
Write To Me & Escape


07-16-2013, 11:38 PM

Aeil snorted in laughter before she went under the water. She looked at Dragon with playful eyes and retorted with, "I would simply pet it on the nose and ask it to play with me! If it wanted to eat me after that, then I would surely give it a tooth job and make sure it would only be able to gum me to death. And from what I know, gumming down fur and claws sounds painful if the prey isn't dead." She gave the water a splash with one of her front paws before saying, "By the way, if you were there to try and help me, I would surely appreciate the help. You never know when you need a helping paw to get the result you want."
By the time Aeil was swimming beneath the water, she could sense the movements change in Dragon's part of the pool. He had descended beneath the surface, propelling himself like a fish through the easygoing currents. Her heart hammered in her chest. She knew he was aiming for her, heading towards her like a torpedo. And he was catching up pretty fast. Aeil's nose and mouth rose to the surface, took in a deep breath, and dove back under again. The renewed oxygen to her lungs helped her rush in the water, increasing her pace and the consistant strokes she gave with all four limbs.
In little to no time, she knew that Dragon would catch up with her. He had longer limbs, more powerful strokes, and his willpower to chase her was strong. It didn't bother her in the least, and it made the game even better. She looked around with eyes open, searching for an alcove she could slip into. Nothing seemed deep enough for a full grown wolf, so she kept on swimming, not letting her body tire from the exercise. If he caught her, she would submit and think of something else.



07-18-2013, 04:05 AM

The man laughed silently as he swam to catch up with the grey dame before him. It had been a long time since he had done anything like this...well, not for survival, but for fun this time. The last time he had been in deep water was when he was being drowned when a rather angry octopus was trying to make a meal of him, but the brute had shown it who was boss both on land, and in the water! He had torn off the creatures limbs, forcing it to let go of its potential prey and then Dragon had made his escape back to land, remaining tentacles in tow on his bruised body. He remembered when his siblings had laughed at him, the way the tentacles had left ringed patches through his fur and on his skin. His mood had changed from scared to fun when he laughed about it. It was indeed a comical sight, he looked like his body was covered in polka dots!

Focusing on the girl in front of him again, he watched her as she rose up to get an intake of air, and then return into the water again. Her body seemed to move gracefully through the depths, like a dolphin through the clearest ocean. Even under the cool water, he felt his face turn red and hot, why was he thinking that!? It had caught him off guard, distracting him enough for him to not realize that his hind leg got caught in a few twisted scraps of sea grass. Glancing down in alarm that it might be another octopus, he shook his leg trying to dislodge it, but it had only ensnared itself around both legs, strapping them together. Glancing back up to see if Aeil had noticed, he quickly brought his legs up bite at the bothersome plants. Water poured into his mouth as he tore at the vegetation, strips floating around him as he freed his legs and kicked away. The brute shut his maw once more, cheeks bulging as he attempted to hold what little air he had and the mouthful of water he hoarded. Once his head broke the surface, he spat out the water and splayed his ears in embarrassment for a quick second. Diving back down again once he had refilled his lungs with the crisp air, he went after her again. Thank god she didn't see that! I would have died of embarrassment!

Pressing on, his body swayed side to side like a shark closing in on his prey. In this case, she was the "prey" he was after. A smile spread across his lips, canines flashing briefly as he came up beside her. He pressed his nose briefly to her shoulder, as if saying "Gotcha." Then he swept up and over to her other side, diving a little ways below her before finally coming up underneath her and carrying her upwards upon powerful shoulders to the surface. Both creatures broke the surface, droplets glittering in the noonday sun as his laughter broke through as well. He swam forward, powerful limbs slicing through the water as he carried his vessel. He glanced at her, warmth evident in his eyes.

