and run, no one had noticed her yet but it was only a matter of time. But if the rumours where true if Glaciem intended to attack then she would not stand by and watch another pack fall into disaster as their own had, taking a deep breath she stepped forward into the clearing she weaved between the assembled wolves until she stood face to face with the alpha, he was even more terrifying from close up his jaw seemed to hang by a thread and midnight suppressed a shudder as she dropped into a low bow.

This was the dangerous part she was an intruder surrounded by pack wolves if she failed to plead her case if even one of them suspected a trap and attacked she would be gone. She had not said goodbye to the snow rouges for what was the point of goodbyes if she was planning to return? Anyway, they had all heard the rumours they would figure out where she had gone, even if she didn't come back. ? I humbly apologise for crossing your border, however no member came to great me and if the rumours are true, as I would suspect they are, I thought perhaps you could use another wolf in this fight,? she waited for a moment head and body still bowed then stood letting her golden eyes rise to meat the kings blue gaze, he was big larger by far then she, a nervous laugh began to rise in her throat and she forced it back down. Taking a deep breath she continued, ?i was member of glacium under Gargoyles reign, when he was defeated I and many others followed him into the wilderness, we became the snow rouges, and settled.?

?The rumours have reached us however that the white king and his bitch of a queen seek further lands, I would offer my strength and my knowledge to contract this threat, I now there was no love lost between our packs in the past but I come now not as a member of my pack but as a lone wolf who wishes to assist in this fight and perhaps reduce the chances of another having to face what we have endured.? she ended her speech and stood waiting for the verdict, she did not tense for a fight what would be the point if she was attacked by the alpha she was sure the others would pile in she would be dead before she hit the ground, instead she raised her head her throat bear submission to the alpha and if there was to be a fight at least she would have a quick death.



10-13-2013, 10:17 PM

The sound of a feminine voice reached the canals of triangular cones issued an immediate response. She was still beside her father, ears flipping back to pin against her skull as the woman claimed that she would training them. Ha! Lips curled back with distaste. What could this woman possibly teach them? Pools of ice and mercury never left the fae as her father issued punishment. Omega. Eyes like daggers shot into the woman as the girl had long risen to her feet to stand beside her father, placing herself just behind his shoulder.

No sound was made. The only sign of her displeasure was her pinned ears, and kissers that curled back just enough to reveal the tips of daggers that lasted only a moment. She was an Eta. She didn't know what that meant, what rank that was within the pack, but it didn't matter now, she was an Omega. The lowest of the low.

Eyes flickered to the newcomer. She was no pack member. The woman introduced herself and stated her purpose for crossing the borders without permission. Gaze never left the new woman, but her attention shifted to her father. How would he react to this? She showed her submission clearly, obviously wanting no harm and meaning no harm. It was then that she broke her stare, looking at Chrysanthe. How would she react to all this? One of her pack members being demoted to Omega, and now an old Glaciem wolf crossing the border. War certainly put everyone out of their right mind.




10 Years
Athena I
10-15-2013, 12:39 AM

Cael had heard the summoning that Syrinx had given, calling them out after the meeting for battle training for the war. He dreaded even the thought of fighting. Violence was not something he enjoyed or even liked to tolerate if he did not have to. He knew that at times it was necessary to defend oneself or others, but fighting just to fight was not something he condoned.

There was just one problem. He knew his mate had gone to the training. Cael couldn't help but go to watch after her and make sure she got out of this training alright. That protective gene in him trumped all else. He knew he should tain as well.. should the time come that he be pulled into this war that Glaciem insisted on bringing to them. With a sigh, he trotted off toward the training, making sure Elva stayed in the den. War training was no place for a small fox.

By the time the ivory brute arrived at the scene, Syrinx was bristling and furious, his anger directed toward none other than his dear mate. "Omega will suit you for the time being." He gaped at the scene in front of him, confused as to what in the world Imena of all wolves could have done to be demoted to the lowest rank. Anger, a very rare emotion for the gentle healer, rose up in him, making him seethe with the burning heat. He came up to Imena's side, wanting to say something to Syrinx, but he held his tongue. The last thing he wanted to do was make situations worse. He gently guided Imena away from the new alpha, protectively blocking her from his view as they walked.

