
A Long Time Coming


09-23-2013, 05:26 PM

He would watch them as they came, sometimes one by one, other times in small groups. First to arrive, surprisingly enough, was one of the newer members: Rivaxorous. Maverick tilted his head to her, offering her a kind smile. ?Indeed it is,? he would respond to her comment about the day. A fox was trailing with her, and introduced itself as Kurai. Another smile was given, ?Welcome, Kurai.? Head would swivel as his son beat a path toward him, moving quicker and more assuredly than Maverick had ever seen from him. ?We're having a pack meeting, son. You'll get to see the whole pack soon, but don't be frightened - they'll all love you.? He knew how Cassius was in crowds, but the boy would hopefully realize that he was in absolutely no danger. Loccian came then, speaking to Cassius. Maverick winked a leaf colored eye in her direction, pausing to note as his adopted daughter burst onto the scene. It seemed as if Rivaxorus and Arian looked somewhat alike.. curious. Hadn't Riv said something about thinking the girl might be related to her?

Tahlia came, looking very much swollen and pregnant. When had this happened? The King listened intently to her compliments and her news - the latter of which burdened his soul. While he was glad Tahlia got the family she deserved, he wasn't certain that Bane a man of her same class - as the King had been intending to demote him anyway. ?Be sure to see Loccian, she will be able to assist you with any medical needs you may have.? He couldn't quite bring himself to congratulate her just yet, but he knew it was necessary. ?Congratulations on your future children.? He would not congratulate her on mating with Bane - and she would soon find out why.

Silent came, along with her children and Bronze. Aeil arrived somewhere in the mix. ?You are far from late, Aeil.? He would nod when she complimented the children, noting that two were still not present - Quintus and Amalia. Crucible came, bringing out another smile from the King. Kamala was next, seeming a lot more chipper than the last time he'd seen her. Finally his wife came, giving him affection as she arrived. He leaned his head into her gently. With a smile he would notice Themisto's arrival, followed by Dragon, Pontifex, and finally Quintus. But where was Amalia? He tilted his muzzle toward Epiphron's ear. ?Amalia?? he would question in a soft tone, wondering if she might know something he didn't about their daughter's whereabouts.

--- Above is greeting everyone, below is actual meeting content ---

When he was confident that the majority of the members of Seracia were present, he began to speak. ?Welcome everyone, it has been some time since our last meeting - and much has changed within the Kingdom.? Eyes glanced to each of his children and his wife. ?It was announced that Epiphron bore three healthy children into the Kingdom. Quintus Nero, Cassius Leif, and Amalia Jayne, the latter of whom is not yet present.? As he said their names, he would gesture to each of them with his muzzle so that there was no confusion on who was who. He cast his gaze into the distance, wondering where she might be, but soon pulled himself back toward the gathering. ?Since then, Epiphron and I have adopted Arian Elisabeth into our family. She is as close to our hearts - and hopefully yours - as any of our other three children.? He wouldn't tolerate her being treated differently than the other three. She was a marvelous girl, anyone could see that.

?In related news, Bronze and Silent brought four healthy pups into the world. Ara, Mercury, Faolan, and Jendai.? He would nod toward the family, offering them a smile. The children looked happy and healthy. ?And Tahlia is expecting children in the near future as well,? he would tag onto the conversation about children. Bane's name would be conveniently left off for the time being.

The smile slowly faded from his lips. ?In less celebratory news, I must beg you all to heed the following warning: beware the wolves of Glaciem. A woman came to us requesting solace, but we are not prepared to offer such a thing against an empire we know nothing about. In the future, perhaps we can free her and anyone else wishing to escape the ice kingdom, but for now we must keep our distance.? It was a touchy subject, one in which he knew Aeil and Loccian were not pleased, but he had chosen to act in interest of his kingdom rather than in protection of a single strange wolf. From what he'd heard the Glaciem's were a sinister bunch, and he wasn't keen to harbor one of them - even for her own safety.

?In other news, rank changes...? He cast his gaze around the group, finding Bane to be absent. Good, all the more reason to demote him. But that would come last. ?Aeil and Silent are promoted to Dames. You two have been very present examples of the character of Seracia, and for that I thank you.? He smiled fondly at each of them. ?Bane is being demoted to the rank of Jester - Omega in other packs. This has never occurred in the history of Seracia, but it is necessary at this time. He is both not present for this meeting, but he is also the father of a litter outside of Seracia - which has always been frowned upon.? He hoped Tahlia would understand that this wasn't a reflection on her.