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis


07-19-2013, 10:19 PM

There was a slight splash of water behind her, which caused her to look behind her. Dragon's head had submerged, but it seemed as if it wasn't intentional. She continued to paddle forward, silently waiting to see how long it would be before he rose. After a couple of minutes, she thought about turning all the way around to see if he was all right. Her worrying subsided, however, when his nose broke the surface for a deep gulp of air. The semi-scared look that was on her face disappeared and she again concentrated on the task at hand.
Her ears had continued to move around her, taking in the sounds that were from the large male behind her form. She figured that he would attempt something..different, but she was not sure what it would be. The answer to her thought came faster than she anticipated. Suddenly, the water seemed to fall away from her form and she was rising. Aeil looked around her, seeing the body of water distance itself from her neck, chest, and paws. Only when she saw the body of fur beneath hers that it clicked in her mind.
Aeil's gasp didn't go unnoticed, she knew. It was loud enough to make a bird in its nest half a mile away stir in its sleep. Her widened eyes added to the humorous look of surprise that was on her face when Dragon turned to meet her gaze. She saw the warmth that danced into her own opts and her gasped face broke out into a grin. Aeil lightly laughed, recovering from the shock of being on his back, and she snaked her paws to grip around both sides of his body. "You certainly caught me without even trying, I must admit," she shyly said, sparkles twinkling in her eyes. "Keep that up and I may not be able to play anymore." Her tail, which still touched the water beneath her, flicked some towards his face. It wouldn't have made a bit of difference, though. Both wolves were so soaked, a few drops only added to the drenched furs.



07-23-2013, 03:40 AM

The man laughed as he plowed through the water towards the shoreline on the other side of the pool. His chest pounding with the effort of swimming, something he hadn't done in a while. In fact, the only running he had done was when he chased down a rabbit or other small game. He felt heat rush to his face when he felt her forelegs tighten around his chest, gripping him. He gulped, why did he feel so nervous...? Why did he feel strange around this girl? Something in the back of his mind began to swirl, like a reflection in the water coming into one solid picture again. Was he...falling in love? How could he so soon??? Was it possible for that to happen...? Did the term "Love at first sight" actually exist!? His mind swirled as his paws touched the bottom of the pool, and he carried them out.

Stopping in the shallow parts, the male stopping chest high before turning to look at the beautiful woman. "Haha, sorry...I'm not quite used to it, and I've forgotten how quickly I am able to move in the water. I apologize." He dipped his head in apology, blinking fondly at her. His heart pounded loudly against his chest, drumming in his ears. He was sure she could hear it...but it was only audible to him. He stepped a little more towards the shore, the water falling to his elbows now as he lowered himself a little to allow her to slide off if she so chose. In his mind, he didn't mind having her this close...his body and mind welcomed it. Even if he didn't quite realize it. Water dripped off his maw, giving him a slick appearance and plastering his fur all over. He looked like a wet rat with his coat color, and the scars...the scars were now more visible as the hairless formations broke through. All traces of dirt and grime were gone now, but the man hadn't noticed since he was so wrapped up in playing.

He shook his head a little, shaking the water from his ears. He refrained from fully shaking his body as he didn't want to toss the girl around like a washing machine. He brushed his muzzle with his foreleg, curing an itch that teased his nose and wiping away a string of lake grass that dangled. Smiling, he flicked some water at the girl, still wanting to play.

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis


07-26-2013, 01:49 AM

The way he carried her towards shore made Aeil In case she ever decided to go swimming in the future and come close to drowning, she knew that Dragon would be one she would choose to save her from its depths. Shallow or deep, the deepness didn't matter, she would call for him. Even though they had just met, the trust that was already starting to develop was surprising for the dark gray fae. So, as he was reaching the shore and walking to higher ground, she remained on his back until she knew it was safe to dismount.
When Aeil's paws touched the ground and her body peeled itself away from Dragon's, her matted fur made her form more obvious. Slender from her mother's side of the family and gorgeous eyes from her father's, she was a sight to see, despite the splattered look her wet fur had made for her. Blinking a few times, she had a smile appear on her face as water dripped from her muzzle. "On the contrary, if I was in any immediate danger, that speed for swimming would definitely come in handy." A wag of her tail indicated she would be perfectly fine with his quickness. "No need to apologize for such a blessing," she gently said, eyes then taking in what had been hidden before.
Aeil's gaze roved over the scars that were obviously hidden before the water expedition. They stood out like dirt roads after a flood, telling tales of past events that had occurred in Dragon's life. Her curiosity took over as she then padded closer to take them in for greater detail. His shying away from her gaze was the obvious sign that he was nervous about her reaction to see them. "That is why you had mud all over your body..." she verbally concluded as her orbs - now light blue - looked over the scars that slashed across his back.
It was a minute or two before she returned her gaze to the large brute in front of her. Another wag of her tail was established and her eyes held a warmth that hadn't been there before. " didn't have to hide them from me." She spoke on her assumption, not scared to know if the conclusion was wrong. "I hope you realize that, no matter what your height or the distinguished markings you bear, your personality and how you treat me matters more..." A light blush ran across her face, although if you were right next to her, it would be missed. Aeil spoke once more, wet fur being quickly dried by the warm spring breezes and sun. "You don't have to be worried about what I think about them."
His splash of water brought her back to the playful nature they had shared. She pulled out of her serious nature and raised her left paw to shy away from his antic. A sly grin appeared on her face and as her left paw graced the ground, her sturdy right one rose and swatted water towards Dragon. It was a feeble attempt, but a funny one all the same. Aeil then playfully growled and pulled back her upper lip, revealing the lovely rows of teeth. She prepared her body and hastily ran towards him. Aeil intended on catching him offguard to tackle him, making him bowl over in the shallow bit of water.



