
Buy The Stars


08-21-2013, 06:26 PM

Seraphine had been exploring with her father, checking out the land of their new home when a howl broke the silence. Ears would twitch before swiveling around, mismatched eyes focusing on Demonio who gave her a nudge before setting off back to the meeting they were summoned to. With a sigh the young girl would follow right behind her father, keeping up with no problem, gaze focused on the path ahead of them. Like him she didn't know of the events that had just happened, and had he not been with her she probably would not have attended the meeting, just ask somebody what had happened later on.

In no time the two had arrived, a decent amount of wolves already gathered around the Alphess. She didn't bother to meet their gazes, just followed behind Demonio who took a seat near the woman, the girl taking her place at his side. And she just had to wait.


Awesome image by Canttina <3


08-21-2013, 06:38 PM

Trouble had been brewing in Valhalla and the young Adravendi had caught wind of it. He didn't know exactly what the trouble was, but he was aware that it had to do with one of the Valhallan members. He'd been expecting the trouble to be addressed, whether personally or in front of the entire pack. And today was that day. A summoning howl cut through his semi-conscious mind, pulling him from his dreams into awareness. Dreary ceruleans opened to peer out at the world, jaws splitting as a yawn overtook him. With a quick shade of his head, Gael was up and moving, stilts carrying the young man towards the sound of the call. Blood pumped through his system, bringing life to his sleep-weary muscles, a gulp of fresh air chasing away the lingering sleepiness. His aunt Chrysanthe was calling to the pack. Would she tell everyone what was going on? He was counting on it.

It didn't take him very long at all to reach the site of the meeting, already seeing most of what he assumed was Valhalla to be present. He spotted his sister Aza up by Chrysanthe, taking her rightful seat as Heir. The conversation they not to long ago echoed in his mind as he wove his way through the crowd, heading straight towards his mother. He nudged her shoulder gently, coming to a halt beside her, presenting a bow of greeting to his fellow packmates with whom she'd been conversing. A gentle smile curved his silver lips as he placed a soft kiss on her cheek, turning to focus his attention on Chrysanthe, ready to listen to whatever it was that she had to say.

Talk like this



10 Years
Athena I
08-21-2013, 10:25 PM

Cael had been on the far end of the territory on his usual hunt for any sort of medicine that might become of use at some point for Valhalla when his ears caught the faint call of his alpha. His ears perked at the noise, his head turning toward the center of the territory. Glancing over to his helper, Elva's eyes met his and he silently turned to trot toward the call, the little fox following closely behind.

By the time he finally reached the gathering there were quite a few wolves there. He felt late to the party, not a feeling he often felt. He spotted all of his siblings there along with his aunt and father and Imena. It seemed like all of the wolves he knew of Valhalla had beaten him to the meeting. He padded over to Claire, brushing his shoulder against hers in greeting before giving each of his brothers a nod and letting his gaze rest on Imena for a moment with a smile. He set back on his haunches and Elva came up to curl right behind his forepaws, practically blending in with his ivory fur as he draped his tail neatly over his paws. He turned his attention to their leader, waiting expectantly to see what she had brought them together for.



5 Years
Athena I
08-21-2013, 10:53 PM

A summoning howl shook the small fea awake. She blinked open her teal gaze, groaning softly as she uncurled herself, pulling herself to her paws and shaking the leaves and such from her fur. She looked up at the tree cover that blocked the sun from her, silently wondering if she should finally claim a den for her own. Most of the flood waters had dried up by this point so she might could find one to call home.

Shaking her head free of her thoughts, she set off at an easy lope toward the alpha's call, not wanting to miss the meeting. When she got there she saw that a large gathering of wolves had already gotten there before her and more seemed to be wondering in as well. She spotted Gael on the other side of the group, but she saw that he was standing closely to a lighter colored woman. She recognized a similarity in their scents and made the assumption that they were related, possibly even his mother. She looked away from them shyly, not sure how to act around his family. Her teal eyes found Ash, but a male was sitting closely with her as well and she couldn't help but wonder if that was the infamous Leon that they had spoken of before. Meili sat awkwardly off to the side, realizing that she hadn't met any of the other members of her pack so far, besides the alpha herself and Cormallin, but they were busy speaking to each other. Her ears flicking back briefly, she settled down onto her haunches quietly, waiting to see what the meeting was about.



08-22-2013, 01:56 PM
And there he would come, the blue-eyed boy rising from the ashes to go to what was his. Interestingly enough, nothing was his, and he didn't really have a right to claim it, still, he came with gentleness, and gracefulness, that belonged to a king. That belonged to him. Granted, there was a complete and total lack of anything that was akin to anything serious. Still, he gave a good smile to everyone, and when he arrived beside Chrysanthe he ran his head into her shoulder and cracked the wry half grin he would always wear, "What's crackin', babe?"



08-22-2013, 06:10 PM
ooc: this stuff is all greetings and stuff.

Cormalin was the first to arrive, and had an interesting proposition for her. He wanted to train Surreal to be a beta - which the alpha saw little issue with. "She is young, but would do well with the job." Of Erani's children she seemed to have the most potential, and if Cormalin saw that as well, she would respect that. "Gael is another candidate, we should keep an eye on the three of them. I'll take Liberty's training up myself. I don't plan on loosing her, Cormalin." Gentle determination would flare into something tangible - and as soon as it was there, it faded, and her expression softened somewhat with Erani's arrival. Nuzzling her mother back, she was somewhat surprised at what she had to say. Trouble with Azalea?