Amalia would arrive, he'd not known she was sick until recently - and he surely didn't know how sick. He frowned and leaned down to nuzzle the crown of her head gently. ?It's alright my darling,? he would assure her. ?My last update has to do with this little girl, and all of the other children of Seracia.? An eye would flicker to Crucible for a moment. ?We're going to start a mentoring program in Seracia. Older wolves can apply to be mentors to the pups of Seracia, teaching them basic things such as hunting, fishing, healing, etc. They will act as advisors to the children. I have taken on Crucible - a new member, as my own personal Mentee. If any of you are interested in joining us and being a mentor, please speak with me.?

There, all of the news he could think of had been said. Attention turned to Epiphron. ?Anything to add, love?? He turned his eyes back to the crowd. ?If any of you have news, questions, comments, or otherwise.. you may speak them now. The floor is open to anyone and everyone.? Except Bane, though it wasn't as if he were present anyway.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-24-2013, 11:18 AM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2013, 11:19 AM by Epiphron.)

The wolves of Seracia continued to trail in, and she watched the scene unfold carefully. There only seemed to be a few missing; Themisto came next, followed by Bronze and his young children. It amazed her to see the older couple caring for them, despite their advanced years. Though she knew little of either of them, they seemed to be wonderful parents. A newer member, Dragon, came next -- whom she hadn't met yet. Pontifex trailed in, complimenting their children. Quintus seemed appalled at the compliment, and she leaned down to rap him lightly on the nose with a paw. It would be unpleasant, but certainly not painful in the least. "That's no way to be talking to your elders," she scolded him gently, but he grumbled in protest even still. Amalia was next to come -- she had told her to stay home if she wasn't feeling well. But it was unsurprising she had felt left out, and had come instead. Poor baby! She leaned around to nuzzle her, lapping at her face affectionately. "Not late at all, my dear," she began, voice laced with undeniable affection. "I'm proud of you for making it here even though you're not feeling well." She'd always been a bit headstrong, which was a lovely quality to have.

A few wolves were missing. Bane was one of them, perhaps not unsurprisingly. Cynrik was not in attendance either, nor were a handful of others that had been scarce anyway. It wasn't exactly the best way to leave a pack -- not showing up or making their appearance known for some time -- but it wasn't something they would punish. Things happened; she could only hope those not in attendance were not ill.. or worse.

Maverick began to speak, and her tail curled instinctively above her back. She was proud of him -- what a fine King he was beginning to be! She had never once doubted him, but hearing him speak only reaffirmed what she already knew as true. He announced their children's names, including Amalia. Her expression brightened considerably, pride shining in her eyes as she watched the young girl. She had already persevered through so much! She could only imagine what she would become someday.

The next bit of news was a bit more surprising. She hadn't been told of this, but she supposed this was as good as anything. A brief pang of confusion flooded her, remembering her sister Eos had been the ruler of Glaciem's territory for a short while -- but she remembered meeting her and Syrinx's children on her last visit to Valhalla. So who ruled now? She would interject then, voice rising slightly. "If anyone has information about the current state of Glaciem, please speak up." It was not the Glaciem she had once been told of, ruled by Gargoyle the giant, the warrior -- but something much darker now. "Anything at all would be appreciated." She would fall back, letting Maverick continue speaking.

The next bit of news was somewhat more uplifting -- but it seemed to only be a friend. Her husband wanted the adults to mentor the children. Partially for the sake of shared knowledge, but she knew it was also because of this new-found thread. Part of her wanted to step forth and offer to be a mentor, but she knew her paws were simply overflowing with her own four children right now.

"I'll say it again. Any knowledge of this Glaciem pack is more than welcome. Also, has anyone been in contact with Valhalla recently?" Azalea had visited recently, but it was important to her to know that her family -- and their closest and strongest ally -- was safe and not being threatened by this new pack.



3 Years
09-24-2013, 12:23 PM

Kamala smiled and nodded, as was polite and proper, at the mention of pups, though she had to admit she was not as excited as some might have assumed. She was simply of the opinion that now was probably a bad time for there to be new litters. War was on the horizon, war with their sister pack of Valhala, and if Glaciem attacked Valhalla, Seracia would be sure to get involved, which would put their newborn litters in danger. Kamala was not entirely certain that they boasted of enough warriors to protect their youngest members.