08-01-2013, 12:28 AM

Dragons laughter rumbled in his chest as Aeil removed herself from her perch on his back. He smiled as she spoke, a blush rising up in him as she complimented him on his swimming. He gazed at her, amber eyes glowing with delight as he listened to her voice...He felt at ease around her. Something he had never really felt before. He laughed nervously now, her words causing him to fumble for words as he began to feel embarrassed. He shrugged his shoulders, not really knowing how to respond to such kind words from her. "Heh...well, Thank you Aeil...I...I'm not sure what to say..."

He flinched slightly when he noticed her staring at him. His ears flicked back nervously, and his gaze turned away from her as she scoured him from head to toe. He took a step back, his body wanting to run but his mind kept him in place...barely. He turned away as she approached him, swallowing as he stood rigid while she inspected him closer. His mind screamed for him to run, to hide himself away from searching eyes. His body begged him to flee, away from the words that might come along with cold eyes and sharp words. He forced himself to stay, even though his legs fought him to leave. He caught the slight whisper of her realization of the mud, and what it had to do in connection with his body. He hated his scars, and always hid them underneath a coat of mud. Away from cold eyes and hostile least with the mud, he felt normal. Dirty...but it covered the reminder of his failure of that day. What felt like an eternity passed, as finally, Aeil returned her attention to him and away from the rather ugly scar on his back.

" didn't have to hide them from me."
He slowly turned his head back to her, amber eyes opening to see a difference in the way she looked at him. One ear half rotated towards her in uncertainty...He detected no hint of hatred, or dislike, or coldness or...anything. He could hear something different in her voice, however, along with the look she gave him. If he didn't know better, if he didn't believe that the eyes were a window to the soul, he would have missed the way she looked at him. But, he did believe in that, and he truly did believe that the eyes were a window to the soul...and here, he stared back at the girl standing in front of him. His breath caught in his chest, and for a moment he couldn't breath. Something stirred in the depths of his belly, but he wasn't sure what. He knew he was feeling rather...strange. Maybe something was in the water that was making him feel this way...perhaps he would see a healer when they returned to her pack home.

He returned her gaze, blinking away the uncertainty and pain he had been feeling for so long. Only for those feelings to be diminished by one he had never felt. His gaze resting gently on her, and feared that if he blinked, she'd disappear. He was about to speak, when he was suddenly splashed with more water. He laughed, returning back to the present as he watched her show her teeth in a playful manner. Before he knew it, she was rushing at him. But he did not have enough time to react before her lithe form knocked him over into the shallows. He landed on his back, the girl on top of him as he laughed and enjoyed the time they had been playing together. "I hope you realize that, no matter what your height or the distinguished markings you bear, your personality and how you treat me matters more...You don't have to be worried about what I think about them." Her words rang in his head, and he turned them over and over in his mind like a precious jewel that might break if dropped. He stared at the form on top of him, and wondered...could it be that what he was feeling...not be from the water? But love itself? He dared not mention anything for fear of her shunning him or turning a cold shoulder. Now, that was what he feared. He didn't want to risk it...