She would speak with the heir soon enough - it was time she got proper training if she was going to take this pack should anything happen to Chrysanthe. With the current tension with Glaciem, it was important that the pack have a stable plan 'B'. Although the alpha considered herself a worthy opponent to most, she wasn't invincible. "I'll be sure to set her straight." Perhaps it was something that her parents should be involved with as well - but they had a new litter to look after. The alpha would take this up herself.

Nodding to Rayne, she returned the woman's smile. She worried about the healer since her run in with danger, but the woman seemed to be doing alright. The alpha made a mental note to speak with her once she had a quiet moment.

Now definitely wasn't a quiet moment. Surreal's sudden appearance nearly pulled a snicker from the alpha, seemed she interupted a hunting session - although luck was on the girl's favor opposed to the rabbit's. If she didn't become a beta, she would make an excellent hunter as well. "I'm glad you made it in time." She told her, before the girl went to settle down.

A few newer members that she noted as more of Erani's family showed up, and she nodded back to Claire, who she had met a little while before. Quickly Valhalla started to file in at a faster pace, and soon enough a majority of the pack was here. It was a relief to see them all here, yet she couldn't help but feel ill at ease with some of the news that she had for them all. Feeling that there were enough lupine there to start the meeting, she straightened herself out and exhaled, only for her eyes to focus in on her mate - who was just late enough for it to be noticeable.

His grin brought a smile onto her face. "You'll find out with everyone else." She managed to respond to his words without laughing, but the amusement in her eyes took place of much of her nervousness. With Gideon here, perhaps she could get this done more smoothly, as odd as it was.

[this stuff is the meeting c:]

"First and foremost, you should all have at least seen Gideon at this point - but I would like to formally introduce you. He is a former royal of Seracia, and I have taken him as my mate. He is going to lead Valhalla beside me - and just like me, he will be here to protect and guide those that need it. Please treat him kindly." 'He's a handful.' The alpha introduced him gracefully, yet honestly she couldn't help but be proud to finally show him off. "Epiphron visited a few days back, and I am happy to inform you that she is now Seracia's Queen and has children of her own on the way." She was no longer an official Valhallan, but she would always have a place here

"Soliel has had her pups - two healthy girls. With the new arrivals, we need to start filling in our ranks - sigma(hunters) and gamma(warriors) are needed." Anyone that wanted to start training under the rank could step up now or seek her out later. "We need a lead warrior, and are looking for standouts for the position." If there were enough warriors, she would either host a tournament or fight the contenders herself and determine their worth from there.

"Surreal will be trained to be a beta to take Cormalin's place. Should Liberty wish it, I will train her to be a beta as well." Her eyes searched the crowd until they fell onto Gael. "I want you to be trained along with the girls." He was an Adravendi, he would not be left out of Azalea, Liberty or Surreal's lessons. Should he want a higher rank in the future he could pursue it. If not, it was knowledge that she wanted him to have regardless. With that, she would have to announce the more... unpleasant news.

"Alacritia is beautiful, but is potentially dangerous. One of our members was attacked, but thankfully protected by Cormalin, Erani, and our only equine member Obsidian. We have come to the decision that our members should have basic combat knowledge, or bring an escort when straying too far from the borders."

"Eos and Syrinx are no longer Glaciem's rulers. Isardis has replaced them, and he has shown himself as a potential threat to Valhalla - coming to the borders and asking for the freedom of one of our members. When I turned down his request for Liberty, he gave notice of an upcoming challenge. Only the council is to appear at the challenge for Liberty - it seems our numbers intimidate the new rulers. If I can help it this will not escalate into war. But should it come to that, Valhalla should be well prepared."
ooc: sorry it's so long x3



6 Years
08-22-2013, 07:32 PM

The gathering of the pack was putting off her nerves, making her feel comforted. Yes, there was comfort in numbers. She loved this land and she loved this pack. Her eyes found Sarak as he appeared, looking worn ragged. She frowned clearly but didn't get up to go sit with her friend. Azalea waited patiently for the pack to gather and when Chrysanthe was content with the gathering numbers she started to speak.

Her mention of Gideon being her mate really grabbed her attention and Azalea smiled. She could be happy for Chrysanthe's happiness but that didn't mean that she understood why all her aunts had settled so early. Ephiphron had Maverick, Eos had Syrinx, and now Chrysanthe had Gideon. She rolled on, making sure every was up to date on all the things that Azalea already knew about. Pip was about to pop and, well, Soleil already had.

Additionally the pack was evidently in need of hunters and warriors. She considered this, as it was something that she had actually not been aware of. The position of beta came into discussion and Gael had made the list for training. She scanned the crowd to find her brother and grinned excitedly to him.

At the mention of needing an escort outside of Valhalla, Azalea froze up and frowned a bit heavily. Did that mean she would need one? Would she not be considered fit for going out alone? She understood the reasoning but Azalea feared for her solitary trips outside the borders.

She couldn't worry for long, as conversation turned to the most serious of all matters at hand. "Eos and Syrinx are no longer Glaciem's rulers. Isardis has replaced them, and he has shown himself as a potential threat to Valhalla - coming to the borders and asking for the freedom of one of our members. When I turned down his request for Liberty, he gave notice of an upcoming challenge. Only the council is to appear at the challenge for Liberty - it seems our numbers intimidate the new rulers. If I can help it this will not escalate into war. But should it come to that, Valhalla should be well prepared."

Azalea felt her paws tingle, excited that she would be among those to go to the battlefield with her aunt. She wanted to be there, to support her and to wish all the evil in the world upon Isardis. However, Azalea did take pause at the fact that this meant all the high ranked wolves would be out of Valhalla, at least if they all decided to go. She cleared her throat, leaning over a bit to speak more to Chrysanthe personally, "Perhaps one or two should stay behind? So that not all of our leadership is absent?" It didn't seem wise on the off chance that the new Glaciem alpha had an attack planned.