It seemed that the war was also on her brother's mind, for he addressed that next, with Epiphron speaking up, before turning his attention towards rank changes. She offered Aeil a smile upon hearing that the female had been promoted, inclining her head in the direction of the black wolfess. She certainly deserved it. And Silent being promoted boded well for the pack, though Kamala was amused to hear that Bane was being demoted to Jester - an Omega rank. The lowest of the low. She would still treat him with respect, of course, but he had fallen from the days when he had tried to teach her and her brothers of the 'old ways.'

It was at the mention of a mentoring program that Kamala stirred, blinking thoughtfully at her brother. She would wait until he was finished speaking to rise to her paws, carrying herself easily towards her King. "If you would have me, brother, I would be honored to serve as a mentor for another wolf." Kamala spoke lightly, her tail flicking easily in the air behind her, "I think that it will serve to benefit our pack well." That much was true. But she was sure that Maverick already knew that, or he would not have even bothered to implement such a plan.

thank you canttina! <3


09-24-2013, 08:34 PM

As each wolf proceeded in Crucible tried to memorize their names, but it was a useless endeavor without actually meeting each wolf and speaking with them. Listening carefully, the young wolf was not surprised to hear about Glaciem, though he may be considered slightly biased. He did not think he had the most up to date information, so he decided he would talk to his king later. Perhaps before his training session. It was not really something he would be pleased to talk about, but he would do his best. This was his new home after all and he would do what he could to keep it.

King Maverick's anger at Bane was obvious. It seemed as though this pack was dependent upon a strong set of morals. Crucible appreciated this. It was obvious that the pack was going in the right direction because of this high social standard and the discipline that came with breaking it. Often there would be a morality within a pack, but no penalties to obstructing this morality causing the pack to sway in its ideals. Crucible nodded his head slowly to show his agreement.

The young man was not surprised that his king decided to speak about the new mentoring program. A sly smile worked its way onto Crucible's lips. He usually did not show much emotion, but it was pleasing to him to be recognized as King Maverick's new mentor. He bowed his head to his king at the acknowledgement before bringing his golden eyes back up to meet the rest of his pack, whom he was sure would turn to look at him. A flutter started in his heart at the thought, but he was not scared, rather it was more of a thrill.

The woman beside his king spoke up after King Maverick had addressed her affectionately. This must be his queen. She called on the pack to speak up about Glaciem to which Crucible cast his eyes now in silent thought. He was not sure now was the time to speak, but she seemed mildly distraught about the matter and he did not want to leave his queen with those worried thoughts. Not that Crucible actually thought that his information was comforting, but it would be better than nothing. Knowing nothing was a horrible horrible state.

Before he could speak though a young woman stepped forward to talk with his king. She was pretty and had the most stunning green eyes. Crucible turned his head. The way she approached King Maverick obviously made her of some importance and as a new member of low rank he doubted that looking would be acceptable.

At an appropriate time after the young lady had returned to her former position, Crucible stepped forward and bowed to his king and queen before speaking. He had decided to tell his queen he had some knowledge of the state of Glaciem, but that he would rather offer this information in private so they may do what they wish with it. "King Maverick, my queen, I confess to knowing some of what happens currently in Glaciem for I was born, and am, a Snow Rogue son of Crusade," Crucible would not denounce his family as of yet. He would always be a Snow Rogue and felt great pride in that. Hopefully, his king would understand, "Though my information is little, I would ask to speak with you after the meeting so you can do with it what you wish." Crucible nodded slightly at his queen, hoping that she saw that he just wished to give her something to grasp at while the rest of the meeting took place. Then he turned his gaze to King Maverick, waiting patiently to be dismissed from the spotlight.


09-26-2013, 07:56 PM

Ears would perk up during the meeting, and the beast kept as close to Aeil as possible. The information bit about the mentoring intrigued him, and though he hadn't been in Seracia long he hoped that he would be allowed to mentor a young one. One in particular stood out to him, the shy and quieter one. Dragon wanted to approach the boy and become friends with him, but with his own appearance he thought it wise not to. He was sure he looked terrifying to a cub so young as that one, but there was just something about him that called to the man. Leaning towards Aeil, he spoke in a whisper as he motioned slightly to the quieter of the bunch. "Aeil...I am most intrigued in being able to mentor the young one there. But will your king trust me enough to do so? I feel that it would be in the best benefit of the child...I could help him open up, become less shy. His confidence would surely be something I can work on." He touched her ear briefly with his nose, wondering if the king would let him. Aeil seemed to be highly respected, so surely he'd allow it? Dragon would have spoken up about it himself...but he knew nobody here and wasn't sure how they were with trusting new members. He made a mental note to try and meet eveyone soon. After all, it wasn't a pack if everyone was a stranger to one another.

