
Drop on by



6 Years
09-05-2013, 07:39 PM

Anthem Destruction was not at all smart; he'd always been painfully slow to learn, falling behind his siblings rather quickly. And yet his simplicity was beautiful ... almost like a child who had never grown up. He knew he was different from his siblings, somehow, and yet he'd been told they were all unique in their own ways. He had no idea, though, just how different he was. All the man had ever known was love and acceptance. If only he understood that he could sometimes be a burden -- albeit one that they would never abandon -- it might change everything..

But he was blissfully unaware, and he smiled happily at Song's excitement. He was not the best with words, much better at showing himself through song.. As broken as a creature he might be, his howl was something truly beautiful. He pulled back from Song, lifting his muzzle to the sky carefully. The sound would leave his lips as he pulled his lips into a perfect circle, calling for his brother and sister and even his younger siblings, if they had followed Novella. The call was strange; disturbingly mournful and haunting, perhaps the one thing that he was -- and had always been -- good at.



09-05-2013, 11:49 PM
How could she let Anthem be alone for so long?! She was ashamed of it, she should have stayed with him while Howl hunted. But she also knew that he would need her too if they wanted something other than rabbits. His unique howl called out to her and her brother. With a quick hasty good bye to the pups, she had dashed after the sound as if all hell broke loose. Her own head threw back to answer in a sweet caress, rising to add to Anthem's before it had ended. Her own howl seemed to twine in with the natural sounds around them. Seeming as if it had always been there.

The tiny female raced though marsh like puddles, leapt over large tree roots. For a healer she moved with the fine grace of a warrior. She did not slow to see if Howl followed, she just knew he was behind her. She would crash into the scene, heading straight for Anthem. She sniffed him over carefully, inpsecting him for any injuries before she would cover his left face in gentle licks. "Oh Anthem..I'm so sorry. Howl and I went to find food." he told him slowly. It was then she noticed two others there. First her eyes fell on Novella. Shock and anger flashed in her eyes. What in moon's name was her little sister doing here away from home? Mother would be franic! Then her eyes turned to those just like her own only opposite. She stared at the white wolf before her in shock. But her brain knew who this was, she knew as soon as she saw her. But it was her heart that kept her from greeting her sister Song. She could only stare, emotions barely kept under control. Tail raised high and head lowered. All at one she was thrilled, angry, sad, lost, scared, and jealous. She did not know which emotion would react first so she kept her jaws tightly shut. Let Howl make the first move. On instinct she had moved her body in a protective fashion infront of Anthem and woul not falter from it either.

Howl 1


09-08-2013, 12:14 AM

Earthen frame would rush through the forest as he responded to his brothers call. Earthen tones flashed across the ground as he raced after his sister. She had gone ahead of him, leaving him behind to pick up his catch, say his goodbyes to the two cubs and follow. His brothers call had rang out, but Howl was not as nervous or frantic as he was sure his sister would be at leaving his brother behind for so long. Fern and leaves would lead him on his sisters path, gently bobbing and dipping in place. An indication of where she had passed. Claws dug into the earth, creating traction as he made a sharp turn around a boulder that stood in his way.

He could now smell her scent getting stronger, and the scent of Anthem would mingle with hers now. He pumped his legs harder, moving faster as he leaped over logs, bushes and ditches. Within minutes, he could see his Sisters form...protecting Anthem? Eyes would widen in alarm, was there something attacking his brother? He dropped his catch just yards from their position, and as quick as lightning he burst through the tall foliage as a snarl erupted from him, landing protectively in front of his two siblings. He was blinded by an instinctive protectiveness, causing him to not recognize the ones that stood just feet away. Teeth were bared and eyes were hostile, muzzle wrinkled in a fearsome manner until...

"Novella!? Wh...what are you doing here?!" Slowly his hostility would melt...though not completely when the other wolfs scent would reach his glands. Ears remained flat, his gaze cold upon her form. He remained standing in front of his siblings, and though he didn't want to believe it, he could not deny the fact of the matter. They had found Song...she wasn't his most favorite wolf. In fact, one would say he probably didn't even want to be here right now. Though a long time had passed since they last talked, he couldn't bring himself to forgive her. He angled his body slightly towards his siblings, turning to look at them for a brief moment. He knew Anthem had no hard feelings towards Song...he never did towards anybody. Symphony he knew would have mixed feelings...but not so much as he felt himself. The man would return his attention to Novella and Song. He wasn't even sure whether he wanted to so much as call Song his sister...or family for that matter. "Song..." He would say quiet and curt.