08-22-2013, 11:06 PM

Cormalin smiled slightly at Chrysanthe?s reply, nodding at the determination that glimmered in her eyes. That spark she?d had at the start of her reign had grown to a flame, gently contained, but ready to burn those that would harm her pack. Her family. He glanced at Erani as she approached, and he understood her words about Azalea. Respect was just one thing. Pridefulness was another. And controlling her interactions with strangers. Such as males who had no business messing about with yearlings. He?d caught the faintest whiff of Ludicael on the stranger?s coat. A new member? Jupiter would have to be spoken to as well. A male who was willing to mount a female but not take her as a mate if the consequences were pups needed to be reined in. He turned his attention away, as Chrysanthe assured his sister that Azalea would be spoken to. Watching his niece arrive, he grinned as she spoke to Chrysanthe, and gave the rabbit credit in the hunt. It was good that she was also taking to the ways that Arro, the Forest Craft trainer of Redwood, had taught himself and Erani and that they were now teaching the next generation.

Others arrived, his children included. They looked so happy, and he spotted a connection between Cael and the dark female Imena. Claire? She would need to be set in a place. He knew they needed warriors, and hunters. Claire was swift, and she had fire. Just like her mother. Either one would suit her. There was no question as to what Cael would be. He was just like his grandmother and just like his aunt Erani. A healer through and through. Perhaps even the next Lead Healer? He knew Erani wanted someone in their family to have a Lead Healer position. There was Obsidian, then he spotted Azalea among the arrivals. Where was Collision? He spotted Soleil, and then the ex Assassin, Sarak came in, walking like he was dead inside. Cormalin studied the male as he collapsed under Obsidian, concern on his face. He turned away when the male he?d seen around Chrysanthe a great deal approached. A faintest rise of one brow point was all that was given.

Then Chrysanthe turned to the pack, and began laying out the news to the pack. Ah. So he was the male who had seduced Chrysanthe at far to young an age that Erani had spoken to her of. Well, this male had better shape up to be a fully loyal mate to the Alpha Cormalin considered his niece. He was pleased to hear again that Epiphron had brought into the world three (According to Erani) lovely pups. Soleil?s birthing was less news to him. Erani had been pleased with the birthing, and Soleil had stayed in one of the Alcoves until the two girls were old enough to be moved to a new location. Surreal had been gushing about how cute they were as well. A good warrior she would be, and an even better Beta. A leader just wasn?t a leader if they wouldn?t deign to take time and adore the young and old. And do the silly things young pups wanted to do. He smiled, then pulled his attention back to Chrysanthe as she went on, addressing the need for the very ranks he had considered Claire in. His mismatched gaze swept over his four children; his three sons, and his single daughter.

Would one of them take the place of the lead Warrior? His eyes landed on Alsander and Caerul. They were most likely out of the males. Strong, honorable, but willing to protect those who needed it. He smiled as Chrysanthe continued on to say that Surreal would be training officially to take his place. He flicked a glance at his eldest niece, grinning at the look on her face. His mood had considerably lightened by now, but Chrysanthe brought him back to seriousness as the attack on Rayne was mentioned, crediting himself, Erani, and Obsidian in Rayne?s protection. He nodded slightly in acknowledgement, though he caught the surprised look on Obsidian?s face and ears. And now they turned to the main reason for the meeting. He himself knew the story as he had been there when the pearled ?King? came to the Borders. Azalea spoke up, and he glanced over at her. A good point. ?She raises a good point.? The approval was evident in his tone. He noticed Erani making her way to the place they sat at. He smiled and scooted aside to give her room.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-23-2013, 12:39 AM

Erani nodded at Chrysanthe?s reply to her words. That would be a settled matter, she trusted Chrysanthe to see to it. So she settled into her spot, chuckling softly at the arrival of a spent Surreal, who carried a fresh rabbit in her jaws. She gave a nod of approval at her daughter?s words. As her daughter settled in beside her, Erani watched the arrivals of other members, nodding to some, smiling at others, her tail gently tapping the ground at her fellow healers and Friction. She could see the sadness he carried on his shoulders like a rock. With this newest addition to the troubles he faced, what must he be thinking?

She gently ran her tongue over Surreal?s forehead, receiving a hearty wag of pleasure. Family members arrived, other members arrived. Ashtoreth, Rayne, Imena, Azalea, and so on. And then the meeting began, with a very late arrival of Thane and one of his sons. Where were her daughters? Arella and Lyric had been scare lately. Her heart panged anxiously. Castiel had been as well. He?d come home, but Nova was still gone? She frowned quietly. Looking around, she saw no sign of him, or her three remaining children. However, there were several unfamiliar faces. New members. Obsidian. And then Sarak came in, looking wretched. Erani frowned, looking closely at him. He was thinner than he?d been when he?d first come to Valhalla, and had a dead, lost look in his eyes. She frowned further, eyes flicking toward Azalea. Sighing, she turned her head back to the meeting as Chrysanthe began speaking. Gideon. Deep blue pools narrowed slightly as she studied the male who had moved too fast on a yearling who had no business letting an older male go that far.