He place his forelegs to her sides, ensuring she wouldn't slide off since her fur had already begun to dry. The spring breeze was warming, and he liked the way her coat looked in the sun. The different hues of grey that graced her body reflected nicely in the sunlight. His lips turns to a smile as he noticed her eyes...they were a different color now. Last I saw they were...a different shade...they're lighter now. He noted. He could not tear his gaze from her, it was as if he was completely absorbed in her presence that nothing else seemed to matter...not now. Not when she was around...

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis


08-01-2013, 01:09 AM

She somehow ended on top of the large wolf, embraced by his front paws. Aeil didn't mind it and allowed the action to keep her glued to his chest and stomach. Her eyes met his and she took notice of how he seemed to pay a bit more attention to them. Maybe he had seen the slight change of her optics. Not many other people had taken notice of what kept her different from other wolves, so if he did say something to her in the future, she would be flattered.
The dark fae couldn't help but laugh as she wagged her tail with happiness. Having the chance to play with someone she just met with no judgments was a nice change from how she held herself in Seracia. Her playful manner wasn't seen often there, mainly because the rules of royalty and the serious natures of her pack members kept it hidden. The only time anyone had seen her completely relaxed was Gerhardt, and that was totally by accident. She still remembered rolling in a ball and landing squarely on her rump the first time she met the King. The memory faded and she came back to her current situation.
Aeil patted her paws against his chest, looking down to his own steady stare. Curling her long tail around her hind legs, she said, "I didn't hurt you or anything, did I?" The inquiry was for her sake more than his. She figured that due to her size, no damage could have possibly been done to Dragon's form. Leaning her head to the side, she blinked a couple of times, continuing to watch Dragon and for his response.



08-01-2013, 03:52 AM

His chest rumbled with laughter as Aeil laughed with him, his body half concealed in the water but not quite. Not with his huge bulk anyway. In the shallow part, the water rose to just below his shoulders. His ears perked up as she then asked him whether she had hurt him. A slight chuckle escaped his lips as he replied with a slight shake of his head. "No, of course not!" He reassured her. His chest rose and fell with each breath he took, and with each rise he could feel her smaller form pressing into his. He wasn't sure why, but he enjoyed having her so close to him. He quietly gazed at her slightly tilted form. Her innocent looking eyes staring down at him, her paws upon his chest and her body pressed against his. He felt like he didn't want this moment to ever go away. This would be forever printed into his memory, a memory that would never be forgotten.

His mouth moved to begin the formation of a question, but was quickly cut off when his stomach grumbled. He blinked a few times, a blush quickly rising up in his face. He grinned with embarrassment as he tried to hid his face with his paws, but his position wouldn't allow for that. Instead, black audits flattened back as he made to apologize. "Eh...sorry...I guess I'm a little hungry..."

He glanced towards the sky. Indeed it was well past noon, no longer morning. All the playing and running and swimming had reminded his body that he was hungry. And remembering to how his day started, he had been on his way to find the rabbits he had stowed away. Probably gone now...oh well. It was worth missing. I'd rather be here anyway, with someone who...accepts me. He rolled the last part of his thought over in his head. Aeil accepted him for who he was...that was more then he could ever ask for. He wondered what her pack mates would think when they returned home. Or, at least when he took her back...he wasn't at all sure if they would accept him. Looking back at her, he wondered if she'd want to go hunting. In a few hours, nightfall would arrive, and he wasn't sure how far her Seracian pack was. "Uh...Aeil...would you like to go hunting with me? We've been out here for quite a long time, and I was wondering if you are getting hungry at all?" His words dropped from his mouth shyly. He knew he was hungry, but wouldn't openly admit it but he was sure she had felt his stomach rumble underneath her. He waited eagerly for her response, and hopefully, she would say yes.