And then, he heard the woman speak. The Alphess, he guessed. Queen of Seracia. She asked that whosoever had information about Glaciem, to tell her. Well, Dragon had lots of information about that. He often wandered, especially when he was a rogue to all the different lands. He saw everything that happened from when someone new was accepted into different packs or when some other big event happened. The Glaciem news he had to share would surely worry the Seracian pack...and he wanted to share. He didn't particularly like the Glaciem king...and he vowed that if he ever came after Aeil or any of his new Seracian family members then he would rip the beast limb from limb. Swallowing, he did speak up at this. "Excuse me, Madame. I have lots of knowledge about the goings on in Glaciem, and the feud they have with Valhalla. If you wish it, I can speak about it now or in private. I think it is imperative that you know the knowledge of the lands. Crucial, I must say." His heart pounded hard, nervous with speaking out in front of so many. But a comforting touch from Aeil would calm him.



09-26-2013, 08:23 PM

Her ear twitched in his direction as gentle tones whispered the words that left his lips. She turned her attention to what he had to say and a smile broke out across her face. Slowly, she turned her head to look up into his eyes. Aeil's tail wagged behind her and she whispered, "That sounds like a good idea, Dragon. I shall say something at once." Maverick's announcement regarding her and the rank promotion he bestowed made her attention return to the red King in front of her. Light shined in her eyes and she waited patiently until he had finished speaking to voice her own words.
"Thank you, King Maverick," she said, breathless from the excitement that was evident in her chest. Her light blue eyes twinkled and she continued. "I will do my best to continue proving my worth to our family members and the kingdom we represent." It was then that she cleared her throat and said, "To add my two cents about the mentor program, I have a proposition. One of our newest members, Dragon-" She nodded to the male beside her, "has peeked an interest in possibly taking on one of the young pups as his mentee." A gentle gaze moved to the quiet pup that was nestling beside Maverick's leg. "In particular, Cassius would be that certain one." She smiled softly and said, "If it is all right with you, Queen Epiphron-" she dipped her muzzle to her red-and-white queen, "and of course, young Cassius, that is. Cassius would be under the right wing to learn from Dragon, I am sure." She hoped that they would grant her beloved the permission to teach Cassius. Dragon was fairly new and wanted to prove his worth...she knew how that was.



09-28-2013, 09:12 AM
Destructions post. Forgot to change accounts.

{{Ooc:: I've been in the mental hospital up intil yesterday. I missed the date because I didn't see this meeting so I hope you can forgive me for being late. ;~;}}

It had been about a season since Destruction had buried Dillinger with Bane. She was relieved the she and bane could now coexist and be civil with one another. The she wolf now speant her time padding through Salacia, looking for fellow packmates that she might be able to talk to or spar with. But then, just as Destruction was going to find a wolf worthy of this, the melodic howl of her alpha reached her ears. 'A meeting...' Destruction thought. She turned, starting off for the lake in their territory. The meeting was bound to be had there, after all... and by the time Destruction would reach the lake, many wolves had already gathered there, waiting for their alpha to speak. As she arrived Destruction bowed her head, giving a soft greeting.

Pups were there at the meeting. Maverik's pups... as well as others from her pack. Tahlia was the one who first drew her attention, however. So Bane had a new mate, huh? She didn't really mind too much... he was older than her and well, with all the torment in his life of losing children and his first mate, a part of her wanted him to be happy. To rear his children and be a loving father. She would even visit him from time to time, to check on them. But... Bane was one of the wolves whom she didn't notice at the meeting. That definitely couldn't be good.

She frowned a bit when the meeting got underway. Bane was demoted... and a part of her felt sorry for him. But at the task of mentoring she brightened up a little. This could be her chance to raise the perfect fighter, well rounded in everything. "My beloved King, I wish to volunteer myself for the mentoring program." Before she hated pups... but Dillinger had showed her how much a pups potential could be, if prompted enough. She glanced around real quick, wondering if anyone might be shocked that once, fairly secluded, female was willing to take on such a task.