If he ever caused Chrysanthe grief like that again? It would be a painful lesson that he would learn about protective mothers and family. As Chrysanthe went on, Erani smiled at the memory of three newborn pups at Epiphron?s side, and the ecstatic, proud expression on Maverick?s face. Gerhardt?s delight at being a grandfather had been highly evident as well, and she shared in the revelry of the grandparent status. ?Correction, she has given birth to three healthy pups. I have recently returned as of last night. Congratulations, Chrysanthe. You?re an aunt thrice times more.? She grinned happily, then quieted as Chrysanthe went on. Erani nodded quietly. At one point she had hoped that Nova might take the place of a Lead Warrior but? Chrysanthe caught her attention with the next words that came. She felt a surge of pride for Surreal, who looked stunned, delighted, and humbled all at once. She nuzzled her daughter with a soft ?Congratulations, little love. Listen to your uncle as you always do. He will see you to becoming the best Beta you can be for Valhalla.? She also threw a smile to Soleil and Gael.

After the good news, came the middle news. Chrysanthe spoke of the attack on Rayne, and of the decision to train all members in combat or else send escorts. Did she imagine it, or did Azalea look displeased by those words? As Chrysanthe went on, Erani frowned sadly. So after uprooting Glaciem, Eos had abandoned it, leaving this threat in her place. Where would the true Glaciem wolves go? Or were they forever banished to wander as a rogue group? A soft growl whispered from her throat. Cairo must be rolling in his grave right now. She listened as Azalea spoke up, and then to Cormalin?s words, nodding slightly before rising and making her way to his side as he scooted over.

She turned and settled onto her haunches to face the pack, a calm smile on her face, ?I have an announcement of my own to make. I would like to welcome three new healers to our ranks. Cael, Imena, and Friction. They are all competent, if in need if more training. I have also decided to train an original member of Glaciem, from before Eos took Glaciem. Her name is Orica. She is only a yearling, yet is already quite knowledgeable in the Craft of Healing.? Her eyes flicked to Chrysanthe, and she added in an undertone. ?I think you?d like her.? Nodding, she rose and returned to her spot beside Surreal to listen to what others had to say if anything.



08-23-2013, 08:07 PM

Monochromatic male listened quietly and watched the proceedings. Ears pricked attentively at the words that came from the Alpha. It seemed a lot had been going on, much more then he ever knew about. The news of the promotions for the others did little to stir him, though he was proud that his own family members Cael and Surreal would be of important if only he could try. But even so, he figured that if he wanted to be beta after his father would be far from close. He had only just gotten here, and was sure that they would all vote for someone that was here longer...The thought made him feel less important within the pack. He had always been the leader, the one his siblings looked to for advice, decisions, and more. But lately, that leadership seemed to mean nothing here. Here, they had alphas, betas, those of much higher rank to look up to. Who on earth would ever choose him to have such ranks? He was but a commoner in terms, unranked. He inwardly shrugged, he supposed he would have to prove himself first but...even with that would probably make no difference. He figured most of these wolves, the horse included had done heroic things. All he had done was find his missing father...but even that was accomplished by Claire.

With his spirits collapsing within him, he dared not show it to the outside world. He knew he had new and upcoming conflicts and feelings within him, after all he had been strong for this siblings...but for himself? He began to feel unsure. Swallowing, he opened his maw to speak up after the others. "I would like to accompany you to the battlefield. Though I have just arrived in Valhalla with my siblings, I have duties and honor to fulfill. So I offer my services in this battle lest it escalate into war, then I offer my life." He said solemnly.

Of course, he would fight for his pack! Even if it meant his life was taken...after all, he had fulfilled his mission. He had reunited their family, brought his siblings to their father and found a home. Yet...he still wasn't happy. So he would fight, and if it meant death then so be it. He had nothing to lose...even if it meant never having a mate, or kids to carry on his legacy...he was old. who the hell would want him? His mind was made up, however. so he would go through with it and fight until he either died, or tore down his enemies.




7 Years
08-23-2013, 08:55 PM

Surreal stretched out beside her mother, eyes drifting shut as wolves milled and arrived, finding places to sit. She must have dozed off, because next thing she knew, the clearing was almost full when she opened her eyes, and Chrysanthe was speaking to them. She sat up a little and focused her attention. They needed a lead Warrior. She could try that! Then her sister continued. Surreal?s lower jaw slackened mismatched gold and blue eyes popping wide open. Beta? Beta?! Beta! Her mother nuzzled her, and she listened to her words through the fog of amazement. She was going to be trained to be a Beta! And under Uncle Cormalin! Her tail whapped the ground, and she sat up, returning the grin Uncle Cormalin aimed at her. ?I will work hard, and I will not let Valhalla down.? She would get to walk beside Liberty, but why was Gael going to train as a Beta too?

Chrysanthe was going on. Surreal knew about the attack on Rayne. Cormalin and her mother had been training her and her sisters in combat maneuvers. Surreal had excelled, and her mother?s training had helped her relax into that still calmness that hid intentions and emotions. Chrysanthe went on to talk about Syrinx and Eos. They were Chrysanthe?s siblings, but she had never seen Eos, and Syrinx? She remembered the big brown male that looked a lot like Cairo had, only his lower jaw was bare to the bone. He was scary. Some internal understanding told her that though they had been raised by Erani, they were not brother and sister like Chrysanthe and Epiphron were to herself and her siblings. She understood that they didn?t accept Erani as a mother like her sisters did.

She listened to Chrysanthe. Liberty was being challenged for? Her ears dropped back and she glanced around, finally spotting the grey female. Liberty looked so dejected. Surreal lifted to her paws and padded over to her and sat beside her, nudging her shoulder, giving a smile of encouragement. Azalea was speaking, and Surreal focused her full attention on the conversation. If she was going to be a Beta someday, she needed to learn all she could, from being taught, and watching all around her. Then Cousin Caerul spoke up. She looked around at him, ears perked curiously. She didn?t doubt he?d be a good fighter. Oh! When had they got there? She smiled at her cousins, and received a quick grin from Cousin Alsander in response.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.