When they were a little ways away from the crowd that had gathered, his gaze found Imena's. He radiated concern, his anger at Syrinx for snapping at his mate simmering just under it. "Imena, what happened?"




10-17-2013, 05:33 AM

Oh how utterly wonderful it was to see Daddy snapping that god-awful jaw of his, and this silly woman thought she could train them? Cynder snickered brazenly, lifting her chassis to float so regally about the limbs of her red father; an underage predator who knew only the thrill of the chase, a future black-widow spider to feast so effortlessly upon the flesh of who medalled with her. Yuck! She could hardly imagine such a thing to be tasteful, however it sounded rather divine all the same, even if just to throw it out at people and shock them. She would sit upon her haunches in front of Sevan, snout rising so proudly to the heavens.

She had been instructed to play queen of the hill, but it seemed Meinx and silly Vyvienne were too consumed with other things. And so, she would take her desires to impress out on her far larger sibling, however finding it far more appropriate to simply flaunt her luxurious plume, flashing unique markings about in the face of little Sevan as she would slink around her in circles, ?I wouldn?t even need to fight, I bet all those war-boys would drop dead just at the sight of me.? She paused for a moment, cerulean gaze narrowing upon the red girl, ?I bet you wouldn?t be so lucky, Sevan.?



10-17-2013, 06:24 PM

She had not expected the outrage Syrinx would lash out at her. She had tried to reason, amend for her sudden temper by speaking to him alone and even seeking guidance of training. But it seemed he had heard none of it. She almost commented on his ways of running the pack but held her tongue. She would glance down at the pups. Sure training them to be able to defend themselves was great. But at their age she would not push it past them to think they knew enough to disobey and follow Valhallan's warriors to the battle. Already they held that note that they thought they knew better. Doing as Chrysanthe asked by training them would be so much harder now with their age and disrespect already directed towards her. Already she felt like she had failed before she had the chance to start.

If things couldnt get worse, Syrinx carried on with his anger. Sky blue orbs widened in shock. Omega! Never worthy of being an Eta? Her muzzle gaped open. She felt like she had been struck down into the ground, her muzzle buried in dirt. Pain gripped her heart as she stared at the male. For a moment she feared him, of him attacking her, but more importantly, what he might do to this pack. The black cloud she had rid of month ago crept back. She hung her head, tail dropping. She would never succeed in life, she would always fail. Perhaps she was cursed after all. She would never be able to find happiness with caring for pups. It would seem that that would be her fate. She had tried so hard to overcome her past, to move on. To learn what she could here in Valhalla. But it seemed it had never been enough, that she had not tried enough. Chrysanthe had been led to think she was capable of being the pup's den mother, had asked her to train them at the meeting. But perhaps she had been wrong?

Her mind was just repeating Syrinx's words, not even realizing Cael was leading her away. She had just blindly followed. Her chest squeezed with the need to scream out but she swallowed it down. Her mate's worried voice was the only thing that made her look up at him. She felt so ashamed, she had let him down too."I..I..sorta went off on Syrinx. Training pups this young..its not good. They'll think they're just as good as the warriors and sneak into battle. I've seen it before. I've treated wounded pups and buried the dead. I dont want to see it again! Sure defensive learning is great but i dont think Syrinx should train them..Cael..i failed! Im not worthy of being an Eta, he's right! I've done nothing here, i've let everyone down." She choked out. Rear sank to the earth as shoulders hunched forwards and her eyes closed. Erani will be so disappointed in her.