09-29-2013, 10:27 PM

Sitting there Loccian would watch a woman approach, Tahlia. Loccian gave a dip of her head to the woman, but something seemed different. It wasn't hard to tell, the size of her belly and the slight scent of pregnancy coming off of her. For a moment the Ambassador thought Bane was the father, remembering how the women from Amenti came to the borders and informed the king of a litter and mentioned somebody within the pack becoming his mate. She couldn't help but give a small shake of her head once she heard the words leave the woman's lips, she was expecting pups soon, and Bane was her mate. The poor woman, she could do so much better, had the elder man fooled her?

Next to approach was the dark woman known as Silent, calling to her children. Bronze right beside her. Loccian couldn't help but turn her head away, focusing on her paws instead. She was happy for the two I a way, happy to see healthy pups produced from the two.

A few more would join, most she knew but one for sure she did not know of, probably a new member not long before Maverick had called. Then Pontifex, Loccian would lift her head and smile at the man as he nudged her.

Finally after two more pups arrived Maverick spoke. Loccian sat with her head held high, grey orbs watching the king. He did not say anything to Tahlia but to seek Loccian out to assist, congratulating her. She wondered what he was really thinking, finding out Bane was digging another thorn into his side. Would he be demoted?

Maverick would speak to the whole pack now, informing them about his children, and a girl the royal family took in. Arian, Loccian's gaze would fall to the child with a warm smile before going back to the King. He announced Bronze and Silent's litter, and Tahlia expecting. But then the news would not be so happy, he warned the wolves to beware the wolves of Glaciem, telling them of the woman who was seeking shelter with their Kingdom, Keita. Loccian would sigh at this, giving a small shake of her head. She felt bad for the woman, hoped she was doing okay.

Next, rank changes. Aeil and Silent were promoted to Dames, Bane demoted to Jester... for his actions that would not be tolerated.

What he moved onto next was interesting, Maverick waned to start a mentoring program, older wolves could apply to teach the pups of Seracia. The king would take on Crucible, a new member. The one she did not recognize. If anyone was interested then they cold speak to him, Loccian definitely would.

Lady Epiphron would then speak, asking for anyone with information on Glaciem to speak up, and asked if anyone has heard from Valhalla. The Ambassador could only shake her head, she didn't know much about the two.

A few would step forward, offering their services as mentors, requesting for certain pups. Even a dark woman, Destruction, somebody Loccian has barely seen.

With a deep breath Loccian would push herself up, making her way over to Silent and Bronze, dipping her head to the two. "I realize I as there for the birth, but congratulations you two, you have lovely pups." Her voice was it's usual, soft and kind. "Perhaps I will be allowed to mentor one, if so I will not let you down." With that she would dip her head to them again before turning away and making her way to Tahlia.

"Congratulations Miss Tahlia." She dipped her head, but as she was turning away she would pause, looking over her shoulder at the woman. "Beware Bane Miss, he tends to cause trouble." And with that she would move away, coming up to Maverick and sitting down. "I offer my services to you my King, I shall mentor a pup in the way or healing and advisory."


Awesome table by Briena <3


10-01-2013, 05:34 PM

Regrettably enough the king's mind began to blur with all of things he had said and continued to think about. He would soon be brought back to reality as members began to chime in, more than he had expected. Often in pack meetings the wolves remained silent and left when things were through, but it seemed Seracia had rallied and actually wanted to be a part of the meeting - he was most pleased. Kamala spoke up after his wife reiterated his desire to know about Glaciem. The sister wanted to mentor a pup, marvelous! ?Of course, sweet sister. Perhaps one of Bronze and Silent's children would benefit from your knowledge?? Kamala would of course be there for his own children, and he would feel selfish if he asked her to mentor one of her own nieces or nephews. An eye cast to Bronze and Silent, and their bubbling family. ?I'll let you three sort those details out for yourselves,? Bronze and Silent would no doubt know which pup would benefit most from Kamala's mentoring.

