
of sinners and saints


08-15-2013, 03:20 PM

. . .

Her adoring little pet devil, continued to her behave herself perfectly. And really she was a wonderful little space heater. Silverback, rather distant and untouched by the passions that plagued the poor wolf's mind, was enjoying this little warm pillow she had found for herself. The more she preened it, the warmer it grew - quite useful. She could see herself seeking it out on the cold winter nights of the far north. For now, she was sublimely content just to keep pressing the wolf firmly into the stone floor - giving it no more thought than she would a pile of pine boughs or fur or some other bedding. She little guessed the sweet agony she was putting the mutt through, but even if she had, it was likely she would've only laughed and teased her further.

But upon the question of what to do with her - Canttina asked permission to remain at her chosen kennel, and with how good she had been so far, Silverback was inclined to allow it. She gave a thoughtful dip of her head as the wolf spoke, signifying that she was not averse to the idea. When she had finished, the cat spoke, "Alright, I can allow this. It should work quite well. But you should know that if ever I make the trip up there and you are not around, I shall be most put out." She didn't mean that the dog couldn't leave, just that she had better be careful about her timing in doing so, and that she ought not to take the leopard's leniency lightly.

As for her pet's other question, Silverback gave voice to a soft, velvety laughter. "Just the naughty ones, darling." What a delightful form of punishment that would be to bring down upon those who thought themselves unfairly treated and rebeled. The leopard could simply introduce them to her yellow-eyed pet, and then give Canttina permission to use what their silly wolf brains were hard-wired to use: brutish violence. Perhaps she'd not wish to see one of her pets roughed up by another, or perhaps she'd catch herself a snack and watch with glee until the offender came begging to her to make it stop - it all just depended on her mood.

The she-cat sighed happily as the sun finally lifted it's tail from the jagged horizon and mellowed the world with it's glow. "Ah, what fun we shall have, my sweet."

(ooc: thinking this is as good a place as any to wrap up - unless you had ideas for more)