09-08-2013, 04:57 PM

Anthem would excitedly look to her, his face a light with the happiness that came from singing. He had always displayed the most beautiful of howls, she had been envious of the pretty music he could make. She would take time to sing with him whenever she was able, but her mother had always kept her so occupied. It was incredibly regrettable that she had never spent much time with any of her siblings. She probably knew the older ones about as well as she knew Novella. It brought feelings of remorse and sadness that her own family could be so distant. But now, after all the time she had been gone she would see them again. The siblings would be reunited once more. She could feel the nervousness inside of her flare.
She barely had time to think about what would happen before she could comprehend the incoming presence of her long lost brother and sister. She was completely unaware of how they would react, unaware of the built up angst they held against her. As her sister came into view, Song's ears would fall back slightly. Her form was similar to her own, and she had matured into a stunningly beautiful she wolf. Song felt the tug of her heart as she held back the temptation to embrace her sister. Song would move away from anthem as Symphony made sure the howl had not been let loose for an emergency. Her eyes would fall onto their younger sibling, her gaze full of disapproval. So Novella had not travelled with them? Novel must have been quite worried about her.
Symphony's gaze would then move to Song, her lips silent as she stared. The moment was disturbed by yet another being coming into view, Howl. He was ferocious, his teeth were highly visible and his hackles were raised. It seemed he was more apt to defend their brother, but his aggressive behavior lasted only seconds as he realized one of the 'attackers' was Novella. Song's ears had fallen back even more at the behavior of her siblings, her beautiful tail would hang limply from her rump as she took in their bristly attitudes. Shock was clear on her face, why were they not excited to see her like Anthem was? Had they come around to take their mother's view point? His words would cut through her like a hot knife through butter, this would not be a happy family reunion like she would have imagined.
She didn't know what to do, she had no idea what to say. This reaction would take her totally aback as she could feel the tug of tears at the corners of her eyes. She just wanted her family, the comfort and love they would bring. She wished to run to Anthem's side, to feel his acceptance of her once more. Too frightened by what would possibly happen if she tried she would keep herself standing across from their forms. "Howl, Symphony..." Her voice would be hardly more than a pitiful whisper. What had she done?




5 Years
09-09-2013, 07:49 AM

There truly was no denying that Anthem's howl was a lovely sound, as a pup Novella had found herself in awe of most howls but even then had decided that Anthem's was certainly different, in a truly wonderful way. It was a shame that howls were difficult enough for a young pup to try and mimic, Anthem had certainly presented the young litter with an impossible challenge. Although determined, it surprisingly hadn't taken Novella too long to realise there was no competing with Anthem and give up trying. Other challenges by that point, far more exciting ones had likely taken the young female's fancy.

This particular one for example whilst her elder three siblings had travelled together, she'd quietly crept along on her own, finding her own pace with things and simply ensuring she never let them get too far ahead of her. A big part of continuing on her journey solo however of course meant not letting them know she was following. Anthem thought little of the fact she was here, was simply happy to see her though not once had she considered how Symphony and Howl would react to seeing her here. In all honesty she was still a little preoccupied with the joy of having found Song.

Soon the first of the pair came into view. Aside from the colour of their eyes switching sides, Symphony was a rather happy medium between Novella and Song, on appearances alone it probably wouldn't be too difficult to guess that the three were sisters, even if Symphony's reaction didn't quite suggest such a close bond between the elder two. Novella, already having pushed aside Symphony's reaction at seeing her here, simply stood silently between her sisters, watching them with silent confusion.

Howl soon burst forwards as well, looking far more frightening than Novella could recall having seen him ever before. Had she not known it was her brother she perhaps would have worried, though right now her attention was solely on Song's safety, Symphony wasn't pleased to see her, but surely Howl wouldn't attack would he? She stiffened for a moment, not sure what to do until she saw him calming. "Novella!? Wh...what are you doing here?!"

"Why not? You're here." She responded, Symphony's reaction had certainly made her a little more defensive of her adventure now, but she wasn't a pup anymore she could go exploring if she wanted, just as they could. But his attention had soon shifted to Song, and though he actually greeted her unlike Symphony, it was certainly lacking in warmth. Truth be told she was more on Song's side at the moment, she supposed the hostility was perhaps down to the argument she'd had with their mother, but Novella had no qualms with Song, she'd certainly been far nicer than Symphony and Howl were being now.