10-18-2013, 09:19 AM

gideon had come home, and to actually be there, well it was, perhaps, the greatest thing he had born witness to in quite some time. ears pushed back against his head as he stepped forward to wrap Chrysanthe in his embrace. he was so happy to have her back and he was more than pleased to be home. he was a Valhallan and it was not something to be taken lightly or be mistaken. there was no dismissing the pride he felt in looking at her, in being near her, and immediately it all came crashing down. though there was the thrum of anger in the background--this was not the cause, no it was far worse and Gideon's eyes would dull and darken as he pulled from her, "Azalea gave herself to the Glaciem king for my freedom," the words were murmered with pain and anger and everything that was wrong. He had never wanted that to happen and never would have asked her for such a thing--now why she did it--he would never understand, but he had to do his best to return her. Her sacrifice would not go unappreicated, and she would be delivered from the king's claws. Eyes fell shut and his skin crawled as though he were to be pegged a sinner for allowing such a thing to happen--a thing to which he held no control over. Eyes turned around the ground that was here and he found collision. Azalea's father.



10-18-2013, 01:39 PM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2013, 01:55 PM by Themisto.)

It was odd being within Valhallan territory. He was used to being on the borders, but never has he actually been within its walls. It was beautiful here. The man would drive himself forward, the other two men following closely behind him. He had been instructed to bring them back, so in a way he was the leader of their little trio. He could only pray that nothing would happen to them. As they came closer they could already see a group of wolves gathered. His eyes darted for the red man who had requested they come here to train. What was his name? Syrinx? He wasn't completely sure, but he would find out soon. Sure enough he managed to catch a view of Chrysanthe and Gideon with each other, but eyes quickly darted away from them. He didn't want to see his cousin wrapped up in the embrace of the woman he so greatly desired. Not that he couldn't handle it, but right now he needed to get his head in the game. That is if Chrysanthe still wanted him to help.

He would make his way up to the largest man he saw, who was also red and had no flesh on his bottom jaw. That must be him. With the friendliest intentions his lips would crease into a smile, and as he approached the man jaws would part as he spoke. "Hello, my name is Themisto Mathias. These two men, Bronze and Pontiflex, have been sent with me from Seracia to assist in the war. I'm an expert healer, and a decent fighter. Pontiflex is our Grand Duke, and Bronze is our baron. Both are reliable and experienced fighters. We all hold high ranks in Seracia, and have been sent because Maverick mentioned you wanting to give us high ranks here? In order to challenge for women?" He would say and ask, stub of a tail twitching eagerly behind him. Would this man be satisfied with what Seracia had sent? Or would he not?


Pontifex I


10-18-2013, 03:22 PM

Never in his wildest dreams would the Grand Duke ever thought himself to be participating in a war. Those were things that other packs in distant lands participated in. Not Seracia. Seracia was peaceful but now Pontifex was marching off to Valhalla to assist them in the war. Loccian resented him for it, he knew that much. And Pacifica...well she was scared for him. And if he was being honest with himself, he was rather scared himself. He'd never fought in a war...not one of this magnitude anyway. There was a very real possibility that he wouldn't be coming home at the end of this. Or his fellow companions. It was a morbid realization, but one he had already come to terms with. He was doing this to protect his family and to serve his King as he pledged that first day when Gerhardt had accepted him into Seracia.

Grey and ebony paws would pull the Seracian man after their unofficial leader Themisto, golden gems flickering warily across the new terrain. He vaguely remembered traveling to this pack for Maverick and Ephiphron's marriage, but that had been a good while back and the trip had been brief. The scent of Valhalla was rather familiar, but the terrain not so much. A group of wolves up ahead caught the man's attention as the trip approached a russet man whose lower jaw was devoid of flesh. Was this the Synrix Maverick had spoken about? Themisto would address the man, introducing the trio and stating their purpose for having arrived in Valhalla. Pontifex would stand quietly to the right of Themisto, gaze steady on the man Syrinx, awaiting his words.

Talk like this

Bronze i


12 Years
10-21-2013, 05:29 AM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2013, 05:31 AM by Bronze i.)

It was surprising that he had been summoned by his King. It was not at all news that he was growing old, and yet he had not yet begun to painful downfall that he knew would come soon. He still had strength left in his body yet, and he would not turn down a request from the ruler of the Kingdom that had effectively ensured that he and his family would flourish and remain safe and cared for. He was certain, if left to their own devices, that he and Silent would never have been able to have another litter -- there was no way. And this was his way of thanking him. After a solemn goodbye to his wife, he had slipped away with the other two taken from Seracia, Themisto and Pontifex, and they had begun to travel towards Valhalla.