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis


08-02-2013, 03:03 AM

The connection they shared through each other's eyes made Aeil's spine tingle. She hadn't felt something like this in a long time. The fact was that the males she had met before only seemed to want one thing and she wouldn't bite the hook they were trying to fish with. Games went out the door when she grew up and realized that if they didn't mean what they said or did, why keep on? Now, games with was only playful fun with them so far, and she didn't mind it one bit. She figured if he had really wanted to do something, he would have tried. But, he didn't cross her as that type of wolf, and she appreciated her time with him nonetheless.
His stomach gave a loud rumble beneath her, sending miniature vibration waves through his body to her own abdomen. It was uncanny, the way her own stomach gurgled back, as if they were carrying on a conversation. Aeil's eyes widened more at the sounds they made and a hearty laugh escaped from within. She let it race through her mouth, out to the open air and the ears that belonged to Dragon. His reaction to his own stomach noises made her smile even more and she made the comment, "I suppose your belly had enough time waiting for you then, eh?"
She rose to stand next to him, shaking the water that still clung to her body. It stuck out in all directions, but she ignored it as she listened to his proposal for food. Aeil was more excited than before as she thought of racing through the outskirts of Seracia, finding food that would satisfy their gullets. The dark fae slowly nodded in response to his question. "Of course, Dragon. I wouldn't mind going hunting with you. It would do both of us some good anyway." She waited to see if he would shake all over as well before she began to sniff the warm air. "I hope that whatever we find, it will be worth the chase." Her paws were itching to run again, even though they had been kicking at the water a few minutes before.



08-12-2013, 12:53 AM

The grey and black beast rose to his feet after the dame removed herself from him. He didn't want her warmth to leave him, but they had to break apart eventually. He chuckled as he noticed her fur in disarray, he would do something with her still drying fur...but what? Attention pulled from his thoughts as he focused on the words that she said. His tail wagged, tongue hanging from his mouth as he got excited about her hunting with him. She had said yes! His body writhed with excitement as he walked over to her and tussled the fur on the crown of her head with his paw. Being around her somehow, made him feel like a playful puppy again. Barking playfully, he tried to compose himself but to no avail. Instead, he bounced past her towards the trees.

"Well then, let's go find food! We're practically in Seracian lands, and...I figure since I'm with you now, it would be alright to catch something...bigger then a rabbit?" He asked hesitantly. Now that he thought about it, he was craving the chase of a deer or even a buffalo. He had never tasted buffalo before, and wondered what it would taste like. He had often seen them running in droves along the range lands and the open spaces of Alacritis. The deer always seemed to be bountiful as well, and wondered how they tasted as well. Ah, too long he has gone without tasting the flesh of bigger game.

He looked back at her, his pelt dripping from the water. Silver parts of his fur seemed entirely black now that it was wet. The scars showing prominently through his coloring, but he no longer cared. Aeil had after all, accepted him for who he was. A first in his life, actually. That had made him happy, a happiness that he didn't know how to describe. He was just...happy. Ecstatic actually, that one so pretty as herself would say such nice things to her. He felt unworthy to even be in her presence, and yet...he wondered why she was so nice to him. He tried to push the thoughts from his mind, he didn't want to spoil his happy thoughts. Not now. He waited in excited patience(if that makes any sense) for her to follow, his black tail wagging madly.

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis


08-12-2013, 01:36 AM

His thoughts on what to catch for a meal made Aeil's own stomach dance for joy. She hadn't enjoyed a delicious piece of deer or buffalo in a long time. It was the memories of savoring the meat that fell of their bones once life was sapped from the bodies that made Aeil want it even more. She growled to herself, tongue wetting every bit of both dark kissers at the mere idea of sinking her teeth into the tender flesh of her captured dinner. Her growl was followed by a gentle laugh and she said in a husky voice, "That sounds delicious!"
She took a few steps towards Dragon, rubbing her head against his shoulder and further messing up her crown's fur. It wasn't a big deal to her, so she carried on with the spiky hairdo as she padded past him and looked over her shoulder. "Let us go find something big and strong with tons of meat to hunt and devour!" Excitement rang in her voice and she then turned her head to look at the land that stretched from where she stood. The lands of Seracia was their oyster and she planned on enjoying the delicate meats that were provided by living on such a wonderful piece of the continent.



08-12-2013, 03:40 AM

Dragon couldn't help but laugh as Aeil's words spilled from her mouth. She seemed to be very excited about the idea of hunting, as was he. He looked down as she approached, and a smile found its way onto his features as she rubbed her head on his shoulder. He felt his heart skip a beat, and his amber eyes followed her as she walked past him. The muscled man remained speechless, his tongue and mind muddled with the mixture of feelings within him. He absently followed her, lost in his thoughts. If this was love, he sure as hell didn't want to stop feeling it...EVER!