The greeting that Song returned was rather akin to that quiet voice that Novella had heard earlier upon being briefly mistaken for Novel and it was now that the youngest of the group finally shifted, moving to stand at Song's side, her expression clearly showing her displeasure for their reaction. "What is wrong with you two?" She opted to give them a chance for an explanation, though restrained herself from commenting that Anthem was pleased to see Song, knowing herself how weak of an argument that was.



6 Years
09-09-2013, 04:17 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2013, 04:27 PM by Anthem.)

Rather quickly, he heard Symphony return his call. A smile would light up his features, turning his expression into one of joy. Before long, as his call died down, he saw his sister rushing through the underbrush, leaping toward him and placing gentle kisses on his face. "D-don't worry.." he assured her, his words slow and careful as he opened his muzzle to speak. He had wanted her presence, had felt uncomfortable being alone -- and yet he had no ability to recall those feelings, and instead simply felt joy at seeing her again.

A bit of confusion fell over him as Symphony stood in front of him, blocking him from reaching Song. A soft whimper left his throat, and yet he was silent otherwise. Yellow eyes shifting slowly as Howl entered the scene, seeming angry. Unsure, his ears flattened against his skull, wondering if his brother was frustrated with him. He didn't get why Howl was upset, but moved to nudge his brother gently in a questioning manner. Behind him, his tail that had been wagging had grown limp and lifeless, though his eyes were alight with both fear and worry.



09-09-2013, 05:31 PM
Everything seemed to happen somewhere else. She knew Howl came in snarling, the look on Novella's face, Song's greeting, but it as Anthem. It was her brother that snapped her back into life.The whole time she felt blank, unable to look anywhere else but at Song. Anthem's whimper had her ears twitching. At once the need to care and calm things down overrode her other emotions.Turning to her brother she nosed Anthem softly, comforting him before stepping up next to Howl. Her shoulder pressed firmly against him. Eyes turned to Song and she took a deep breath. "'s been a long time...why..why did you never come back to just visit? Was it not bad enough what had happened with the relation we all had with mother? The stress we grew up with? And how you leaving and never coming back...Honestly Song it was a sort of a relief. Though things did not change much. Do not blame us for our...actions." She paused for a moments to glance at Novella "No questions Nov...we will talk later. I hope you told mother and father you were leaving too..."She said firmly but warmth lit her eyes at her younger sister.

For a moment she did not know what else to say to Song."Song..alot of things have been..left on bad terms between us all. With you leaving us the emotions did not...heal. Give us time..." She said softly. With that she stepped forwards after licking Howl's cheek to calm him, she stood before her sister. How often had she had seen her sister as the dominate one of the litter. But things had changed. Howl was the dominate one. But Symphony had always remianed in the same position. Always suborinate to her siblings but Anthem. For Anthem and her were the same. She saw no rank difference between them. So standing before her sister she almost licked her chin but instead she licked her forehead in a comforting motion."So...I do believe you will need for formally introduce your pups to us.." She whispered with a small smile.

Howl 1


09-10-2013, 02:27 AM

Everything seemed to be happening so fast. Rushing in to find Anthem with Symphony confronting Song and their younger sister Novella. He heard the questioning tones of Novella, heard the poor greeting from Song before that and now he heard the sorrowed voice of Anthem telling Symphony not to worry. His snarling would decrease with the simple touch of his sister. Snapping him out of his former angered self. With a gasp, he realized that he must've just scared the hell out of Anthem. Howl had always done his best to remain calm around his brother to avoid upsetting him. After all, Anthem didn't understand why Howl reacted in such a way. He turned briefly to look at Symphony as she spoke. His gaze then returning to Novella with a hardened glare. He somehow knew that Novella had left without telling their mother. He would speak to her later, just like Symphony said.

The lick upon his cheek was all he needed to stir his gaze away from the pair standing in front of him, leaving Symphony to step forward and speak to Song. It was true what she said. They hadn't healed from her departure, and the scars from the burden of neglect the two carried still remained. Anthem would have no feeling or recollection of that. Sometimes he wished he could be like his brother...not have to worry about the burdens or fear the world. Not have to deal with anger or the burden of feeling mad towards someone. Tearing his stance away from the place he seemed to be glued to, he would allow his fur to lie flat as he made his way to Anthem. He nuzzled his brother, licking his muzzle in apology. "Sorry Anthem, everything will be alright. We're all here now."