It was invigorating, being part of such an army -- his eyes swept over the various wolves that gathered as they approached the group. Children and adults alike, massive brutes and slender women, all ready to fight. It was with silence that Bronze crept forward, dipping his head to the one that they had traveled with -- the Queen's brother, Syrinx. Ears perkedd, ready to listen. Themisto introduced them, and so he found no need for words; instead he reclined slowly to his haunches, eyes focusing on Syrinx, ready to listen to what he had to say. It was still incredible he had been given such a prestigious position with Valhalla, enough to attempt to claim whoever he wished within this war -- and yet he would hold the position with humility and seriousness, knowing it was short-lived and that everything would be over soon enough. He could only hope he'd crawl out of this fight alive.



10-21-2013, 08:09 AM
She was so glad to have him with her - but it would be a short lived joy. The simplicity of it all would become something instantly hopeless. Gideon was beside her again, but it had come at a terrible price. Her niece was no longer a Valhallan, but one of Glaciem's prisoners. The alpha's stomach instantly dropped, a good piece of her heart breaking with the news. Her family, her heir, one of her girls had taken upon her shoulders to retrieve Gideon - she had seen her fail, had seen her upset, and because of her weakness Azalea was gone. She was gone and she was going to be hurt and she couldn't protect her! There was nothing that she could do - save for marching to the battlefield and challenging for her right then and there.

Her heart hammering, blood rushing in her ears, it was Themisto's voice that would momentarily pull her from the shock, and she would rest her blue gaze on him with a careful callousness. She did not want he, nor the rest of Valhalla to see her upset - that was part of why Azalea was gone. If only she had done something differently... but Themisto would smile and explain why he was here, and she would glance from he to Syrinx, and then back at he and the other Seracians that were gathering.

Syrinx was rather impressive, she would give him that.

"Thank you for coming." She would say to them, more than happy to see the aide from their sister pack. Chrysanthe had not wanted to involve them too much, they were already watching Syrinx and Collision's children, as well as Soliel if she so wished to be with her pups, but Valhalla needed back up and she knew it. Syrinx knew it as well, and had acted swiftly in a way that she had not the heart. Thanks were considered, but he was doing his job - and honestly the sincerity of the action would be lost on her brother. She would keep her fondness to herself as well.

Although she was worried for her heir's well being, she would have to push past it all and keep going. Yet how would she if each victory was followed by a loss? Each loss another loss? The young alpha was starting to feel like there was no way for Valhalla to win - but even so she would fight to protect it to her dying breath. With that in mind she would wait for Syrinx to speak - he was the only one that knew exactly what to do with these men. Chrysanthe would give her kin a nod, watching him expectantly.

So far, she felt that she had made the right choice in placing him beside her - even with Imena currently an omega... she would have to speak to her about it once all this fizzled out. Syrinx was their alpha, and allowed to raise his children whatever way he wanted. Although she had good intentions, her actions had not been right. Had the situation been different and Chrysanthe the one training her children to fight, she would have felt the same surprise at her audacity and perhaps even the anger that Syrinx had felt when he demoted her.



Extra small
10-21-2013, 05:51 PM

OOC: [ ]

The demon would find that the purpose of this calling had long fallen with the arrival of Gideon and his little speech. An annoyed glare would be shot to the once Valhallan king and his posture would tighten up and become more erect as though he would lose his position to the boy. Lips twisted and turned as his eyes fell over the rest of the crowd. All his plans would be known in due time.

"Spar amongst yourselves. It would seem I have some new factors to place in this equation," with that the behemoth would turn and prepare himself to leave--but alas Pontifex, Bronze, and themisto would make themselves apparent. A smirk formed across his lips an he tossed his head toward Valhalla, "These are our allies. Bronze is acting as a Beta, Themisto a Delta, and Pontifex a Digamma. They are all high ranks because they are supposed to have exponential fighting skills. Their word is law," the boy left them with that and marched off to make of his war what he would.

Exit Syrinx