08-23-2013, 10:00 PM
Claire Aobhinne

i don't care what they say about me

As each of her brothers made their appearances, Claire wagged her tail in greeting towards each in turn, though she came to a startling realization as more and more wolves appeared that she didn't know many wolves. She did, however, recognize the young pup - Seraphine, was it? - and the gray youngster that had greeted her at the border. However, the meeting began before Claire had long to dwell on the fact that she didn't know as many Valhallan wolves as she might have wished, and Claire sat back attentively, ears pricked in Chrysanthe's direction.

The announcement that Chrysanthe had taken a mate meant little to Claire, other than a small twinge of jealousy. This female was what, two years old? And she had already taken a mate; her sister already had pups on the way. And here Claire was, approaching her twilight years all too quickly and she had yet to meet a single male that she could picture herself spending her life with. Ah well. That too would come in time, right?

It was the next news that really caught Claire's attention. Her head swung up and her ears pricked in Chrysanthe's direction as the Alphess spoke of needing hunters and warriors. She would approach the woman later about training as a warrior. It seemed to be a gift from the heavens, the most obvious way to prove to her brothers that she could take care of herself. Perfect, the female thought to herself, pleased with the idea that had settled in her mind. She would make it happen. Her brothers would not stop her. She had proved that she could survive without them, and if she still had nightmares about drowning every night, well, that was none of their business.

Betas, again, Claire cared little for, but she listened curiously to the stories of Valhallan wolves being attacked. This could mean a lot to her, but she knew only her cousin, Surreal, of the wolves that Chrysanthe had named. The downside to being a new member meant that she had not met many wolves, and had never met Gael or many of the other wolves. It was a pity, for Claire would have liked to meet this 'Liberty' that everyone seemed so interested in having for their own. To be challenged for, what was that like? Claire couldn't really imagine a wolf wanting her in their pack so badly. Even her brothers probably wouldn't do that. It was a weird thought. What wolf would take another's free will away like that?



08-24-2013, 09:56 AM

I'm sitting pretty on the throne,
there's nothing more I want,
except to be alone

Her fathers touch almost went unnoticed, but his words were heard. She simply nodded her head to him, she was far too nervous about this meeting. What seemed like hours had finally passed, and after the rest of Valhalla's members had come to the meeting, Chrysanthe finally started speaking. She listened carefully, but in a way everything went into one ear and out the other. She enjoyed the sweet sound of her alpha's voice, in a way it reminded her of her mothers voice. She always held authority, but she held it in the most elegant way- just like her mother. It was going to break her heart to leave them all behind. She couldn't help but run her gaze over the members in the crowd. Though she did not know them all very well, she would miss them. She would miss visiting her mothers grave with her father, she would miss her warm den, and she would miss the comforting feeling she had knowing she was surrounded by love. Whither she knew every single person in the pack or not, everyone here loved each other dearly, from the smallest pup, to the mightiest alpha. She wondered if Glaciem would be the same way, or at least, she hoped it would be.

Her heart felt like it wasn't even beating in her chest. She felt numb, just like when she cuddled with her dead mother the day the flood hit. The lump in her throat never ceased, and as hard as she tried, she couldn't get it down. She could feel the tears swelling in her eyes because they burned wildly. She was such a disappointment.. but hopefully her next actions would make up for it. She had made a mistake, tempted a cobra, then when he tried to strike she ran. She have known better, she should have known he was trouble the minute he walked up to her. Now he was out to get her, and because of her mistakes she was putting Valhalla in jeopardy, and she couldn't allow that. Her mother wouldn't cower down and put Valhalla at risk, so neither would she.

When Chrysanthe was done speaking others spoke up. She listened to them vaigly, all she was thinking about was how to put what she was going to say. Everyone was talking about the battle, and in her mind, she knew no battle would come- at least she hoped not. When an odd colored male she had never seen before was done speaking, she took it upon herself to make her move. If she didn't do it soon, everyone would make plans to take down the man when it wasn't necessary. Legs like jello barley held the girl up as she made her way toward Chrysanthe. She wanted to be before all of Valhalla for this, not just some voice in the middle of the crowd. She wanted them to see her.

Gaze lifted to look at Chrysanthe. She could barley look at her, she knew deep down she was very disappointed. Who wouldn't be? She wondered how many wolves in the crowd were disappointed in her as well. How many of them knew the whole story? She didn't know for sure, but soon enough, they would all know. Surreal was the last one to speak. Liberty trusted that she would become a great beta, and overall, would be able to take her place. She didn't know the girl very well, but she was Erani's daughter, and Erani was a wonderful woman. "Members of Valhalla, I have something to say to you all. Her voice was shaky at first, but for some reason, she was possessed to look up at the sky, as if her mother was up there, encouraging her to do this. "Help me..." She whispered for only her ears to hear. She knew that if her mother was up there, she would help her, just as she always had.

Clearing her throat she looked back down at the crowd before her. She could feel their eyes watching her, and instead of trying to make eye contact with each of them, she turned from section to section, not particularly seeking anyone out. Then she begun. "As you all know, we lost my mother in the flood. She drowned saving me, and when my father got to her, it was too late. Some of you may have lost a parent at a young age, so you might understand how I felt afterwards. I left Valhalla and tried to mask my pain with something- or better yet, someone else. I'm barley a yearling, but out in the wilderness alone, I seemed to think I was older, more mature you could say. I slipped and hit my head, and a man came along. I could sense his negative aurora, but I was naive, and tempted him into things a girl of my age shouldn't even be comprehending. I wanted to be older than I really am, because for some reason, it made me feel better. I wanted to do anything I could to mask the pain, but in reality, I made it worse..." Her voice trailed off as she paused for a moment, letting this information sink in.