He kept his back turned on the trio behind him. Not wanting to really look at Song, and slightly still furious with Novella that she was here. He would only turn his head for a moment to listen to the rest of his sisters words. Then finally he would turn his whole body to stand at Anthems side, his body pressed against his brothers. He did this to comfort himself more then for his brothers sake, knowing that if Anthem weren't here. Then Howl would all but rage at Song. He wouldn't do that in front of his brother, or his younger sister for that matter...he would simply remain quiet and ignore the fact that she existed for the time being. In his mind, Song didn't deserve to be forgiven...not until she proved to him that she deserved it.




10 Years
09-10-2013, 01:06 PM

.ooc. her lolaf go ahead and post with Canta
Novel's cute little porcelain paws would expertly find their way over the many root systems of the mangroves. Technically she had not been born in the lands of Ludicael but they were all she could remember. Which meant after exploring her way through the place she had a pretty good idea on how to get around. It didn't help that the little she wolf was growing like a weed. She felt so big now, but she could still see that there were many more inches to attain before she was fully grown. Little did she know that she would end up being the smallest of the litter.
She barely registered that Canta was behind her, the younger pup had been more reluctant to follow than expected. Where Novel was curious and adventurous, her adored younger sibling was not. Novel was happy she was able to convince her to follow, because what she found was the most beautiful sight. Her mother.
A smile grew wide on the child's face as her light oceanic eyes fell upon the very sad face of her mother. Novel's tail would go from wagging excitedly to stopping all together. Why does mommy look so sad? She questioned internally as she looked around to the other wolves. It didn't seem as though anyone looked as happy as she thought they should. Were these really her aunts and uncles? Wouldn't they be happy to see their sister? Novel knew she was excited when she hadn't seen her siblings in a good amount of time.
Novel wasted no time in charging up toward her mother, such a sad expression did not belong on the she wolf's face. An encouraging snuggle would be provided as she whined, very much concerned. "It's okay mommy, don't look sad! They're nice!" She looked from Song to her sister curiously, only vaguely registering that there was yet another she wolf in the clearing.


if i haven't replied to you in a while, remind me [here]



5 Years
09-10-2013, 11:43 PM

Canta trailed behind her sister, paws dragging on the ground and head hanging limp. It was the look of a pup defeated. How had she let her sister coerce her into doing this? It didn't matter because here she was, following after the strange wolves who might or might not be their uncle and aunt. Canta loved her family and would do almost anything for them but she didn't trust these sudden new addition to her family. In fact she didn't consider them family. Not yet anyways.
As her mother drew into view she picked up her pace some, she pressed into Song?s other leg, looking up at the older wolves with apprehension. Two of them were the ones from earlier, while the other two were even newer to her. She pressed even closer, moving so that most of her body was behind her mother?s leg, head poking out to gape up at them.


[Image: oLGAaTF.png]


09-11-2013, 01:49 AM

Chocolate paws raced through the woods, the scents bringing him ever closer. Of course he would be able to track them down easily. That was his job after all, he was the quickest of the bunch with a nose to match it. And he was hot on their trail. His steps would not falter, even when the haunting call of his older brother Anthem rang out across the forest. His head would raise, ears straightforward as he kept on track. He had captured his older siblings scent. Not because he was tracking them, but instead he had been trying to track Novella and Story. Story on the other hand, has been separated from him after they left on their search for Novella. He wondered if he was around somewhere nearby...Story was just as capable as finding his way around and taking care of himself as Legend and the others were. He'd be fine. Then again, Story was somewhere closer to Anthem...always had been. Didn't like to fight, was never angry, and always stuck closer to that brother. More so then the rest of them. He didn't know why, and for some reason his parents wouldn't tell him. But he supposed it was because Anthem was so lovable in his own way.

The youth would leap over bushes and logs, his long slender legs pushing him up and over like a deer bounding for its life. His tail was flagged out behind him, and ahead...the voices. At last, he had reached them. He leaped through the final stretch, his body flying over the last obstacle as he landed neatly in the middle of the wolves gathered. Before he had arrived, the scents told him who each one was...all but Song. He had heard of her, but had no idea what she smelled like. "Symphony! Howl! Anthem! Novella!" He greeted each one in turn. Paws carried him over to his brother Howl first, nuzzling his chest before turning his attention to Anthem, licking his muzzle in happy greetings. His head would then turn towards the others, cobalt eyes falling upon Song and her cubs. With a tilt of his head, he simply looked at them. Observing and wondering who they were. He remained near Anthem and Howl, his body angled so that he was practically under both of their heads with his body in front of the two.