Crucible came then, letting loose a truth that Maverick had not expected. He was the child of Crusade. ?Your family are very near and dear to my heart, Crucible. Any information you can give me would be greatly appreciated - both of the current state of Glaciem, and of your kin." Maverick desired to know all that he could, not to mention learn of the Snow Rogues' fate. ?Stick around and we'll talk.? He would dismiss the boy for the time being, though as soon as the meeting was over he would surely wish to hear from him. Dragon spoke up next, letting on that he knew multitudes of what was going on with Glaciem and.. Valhalla? That was a new and unexpected twist. The King's tail would sweep to the side, attempting to caress his wife gently to let her know he was here. She would likely be upset by hearing what was to come. ?Speak, if you please. It would benefit us all to know of such things.? Aeil spoke up next, thanking the King for her promotion and nominating Dragon as a mentor. It seemed that the man had interest in mentoring Cassius. For a moment the King would falter, uncertain of the man's reputation - but Aeil seemed confident in his abilities. Cassius was a tender child, one who was easily influenced and certainly shy.. perhaps a bit of socialization would do him well. ?I trust your judgement, Aeil.? He would turn to Dragon, ?If my son will have you, then I welcome you aboard.? It was up to Cassius now.

Destruction came then, a face he hadn't seen in some time. At least she was still around, he thought as she began to speak. She wanted to mentor a pup. He found this curious, as she was rather reclusive, but he would not deny her if she were willing. ?I admire your willingness to educate our youth. Speak with Bronze and Silent, they would surely love to have you teach one of their young.? There were still several children left, two of his own, and two of Bronze and Silent's.. but he knew that all would be taken care of in time. Loccian came then, speaking of wanting to mentor. A smile creased his face, ?It would be an honor to have you mentor Amalia, if it pleases you both.? He cast a glance at his daughter for any sign of objection. Loccian was perhaps one of the dearest members he had, it was only right that his daughter be mentored by such a marvelous woman.

That left Quintus, Arian, and whatever two Bronze and Silent pups were left after Kamala and Destruction made their choice. ?If anyone else wishes to mentor you can speak now or get with me at a later time, I am hoping to have all of Seracia's youth mentored by the older wolves.? Tahlia's children would be coming soon.. and it seemed that there might always be more children than mentors. ?And if mentors wish to take on a second pupil, you may do so.? He would fall silent then, intent upon letting his pack do the talking - if they chose to.




7 Years
10-03-2013, 12:46 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

((Summary: Tahlia gets upset and leaves. Don't feel obligated to read it all. xD))

She had anticipated a smile, congratulations, well wishes of that sort. Instead she only received a thoughtful look accompanied by direction to seek out their healer Loccian should she need any assistance during her pregnancy. It puzzled her immediately, Maverick's lack of obvious enthusiasm, though Tahlia did her best to write it off. Perhaps there was more important things regarding the pack that weighed on his mind, things that she had no knowledge of. Things that he might even be needing to tell them shortly once he called their meeting to order. With her own assumptions in place, the pregnant female managed to keep her expectant expression from faltering into disappointment and nodded a quiet, "Thank you," before she moved to distance herself from the royal family and find a place where she could sit amongst the gathered to listen to what they would be told.

Thoughts were distracted as her dark golden eyes watched the rest of the pack slowly trickle into the assembly, a mixture of new and old faces that she only somewhat paid attention to. It was only as Maverick moved to speak and address them all that her attention seemed to return, watching closely as he first began by introducing his family. Tahlia smiled as each of the children were pointed out by name, a single one absent and another standing close by among them who was different from the rest. An adopted child. It pleased her to see that the king and queen had such open hearts to welcome in another child to their family, particularly one who shared no blood or connection that she could see among the pack.

Another litter of pups - these ones belonging to Bronze and Silent - were next announced, as well as her own expectancy. The prideful she-wolf sat a little straighter in place as her name was spoken, glad herself for the time being to sport the growing swell around her middle that marked the little lives growing within. Yes, she was going to have children of her own, and she was greatly pleased by it, certain that they were long overdue and would be everything that she hoped they would be.

Promotions came next, one for Aeil and one for Silent. Though she knew little of the latter, the first seemed to be making quite the name for herself around Seracia, and though she hardly knew the woman she was pleased to see the ranks within the pack not remaining stagnant. Admittedly, Tahlia would have been elated to have a promotion of her own, but being distracted as she had been of late with her new budding family she had shirked duty in favor of her own personal plans. No doubt it had been seen.