Then she continued. "When his intentions were clear I realized I was in serious trouble. I made the mistake of giving him my name, and, Valhalla's name. I fled, and he followed me here. He called for Chrysanthe, and when he told her he wanted me, she denied him. I intended to attend that meeting, but like a coward, I stayed in my den... But I'm done hiding. I'm done letting Valhalla take the punishment for my actions. What I did goes against everything my mother taught me. I've put Valhalla at risk for war, and have risked everyone's life here. I don't exactly know what the mans intentions are once he has me, but at this moment, that doesn't matter. I would rather be in a grave with my mother then let something happen to any of you. This is my home, and it always will be. You are all my family, and you always will be- but I'm going to do what is right. I.... I'm leaving Valhalla. I won't fight the Glaciem king, I will take responsibility for my actions, and I will finish what I started. There will be no war, unless the ghost turns his back and betrays my offering." The speech seemed like it took hours, but in reality, it was only a few minutes. She wondered what everyone would think, or if anyone would even miss her besides her father. Eyes filled with sorrow turned toward Chryanthe. She could feel the tears swelling, but she held them back. She needed to be strong, not only for herself, but for the pack. "I'm so sorry Chrysanthe, but I can't let him hurt you, or anyone here. If you wish you may take me to his borders yourself, and my father too, if Isardis allows it. I don't want to be completely alone." Her voice was cracking. She wanted to badly to bury her face into Chrysanthe's chest and cry, but she wouldn't do that in front of all these members. She wanted them to see her be strong, not weak and helpless like she was when her mother died.



9 Years
08-24-2013, 04:13 PM
Alsander Grey

Alsander watched all the members of Valhalla that came to the meeting. His little Cousin Surreal had dropped off into a doze beside his Aunt Erani. He had caught her words to Chrysanthe, grinning. If he remembered correctly, the day he and his brothers had come to Valhalla?s borders, she had caught a rabbit that day, too. She?d be a fine hunter, already was. And she would be a heart stopper of a beauty. Already she was very pretty. He smiled. She was still young, but she was mature in a way. He knew his Father had been taking her out on patrols now and then, teaching her what she needed to learn. Honor, Loyalty, Family.

More and more wolves entered, and he tried to keep track of the faces. He?d missed a few in the moment he?d studied Surreal. Scents mingled, piled onto each other. He carefully picked them apart, listing them. Someday, he?d meet those that he smelled here. So he tried to connect the scents to faces. Cael and Caerul slipped in to sit with himself and Claire, along with a small dark female that smelled to be a Healer, judging by her scent. He gave her a nod, and looked around at his brothers with a grin, before his mismatched eyes turned to rove through the faces. A female that looked a great deal like the Alpha had arrived, and he spotted her amber eyed glance toward the creature that stood under the tree. She seemed to be keeping her distance from them, and he frowned quietly.

A grey female with lighter markings had taken a spot, her body showing her emotion. Dejection, sadness, shame. He looked around again, at all the other wolves. So many. Another was arriving now. Good Luna, was the male dying? Or ill? Alsander watched the mud brown male walk as though on wooden legs, and collapse beneath the creature. He didn?t miss the glance the dark headed female cast the male?s way. Another female, white with brown marks under her blue eyes arrived and took a place beside a grey female and brown toned male, speaking to them, though he couldn?t hear her words over the shuffle of paws and other voices. A youth with unusual markings that crisscrossed his back arrived, solemn, as he took a place among the crowd. A grey male took a spot next to the dejected grey female.

More and more. A white male, and a young female who had been badly burned at some point. A male who was marked like the young male. His sire? A great eagle swooped down to land on this male?s shoulder, and Alsander studied the bird for a moment, before his eyes turned to look around. Another young male arrived. Grey with a brown centered face, and a timber marked little female with teal eyes. He almost missed the arrival of the large male that came to sit beside the Alpha. They seemed to be mates, but he was aware of only one Alpha. Her. His confusion was quickly abated as the Alpha began to speak to them all. She introduced the male as her mate, Gideon.

Alsander listened closely to all she said, ears perking slightly at the notice that they needed more warriors and hunters, and a Lead warrior. Well that was something to aim for. She went on, and he grinned as she said Surreal would train to become a Beta. He caught Surreal?s posture change, as it turned from a sleepy relaxation to stiff surprise, and then a quivering delight. Surreal spoke, and he smiled at her steadfast announcement. The next things their Alpha female said were more serious. A female had been attacked, and his father, Aunt, and someone called Obsidian, had saved her. His tail smacked the ground. Then stilled as the last issue was voiced. A challenge for freedom? What cruel wolf was this? To take a girl from her home where she was safe and happy? His eyes swept through the faces, landing on the grey yearling. Was that her? The dark headed female that resembled the Alpha; Chrysanthe! That was the Alpha?s name. She spoke up, and he found that he agreed with her words. His Father seemed to approve, as his tones voiced his approval. Aunt Erani spoke next, announcing three names as being new healers. His brother?s name was among them. Cael. He?d certainly settled in. Alsander grinned at his brother. Aunt Erani continued to say that she had taken a fourth, non pack member as a pupil. Orica. She must be special. Erani returned to sit beside Surreal. Caerul spoke up, giving his offer and a vow. Alsander glanced at his solemn elder brother. He knew that Caerul had been having a hard time settling in, as being a leader was no longer his place. He gave his brother a soft woof.