09-11-2013, 12:24 PM

Song was slightly surprised at Novella's sudden words. She had not expected empathy from the sister who she had known merely moments. Her little sister would come to stand at her side "What is wrong with you two?" their reaction was not lost on the girl and she felt as much of the hostility as Song. It seemed though that Symphony remembered her manners and was very much willing to talk things through with her departed sibling. "'s been a long time...why..why did you never come back to just visit? Was it not bad enough what had happened with the relation we all had with mother? The stress we grew up with? And how you leaving and never coming back...Honestly Song it was a sort of a relief. Though things did not change much. Do not blame us for our...actions. No questions Nov...we will talk later. I hope you told mother and father you were leaving too..." She paused and it let Song have a few moments to digest her questions. There was more insight, and the she wolf was able to more clearly see where the wolves were coming from, but that didn't mean it was her fault.
"But I couldn't come back Symphony. After I left I came here and I met Cherokee. I wanted you in my life, that's why he tried to get you. We wanted to introduce our family." She wanted her to see how much it had pained her to leave. Novel had forced her away. "I couldn't stay with mother." She looked back to the she wolf who was so like her, "Song..alot of things have been..left on bad terms between us all. With you leaving us the emotions did not...heal. Give us time..." She let a small smile grace her pearly lips, "I didn't want to leave on bad terms with anyone. Mother just pushed me so hard. I had to go Symphony." She would give Song a kiss upon the forehead, and she would enjoy it.
"So...I do believe you will need for formally introduce your pups to us.." As the words left her mouth two beautiful little children would appear from the woods. Novel and Canta would bound up to her, their faces full of concern and a bit of apprehension. Poor Canta looked like she had seen a ghost. "It's okay mommy, don't look sad! They're nice!" Song wouldn't help but to smile at the young she pup. "It's alright baby, I know." She would nuzzle both pups comfortingly, "This is Novel and Canta." Before she could say anything else, another wolf would make their presence known.
He was also of Ahlon, she had to assume he was one of her siblings as well. He was an obvious mix of their parents, she could feel the familiar pang of sadness. She had missed all of their lives up until that point, all because of her mother. She mentally shook her head, she would have to make an effort to know these pups. She tried to smile at the newcomer, maybe he would have an attitude similar to Novella about their history.




5 Years
09-11-2013, 01:14 PM

Anthem may have been pleased to begin with, and though now partially sheltered from her view, Novella could tell that his mood was shifting. The little whines were of course her biggest clue and though they were older and had been caring for Anthem for far longer than she had, she was a little disappointed in her siblings for worrying him like this now. If she felt that Song didn't deserve the treatment she was receiving, there was certainly no way that Anthem should have to witness such hostility between his siblings, all of whom he still clearly adored.

It appeared that Anthem's reaction was all that was needed to suddenly bring over more calm, Symphony and Howl likely realising the same thing as Novella, Symphony suddenly finding her voice. "'s been a long time...why..why did you never come back to just visit? Was it not bad enough what had happened with the relation we all had with mother? The stress we grew up with? And how you leaving and never coming back...Honestly Song it was a sort of a relief. Though things did not change much. Do not blame us for our...actions. No questions Nov...we will talk later. I hope you told mother and father you were leaving too..."

It certainly wouldn't have been out of character for Novella to interject with some kind of other question or statement of her own, and it appeared that Symphony was although expecting not currently willing to tolerate that. Although she had stood automatically by Song's side, even now she couldn't help but admit that Symphony did have a point. It had been quite the distance, but a visit would have been nice. She could have met her sister far earlier in life had that been the case. It likely wouldn't have stopped this little adventure though, her departure hadn't been entirely discussed with her parents however, never once had she brought up the point she would be travelling alone, in fact this hadn't been revealed to a single one of her siblings. She had left rather suddenly and had claimed it was simply to catch up to them at the arranged meeting point before they left.

"But I couldn't come back Symphony. After I left I came here and I met Cherokee. I wanted you in my life, that's why he tried to get you. We wanted to introduce our family. I couldn't stay with mother." Now would have been another time for questions. Novella and the rest of her litter hadn't actually met or heard of Cherokee, any adventures had been set off on completely oblivious to what might be happening. There wasn't a chance to ask her questions though, her elder sisters continuing with their discussion. "Song..alot of things have been..left on bad terms between us all. With you leaving us the emotions did not...heal. Give us time..." She let a small smile grace her pearly lips, "I didn't want to leave on bad terms with anyone. Mother just pushed me so hard. I had to go Symphony."