Further rank changes were effected, or rather a single one. Bane was being demoted to jester, his children outside of Seracia being the cause for it along with his present absence. Surely her expression reflected the disappointment and surprise she felt even as she tried to remain as impassive as she could. It only then dawned on her that Maverick had failed to claim Tahlia and Bane as a pair in the same manner that he had done with Bronze and Silent, and in that moment it made sense. He was trying to spare her the burden of her mate's new status. He was trying to save her reputation.

Quite suddenly the good mood she had arrived in dissipated. All she could think of was her mate - still not present - demoted and her association with him denied by Maverick before the whole of the pack. A part of her wished to speak up despite the time having moved on past the point in which she was still caught up, to belatedly claim Bane as her husband and that she accepted what he had done regardless of what the pack thought. It would have been noble, moving, perhaps even a little stupid in some eyes. But the words would not come to her. Not only had the conversation moved beyond the subject, but her pride stilled her tongue. How might she have looked to them - how did she presently look to Maverick? - wishing to still claim Bane as her mate despite what he had done? Would they think her a fool? Desperate? And what sort of burdens might it eventually place on their children, once their lives and parentage could no longer be hidden?

Very much she wanted to leave in that moment, to steal away and seek out Bane so that he could assure her that everything would be fine, that they would find a way together to make it work. But it was expected that she stay, that they all stay, to see the meeting through all the way to the end. She fought somewhat for composure, her semblance of a smile abandoned as she clenched her jaws slightly while trying to keep her poise. Others were speaking up then, offering their services to Maverick's decision of creating a mentoring system for the young of Seracia. Any other moment, Tahlia might have jumped at the chance, but pregnancy had made her somewhat over emotional, and the events that had just transpired had considerably soured her mood. She made no move to offer her help, though likely when she had cooled down she would.

Loccian approached then, offering her congratulations while at the same time tacking on a quick warning. She said nothing in response to the warning, merely watched as the other woman proceeded to walk away with her piece said. She must have thought she was being helpful. Truthfully it only made Tahlia that much more uncomfortable to be amongst her pack mates. Could not one be genuinely happy that she had finally gotten to settle down and begin her family? It was maddening, upsetting. She needed to lie down. Feeling completely useless, unable to really do or say anything that would have been of any help to anyone, the russet and black she-wolf glanced among the pack, noting a large portion of them were offering support or experience to Maverick's mentoring program, and proceeded to use the distraction to quietly slip away and out of the meeting to recoup from all the unwelcome excitement.

-Exit Tahlia-



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-03-2013, 06:30 AM

With little hesitation, the wolves began to speak and react to her husband's words. Aeil spoke up, gesturing to a newer member -- Dragon, his name was -- and claiming he wanted to mentor one of their children. Immediately she felt unsure, wondering why he took such an interest in Cassius in particular. Perhaps because he was so shy? Easily influenced? The woman shook her head slightly; she would have to simply trust her for now, and keep an eye on the man. "Thank you, Aeil," she said with a smile, dipping her head in gratitude.

But the male Dragon claimed he had knowledge of the current events between Valhalla and Glaciem, something she desired, for she was beginning to feel a knot of worry well up in her stomach at the idea of her family in danger. "Please say what you know now," she said -- not sure if Maverick would want it to be spoken of it private, but she felt the pack should have some idea what was going on. She could only hope if he had information that was not for childrens' ears that he would refrain from that for now. "And if there is anything you feel uncomfortable sharing right now, feel free to seek me out later."

Her eyes drifted to her children as Maverick spoke again. So it seemed Cassius would be mentored by Dragon, and Amalia by Loccian -- what of Quintus and Amalia? She supposed it mattered what kind of things they were interested in, but it would benefit them both to have basic knowledge of hunting, fighting, and healing.

Silent I


11 Years
10-03-2013, 04:27 PM

She watched the meeting commence, remaining beside Bronze and making sure her pups were within eye and ear range. Her ears perked when Maverick mentioned her in the promotions and a gentile smile appeared on her face. She silently dipped her maw to the red legend, hoping that he saw her actions. The reason she didn't voice her thanks was merely because she didn't want to be rude as he continued to proceed with his news.
The topic of older wolves mentoring pups made her begin to wonder. Just whom would want to possibly mentor one of her children? Her answer came when Loccian approached them and said that she wouldn't mind offering her services. Silent nodded and looked at Bronze before saying, "I think we can work something out, Loccian. Any one of my children would be lucky to have you as a mentor." She gave a side glance to Ara and her warm smile deepened. The quiet girl seemed fascinated with plants and she wondered if that would set the groundwork for her future. By the time Silent looked back up, Loccian had made her way to speak to Maverick. Pride swelled in the older fae's chest, eyes gleaming with continuous warmth. She hoped that all of her children would make something of themselves. So long as they were happy, that was all she wanted.