And then the grey female had raised herself on legs that seemed to shake as she approached the front and faced them. The words she spoke. It was a speech. Indeed, she was the Liberty that had been challenged for. And he rose as she stopped speaking. He approached and sat before her, gold and green eyes gentle. ?In grief, everyone makes mistakes. When my foster parents were killed, I wanted to die. I wanted to rebel. I wanted to hunt down the wolves that killed them and take them all on. Thankfully, I had my siblings. They kept me grounded. So we went to find our father.? He tilted his head to note Cormalin. ?You were heartsore, and you are young. Wisdom doesn?t come from nothing, little one. It comes from mistakes, and learning from them. You have learned, and you have grown. I think your mother would be proud, though I never met her.? He stepped away, nodding to Chrysanthe.

?As I know an Alpha will not part with a future Beta who is beginning to show her mettle, when the Challenge is called, my offer is the same as my Brother?s. However, I will stay and guard Valhalla.? The offer was sincere. If Chrysanthe was anything like he guessed her to be, she would fight for her future Beta.



08-24-2013, 04:33 PM
"I will be taking Gideon, Cormalin, and Azalea with me. Surreal, you may accompany Cormalin if he allows it." She would leave that up to the beta, but if he wanted her to see how a real fight was fought, then he could bring her along despite the obvious tension that will be there. She would pause, looking toward Caerul as he spoke. The alpha was surprised at his devotion, he was a new member and yet he was willing to fight for this entire pack. "No, I want you to stay and guard the borders with Valhalla's warriors." His courage would be noted - she did not plan on disappointing him at the challenge either.

The next to speak up surprised her - Liberty? The girl seemed hard pressed on explaining herself, and the alpha would listen. Really, she reminded her a bit of herself at her age, getting into trouble the way that she had. Yet she made a decision that Chrysanthe was not sure that she would have done the same. It was a strong one, one made with Valhalla in mind. Completely selfless, she could see then that this girl was Aislyn's child. Willing to do anything that she could to keep a member of Valhalla out of danger - even if said member was the alpha herself.

"Liberty - you made a mistake, but you know that. You've owned up to it, and although I respect your decision I can't just let you go that way. You are too important to this pack, and to me. Your mother would not want a life of imprisonment for you regardless of your mistakes - but she would be proud to your commitment to this pack's safety - Alsander is right." He had spoken of her badly, he would not treat her well within his borders. Liberty was her mentor's daughter, like bloody hell she was letting her leave this way. Should she want to carve her own path in the future, she was more than willing... but this would not be the way that they said goodbye. "Regardless, Isardis is not the type of man to stop at one. " That was easy enough to see by the way that he behaved at her borders. Once he saw weakness in Valhalla, if she did not show up to this challenge or gave Liberty away without a fight, then he would pick at this pack relentlessly.

She then moved to stand beside the trembling girl, and although she wanted to ease her pain at that moment, she understood how it felt to fight to stay strong. "Just as you are willing to do anything for the safety of this pack, I will do anything to make sure that you are safe. You are never alone - that's part of being a beta, as you push to protect those you care about, you earn their support." And although the girl was young, and had much to learn - Liberty had Valhalla's support. She would not suffer through this alone, even if she felt that was what she deserved.



08-25-2013, 12:49 PM

He would enter late, but enter nonetheless. Silently, he would fall in line beside his wife, his silhouette pushing beside hers as his head nuzzled the size of her neck and his attention was paid to those around him. Especially Chrysanthe, and her new Husband, Gideon. Collision didn't know much about the man, at all. And he had to wonder how serious he was about his position, about leading. He seemed passionless, and yet, that was not the Adravendi's call to make. Non, it was the job of his eldest sister. Hopefully, a good call would be made.

the information would be given, and Collision fought the urge to roll his eyes. When he had come and said that war was potentially arising, he had been given anarchy. They had turned from him, berated him, and made him throw away his position. One that he had greatly cared about. A sigh fluttered free of his inky lips and the canine watched with more interest as things carried on. There was no time to fight the favoritism, he would have to see where things were going. Upon Liberty standing up and speaking out Collision would merely stand where once he was seated and speak to her, "In youth we all make mistakes. Leaving Valhalla would be the worst one for you to make, it would practically be us handing you over to Isardis. I realize I hold no authority here any longer, and so I hope you'll all just ride with the fact I did once lead us while I say this, but: Liberty, perhaps you should restrain yourself to Valhalla. If he's so hellbent in fighting for you, and taking you, he might not be opposed to more...forceful things. At least here you can be protected,"

Strategy, oh they needed war strategy, and it wasn't a hard thing to come up with, but every single male in the planet woul jump at the chance to go with Chrysanthe, someone had to stay with the healers an such, "Chrysanthe, I'll stay with the youth of the pack, and also with anyone else staying. I would like a few other warriors to step-up and stay here. Wars aren't always on the battle front. If he plans on snaking his way around to take someone, I'd like to be able to be here. I would take a runner with you to run back here in case things go south. We can separate into three teams. Yours and a few warriors to go meet Isardis, myself, a few warriors, pups, and anyone who wants out of th way, and then the final group just of healers and a warrior or two. They can be available if you need them. If something happens, I'll take everyone to Seracia," Speaking of Seracia...O Epiphron...what if...what if Isardis wanted her next? All of a sudden he wanted his sister home more than anything.


08-25-2013, 01:24 PM (This post was last modified: 09-01-2013, 03:00 PM by Thane.)
Aqua he eyes watched the scene unfold as he quietly listened to the events. So much was going on and everything was going quite fast. Yet the Bruce's white lined ears remained perked up and ready as they took in information. There was talk of war and such related to one girl. Sometimes Thane wondered how such things came to be. There were debates on what should happen at one point. Liberty even spoke of turning herself in until Chrysanthe sorted it out. The Delta then looked towards Collision who spoke of eat plans while another brute spoke up before him and Chrysanthe with wise words. Touching his tail lightly on his son the man spoke up as well.