At last a show of affection between the pair, if none of the conversation had calmed Novella at all this certainly had done the trick. At last before her now stood two wolves who actually appeared to be sisters through more than appearance. Howl however still stood quietly at Anthem's side, looking away from the situation. It was a little disheartening but she hoped that later Symphony would be able to talk some sense into him, although younger and less informed of the entire ordeal, it was rather likely that Novella would try herself if she had to.

"So...I do believe you will need for formally introduce your pups to us.." Pups? Novella's attention shifted back to her sister's at this point, rather intrigued. There were pups? Aside from when she was a pup with the rest of her litter, Novella had never actually been around them before and as two small wolves bounded to Song's side, Novella shifted slightly to get a better look at them "It's okay mommy, don't look sad! They're nice!" Well apart from Howl, he still needed sorting out, but Novella would have quite confidently stated the belief that the rest of them, even Symphony would get along fine soon enough.

"It's alright baby, I know. This is Novel and Canta." In appearance Novella had certainly taken after her mother more than any of Novel and Dutiron's other pups, whether the similar naming had been done on purpose or not she couldn't be too sure, she was certain however that the little pup before her now had been named after her grandmother on purpose, although not for her looks. Instead her guess was that Song must have had some regrets about everything, it only helped strengthen her opinion that Howl had to come to his senses soon.

Before any kind of introduction could be given in return to the pups another wolf suddenly burst into the scene. Novella's head lifted to look towards the brown figure of yet another Destruction family member. Although she hadn't expected to see him, a part of her now almost wouldn't have been too shocked if Lyric, Story and Myth appeared shortly as well. "Symphony! Howl! Anthem! Novella!" He called before stopping besides their brothers, greeting them and falling quiet. "That's Legend." She confirmed for Song's sake, now giving a face to match the name she had mentioned earlier on. "Apparently he's not at home after all."



6 Years
09-12-2013, 06:04 AM

Everything was happening with startling swiftness. Yellow gaze danced from one sibling to the next, eyes still alight with worry and confusion. He was not sure why everyone wasn't happy. He figured the feeling would have been universal, though he had always noted Howl didn't like talking about their sister, but figured he just missed her badly. And yet something was off... his whining ceased as Symphony leaned over to nuzzle him gently, and he would grow quickly complacent once again.

Words were exchanged... their meanings lost to him. Soon Howl slipped next to him as well, nuzzling him. His nerves would settle, and slowly he reclined to his haunches, not wanting to leave the gathering. But the next thing that happened surprised him greatly. A youngster rushed forward, calling Song 'mommy.' Was it true? Had she given birth to children? Immediately his expression brightened, and he lowered his head to be level with Novel's. Anthem found himself getting along well with pups, and he grinned at her, tail wagging a few times behind him. Another girl trailed behind, but this one didn't look much like Song.

Another familiar form crashed through the underbrush. Were all of his siblings going to be here?! His heart raced as he recognized the chocolate-furred wolf as Legend. Joy radiated from the very core of his being, a wolfish smile crossing his features as his tail began to wag again, shaking his hind end back and forth. Once again his attention shifted to the children -- Song called them Novel and Canta. Babies! Wriggling from his siblings' grasp, he shuffled forward to nuzzle the children, blissfully unaware of the fact they might not be comfortable with a near-stranger touching them, but in his mind, they were family. It was a simple fact, one that he understood and internalized quickly. Oblivious to the conversation that was unfolding around them, simply happy to be with family and not alone.



09-12-2013, 09:26 PM
Symphony would listen carefully to her sister's words. In a way she did understand her but not the non-visits." could have seen us without Mother knowing. You know she never cared for us like she did you or our younger siblings. We simply..were just part of the background. A visit could have prevented alot of things. And this Cherokee...when he came we were confused. At first we did not want to go. How could we simply trust a stranger's word? But we had to leave. We are far old enough to were the pack would be fine without us." She replied. Then those two little pups they had met came running to Song. "Seems that they followed us. She smiled and lowered her body to be level with the pups. But before she could open her jaws to speak someone came crashing in. She spun around only to see a very well known chocolate wolf."Oh for Moon's sake! Did all of you come?!" She rolled her eyes but a smile tugged at the corners of her white lips as Legend stood by their brothers.