10-03-2013, 06:08 PM

beginning to the end

Faolan tried to focus on the meeting that was taking place. However, with Mercury beside him, he was beginning to think of ways for them to play later on. The brothers were best friends, even from when they were newborns. He gave a side glance to his dark brother, hoping he would catch his eye and then want to talk. Before he could say anything - for he had his mouth open - he felt the soft glare from his sister, Ara. It resembled his father's so much that he clammed his mouth shut. To make her happy, he turned his gaze back to Maverick.
The mentoring program came to the surface of the topics being discussed and his eyes began to shine. He wondered what would happen for him and his siblings in the future. Slowly, he looked around at the grown-up wolves that were among them and he tried to think of which one would choose him to be their student. Faolan wasn't sure about what would happen, but he would have an open mind.

Puppy Talk

we are alive


10-03-2013, 09:53 PM
Ooc:: Crap I did it again. e.e Not used to changing accounts for characters.

Destruction's Post

Destruction patiently waited for her alpha to address her in turn, listening quietly as he spoke with other wolves of Seracia. The dark furred wolfess knew that most of these wolves hadn't seen much of her face for quite a while... but her loyalties would always keep her close to her pack, and her loyalty to the king would never waver. Once finally addressed Destruction dipped her head, turning her gaze to Silent and Bronze. Slowly she would rise, coming over to the two.

The she wolf dipped her head respectfully to the parents, speaking in a tone of voice that showed she was speaking to one of her equals. "Silent, Bronze, let me first say congratulations on your litter." Destruction lifted her head, straightening her position.

"I would be honored if I could teach one of your pups." Her voice lowered, so that hopefully only the couple would be able to hear her. "...especially after losing my son." Destruction doubted anyone in Seracia, other than Bane knew of Dillinger. But she had hidden Dillinger from the pack, at least for the most part. Still, his scent, though old now, still clung a bit to her coat.



10 Years
10-05-2013, 11:40 AM

Ara watched with her wide, curious blue gaze as the meeting began. It was hard to follow a lot of what King Maverick was saying, but she tried anyway, pressed tightly against her mother's side. Promotions, demotions -- nothing that involved her. Though he did announce that the four were children of Bronze and Silent. She didn't expect much more than that, as she was just a child. Maybe someday she could be important in the pack; she knew working hard and making something of herself was important to her father. Her eyes drifted to the children of the King and Queen, noting they were about her age. With a sparkle in her eye, she smiled at them, wondering if she could befriend them soon.

There was more going on. Wolves from Glaciem? Apparently they were bad. It wasn't too important, because Ara couldn't imagine wandering too far from Seracia territory even still. But the final news was much more appealing to her; wolves would be mentoring younger children! Almost immediately her gaze swept to Loccian, the woman she had spoken with that one evening ... Even though the King said she could mentor his daughter, could she possibly mentor more than one wolf? With a gulp of air, she managed to build up some courage and slip forward towards Loccian. "Maybe... you can mentor me, too?" she inquired, her voice so soft is was nearly nonexistent. "I want to know how to make pain go away, like you do..." Ara knew her parents were growing older, and often tired and sore, and she wanted so desperately to be able to make all the discomfort go away forever.

Mercury I


4 Years
10-05-2013, 06:36 PM

He would listen quite intently as the adults spoke, but that did not mean that he actually knew what was going on. Only when talk of the younger generation was brought up did he realize he knew what was going on. The talks would continue as a darkly pelted she wolf would come to speak with them, Murcury's eyes alight with curiosity but he would not speak up. He would talk if addressed, but none of the adults wanted to speak with him directly, and he was fine with that. For once Ara would speak more than he had as different wolves would walk past their family. At the mention of mentors he became curious, wasn't his father the one who was to teach him everything there was to know? Maybe that was what the king had meant when he said that, Bronze would always be the wolf he wanted to teach him. So of course it would be Bronze who would get chosen as the boy's mentor.