"I am aware of the events and plans we have to make for everything. If it is necessary for those to go out for a fight or "war" I wish to accompany that group. If not then I will stay back with my son and I'll guard the borders. If there are any other Deltas that I am not aware of then may I add to this and plan out a series or border watches and patrols? If there are no others besides myself perhaps the warriors who wish to stay back in Collision's propositions can do that with me. I speak only ideas, nothing is my call. And if it helps I can send Cyril here to fly around te borders and surveillance the grounds below." he said as he motioned towards the golden eagle on his shoulder.

"I speak only ideas for everything is your call Chrysanthe." he added.

Cyril stretched his large wings before setting his own golden gaze on the Alpha.

"To add to Master Thane's idea I would be more than happy to fly around and keep watch. If this does take place then I can always fly back and warn those on the border watches and patrols if I see anyone or anything before they do."

Thane gave a small nod as he waited for some sort of reply from someone but preferrably Chrysanthe. This was quite a pickle they were in but Thane was siding with Chrysanthe and wasn't going to let that girl go.

Averting his aqua blue gaze at Liberty he opened his mouth once more.

"You're not only our future beta Liberty, but our family member. We're all one big family and we all stand up for one another. We're all here for you and I'm sure everyone is going to do everything they can." he said before finally quieting down.



6 Years
08-25-2013, 04:29 PM


Alamea had only been a member of Valhalla for a very short time and already she was being summoned by her alpha. Not just her, the whole of the pack. The small white female lopped off in the direction of the call. She knew nothing of the recent events if truth be told and was eager to learn exactly what was happening with her new pack. Alamea settled in on her haunches among many of the other wolves that had made it there already, just as her alpha was about to begin speaking. Alamea did not greet any of them, she knew none of them.
The alpha would introduce the handsome male that had graciously accepted her into the pack. She already knew his name and rank but not his past. If truth be told she knew not of Seracia and so that little tid bit rushed over her head. More names were thrown out, wolves she didn?t know had left, some had had pups and positions were opened up. None of which Alamea thought she would fit and so just let them pass by. It was only after the mention of the new Glaciem leader that she really began paying much attention. A possible war?
Some wolves were crying things out but Alamea seemed not to hear them. One younger female was crying and it seemed to Alamea to be all out chaos. Her mind was filling with panic, but she stayed silent and seated.


08-25-2013, 05:40 PM

He hadn't expected anything different in this meeting. His aunt had summoned them because she had news to give them and what a bout of news it was. Some King from Glaciem was coming to challenge for the young woman Liberty. Having not met many pack mates as of late, the young Adravendi didn't know who Liberty was, but he figured she would show herself eventually. What he really hadn't been expecting for Chrysanthe to place him under training for the beta position. Him, a beta? He had pictured himself as a beta, never expressed the desire to be a wolf of high rank. He was more than happy living amongst his fellow packmates as an equal, but if his aunt and alpha thought him to be worthy enough of being trained as an alpha, he would graciously take the training. A bow of gratitude was presented to his aunt, allowing his attention to refocus on the meeting at hand.

Just as he had predicted, the young girl Liberty that had caused the entire situation in the first place finally came forth, explaining her reasoning for what she had done. Gael simply listened, taking everything in and trying not to make his own judgments. After all, he hadn't been in her position of having lost his mother. He spared a glance at the ivory woman beside him, trying to ponder what it would be like to loose her...And he just couldn't do it. Soleil wasn't going anywhere, especially since they had new little ones to care for. His mother was fine and she wasn't going anywhere.

Talk like this



10 Years
Athena I
08-25-2013, 06:18 PM

Cael had remained still and silent throughout the meeting, simply watching the whole of Valhalla discuss the troubles and joys that had come to them recently. The mess involving the young female, Liberty, seemed to be the main topic of conversation, though he did hear his aunt mention his name as one of the healers to recently join the ranks. He smiled and dipped his head gratefully to the lead healer before turning his attention back to the group. His two-toned gaze turned to Caerul with mild alarm as he offered to join the band that would go to the challenge with this Isardis character. Just the thought of one of his brothers in harm's way made him worried. He was happy to hear Alsander say that he would stay here and that his dear Claire remained silent. They were the most precious wolves in his life and didn't want any harm to come to them. Luckily, the alphess denied his brave offer and requested that he stay in the territory to protect its borders. Cael gave a soft sigh of relief. It might not be all that much more safe, but at least his brother would be close by so he could keep an eye on them all.

The druid was happy to see that so much of the pack he called home was standing behind this fea, no matter what mistake she had made. This is what family meant to him. Even his gray pelted brother backed her with his kind words. Cael wished he could be of more help to her or at least to his alphess who was going off to fight for this young woman. Though he felt mildly hypocritical doing so after being so worried for his sibling going off to the fight, Cael lifted his voice to the clay-faced leader none of the less. "If you should like a healer to accompany you to your challenge, Chrysanthe, I would like to offer my services to you. If not, I will be here when you return." He felt bold in his offer, but he felt it only right to offer. He would rather go than have his aunt or Imena there. By the sounds of it, Isardis may very well try to claim any female he laid eyes on so it he felt it best that they stay here within the territory. He waited patiently to see what his leader would say, avoiding his sibling's gazes should they try to talk him out of it and ignoring Elva as she shifted uneasily behind his forelegs.