She let Novella introduce Legend as Symphony looked at Howl. There was no way she could see him coming closer to Song, not today anyways. She would give him time. There was no way she could tell him anything different than what he thought. Looking back up at Song from the ground her tail wagged softly as Anthem came over." know how mother treated Howl, Anthem, and me..We grew resentful, jealous and angry. All we wanted was for Mother to love us like she did you. But even after you left all she could do was talk about you. She never saw us for our own special talents. Howl is a great warrior and hunter, Anthem has the most beautiful voice and can make anyone happy and relaxed, i took the role of Healer. But she never saw us Song...never. But things grew better when her and father had the another litter, Novella and Legend's litter. The pack was united on caring for them. They did not grow up like us. Mother seemed to learn what not to do from us at least...." She explained the back story as short as possible to give Song more insight to things as well as Novella, knowing the youngr sister would be asking questions soon.

She turned back to the pups with a soft smile. "You two are good at tracking us down and geting here pretty fast. I'm Symphony, thats Howl, Anthem, Novella, and Legend." She introduced the pups to their family as she laid down on her side. Pups could make everyone happy, they were just what they all needed to relax.

Howl 1


09-29-2013, 02:29 AM

The man would turn his head away, reluctantly listening to the explanation that Song gave. He couldn't believe what she was saying, not that she was lying or anything, just the fact that she claimed that she couldn't go back. He scoffed, She could have tried...whether their mother saw her or not, she could have damn well tried. bitter thoughts ate through his mind, seeing her words as nothing but excuses. She didn't care about them, otherwise she would have done everything to make sure that they were recognized just as much as she was. He couldn't believe, just couldn't. For all he knew, she could be just as decieving as their mother had been.

And then, his sister would speak. At this, he lifted his head to stare at those standing in front of him, cold hazel eyes betraying nothing. Symphony spoke truth, he couldn't deny that. And while it was true about the gifts each one of them had, Song didn't do a damn little thing to even get their mother to recognize it...After she had left, and the next litter came, the siblings made sure that the pack didn't make the same mistake. The younger generation new what it was like to be loved and recognized, and Howl loved them dearly. Still, as the talking continued...he just couldn't bring himself to believe that Song spoke true of her words. He had no idea how long it would be till he forgave her. Or if he would ever forgive her. He had been holding onto the grudging rage for years...and something like that was just hard to let go.

Should he say something? He knew that if he did, it would be none too happy like everyone else...eyes flickered over to two smaller figures that appeared, the two pups that he had run into earlier. They did seem to be good perhaps they had been closer then he thought. The cubs he would not be mad at, so at the mention of his introduced name he would nod politely to them to confirm that he was the one called Howl. Then, his gaze would rise at last to the lost sister. Though they didn't hold any warmth or friendliness in them...instead, it was more of an alien like feeling. Bereft of any other emotion as he knew not what to feel. "Symphony is right. You could have at least made an effort...but you didn't. You left us with nothing. Our mother pining day and night since you left, and us? We were nothing but invisible souls left to practically care for ourselves. Though our Father had somewhat more sense then Mother, he still wasn't enough. You left us broken, Song. Abandoned us to our own devices and trying to get attention from Mother. But even after you left, we still weren't good enough. And now here we are. You claim it's not your fault, that you tried this or the other thing but..." He closed his maw. He wouldn't say anything else...not here. Not in front of their younger siblings and nieces. He simply turned his head away from all of them, hiding the hurt that began to seep into his alienated look.



10-03-2013, 12:05 AM

The boys chocolate ears would fall to the sides, a sheepish grin on his face at Symphony's remark. "Yeah, we all came...though I lost Story somewhere along the way...ehe, I'll find him again.." he responded. He stepped back as Anthem moved away, then his ears fell flat at Howl's remark. What exaclty did Song do that was so bad? Legend couldn't quite understand it, whatever it was must've been bad for Howl to be this way. He had always know his brother to be nice, though usually quiet...and today it seemed he had a lot to say. He would purse his lips as he watched the confontation, his tail wagging nervously behind him. With a sigh he moved between Howl and the others, swiping his tail against his mouth to silence him. He looked up at his brother, pleading eyes asking him to stop as he glanced at Song and the gathered siblings.