"Let us go find something big and strong with tons of meat to hunt and devour!" He chuckled, a low rumble rising up through his chest as he too shared her enthusiasm and excitement. He could finally go on a real hunt, and who better then to share this hunt then with Aeil? The prettiest darn girl he had ever seen...the prettiest one in his eyes. In his...Heart. His stomach fluttered, his paws felt tingly, his mind was not his own. At least, he thought so anyway. The usually composed man was finding it difficult to concentrate on anything, after all, Aeil was so close. He wondered if this was what it felt like to be in love...and if it was, then he would keep the feeling forever. At least with her.

He barked playfully, bounding forward and soon breaking out into a sprint as he kept his nose open for the telltale scent of buffalo on the winds. He ran wild and carefree, in the direction that Aeil had been looking. He knew where to find the herds, he had often seen other wolves chasing them. And now, it was his turn. He would hunt with Aeil, and it would be the best damn hunt he had ever been on...simply because she would be by his side. He smiled, turning to look over his back at the Fae who was following behind. "Alright Aeil, let's go and show those beasts what for!" he cried happily. Muscles rippled powerfully under his coat, the wind taking away the moisture from his previous swim, he felt alive...for the first time in years.

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis


08-16-2013, 08:16 AM

The excitement that ran in Aeil's veins made her heart race and her outlook on the potential outcome of their future hunt brighter and positive. She had her eyes meet Dragon's as he approached and she couldn't help but simply adore him at the way he responded to her exclamation. It was a reaction she hadn't given to anyone in a long time. The feeling of having the chance to reveal true emotions such as these was nice.
His deep chuckle made her grin grow wider. She watched him as he felt the same about finding something awesome to eat for their lunch. Being able to share that with him was indeed a lovely treat, especially since they hadn't started the hunt! She broke her gaze from the towering inferno and looked out to the land that stretched in front of them. Again, she was ready to eat that yummy oyster.
Aeil followed Dragon as he began to bound across that uncharted land. Her paws touched the ground with ease, carrying her weight forward with her mind working all the time. She wondered where they would go, what they would find, and how delicious it would be. The endless possibilities ran through the gears that turned in her brain, giving her a bit of a rush from the different outcomes. Scents, old and fresh, hit her nose and she then became more serious as she started to search with Dragon. Spending this time with him would definitely be a great memory to hold onto.
A scent that smelled of deer and buffalo combined came from the far north east at their location. Aeil's ears perked, her eyes narrowed, and she slowed her pace as she tried to grasp the ever fading combination. A gruff woof escaped her, tail flicking as she perked an ear in Dragon's direction. "Do you smell that?" she quietly asked, blinking twice and making sure her senses weren't playing tricks on her.



08-17-2013, 05:04 PM

Black and silver limbs stopped the beast as he halted at the sound of Aeil's voice. Her words stopped him in his tracks, causing him to backtrack his way too her. He tilted his head, wondering what it was that she was smelling. After a few moments, he lifted his nose to the wind and sniffed cautiously. And there he found the scents of many. Primarily deer and buffalo, not far off. He stood there, ears cocked forward and his body tense, itching to begin the hunt.

"Aye, I do smell it...buffalo and deer are in the wind, and us? Downwind. It's to our, Aeil. Shall we begin?" He nudged her neck before stalking forward, flicking the tip of her nose with his tail. He stalked quietly through the trees, getting closer and closer to open land. The scents became stronger, and soon he could hear the low bawling of buffalo. He crouched low behind some bushes, his pelt blending in easily with the shadows. He sat low on the ground, waiting for Aeil to come beside him as he searched the herd. There were many calves, lots of cows, and a few bulls that dotted the outer edges of the herd. He had never hunted buffalo before, and wasn't sure what the best approach was...

Dark maw frowned as he tried to figure out this task. Wondering how to not look like a fool in front of this girl. How the hell do I pull this off...? He thought with puzzlement.

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis


08-20-2013, 02:03 AM

They had made their way to the best location near their targeted prey. Thanks to their dark pelts, they were able to blend in with their surroundings. Aeil's eyes remained dark blue as she looked from the shadows that she shared with Dragon. The many varieties made her mouth water and as she thought about what it would take to bring at least two of the large calves down, her energy about simmered to the brim.
Her tail twitched behind her in a back and forth manner, indicating her mind working on how to approach the delicious, live meat. Glancing at Dragon out of the corner of her eye, she smirked and said in a low voice, "We could either run straight out for them, avoid the large antlers -- if there are any -- and aim for the slower ones...or, we could remain in the shadows, take either side of the trees, and then leap out to attack them." She then realized that in order to make those targets their own, they need to pick them out first.
Eagerly, Aeil looked back out to the grazing pieces of potential dinner and she searched them with her hungry gaze. Some of the calves were wandering off, playfully bouncing around on unsteady legs a fair distance from their mothers. She then noticed that a few of them had limps, trying to keep up with their playmates. "You see those over near the outer edge of the clearing?" She noted the area of the calves as she spoke. "A few of them have bad legs...and are probably not going to get very far." She licked her lips again and with a sneaky grin on her face, she looked back to Dragon for a few seconds. "If we can isolate them and grab them before the bulls try to get to us, we will be set for a great dinner."



08-31-2013, 09:43 PM

Black ears angled towards Aeil as she spoke, his gaze lingering on the calves she spoke of. He did notice the ones that strayed a little, but his eyes were on the few bulls that trotted around the females. They bawled and would occasionally rush at each other, obviously trying to show signs of dominance over one another. "I think we should use the distraction approach...I'll rush out and charge the bulls, and when they panic and run from an unexpected attack then you go for the closest lame calf. It's a strategy I've used before, and hasn't failed me yet." He turned away from her, angling his way closer to the older bovines and prepared to run out. He glanced at Aeil again, winking and flicking his tail as a signal for her to be ready.

He waited a few moments, then when one bull became too cocky and strayed too close he made his move. Dragon barreled through the bushes, a hideous snarl erupting from his throat as he rushed towards the bull. The creature stumbled in surprise, sliding and turning to avoid the sharp teeth that came at its face. Dragon was too fast, however, as he raced towards the bull and lunged at its face, grasping the nose with his teeth. He didn't stay there long, as the bull began to pick up speed and half dragged him, he was afraid that the bull would trample him if he let go. He extended his forelegs, preparing to touch ground as he released the bull and watched as the herd panicked and ran in a torrent of confusion. Calves bawled and cried for their mothers, others stumbled as they tried to evade the danger. He continued running, raising his tail like a flag signaling Aeil to make her move.

As a few of the calves began to lag behind, he noticed a couple mother cows and a bull try to make their way to the babies, but Dragon put himself into motion. He raced in their direction, barking and snarling to distract the creatures and keep them from reaching the straggling kids. He rushed and nipped, discouraging the horned mass from trying to get to the calves as it now focused on him. He easily dodged out of the way, now making a game out of the enraged bovines anger.

Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis


08-31-2013, 11:02 PM

Aeil didn't say anything to Dragon's strategy. All she did was give a solemn nod as she began to focus and zone in on the calves. Their target was definitely spot on as Dragon began to start his half of the plan. She prowled towards the plump babies, slowly avoiding the wind so they wouldn't catch her scent. It was a good thing her pelt was so dark. She blended in with what shadows were provided by the afternoon sun and the trees nearby. After seeing Dragon's signal, she struck.
It didn't take long for the female to catch up with the tall male. She raced like her life depended on it, gracefully chasing the delicious, succulent pieces of meat that sped away from her. The chase was what exhilarated Aeil, making her drive for her food even more ravenous. A snarl escaped her, causing her to sneer and making her face look...deformed in a way. It was definitely unusual, but she didn't think or care about it as she zeroed in on the two main pieces of buffalo that were trying to flee. The dumb animals had run together, not with their mothers, and that was their downfall. She leaped in the air, grabbing the hind flanks of one and pulling it down. Once she had snapped its neck and severed the windpipe, she dashed off for the other one.
Zigzags were made in the thick grass as she aimed for her next target. Weak bleeps and whines came from the calf, hoping its mother would attempt to save it from an early death. Aeil had other plans for it however, and they were put into effect when she finally reached her last prize. Her teeth snapped playfully at its hind legs, making it panic even more and become all in a tither before tripping itself up and falling. Aeil took this opportunity by the horns and quickly bit down on the neck as she reached its front. Life was cut short by her fangs and with pride, she dragged the claimed calf back with her.
She laid it next to her other calf, lifeless with no evidence of light in its dark eyes. The dark female gave a loud howl, indicating that the deeds were done and they could proceed to leave. Aeil waited until Dragon had retreated to her, grabbed the other carcass by the throat, and padded away from the oncoming bulls before she did the same. The pair raced off into the forest, where the thickness of the foliage would be too much for the fathers of the dead calves. Once they made to a peaceful patch of green, Aeil lowered her catch and laughed breathlessly to Dragon. "That...was amazing..." she said, regaining her breath and padding towards him, she nuzzled his neck tenderly. Pulling back, her dark blue eyes twinkled as she met his gaze. She wagged her tail behind her lazily as she spoke again. "We should definitely hunt together more often, Dragon...You were incredible." Slowly, she turned back to her catch and lowered herself to the ground, waiting for him to do the same before digging into her lunch.
Aeil's stomach was full when she finished with her calf. The meat had been delicious, even better than she had thought it would be like. Her mouth, chest, nose, and paws were all stained with blood, and she had no shame. Aeil was a messy eater, had always been since she was a pup. It was one of those things that she hadn't outgrown as an adult. Now, as she licked the lingering blood from her lips, she looked up to observe Dragon. "How was it for you, love?" she gently asked, tail wagging side to side across the grass as her curiosity got the best of her. "I hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did." A blood stained smile ran across her maw, brightening her features without even trying. It had been a good day.
The day had passed on as the two had eaten their fill of the calves. With it went the sun, bringing the night sky after it left. It made Aeil yawn, making her realize that after swimming, hunting, and finally eating, that she was exhausted. She rose from her spot on the ground, padded a few steps away from the dead animals, and settled on another spot of unoccupied grass. Looking over at Dragon, she said, "Will you join me for a good night's sleep? I won't object if you do." Her dark blue eyes became light blue, holding the twinkles that naturally came with them. He chose to rise and lay next to her, wrapping his tail around her before lowering his head to his paws. Aeil did the same, nuzzling his cheek before closing her eyes. She really liked him. It may not have been said, but she hoped that he could tell that she hadn't felt like this towards anyone else other than him. That was how she wanted it to be. For a long time? She wouldn't that one bit. "I really do like you, Dragon..." she whispered, eyes still closed as sleep began to take over. If he said anything to her after that, her ears would perk before she fell into slumber without a fight.
-EXIT Aeil-



08-31-2013, 11:31 PM

The thrill of the hunt had excited Dragon, and soon they had two trophies to show for their efforts. Aeil's skills were remarkable, and he would keep this day in his memory forever. He fled with her into the safety of the trees, the prize in his jaws as the pair bounded out of the open space in case the bulls decided to seek revenge. He followed the beauty into the forests, her words catching his ears and sending a warm glow into his system. "You were amazing too, Aeil. And I would love to hunt with you again!" He replied with exhilaration. He laughed a little as he watched Aeil eat, at the same time digging into his own meal and tearing through it to fill his empty stomach. He had waited all day to eat, and finally he was able to. The day bringing about more surprises then he had ever thought.

As night came, taking away the sun and with it the warm breezes, he finished his meal. He turned to answer the beautiful woman who stood beside him, asking him how it was. When the word love was heard, he blushed. "It was very good. And very enjoyable with someone like you to share it with." He followed Aeil to a comfortable spot to rest. Though he felt a little bashful, he wouldn't deny her request to bed down with her. He thanked the stars it was dark, so she was unable to see the rising heat in his face. As she lied down, he wrapped his tail around her and settled close. He smiled when she nuzzled him, sending a shiver up his spine and making his stomach twist. His ears perked when her sweet words whispered into his soul. His body began to feel light and giddy, his heart pounding wildly as he struggled to keep himself from leaping into the air out of sheer happiness. So she did like him! This day just got better and better. Now that he knew she was getting the same feelings for him that he was developing for her, he knew now that it was true.

Amber eyes turned to look at the sleeping fae, his voice a whisper in her ear.
"I...Love you Aeil...more than you can ever imagine." He whispered to her. He then licked her muzzle, and rested his muzzle on the ground beside her, his nose touching her neck and breathing in her sweet scent. His heart pounded loudly against his chest, and he knew that she was the one. Though it sounded crazy, his heart just told him this was right.


Speech, Thought, You

table by lu for use on alacritis