"Must this be argued about now? It's some of our first times even seeing Song, and yet we're dragged into past follies that you have about her? Look at Anthem! He's as happy as a lark to see her, I myself am not sure since I don't really know you, he looked at Song and dipped his head apologetically, but I would like to get to know you. And everyone deserves a second chance don't they? I don't know what happened with you guys before the rest of us were born, but it needs to stop now! Please? for our sake?" He would look at his siblings in turn, wondering what was running through their minds. He didn't want the family torn apart, didn't want hard feelings among them or any kind of feud. The family would be together now, and if not in the same pack at least the same lands. Minus of course their Father and Mother...and Story for now.

"Speech", Thought, You



10-03-2013, 12:25 PM

.ooc. I'm just skipping Novel >>
Song would listen sadly to her siblings, her ears falling as she took the blame that her mother deserved. Maybe she did deserve all of the anger that was directed towards her, she never tried to convince Novel of her siblings talents. Their wonderful personalities and their love. She had only taken the lessons that her mother and father gave her. She didn't remember basking in their glory, she had tried to spend time with the siblings she now barely knew. Novel had always prevented her, she always was to be learning something. Always the lessons and never the family. Song was just as outcast as the siblings who were cast out because of her. Howl's words would sting, and she would hang her head accepting the blame that he placed upon her. She should have made more of an effort, she should have just overthrown her mother the day she left. Could have should have.. but where would she be had she not left? Certainly she would be void of her wonderful children and her loving husband. Could Howl not see how past events shaped them? How good of a life he could have if he would just accept and move on? But it was no use, she would be his scapegoat and she would not voice another option to him.
She would not defend herself, but her brother who she had only known for mere moments would voice his say in things. Legend, her chocolate brother, would stand up for his sister, his words bringing light to the situation. Maybe the younger sibling would bring sense into Howl's head, where Song's words would fall short. Song would fully agree with the young boy's words, she just hoped that Howl could too. "Can we forget about the past? We're all here now, I missed you all so much, I just want to enjoy your presence." She would say softly, feeling her eyes fill with regretful tears. How had she hurt her brother so bad? Could she find a way to heal his callous heart?




5 Years
10-03-2013, 12:51 PM

Novella had hoped that things would wrap up fairly swiftly and they would begin to calm down a little more after this shock of a meeting. Symphony had yet more words to say however and though perhaps parts of it were indeed right, the young female still didn't find herself feeling anger at Song, just wishing that this treatment would stop. Perhaps it was foolish to feel this way after having only just met her sister, her loyalty surely ought to automatically lie with the siblings that had been there for her helping their parents and the rest of the pack in caring for them. Even so, she wanted to give Song a chance, whatever her reasons may have been her first impression was still that her sister wasn't bad.

For now she kept quiet, though even as Howl finally joined in with a say of his own, bitterly trailing off at the end of his little speech, Novella still didn't part from Song's side. From the corner of her eye should could see Song's mood dropping again, clearly hurt by the anger in her siblings words and she didn't feel anything but sympathy for her sister. Symphony had at least been a little more gentle and had now tried to shift the attention onto the happier topic of Song's children who Anthem was now happily greeting. If not for the rest of the tension in the air, she could have smiled and perhaps willed them all to join in saying a proper hello to the pups, instead however she prepared to speak up again.

To her surprise however it was Legend that spoke up first, and to her pride it seemed that he had very much the similar attitude that Novella herself did. She gave an approving nod of the male's plea, glad that he hadn't simply taken what he had heard from Symphony and Howl and was willing to give Song a chance himself. He had said pretty much everything she felt herself about the situation, and now it was back to Song, her voice quiet as she too attempted to make peace for the time being. Hopefully they would see sense and drop it all for now at least, they'd already had to settle Anthem down once and now there were two pups present as well, it really wasn't appropriate for such confrontation now. Dipping her head down to Song's, Novella silently nuzzled her sister in comfort.



5 Years
10-03-2013, 04:07 PM

It was all very confusing to the child, there seemed to be new wolves popping up all over the place. It was rather distressing for the nervous girl. She hugged her mother?s leg, attaching herself to the one thing she would draw assurance from. Then one of them was stepping towards them, his nose getting closer to them. He was nuzzling her and she squealed and pulled away suddenly. It was a flurry of emotions and strange wolves and it was stressing out the little ebony pup. She let out a little whine, letting her mother know she wasn?t very happy.
She looked up unhappily at her mother. "Mommy," she whined, "who are they?" She could sense her mother?s distress and gently nuzzled her leg.

[Image: oLGAaTF.png]